Darla Hood

Darla Hood

Рождение : 1931-11-08, Leedey, Oklahoma, USA

Смерть : 1979-06-13


Darla Hood


Our Gang - Comedy Festival
Featuring the most riotous Rascals of all. This hilarious comedy compilation spans more than twenty years of classic Our Gang comedies to tickle your funny bone and includes rarely seen silent footage. See Alfalfa sing "The Barber of Seville" at the "Our Gang Follies" and Chubby grease Wheezer with Limburger, plus a 1930s bicycle commercial starring Spanky and a 1950s reunion on "You Asked for It". Come join Spanky, Buckwheat, Jackie, Mickey, Farina, Darla, Froggy, Mary, Joe Cobb and many more for the marathon of mirthful moments with the Little Rascals, a must-have for your comedy collection.
The Our Gang Story
Darla (archive footage)
Join all you favorites--Spanky, Buckwheat, Alfalfa, Darla, Butch, Froggy and more--in a jam-packed special covering more than twenty years and 200 episodes of Hal Roach's inimitable brand of childhood magic. This fascinating video offers insight into the Gang's personal lives, as rare footage follows each member's career through the joys and misfortunes that went along with being one of America's most beloved kids. See how the series began in 1922 and changed after the first all-talking release in 1929, why Shirley Temple and Mickey Rooney never made the Gang, a fifteenth anniversary reunion, and clips from their only feature.
Going Hollywood: The '30s
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Rascal Dazzle
The Most Memorable Adventures from the "Our Gang Comedies" aka "The Little Rascals", Narrated By Jerry Lewis, Music by Nelson Riddle.
The Little Rascals' Christmas Special
Mom (voice)
Spanky and Porky try to figure out a way to get their mother a winter coat for Christmas after she buys them a Blue Comet electric train.
Летучая мышь
Judy Hollander
Писательница снимает особняк, а вернее замок для того, чтобы написать там свою новую книгу. В городе, где она остановилась, происходит странное ограбление банка, а люди начинают говорить о возвращении некоего убийцы по прозвищу «Летучая мышь». Он одевается во всё чёрное и убивает своих жертв специальной железной перчаткой с когтями. Полиция бессильна что-либо сделать. И вот в одну ночь писательница слышит странные шумы в своём доме...
Calypso Heat Wave
A jukebox operator helps promote a calypso craze.
Happy Land
Lenore Prentiss - Age 12
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Born to Sing
'Quiz Kid'
A group of children put on a show in order to prove that a down and out musician was the real composer of a Broadway show's songs.
Wedding Worries
Darla Hood (uncredited)
The Our Gang kids worry that Darla's new stepmother will be an evil stepmother like of fairy tale fame.
Come Back, Miss Pipps
On Mickey's birthday, Miss Pipps, the school teacher, serves cake and ice cream during school hours. Sour old Mr. Pratt, head of the school board, stumbles on the festivities and has Miss Pipps fired. The Our Gang conspire to save her job by inviting all the parents to a special meeting. There the gang stage a melodrama, with Mr. Pratt portrayed as Simon Legree. The parents react by demoting Mr. Pratt to janitor. They appoint kindly Mr. Swanson, the current janitor, to head the school board. And of course they reinstate Miss Pipps as school teacher. Sometime later, in an act of forgiveness, Miss Pipps and the gang hold a birthday party for Pratt who is then humbled by the experience.
Helping Hands
Inspired by his soldier brother, Spanky decides to organize a military unit among his friends, collecting odds and ends for the war effort.
Robot Wrecks
Spanky and the gang discover a demonstration of a "human-like" robot named Volto and are inspired to create a robot themselves to do their chores for them. Slicker Walburn convinces them they will need "invisible rays" to bring it to life which he just happens to have to sell to them. As they rush off to get their money, Slicker gets Boxcar Smith to wear the robot's outer body so when he "brings" the robot to life, it will be Boxcar bringing it to life. The gang unsuspectedly gets their robot to mow the lawn at Froggy's house, but with a signal from Slicker, Boxcar runs amok and mows down everything in his path. Froggy gets to explain what happened to his parents who bust up the fraud and get the miscreants to work with the gang to clean up the mess.
