Lt. Driscoll (archive footage) (uncredited)
Samuel Fuller discusses his career as a filmmaker, illustrated by plenty of clips.
Sheriff John Behan (flashback sequence) (archive footage)
Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scenes shot in Tombstone, Arizona, this film shows the return of the legendary former Marshal Wyatt Earp to his old stomping grounds. He visits old friends, teaches bad guys some manners and reveals secrets about his early life.
Lucky Straeker
Живущий в Голливуде молодой парень Майк, заполнивший родной дом бездной заводных, прыгающих, ползающих игрушек, устройств и приспособлений, хочет найти работу в сфере киноискусства, поскольку в области спецэффектов, как он считает, равных ему нет.
Jack Enhoff
A sorority house mother enters her girls in a mud-wrestling contest.
A hot air balloon crew and a dog find themselves on an island with scantily-clad part-alien women, zombies, and other monsters.
Dr. Vance
Через образовавшуюся в космическом пространстве чёрную дыру на нашу планету обрушился метеорит, упавший в окрестностях американского штата Висконсин. Наутро парочка любознательных людей пошла посмотреть, что же такое упало и недалеко от места падения они обнаружили трупы обглоданных коров, а в воронке - какой-то камень. Они взяли его с собой, а дома открыли, обнаружив внутри алмазы. Но, глядя на алмазы, они не заметили главного в данном случае — вылезшего оттуда паука. Поблизости от падения было много подобных камешков, содержащих внутри себя паучков, которые, как оказалось позже, были очень даже плотоядны…
Jim Flanagan
The pointlessly-named Batwoman and her bevy of Batmaidens fight evil and dance.
Байкер и музыкант Чарли Роджерс решает приударить за местной красавицей, после чего её разгневанный отец спихивает его мотоцикл с дороги в канаву. На время починки своего железного коня, Чарли устраивается на работу в странствующую актёрскую труппу.
Western gunfighter Billy Kid decides to embark upon a new life and, accompanied by his sister, sets off on the long journey to his ranch. The journey is fraught with danger as Billy is attacked by both gunmen and lawmen.
Bill Maxton
American engineer Steve Corey comes to Mexico to work at one of the mining projects owned by Katherine Beckman and her half-brother Paul. He meets Katherine, and the man he is replacing, Bill Maxton, tells him that Katherine is his for the asking..."all you have to do is touch her---she goes off like fireworks. There were plenty of guys before me, and there'll be plenty after me." Steve finds Katherine as advertised but he falls in love with her. Once he sees that the romance is for real, brother Paul is more than a little displeased at this turn of events and brings back one of Katherine's earlier flames, Gus Cole, to tempt Katherine away from Steve.
James Hatten
A photographer based in Tokyo, who's in love with local beauty Tamiko, begins to court an embassy official so she can help him gain entry into the United States.
Tucker Garvey
Чед Гейтс увольняется из армии и возвращается на родные гавайские пляжи к друзьям и девушке. Его отец хочет, чтобы сын устроился работать в компанию, занимающуюся продажей фруктов, но Чеду больше нравится веселиться, и скучная работа ему совсем не по душе.
Dave Harris
Assassins take a flight controller's family hostage to force him into revealing the aircraft carrying their quarry.
The rehabilitation of a Korean War veteran coincides with the advent of passenger jets.
Arson Squad Inspector John "Johnny" Broderick
Джонни Бродерик, следователь группы по поджогам, и его помощник Бен Ховард расследуют пожар на складе и находят доказательства поджога. Адвокат Уильям Ярбо стоит за серией зажигательных пожаров, охвативших город. Кили Харисс, актриса, унаследовала склад от своего отца. Ябро звонит ей и говорит, что они с отцом сильно застраховали здание и планировали сжечь его и собрать, а также говорит ей, что она должна принять половину страховых денег, иначе он увидит, что она обвиняется в поджоге. «Поп» Берген, отец Мэрили Берген, работает факелом, нанятым Ярбо, и погибает в одном из пожаров. Ярбо узнает, что Кили сотрудничает с Бродериком, и входит в киностудию, где она работает, решив убить ее.
Vic Cabot
Women distract a U.S. agent fighting Soviet spies over a German scientist and his secret plans.
