Good Luck (1997)
Жанр : драма, комедия
Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М
Директор : Richard LaBrie
Краткое содержание
Bernard "Bern" Lemly (Gregory Hines) is fed up with being in a wheelchair and wants more out of life. Meanwhile, former football player Tony "Ole" Olezniak (Vincent D'Onofrio) is stewing after recently losing his sight. The men soon realize they can put their frustrated energy to good use by competing in a whitewater rafting race on Oregon's Rouge River. In the process, they discover their disabilities don't have to destroy their dreams.
Ben Redgrave, Butch Jerinic and Ben Berkowitz star in this film about two best buddies, David and Jack, who must reinvent their friendship when they become roommates after being thrown out by their girlfriends. But their woes have nothing to do with the logistics of living together; the issues are far more complicated. While David's glad to be single again, Jack realizes he's actually gay. What will happen next?
Tracey Ullman and her wacky cast of characters take a bite out of the Big Apple.
First-time director Dirk Shafer also penned this raucous "mockumentary," a blend of fact and fiction that re-creates his 1992 reign as Playgirl magazine's Centerfold of the Year. When Shafer chooses to keep the fact that he's gay a secret from the magazine's editors, he finds himself living the ultimate lie -- and incapable of giving female readers what they really want. Will he succumb to his lover's pressures to come out of the closet?
San Francisco's prize-winning American Conservatory Theater's rowdy commedia dell'arte production incorporates slapstick, pratfall and earthy humor into William Shakespeare's comedy about the two unmarried daughters of a wealthy Italian merchant. While daughter Bianca is genteel and popular, daughter Kate is foul-tempered and strong-willed. No one dares to marry Kate, until Petruchio arrives in Padua and tries his hand at courtship.
Аманда Уингфилд — женщина, наделённая огромным жизнелюбием, но не умеющая приспособиться к настоящему и отчаянно цепляющаяся за прошлое. Её дочь Лора — мечтательница, в детстве ставшая калекой. Сын Том, служащий в обувной лавке, ненавидит свою работу и сбегает от реальности, регулярно посещая киносеансы, а по вечерам слушает бесконечные рассказы матери о её жизни на Юге, об оставленных там поклонниках и прочих действительных и мнимых победах... Аманда зациклена на выгодном замужестве Лоры, и не хочет видеть, как робка и нелюдима её дочь. Попытка устроить Лору на курсы машинописи терпит крах — у девушки от страха так трясутся руки, что она не может ударить по нужной клавише.
At only twenty, Griffith is struggling with the responsibilities of caring for his unwell aunt, grieving the loss of their family's matriarch, and his own dreams of leaving Pine Apple. With the arrival of a stranger, Griffith's carefully constructed walls of shame and silence begin to come down and his life takes an unexpected turn.
A film about the cultural evolution of the Sydney beach side suburb of Maroubra and the social struggle faced by it's youth - the notorious surf gang known as the Bra Boys.
A look at the 1950s muscle men's magazines and the representative industry which were popular supposedly as health and fitness magazines, but were in reality primarily being purchased by the still-underground homosexual community. Chief among the purveyors of this literature was Bob Mizer, who maintained a magazine and developed sexually inexplicit men's films for over 40 years. Aided by his mother, the two maintained a stable of not so innocent studs.
Проводник ведет фургоны не на запад, куда обычно устремлялись первые поселенцы, а на восток. Люди, которые наняли его, все были неудачниками, не вынесшими тягот и трудностей. Они решили вернуться туда, откуда приехали. Злодей, строящий железную дорогу на запад и получающий от правительства крупные субсидии, строит им всякие пакости, подсылая своих людей, чтобы остановить их.
«Броненосец Потёмкин» - немой художественный фильм, снятый режиссёром Сергеем Эйзенштейном на киностудии «Мосфильм» в 1925 году. Неоднократно в разные годы признавался лучшим или одним из лучших фильмов всех времён и народов по итогам опросов критиков, кинорежиссёров и публики. Сценарий, по которому снимался фильм, основан на реальных событиях, произошедших в июне 1905 года, когда на броненосце «Потёмкин» команда подняла восстание и захватила корабль. Фильм снят к 20-летию первой русской революции 1905 года. Премьера состоялась в Москве 5 декабря 1925 года в 1-м Госкинотеатре (ныне - к/т «Художественный») под музыкальное сопровождение Э. Майзеля.
