
Born to Sing (1942)


Жанр : криминал, боевик

Время выполнения : 1Ч 22М

Директор : Edward Ludwig
Писатель : Franz Schulz, Harry Clork

Краткое содержание

A group of children put on a show in order to prove that a down and out musician was the real composer of a Broadway show's songs.


Virginia Weidler
Virginia Weidler
Patsy Eastman
Ray McDonald
Ray McDonald
Leo Gorcey
Leo Gorcey
'Snap' Collins
Douglas McPhail
Douglas McPhail
Murray Saunders
Rags Ragland
Rags Ragland
Sheldon Leonard
Sheldon Leonard
Pete Detroit
Henry O'Neill
Henry O'Neill
Frank Eastman
Larry Nunn
Larry Nunn
Mike Conroy
Margaret Dumont
Margaret Dumont
Mrs. E. V. Lawson
Charles Lane
Charles Lane
Ian Wolfe
Ian Wolfe
Darla Hood
Darla Hood
'Quiz Kid'
Beverly Hudson
Beverly Hudson
Maggie Cooper
Richard Hall
Richard Hall
Mozart Cooper
Barbara Bedford
Barbara Bedford
Woman at Accident Scene (uncredited)
Symona Boniface
Symona Boniface
Audience Member (uncredited)
May McAvoy
May McAvoy
Nan Merriman
Nan Merriman
Specialty - 'Ballad for Americans' (uncredited)
Irene Seidner
Irene Seidner
Mrs. Lepkowitz
Etta Moten
Etta Moten
Soloist - 'Ballad for Americans' (uncredited)
Ben Carter
Ben Carter
'Eight Ball'


Edward Ludwig
Edward Ludwig
Franz Schulz
Franz Schulz
Franz Schulz
Franz Schulz
Harry Clork
Harry Clork


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