Rufus Bynum
Director James B. Clark's western, set in 1848 California, is about a brother and sister battling a crooked businessman over property rights.
Ken Cooper
A young prizefighter finds himself being squeezed on all sides to throw a fight.
Capt. Linn
An Army lawyer defends a World War II hero and his men accused of desertion.
Jake Dunsten
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
A short feature western comprised of two episodes of the TV series 'Wild Bill Hickok': "A Close Shave for the Marshal" (6/16/1952) and "Ghost Rider" (4/7/1952).
Chief Budge
Фрэнсис, Джонсон и МакМюррэй служат на одном эсминце в начале 2-ой Мировой Войны. Новый капитан сразу же железной рукой устанавливает свою власть и обнаруживает явный невроз. Когда он схватывается с Джонсоном, последнего отдают по трибунал, и Хосе Феррер должен его защищать.
В городок на границе США и Канады приезжает крепкий парень Джефф Уэбстер, для которого перегон скота является профессией и средством к существованию. Он берётся доставить крупное стадо из Сиэтла на Аляску. Однако ему не удаётся договориться о перевозке скота морем, и он решает перегонять стадо своим ходом. Проблема в том, что стадом решил завладеть нечистый на руку судья Гэннон, у которого на службе целая банда…
Lt. Rogers
The son of a deceased Coast Guard hero is raised by a Coast Guard NCO, who also has a son the same age. When they get older both are accepted into the Coast Guard Academy, but the hero's son winds up being thrown out, bringing disgrace to his adopted family.
Herbie Yocum
A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.
Pvt. Ryan
На территории Колорадо кавалерия в форте Беллоуз просит Майлза Арчера помочь спасти двух белых женщин, похищенных шайеннами, и обеспечить безопасность бригад строителей железной дороги.
Sgt. Loomis
В результате испытаний ядерного оружия в Арктике, просыпается к жизни плотоядный динозавр. Сомнения ученых исчезают, когда гигантский монстр устремляется к Нью-Йорку.
Jack Monohan
The Red Devils, a professional ice hockey team, owned by Jack Monohan, is in the midst of a long losing streak, due to bribes being accepted from gamblers by the star player. When the team is joined by cocky Mike Connors, a boyhood friend of Jack's, they begin to regain their former winning ways.
Matt Hall
Race car driver Frank Cermak is in love with Jane Harris. Jane and her parents watch Frank win a tight race from Bill Peters, an army lieutenant on leave. Peters tries to foul Frank, and Frank beats him in a fist fight after the race. Frank is drafted into the army and (against staggering and overwhelming odds) finds Lt. Peters to be his commanding officer.
A female version of the man in the iron mask. In this version the mask is put on a princess (patricia medina) rather than a prince as in the original book by Alexander Dumas.
Conde Marlow
After beginning their train trip to California, a famous film actress and her daughter discover their compartment has also been assigned to a handsome biology professor. Comedy.
Joe Goheen
Story of a girl who witnesses murder of notorious international jewel thief. Afraid that the gang will attack her, she flees to Paris.
Joe Palooka and two friends are taking hostage by three criminals.
Rick Bowers - aka Rick Slate
An honest guy gets trapped into the world of horse racing and his once prosperous life becomes a downward spiral into the underworld.
'Red' Toon
Story of how the Coast Guard trained to help win World War II.
Trooper Onstot
Капитан Ричард Ланс — один из самых смелых офицеров Америки. Его немногочисленный отряд направлен для удержания небольшого форта, расположенного в ущелье гор. Солдатам предстоит защищать перевал и отражать одну за другой кровавые атаки индейцев до прихода основных армейских сил.
