Walter Lundin

Рождение : 1892-04-20, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 1954-06-21


Director of Photography
Pete Smith does his usual mocking observations while the overweight Maxine Gates goes through the trials and tribulations of losing weight. The agony of enduring the dieting and weight-losing programs and exercises is compounded by the usual food-and-sweets temptations.
A Really Important Person
Director of Photography
A policeman's son searches for a suitable subject for an essay about an important person.
The Horse with the Human Mind
Director of Photography
This short film focuses on Bess, considered to be the smartest horse in the movies, as she works with her trainer.
Director of Photography
Two expert badminton players demonstrate how the best play the game, including some slick trick shots. Meanwhile, befuddled bungler Bellamy B. Birdbrain bumbles his way through building a backyard badminton court. (This film is played in its entirety in MGM's short feature "The Great Morgan")
The Great American Mug
Director of Photography
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
Gentle Annie
Director of Photography
The Goss family live on a farm they call the dust bowl where the wind blows during the day and the coyotes howl at night. When the train is robbed, everyone thinks that Cotton and Violet were the ones that did the job, but no one has any proof. US Marshal Lloyd Richland comes into town in disguise to find the truth and he finds that the sheriff is corrupt and that the Goss family is gosh darn nice. They take in Richland and a stranded woman named Mary without any questions. Cotton believes that Sheriff Tatum shot their pa in the back, and the sheriff is now trying to plug the boys. Richland is looking for the train robbers, and at the same time is keeping an eye on Tatum and the lovely young Mary.
Why Daddy?
Director of Photography
When Joe Doakes listens to a quiz show on the radio and knows all the answers, his wife encourages him to go on a quiz show himself. He appears on a new show called "Why Daddy?", where a child and an adult compete against each other, with less than stellar results.
Forgotten Treasure
Director of Photography
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short highlights the film preservation efforts of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Several scenes from early newsreels are shown.
The Film That Was Lost
Director of Photography
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short, a look is taken at the problems of film preservation efforts in the 1930s and early 1940s.
Calling All Pa's
Director of Photography
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, a new father experiences the trials and tribulations of fatherhood.
Surprised Parties
Director of Photography
Since Froggy was born on Leap Year Day, he's upset that he only gets a birthday party once every four years. So, the gang decide to have a surprise party for him.
Don't Lie
Director of Photography
After Buckwheat tells the gang he's seen a big monkey, Spanky, Froggy and Mickey decide to teach him once and for all not to lie. What the gang doesn't know is that the monkey is real, and hilarity will ensue.
Going to Press
Director of Photography
The Our Gang kids are running their own newspaper and are determined to get the big scoop by learning the identity of the leader of a gang of bullies.
Third Dimensional Murder
Director of Photography
A 3-D short subject in which the narrator goes to a creepy old house in search of his missing aunt. There he encounters the Frankenstein monster, a witch, a wooden Indian who comes to life, and assorted other monsters and frightening characters, all of whom manage to throw something toward the camera.
Quicker'n a Wink
Director of Photography
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, Dr. Harold E. Edgerton demonstrates stroboscopic photography, which he helped develop. This process allows us to see in slow motion what happens during events that occur too fast to be seen by the naked eye. Examples shown here include a bullet in flight as it shatters a light bulb, the moment of impact when a kicker kicks a football, and the motion of a hummingbird's wings as it hovers.
The Day of Rest
Director of Photography
Joe Doakes tries to take a day off.
Путь с Запада
Director of Photography
На Стена и Олли возложена ответственность доставить документы по ценной золотодобывающей шахте дочери мертвого старателя. Однако они не предусмотрели всех махинаций ее злого опекуна Майки Финна, который намерен забрать золотодобывающую шахту себе и своей жене, салонной певице Лоле.
General Spanky
Director of Photography
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
Pay As You Exit
Director of Photography
The "Our Gang" kids stage a production of "Romeo and Juliet," but the show is threatened when leading lady Darla walks out on star Alfalfa.