Ye Olde Minstrels
The gang puts on a show to raise money for the Red Cross.
Kiddie Kure
Rich 'Old Man' Bill Morton is a hypochondriac. After bringing new sugar pills to Bill Morton's house, his physician, Doctor Malcolm Scott suggested to Bill Morton's wife that adopting a child might help cure Mister Morton of his delusions. After overhearing their conversation, Bill Morton quickly invited the "Our Gang" members, (as they were at the front come to the door, offering to work and pay for a broken window pane, that had just occurred) to a lunch, in order to sour his wife's thoughts of adopting any children. Then, the unexpected occurs as Alfalfa's two twin little brothers, Tisket and Tasket got to Bill Morton's medications' table, they ate up a majority of them, leading Bill Morton to call his physician, Malcolm Scott back to his house, immediately! When, Doctor Malcolm Scott return to Bill Morton's house, he laughs at what he hears and then tells Bill Morton they are worthless sugar pills, teaching a lesson to Bill Morton he is not sick at all.
Waldo's Last Stand
The gang offers to help their pal Waldo attract customers to his lemonade stand. Redecorating their clubhouse as a lavish nightclub, the kids stage an elaborate floor show, with Darla Hood as the star vocalist.
Bubbling Troubles
To impress Darla, Alfalfa drinks a concoction of Butch's "dynamite" brew.
The New Pupil
Spanky and Alfalfa both try to impress the new girl at school, much to Darla's dismay.
All About Hash
Mickey's parents are constantly quarreling because his mother serves hash every Monday night. The kids decide to put on a radio skit to try to get them to stop fighting.
The Big Premiere
It is a premiere night at the Fox Carthay Circle theater, and the Our Gang show up to observe the festivities. But after the Gang causes a disruption, the police send them scurrying home. Not to worry--the Our Gang stage their own premiere night in the clubhouse barn.
Alfalfa's Double
Our Gang member Alfalfa comes face to face with his wealthy lookalike Cornelius.
Time Out for Lessons
Alfalfa imagines himself being the star football player on a college team. After a big pep rally he ends up letting the team down when his poor grades cause him to be suspended from play.
Captain Spanky's Show Boat
Darla (uncredited)
An abandoned old show boat is moored in a lazy creek. The Our Gang put the old vessel back to use when they stage a show featuring "Darla's Dancin' Dandies" and a "meller dramer" entitled "Out in the Snow You Go." All is not smooth sailing however, as Butch seeks revenge for having been excluded from the cast.
Dog Daze
The Gang owes 37 cents to Butch, so they try to raise money by rounding up stray dogs for the reward, but nearly get busted for dognapping.
Cousin Wilbur
Alfalfa introduces his prissy, snooty cousin Wilbur to the gang. He instantly gets on everyone's bad side. Especially Alfalfa.
Clown Princes
Darla Hood
The Our Gang kids put on a circus in the barn to raise money to help Porky's family pay the rent and avoid getting evicted.
Duel Personalities
Darla (uncredited)
While under a hypnotic spell, Alfalfa thinks he's one of the Three Musketeers and challenges Butch to a duel.
The Ice Follies of 1939
Sister (Uncredited)
Mary and Larry are are a modestly successful skating team. Shortly after their marriage, Mary gets a picture contract, while Larry is sitting at home, out of work.
Tiny Troubles
Alfalfa "trades in" his whining baby brother for another baby--who turns out to be a midget criminal.
Practical Jokers
Butch has been playing practical jokes on the gang, but now they get their turn.
Football Romeo
Darla pretends to like Butch, hoping to motivate Alfalfa into a better performance in the football game against Butch's team.
Men in Fright
The kids go to the hospital to visit Darla, who's recovering from a tonsillectomy. Chaos soon ensues.
Aladdin's Lantern
Spanky and Alfalfa wants to do a show based on the "Aladdin's Lamp" story with Darla in the cast, but Darla doesn't want to participate.
Party Fever
Alfalfa, Butch and Waldo compete for Mayor For A Day. Whoever becomes Mayor gets to take Darla to the Strawberry Festival.
The Little Ranger
Alfalfa imagines himself as a western movie hero battling with Butch for Darla's heart.
Сыщик, ищи вора