In life, there's silver, and there's lead, says Rikki Ortega, as he moves to be king of the street in "Ánglio," L.A.'s east side. Older brothers and a brother-in-law are in his way. While they think they are driving out the Rojas, a local gang that runs the meth trade for bosses in Cabo San Lucas, Rikki is running an elaborate double-cross on his own family. He's not happy just to run this fratricidal con, he also wants to cash in as much as he can of one hundred kilos of crystal meth that he stole from the Rojas (and the Mexicans), seduce the girlfriend of one of his victims, and stay ahead of a cop who was a childhood friend. Will he end up with the silver?
Based on the powerful novel by Ray Loriga. A young man and a young girl's lives are united under dramatic circumstances. He has just shot a security guard in the face who had accused him of robbing at a local mall. When he steals a car to escape, he meets the girl who, regardless of her suicidal inclinations, is attracted by her new companion. Together they embark on a journey in search for a true meaning in their lives.
A wealthy, successful, East-Anglian tulip grower, Dad Savage is also something of a godfather in the local criminal fraternity but doesn't trust banks to take care of his money. On recommendation from his son, Sav, Dad hires two of Sav's unemployed school friends, Bob and Vic, to help with the business and the crime. After some careless talk from Harold, just known as 'H', about Dad's pension fund, Vic and Bob decide to steal the money from Dad if they can find it. The plans to liberate the money go awry and Sav is killed requiring Bob to call upon his sister Chris to rescue them. Dad intercepts their escape and forces a showdown to try to determine exactly the events of the night in order to identify his son's killer.
Бывший когда-то широко известным режиссер фильмов категории Б жаждет возвращения и берется за экранизацию биографии серийного убийцы, причем решает сделать его мюзиклом.
A self-help advocate struggles to put his dysfunctional family in its place.
В фильме показываются взаимоотношения основателя движения йиппи Эбби Хоффмана со своей второй женой Анитой и их поворот к жизни радикальных активистов.
Gentle giant Barney Emerald is drugged and robbed while on holiday in Pattaya. He befriends two Thai siblings, one of which is a muay-thai kick-boxing champion, and stays with them until he can recover his passport. Unfortunately the hunt for his passport makes him cross ways with international gangsters. But Barney has found a secret weapon, the very spicy Thai salad Somtum.
Чарли гуляет по ночному Нью-Йорку. Он сталкивается со старыми знакомыми и случайными людьми: бездомным, спящим под его дверью, умершим другом, парочкой, живущей этажом выше, барменом, парнем, приглашающим его остаться на ночь. Чарли живет в городе, полном историй о насилии, и любит рассказывать свои собственные. Но в чем причина его меланхолии?
Людовику XIV было всего пять лет, когда умер его отец. Вдовствующая королева Анна считалась правительницей Франции, но фактически всеми делами вершил ее фаворит — кардинал Мазарини. Людовик во всем послушно следовал его указаниям. Но едва Мазарини не стало, король тут же освободился от всякой опеки. Он созвал Государственный совет и объявил, что отныне будет править единолично…
In Cameron, a group of hunters is attacked by a wild animal, and Charlie Cowley survives, but sees his brother Scott dying. Seven years later, his teenage nephew Derek Cowley steals the key of his stepfather's cabin in the isolated Fire Road 13, and travels with four classmates and his friend Sam to spend the weekend having a party with booze and sex. However, they are attacked by a Beast that kills his friends in a sadistic way. Sam and Derek survive, and they suspect that his stepfather, Mitchell Toblat, is a werewolf. When Charlie meets Derek and Sam, they decide to collect evidence to prove that Mitchell is the Beast and kill him, but Mitchell discovers their plot and chases the trio.