The Bohemian Girl
Director of Photography
Stan and Ollie travel with a band of 18th-century Gypsies holding a nobleman's daughter.
Bonnie Scotland
Director of Photography
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
Movie Crazy
Director of Photography
After a mix-up with his application photograph, an aspiring actor is invited to a screen test and goes off to Hollywood.
The Chimp
Stan and Ollie play bumbling circus performers who inadvertently drive the circus into bankruptcy. The circus can't pay them their wages so they are given a gorilla and a flea circus as payment. Bedlam ensues.
Музыкальная шкатулка
Director of Photography
Как легендарный Сизиф, грузчики Лорел и Харди пытаются пронести большое пианино по, казалось бы, непреодолимому лестничному пролёту.
Hasty Marriage
Director of Photography
It's in three distinct segments. The first and probably best involves Charley, his girlfriend, and her father foolish her mother and the suitor she prefers into getting Charley into the house for dinner. In the later two segments, in which Charley must get married within minutes to get a job, and then tries to go on a picnic with his new family, are both also packed with laughs and timed with an almost musical brilliance.
Haunted at Midnight
Director of Photography
Long lost German language version of the Laurel & Hardy film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case" When Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies and leaves behind a large estate, they think their days of living off the fish they catch are numbered. But they soon learn that Ebenezer has been murdered. All relatives, including Stan, are under suspicion.
Ногами вперед
Director of Photography
Гарольд Хорн — амбициозный продавец обуви из Гонолулу. Однажды он случайно встречается с дочерью своего босса, не зная кто она, и выдаёт себя за миллионера-бизнесмена.
Лорел и Харди: Дело об убийстве
Director of Photography
Лорел и Харди устали. Они очень долго искали работу, и вот, решили передохнуть. Стэнли рыбачит, Олли рядом посапывает. Случайно им в руки попадает газета: Некто Эбинезер Лорел умер и оставил кому-то наследство! А может, нашему Лорелу? Друзья пускаются в путь, и приходят в зловещий дом, где Эбинезер Лорел был убит неизвестно кем... Ночь, полная страхов, впереди. Что ждет наших друзей? Богатство, безвестная смерть, арест по подозрению в дьявольском убийстве? Или произойдет еще что-то?
Welcome Danger
Director of Photography
A gentle botany student has to toughen up to replace his father as chief of police.
Director of Photography
Были времена, когда трамваи по Нью-Йорку двигались на конной тяге. Однако транспорт этот быстро устарел и, более того, пришёл монополист – Компания внутригородских железных дорог. И лишь Папаша Диллон не сдаётся, продолжая обслуживать один из маршрутов на своём анахронизме. Компания пытается выкупить его бизнес, но цена предложенная стариком им кажется неприемлимой. Тогда акулы капитализма задумали устроить "рейдерский захват". Диллон, конечно, стар, но жених его внучки, непутёвый парень, помешанный на бейсболе, которого все зовут Спиди, решает воспрепятствовать коварным планам врага, призвав на помощь всё ещё боевых ветеранов Гражданской войны…
Behind the Counter
Eddie, a prim store salesman, gets locked in overnight and battles hoodlums.
Dad's Choice
No Publicity
Младший брат
Director of Photography
Гарольд Ллойд в роли обыкновенного парня, живущего в небольшом городке вместе с отцом и двумя старшими братьями. Отцу Гарольда, местному шерифу, в знак уважения, городская община поручила сохранить крупную сумму денег, собранную на строительство дамбы. Случилось так, что деньги из сейфа таинственным образом исчезают. В воровстве обвиняют отца, но Гарольд полон решимости во что бы то ни стало спасти честь семьи и разыскать пропавшие деньги, за одно стремясь доказать, что отношение к нему, как к незрелой личности, является несправедливым.
По воле небес
Director of Photography
Молодой миллионер-бездельник Гарольд Мэннерс, живёт беспечно и совсем не знает жизни без денег. Но всё меняется, когда он, случайно оказавшись в бедной части города, влюбляется в красавицу-простушку.
