Robert Hutton

Robert Hutton

Рождение : 1920-06-11, Kingston, New York, USA

Смерть : 1994-08-07


Robert Hutton was an American actor.


Robert Hutton
Robert Hutton


A cat lover (Lana Turner) kills her husband, blackmails her lover (Trevor Howard) and torments her son (Ralph Bates).
The Cherry Picker
American V.I.P James Burn II finds his son James Burn III (Bob Sherman) leading a giant "sleep-in" that has taken over Windsor Castle. He hires Nancy (Lulu) to get him out of the castle and into work. With the help of her crazy eccentric father, (Wilfred Hyde-White) who believes in working day and night and producing nothing and uses a fantastic astro-telescope for casual bird watching, she does just that !
Байки из склепа
Пятеро туристов на экскурсии по катакомбам случайно сбиваются с пути и забредают в странную комнату, где встречают странного человека, который рассказывает им истории об их смерти.
Dr. Richard Warren
Anthropologist Dr. Brockton unearths a primitive troglodyte -- an Ice Age "missing link": half-caveman, half-ape -- in a local cave. Through medical experimentation, she manages to communicate with him and domesticate him before he's let loose by an irate land developer and goes on a rampage, terrorizing the local citizenry.
Плач Банши
Party Guest
Англия, XVII век. Лорд Уитман ведет кровавую борьбу с колдовством, многие жители местных деревень пострадали от его рук. Чтобы остановить бойню, предводительница ведьм Оона призывает волшебного слугу, «баньши», чтобы уничтожить всю семью лорда.
Torture Garden
Bruce Benton (segment 2 "Terror Over Hollywood")
Five people visit a fairground sideshow run by the sinister Dr. Diabolo. Having shown them a handful of haunted-house-style attractions, he promises them a genuinely scary experience if they will pay extra.
Они прибыли из другого пространства
Dr. Curtis Temple
Ученые, исследующие упавшие в сельской местности метеориты, становятся одержимы инопланетной силой.
The Vulture
Dr. Eric Lutens
A mad scientist turns himself into a half-man, half-bird monster to avenge the death of his ancestor.
Доктор и его медсестры
Rock Stewart
Доктор Гастон Гримсдейк уволен с должности врача в мужской тюрьме и был направлен на курсы повышения квалификации со старым медицинским наставником — сэром Ланселотом Спраттом, который намерен сделать из него успешного хирурга. Гримсдейк узнает, что должность старшего врача вскоре станет вакантной и начинает плести интриги. Он решает, что обследование телосложения медсестер важнее, чем состояние здоровья пациентов…
Find Me That Girl
Mr. John Morrison
Marisol is a girl of 16 who, accompanied by her father, is singing from place to place, to put food in their mouths. They end up going to a camp site in Mallorca, where the girl meets two students from Madrid, Tony and Mario. Marisol wants to become someone great, and to achieve that, she performs at a bullfighting tournament as a singer, in the hope that someone will see her. Mr. Morrison and Miss Nelly notice her. This man puts his expectations in Marisol, but to do that, he takes her away from the environment she has lived in until then. That way, he will get the world to consider her "a lady with great talent" (her voice), which is what she wanted in the first place.
The Slime People
Tom Gregory
After Los Angeles is invaded by an army of subterranean monsters, a small group of people must fight for survival in the deserted metropolis.
The Slime People
After Los Angeles is invaded by an army of subterranean monsters, a small group of people must fight for survival in the deserted metropolis.
The Sicilians
Calvin Adams
An aide at the American Embassy in London finds himself involved with both Scotland Yard and the French police over the kidnapping of the son of a Mafia boss who has spilled the beans back in the States.
Wild Youth
A teenage escapee from a correctional facility falls in with a drug dealer operating near the Mexican border.
When his father dies, poor Fella is left at the mercy of his snobbish stepmother and her two no-good sons Maximilian and Rupert. As he slaves away for his nasty step-family, Maximilian and Rupert attempt to find a treasure Fella's father has supposedly hidden on the estate. Hoping to restore her dwindling fortunes, the stepmother plans a fancy ball in honor of the visiting Princess Charmein whom she hopes will marry Rupert. Eventually, Fella's Fairy Godfather shows up to convince him that he has a shot at winning the Princess himself.
The Jailbreakers
The film stars Robert Hutton and Mary Castle as a married couple, held hostage in a dismal, deserted town by three escaped convicts. The crooks are looking for a cache of stolen loot, and they intend to keep Hutton and Castle alive long enough to locate and dig up the cash for them.
Невидимые захватчики
Dr. John Lamont
Невидимые инопланетяне с Луны вступают в контакт с учёным Пеннером и сообщают о своих намерениях уничтожить человеческую цивилизацию, если она безоговорочно не сдастся в ближайшее время. Заперевшись в лаборатории, Пеннер срочно начинает искать средство для борьбы с пришельцами, а они между тем начинают вселяться в тела людей.
The Colossus of New York
Dr. John Robert Carrington