Отряд, который достался Лансу, состоит в основном из сомнительных граждан, каждый из которых ненавидит капитана по той или иной причине. Понимая это, герой держит дистанцию в общении с этими людьми. Взаимная ненависть исчезает, когда начинается решающий бой, в котором каждый поймет что, только встав плечом к плечу и забыв обиды можно выжить в этой смертельной схватке…
In 1858 France, Emperor Louis Napoleon sends Captain Renault of the Royal Dragoons, Minister La Roche and Major Nicolet to Normandy in search of the members of a group of rebels. A Masked Cavalier, the niece, Lady Christianne, of the Marquis De Montableau, announces at a secret meeting of the Normandy underground leaders that the fabled treasure of Monte Cristo was willed to her and she will use it to finance their cause. Her uncle, the only one who can decipher the symbols on the sword of Monte Cristo, the key to the treasure, derides her stand against the Emperor. La Roche takes possession of the sword and has the Marquis put into the dungeon. Christianne, as the Masked Cavalier, regains the sword from La Roche, but Captain Renault apprehends her and returns to sword to La Roche.
Police Lt. Becker
Remake of the 1931 Fritz Lang original. In the city, someone is murdering children. The Police search is so intense, it is disturbing the 'normal' criminals, and the local hoods decide to help find the murderer as quickly as possible.
Lieutenant Driscoll
Война в Корее. Рейдовый отряд американских пехотинцев попадает в плен. Чудом в живых остается лишь сержант Зак. Пуля пробила его стальной шлем, но не задела головы. Сержанту помогает корейский мальчик по прозвищу — Короткострел. Пробираясь к своим, они встречают военного медика, а после и другую группу рейдеров. У отряда задание, — найти старый буддистский храм, и установить там пункт для координации артиллерии. Опасность подстерегает пехотинцев на каждом шагу.
Joe 'Jinx' Raynor
Безжалостный гангстер Ральф Коттер совершает дерзкий побег из тюрьмы.
Mike O'Halloran
Ex-WAVE encounters four fun-loving, work-hating men, all of whom want to marry her.
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Harry Musk is one in a million. That means that he's the one out of a million children who is perfectly proportioned but will never grow larger than a typical six-year-old. Adult, pint-sized Harry longs to be part of the big world.
Al Mapes
The film tells the story of a well-planned robbery of an armored car when it stops at a sports stadium. Yet, the heist goes awry, and a tough Los Angeles cop is in hot pursuit.
Boss Morgan
A meddlesome reporter sporting a young bride takes on a gang of modern day cattle rustlers.
Donald "Red" Barry plays Dan Reilly, a newspaper reporter just returned to LA with his wife, photographer Margie (Marjorie Steele). Margie insists on taking pictures of everywhere they go, and so as she's walking into a butcher shop she poses for Dan - while at the same time three thugs make their way quickly out after beating up the proprietors. Soon Margie and Dan are involved in investigating an illegal meat operation that rustles cattle and forces butchers to buy it - or else. Dan gets beaten up a couple of times, but is undaunted in pursuing the great story - and hey, he's only got 64 minutes to do so, he'd best get cracking!
Happy Lee
The ambitious son of an accomplished race driver struggles to outrun his father's legacy and achieve his own successes.
Earl Jackson
A San Francisco lawyer uses a woman to lure a merchant seaman worth a legendary fortune.
Burke Kimber
Two Cavalry Officers clash over the Colonel's Daughter at a remote outpost with Indian troubles.
T.J. Everett
A sensitive, educated black man's World War II-time problems. This is essentially the duplicate of his peace-time problems which are pointed up in a flashback of his life, and primarily of his war-time adventures with four white soldiers on a dangerous reconnaissance mission on a Japanese-held island.
Frank Bricolle
An attorney (Tom Conway) learns he was duped into being his gangster murder client's (Steve Brodie) alibi.
Mort Wheeler
A group of Arizona ranchers, trying to learn the identities of the Salt River Gang and prevent any further rustling, marks the currency that rancher Frank Abbott turns over to the gang to get his cattle back. Unfortunately drifters Dick McBride and Chito Rafferty are accused of being in the gang when they are found with the money, which they have actually won at the casino of saloon owner Brad Carew, a member of the gang. Dick and Chito break out of jail and hunt down the fleeing Carew in hopes of finding out who the true leader of the gang is.
Steve Taylor
When he thinks his brother has let him down, a cowboy goes bad.
Maj. Geoffrey Barnett
Major Geoffrey Barnett, U. S. Army Intelligence Service, is sent to Alaska, to apprehend a deserter, Tom Clark, who was presumed to be dead as a member of a small force wiped out on Attu in World War II. With the aid of Rose Flambeau, he finds evidence that the now-prosperous Clark killed his own comrades to prevent their reporting of a deposit of uranium, which he is now mining with the intention of selling to a foreign power.
