Стальной шлем (1951)
It's the REAL Korean Story!
Жанр : боевик, драма, военный
Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М
Директор : Samuel Fuller
Краткое содержание
Война в Корее. Рейдовый отряд американских пехотинцев попадает в плен. Чудом в живых остается лишь сержант Зак. Пуля пробила его стальной шлем, но не задела головы. Сержанту помогает корейский мальчик по прозвищу — Короткострел. Пробираясь к своим, они встречают военного медика, а после и другую группу рейдеров. У отряда задание, — найти старый буддистский храм, и установить там пункт для координации артиллерии. Опасность подстерегает пехотинцев на каждом шагу.
Post-war South Korea with the history of the communist advance across the 38th parallel.
Interpreting an event of ROKS Cheonan corvette, torpedoed and sunken by North Korea, this documentary rebuilds the event with a different insight. No one can tell if the investigation of Cheonan has reached compelling conclusion. But the film tells and reveals how unreasonable Korean society is.
Patriotic university student Youngwoo and his friends, led by their teacher Lee Sung, along with a British friend bid farewell to their families and become freedom fighters in Manchuria fighting against the Japanese occupation around the Tumen River.
Right after Korea's liberation, O Yun accidently finds out through Choe Sang-bae about a large amount of gold nuggets Japanese soldiers left behind, O kills many of his colleagues to take all the gold to himself. In the end, a neckless beauty among the dead shows up and takes her revenge on him.
The German paratroopers established a reputation in Crete as an elite force. A battalion commander now led a new Fallschirmjäger regiment, deployed to Normandy in the spring of 1944 to the very area where the US Paratroopers were to drop on D Day. This DVD will tell the story of this regiment, one that was more like a pocket division than a regiment, and its six day battle around the base of the Cotentin Peninsula to prevent the effective link up between Omaha and Utah Beaches.Using the established and popular style of expert interviews, pieces filmed on the ground where the battle happened, illustrated with contemporary re-enactment footage and numerous maps, the story of the part played by the 6th Fallschirmjäger in the key engagements against the 101st Airborne Division around Saint-Come-du-Mont, the flooded marshes and the key town of Carentan will be told in graphic and controversial detail.
Out of fourteen ministers taken away by the communist troop, only two come back alive. The mystery behind their survival is at the issue here. Told through one of the survivor's testimony, depicts images of men troubled between the war and the religion. Although laden with anti-Communist notions from the 60's military regime.
For OPERATION MARKET GARDEN to work it was vital for the Allies to secure a road to Arnhem up which vital supplies and reinforcements could move to support the beleaguered men of the Airborne Forces, especially the British 1st Airborne Division at Arnhem. This is the story of the heroic struggle waged by the men of the British XXX Corps and the US 101st Airborne Division as they struggle to open the road to Arnhem against everything the Germans could throw against the corridor. Even though the men of the Grenadier Guards manged 30 miles in 3 hrs to reach the 82nd Airborne in Nijmegen the story was not over. The men of 101st Airborne faced incredible odds as the kept the route open, it was indeed Hell's Highway.
Лечащийся у психиатра пациент с обожженным лицом страдает от множества расстройств. А ещё он любит закладывать бомбы в разных местах города, поэтому капитану полиции Чану предстоит нелёгкая задача найти бомбы, прежде чем они взорвутся.
Фильм о непростой жизни последней принцессы Кореи ДокХэ.Дочь наложницы,долгое время существовавшая без имени,она была отправлена в Японию.Это были непростые времена колониального правлениия,поэтому ДокХэ вынуждена была бороться и за себя,и за свой народ.Чан Хан - корейский борец за независимость.Его миссия заключается в том, чтобы вернуть принцессу домой. Примечание: Жизнь реальной принцессы ДокХэ действительно была тяжела.Она вынуждена была выйти замуж за влиятельного японца.Любви в том браке не было,но дочь была.После смерти своей матери ДокХэ начала постепенно сходить с ума и окончательно потеряла рассудок после самоубийства своей дочери.В середине 50х годов xx века ей удалось развестись и вернуться на родину, где опеку над ней взяла королевская семья. Однако большую ччасть оставшейся жизни ДокХэ провела в различных психиатрических клиниках.
Пропагандистский фильм. История о Чун-Ху, молодом корейце, отчаянно желающем присоединиться к японской армии.
While desperately searching for his missing daughter, Hae-kwan comes across an AI satellite robot that remembers sounds from all over the world. Rejuvenated by the robot's abilities, Hae-kwan begins to track down his daughter's voice. As they continue their journey, they form an unforgettable bond.
Following on from the story of Hell's Highway, the series reaches the battle to seize the great Bridges over two of Europe's largest water ways; the Maas and the Waal at Nijmegen. Here the 82nd US airborne were, as elsewhere, denied coup de main attacks to seize the bridges by the air commanders. While the Grave Bridge was captured, confusion in US orders meant that the barely defended bridge in Nijmegen was only attacked when the Germans had taken the opportunity to reinforce the garrison. The resulting battle to regain control of the situation is an epic of Anglo-American military history. This programme tells the story of the amazing courage of the American and British soldiers who won this battle against desperate odds.
"Eighteen, Nineteen" depicts a youth scandal involving fraternal twins Ho-Ya and Seo-Ya. They experience their last winter before they become adults ...
When the plane owned by the "Yukon and Columbia Mail Service" crashes, RCMP Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien) suspect murder. Their suspicions are confirmed when Renfrew finds the control stick has been jammed, forcing the plane to fly in one direction until the gas ran out. Mine owner Louise Howard (Louise Stanley) reports that her superintendent is missing. The Mounties find him murdered and that too has been made to look like an accident. A new mail service pilot, Bill Shipley (Warren Hull), arrives. He had gone to training school with Renfrew but had been cashiered for misconduct. The Mounties discover that Raymond (Karl Hackett), who had been working for Louise, really owns the flying line managed by Yuke Cardoe (William Pawley.) They find proof that all the gold from the mine isn't being turned over to Louise, and suspect that Raymond and Yuke are stealing the gold and shipping it to Seattle by plane.
With the Fifth Panzer Army fighting its way towards the River Meuse, the cross roads town of Bastogne, vital for the success of Hitler's last attempt to check the Allies in the west, the Americans rushed reinforcements to hold it. 101st US Airborne Division was resting in reserve near Paris when the call for immediate deployment to the Ardennes came and reached Bastogne just before the German ring around the town closed. Wearing only normal uniforms, the 101st joined the other garrison troops in a siege where they fought not only the enemy's panzers but the freezing, snowy, cold to hold the vital road junction. Filmed on the ground we tell the story of the heroic defence of Bastogne.
Punk bands in Korea get invited to biggest hardcore punk festival in Tokyo. This movie shows how one of the loudest and most active punk bands in Asia live and deliver message very closely and pleasantly.
В рядах компартии Северной Кореи неспокойно, что угрожает хрупкому миру не только на полуострове, но и увеличивает риск ядерной угрозы. Лидеры трёх государств — обеих Корей и Соединённых Штатов — похищены и заперты на подводной лодке, и в таких стеснённых обстоятельствах они вдруг начинают прислушиваться друг к другу.
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
A couple running a roadside garage has their livelihood threatened by trucks going in and out of a nearby construction site. When they learn that metal scraps from the trucks are flattening tires, they start to scatter scraps and make money from changing tires.