Director of Photography
Гарольд Лэмб мечтает поступить в колледж. Он не догадывается, что там всё далеко не так, как в фильме "Герой колледжа", а потому с первого же дня Гарольд со своими "старомодными манерами" становится объектом насмешек. Чтобы добиться популярности, нужно не только устраивать вечеринки на последние деньги, но и играть в футбольной команде колледжа, а американский футбол - игра не для слабаков! Гарольда берут в команду, но, как оказывается, в качестве "мальчика для битья". Зато какого боевого игрока из него воспитали!
Hot Water
Director of Photography
Lloyd's look at married life and the issues of the in-law. Adventures include a ride on a crowded trolley with a live turkey; A wild spin in a new auto with the in-laws in tow. Finally, a sequence in which Hubby accidentally chloroforms his mother-in-law and becomes convinced that he's killed her!
Director of Photography
Гарольд Мидоуз - застенчивый, заикающийся холостяк, работающий портным. Он пишет пособие для других застенчивых молодых людей «Секрет любви». Однажды он встречает богатую девушку Мэри, и они влюбляются. Но проблема в том, что она вынуждена выйти замуж за другого мужчину. Гарольд всячески пытается предотвратить свадьбу.
Why Worry?
Director of Photography
A hypochondriac vacations in the tropics for the fresh air - and finds himself in the middle of a revolution instead.
Наконец в безопасности!
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит в 1920-е годы. Главный герой — амбициозный молодой человек, жаждущий сделать карьеру. Он уезжает в большой город и устраивается на работу продавцом в универмаге. Но своей возлюбленной, которая ждёт, пока он добьется успеха, чтобы переехать жить к нему, наш герой пишет письма, в которых скрывает факт отсутствия продвижения по карьерной лестнице. Внезапно девушка приезжает в город и приходит в универмаг, где работает её жених. Одновременно герою наконец-то выпадает шанс проявить себя. Совсем скоро настанет его звёздный час!
Доктор Джек
Director of Photography
Деревенский доктор Джек Джексон вызван к Больной-маленькой-хорошей-девушке, которая уже обогатила доктора Солсбурга после нескольких лет безуспешного лечения. Его старомодные методы сделали свое дело и шарлатан отправлен восвояси.
Бабушкин внучек
Director of Photography
Гарольд страдает от того, что все считают его трусом. Тогда бабушка даёт ему «амулет бесстрашия».
A Sailor-Made Man
Director of Photography
An idle, wealthy playboy foolishly joins the Navy when the father of the girl he wants to marry tells him to get a job to prove himself worthy.
Never Weaken
Director of Photography
Our hero is infatuated with a girl in the next office. In order to drum up business for her boss, an osteopath, he gets an actor friend to pretend injuries that the doctor "cures", thereby building a reputation. When he hears that his girl is marrying another, he decides to commit suicide and spends the bulk of the film in thrilling, failed attempts.
Ваш номер?
Director of Photography
Молодой человек пытается восстановить отношения с бывшей возлюбленной...
На головокружительной высоте
Director of Photography
Гарольд великолепен в своих чудачествах. На этот раз он их творит во врачебном кабинете. А вот в соседнем кабинете, где его друг установил самогонный аппарат, коварный алкоголь сыграл с обоими злую шутку. Напившись, друзья решили прогуляться. Вот только простой прогулкой это никак нельзя назвать...
На диком западе
Director of Photography
Родители отправляют своего непутевого сына на ранчо к дяде. Там, согласно их замыслу, он должен начать праведную жизнь и стать настоящим мужчиной. Возможно смена обстановки и новые знакомства должны будут повлиять на ветреного повесу. Но не тут-то было. По приезду их сын попадает в еще более комичные ситуации, которые похоже его находят больше, чем он их...
Испуганные призраки
Director of Photography
Девушка получит наследство, если проживёт в фамильном доме год. Но злобный родственник хочет выжить её оттуда, чтобы присвоить наследство себе. Гарольд поможет девушке.