A cop on suspension is framed for murder when he noses in on a murder investigation.
Lt. Stellman
When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
Cole Younger
US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
Anse Morgan
Ben Jason has found a lost gold mine. When Morgan learns this, he and his henchman chase down Jason and kill him. Banning and sidekick Rafferty arrive on the scene only to be arrested and jailed for the murder. They escape from jail and now have to find the real killers to clear their name.
Quirt Butler
A disgraced veteran wanders the West alone until he decides to help a battered woman.
Jack Fisher
Гангстер по имени Вит Стерлинг нанимает бывшего частного детектива Джефа для розыска некой Кэтти Моффат. Она убила человека из банды Вита и, прикарманив 40,000 долларов, ударилась в бега. Джеф берётся за дело, но, отыскав девушку, влюбляется в неё…
Капитан Финли находит доказательства причастности к смерти Джозефа Самуэльса группы демобилизованных солдат. В ретроспективных кадрах мы видим события ночи убийства с различных точек зрения. Сержант Кили занимается собственным расследованиям, пытаясь очистить от подозрений своего друга Митчелла, на которого указывают косвенные улики. Тогда же выясняется реальная причина убийства...
Steve Randall
An innocent trucker takes it on the lam when he's accused of robbery.
Chick Jorth
Marvin Hayden returns to find his ranch is about to be sold at auction and the Hayden Jorth feud still going strong. Carson wants the Hayden ranch and tries to kill Hayden. When he fails he kills Chick Jorth with a rock. As Hayden does not carry a gun and the two had argued earlier, Hayden is arrested for the murder. With Hayden in jail, his friends Chito, Ginger, and his Lawyer Gardner now go to work to find the murderer.
Matt Saunders
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
Logan Maury
Bat Masterson cleans up Liberal, Kansas.
A society sleuth rescues a kidnapped woman, then is framed for murder.
Frankie Wright, Vic's Brother
A lawyer who is planning to run for District Attorney accidentally kills a gangster who owns the nightclub where the attorney's girlfriend is a singer. Although he manages to cover up his involvement in the crime, his girlfriend discovers the body and is subsequently charged with the murder.
A young outlaw gets involved with a gang of crooks. When he tells them he is breaking away, they threaten to pin a false murder charge on him. But he is rescued and reformed by his sister, and an undercover agent for the express company.
Bob Dalton
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
Willie Murphy
A young bride tries to rebuild her life after she learns her husband has been killed in the war.
Pvt. Judson
Италия, 1943 год. Взвод американских солдат приближается к берегу вблизи Салерно. Неся потери, солдаты укрепляются на пляже и отстреливаются от противника.
Уцелевшие отряды решают атаковать укрепленную ферму неподалеку, но число жертв со временем лишь растет...
Members of a Jazz Band come under suspicion when a beautiful nightclub singer is murdered.
Soldier (uncredited)
Фильме, где смешались живые актеры и мультипликация. Два моряка ищут в Голливуде очаровательных юных кинозвезд, а находят любовь, танцуют с мышонком из мультфильма, помогают юной звезде найти себя – и все за это за время одной увольнительной на берег.
Usher (uncredited)
The ringmaster of a flea circus inherits a fortune...if he can find which chair it's hidden in.
Timothy Joseph Aloysius 'Tim' Shannon
During World War II, Chief Aviation Pilot Ned Trumpet is in charge of an airship at Lakehurst, New Jersey naval base. Trumpet orders an unauthorized and premature attack on a German submarine but the bomb misses and the submarine fires back, hitting the airship. Trumpet takes over the controls and sinks the submarine, The pilot faces a court-martial for disobeying orders but the older man takes the blame for his actions. Weaver transfers to the Ferry Command, and while on assignment in Burma, his aircraft crashes in Japanese territory. Trumpet rushes to the scene with a rescue team. Both are successfully brought out and are decorated for their heroism. Afterward, Weaver indicates that he will be returning to the lighter-than-air service in Lakehurst, to reunite with his "father".