Детектив Альфальфа и его помощники Баквит и Порки пытаются раскрыть дело о пропаже конфет, но оказываются в доме с привидениями в парке развлечений.
Feed 'em and Weep
It's Mr. Hood's birthday and he's looking forward to a quiet celebration with his family. But Darla's friends show up with living presents, eat his dinner, argue about Tarzan and Alfalfa croons a special song for the unhappy man.
Ну, здоровяк, выходи!
Банда устраивает борцовский поединок, чтобы Альфальфа мог произвести впечатление на Дарлу. Проблема состоит в том, чтобы найти кого-то, кого он сможет победить, и они останавливаются на Уолдо. Но соперник Бутч занимает его место в роли Чуда в маске, и Альфальфе нужна помощь на ринге, чтобы победить.
Трое в лодке
Когда появляется Дарла с новым кавалером, Альфальфа теряется. Не в силах конкурировать с богатством Уолдо, он решает посоревноваться в мастерстве. У Уолдо есть миниатюрный катер. Альфальфа и банда строят свой собственный «скоростной катер», приводимый в движение утками, и бросают вызов Уолдо в гонке за руку Дарлы.
Реально о медведе
Пытаясь произвести впечатление на Дарлу, Альфальфа говорит ей, что он известный дрессировщик медведей. Мало ли он знает, что отец Дарлы владеет цирком и костюмом медведя. Пришло время всем раскрыть «реальность медведя».
Проделки 1938 года
Банда устраивает шоу с Альфальфой, объявленным «Королём певцов». Но Альфальфа отказывается от шоу, говоря, что его дни пения прошли, и что опера - его истинное призвание. Но, вздремнув и помечтав об успешном будущем в популярной музыке, он меняет своё мнение и присоединяется к остальной части банды для заключительного номера.
Рыбный розыгрыш
Альфальфа пытается выйти из боя, притворяясь недееспособным.
Сердца стучат
Банда обещает держаться подальше от девушек в День святого Валентина, но Альфальфа не может устоять перед Дарлой.
Reunion in Rhythm
The gang puts on a musical show at a reunion for some of the former Gang kids.
Pay As You Exit
The "Our Gang" kids stage a production of "Romeo and Juliet," but the show is threatened when leading lady Darla walks out on star Alfalfa.
Наскучило учиться
Спанки и Альфалфа изображают зубную боль, чтобы уйти из школы.
Arbor Day
Truant officers mistake 2 midgets for members of the gang.
Второе детство
Одинокая, богатая, ипохондричка празднует своё 65-летие, так же, как и остальные 364 дня в году, жалуясь, ругая своих слуг, принимая таблетки и ворча на всё вокруг, включая солнечный свет. Игрушечный самолёт влетает в открытое окно и разбивает вазу, и когда его владелец, Спанки, приходит на его поиски, ему сообщают, что придётся заплатить семьдесят пять центов за разбитую вазу. Спанки никогда не видел шести целковых, не говоря уже о том, что он были когда-нибудь у него в штанах, поэтому взамен он предлагает свою и своего друга помощь в уборке двора. Прежде чем дети закончили, они дали старушке новый взгляд на жизнь.
Neighborhood House
Mary Chase
Charley, his wife Rosina and their daughter Darla attend "Bank night" at their local movie theater, more eager to win the cash prize than see the picture. When little Darla is selected to choose the winning ticket, she draws her father's number. The crowd reacts angrily, thinking that the drawing is a fraud, forcing the child to choose another number. This one turns out to be her own ticket, after which a third drawing yields her mother's ticket. While pandemonium erupts in the audience, some gangsters arrive and raid the theater. A chase follows, resulting in the eventual capture of the crooks.
The Bohemian Girl
Arline as a Child
Stan and Ollie travel with a band of 18th-century Gypsies holding a nobleman's daughter.
Когда помощник игрока в гольфе на местном поле для гольфа объявляют забастовку, банда вмешивается, чтобы заработать немного денег.
The Pinch Singer
Alfalfa and our gang try to win fifty dollars on a radio contest.
The Little Rascals - The Complete Collection (Centennial Edition) Blu-ray
For generations, Our Gang comedies have been enjoyed by millions of fans the world over. Now, celebrate the 100th anniversary of this iconic and beloved film series . In 1922, producer Hal Roach introduced the kiddie troupe known as “Our Gang” to theater audiences and kicked off one of the most popular and prolific franchises in the field of short subjects, with 220 one- and two-reel comedies released over a twenty-two year period. This 6-disc set is a must-have for any true Our Gang fan.