The Rajah
Director of Photography
A Harold Lloyd short featuring a young Snooky the chimp
Be My Wife
Director of Photography
Harold and his boss get in a lively rivalry over the new stenographer.
Don't Shove
Director of Photography
Harold and his rival fight over Bebe on her birthday, first at her home and then at a nearby skating rink.
Heap Big Chief
Director of Photography
Harold and Snub, camping in the wilds, prove too much for the Indians that take them captive.
Chop Suey & Co.
Director of Photography
Chop Suey & Co. is a 1919 American short comedy film
Count Your Change
Director of Photography
Harold becomes the victim of a clever bulldog pup who chases him in and out of various places.
Take a Chance
Camera Operator
It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.
Fireman Save My Child
Director of Photography
In this popular two reeler where Harold runs to the rescue of a woman on a fire engine, he is seen hanging on the moving vehicle by the released water hose that forces him closer to the ground.
Two-Gun Gussie
Director of Photography
A mild-mannered young man has left home, and is now playing the piano in a bar in the west. The dangerous criminal Dagger-Tooth Dan enters the bar where the young man is playing. Soon afterwards, the local sheriff also arrives, with some letters that he has received. Dan notices the letters, and he switches the information in them to make the sheriff think that the piano player is the dangerous one.
The Non-Stop Kid
Director of Photography
Bebe is surrounded by suitors, but her father wants her to marry Professor M. T. Noodle. Harold makes his move by impersonating the professor.
Here Come the Girls
Director of Photography
Bebe and girlfriend go shopping for new corsets. Harold sneaks into the corset shop and a customer asks him to take her measurements - a ticklish task, as the brash young man suddenly becomes playfully bashful.
Look Pleasant, Please
Director of Photography
A photo studio operator seems only interested in flirting with women. Hilarity ensues.
A Gasoline Wedding
Director of Photography
A rich man's daughter has more suitors than she's interested in, and he's going to marry her off -- even if she doesn't know about it.
Beat It
Director of Photography
Harold Lloyd starred in the successful Lonesome Luke series. However, he soon grew tired of the obvious Charlie Chaplin imitation. In an attempt to reinvent himself, Lloyd donned a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, and thus, a new comedy legend was born. Setting himself against Chaplin, Lloyd's "glasses character" was an everyman, a resourceful go-getter who embodied the ambitious, success-seeking attitude of 1920s America.
Hit Him Again
Director of Photography
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
The Tip
Director of Photography
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Director of Photography
In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.
Move On
Director of Photography
Our hero is a police officer who gets involved in a crap game, flirting with a nurse and other amusements.
Director of Photography
A counterfeit count is aided in his courtship of the heroine by her father who is overwhelmed by his "title."
By the Sad Sea Waves
Director of Photography
Our vagabond hero dons a lifeguard's uniform and madcap antics ensue on the beach, and in the changing stalls!
Director of Photography
Harold's checked cap, blown from his head by a freakish wind, gets him into trouble. First he comes into conflict with the police as a highwayman, then the cap serves to identify him as a housebreaker and lands him in jail, while the innocent cause of his trouble becomes his cellmate for another reason. Eventually a distracted wife rescues both her husband and Harold from the clutches of the law, the cap this time aiding him to regain his freedom.
Lonesome Luke, Messenger
Director of Photography
While on the job, delivering a message, Luke finds himself in a girl's seminary.
Mothers of Men
Director of Photography
Dorothy Davenport as Clara Madison, a prominent lawyer, wins a judgeship over fellow Attorney Grant Williams, played by Willis L. Robards. Upon winning the prominent position as judge, Ms. Madison finds herself walking a political tight rope with enemies all around doing what they can to cause her down fall. Judge Madison convicts a murderer to death paving the way for her to be easily elected as the first female Governor. As Governor she is faced with a difficult dilemma. She has the power to pardon her husband who has been convicted of a serious crime, but to do so she’d be using her office for her own personal gain. “I must find some way to realize my ideals without sacrificing my husband. I must struggle on somehow for the sake of womanhood!”