A brilliant surgeon encases his dead son's brain in a large robot body, with unintended results...
Showdown at Boot Hill
Bounty hunter Luke Welsh arrives looking for a wanted man. When that man draws on him he has to kill him. To collect his reward he needs a statement identifying him. But the man was well liked in town and no one will sign such a statement. When he outdraws another man who thought he was faster, some townsmen decide he should be killed and they organize a mob to go after him.
Outcasts of the City
In this drama, set just after the end of WWII, an American officer falls in love with a German woman. Their blissful affair is disrupted when her German ex-lover returns and tries to exact his jealous revenge upon the Yankee. When the ex-lover shows up dead, the American is blamed.
Man from Tangier
International crook Armstrong flees post-war Tangier with priceless forgery plates and is pursued to London where he accidentally swaps coats in a barber's shop with film actor Chuck Collins, setting off a train of events.
The Man Without a Body
Dr. Phil R. Merritt
A wealthy business man discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. The business man finds a scientist experimenting with transplanting monkey heads on different monkey bodies. The business man decides to steal the head of Nostradamus from the prophet's crypt.
Yaqui Drums
Lute Quigg
In this western, a Mexican bandit and an angry rancher team up and take on a crooked saloon keeper.
Scandal Incorporated
Brad Cameron
Are the shocking "Scandal Magazine" stories true?
The Big Bluff
Dr. Peter Kirk
When a scheming fortune hunter finds his rich wife is not going to die as expected, he and his lover make other plans to get her millions.
Великая ночь Казановы
Raphael, Duc of Castelbello
Это случилось в итальянском городе Парма а 1757 году. Время настоящих страстей, убийства ради мести, признание в любви ради адюльтера, флирт ради легкой победы. И вот в самом центре таких событий оказался один человек, который прославил свое имя на все века — лучший фехтовальщик в Европе и самый знаменитый любовник во всей истории человечества Казанова! Но эта история не столько о нем, а скорее о его громком имени, которое сделало простого портняжку укравшего костюм великого любовника и выдавшего себя за него, на несколько дней героем сюжета…
Paris Model
Charlie Johnson
A new dress plays a key role in the lives of four women who are not acquainted with each other.
Tropical Heat Wave
Stratford E. Carver
Story of staid college professor gathering data for a thesis in criminal psychology who becomes the object of a night-club singers affections.
Gobs and Gals
Lt. Steven F. Smith
Two sailors (Robert Hutton) mail love letters from a remote weather station, enclosing photos of their chief (Cathy Downs).
The Racket
Dave Ames
Mobster Nick Scanlon has managed to buy several of the local government and law-enforcement officials. However, he can't seem to touch the incorruptible police captain Tom McQuigg, who refuses all attempts at bribery. Prosecuting attorney, Welch, and a police detective, Turck, are crooked and make McQuigg's job as an honest officer nearly impossible.
Slaughter Trail
Lt. Morgan
Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.
New Mexico
Lt. Vermont
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
Стальной шлем
Private Bronte
Война в Корее. Рейдовый отряд американских пехотинцев попадает в плен. Чудом в живых остается лишь сержант Зак. Пуля пробила его стальной шлем, но не задела головы. Сержанту помогает корейский мальчик по прозвищу — Короткострел. Пробираясь к своим, они встречают военного медика, а после и другую группу рейдеров. У отряда задание, — найти старый буддистский храм, и установить там пункт для координации артиллерии. Опасность подстерегает пехотинцев на каждом шагу.
Beauty on Parade
Gil McRoberts
Marian Medford Woodstock gave up a chance twenty years ago to compete for the Miss USA beauty title in order to marry Jeffrey Woodstock. She hopes to realize her past ambitions for fame and fortune through her daughter Kay, whom she persuades to enter a local beauty contest. Kay wins and is interviewed by reporter Gil McRoberts, who advises her to get married and settle down. Jeffrey is very upset with his wife's and daughter's passion for beauty contests and, when Kay enters the national contest, he informs Marian that she must choose between him and her chase after empty honors for Kay.
Человек на Эйфелевой башне
Bill Kirby
Парижский студент-медик Иоганн Радек, нуждающийся в деньгах, говорит своему другу Биллу Кирби, что он сможет за небольшое вознаграждение убить его богатую тетку. Тогда Кирби унаследовал бы ее состояние, смог бы заплатить за развод со своей женой и жениться на супруге своего друга. В ночь убийства бывший грабитель Хертен наталкивается на трупы старой леди и ее служанки. Но Хертен настолько слеп, да еще потерял свои очки, что убийца осмеливается довести Хертена до его дома. Комиссар Мэгре быстро находит владельца очков, лежавших неподалеку от убитых женщин. Тот опознает в своем добродетеле Радека, но против него нет явных улик. Но Радек начинает вести себя так, что убеждает в своей виновности полицию. Он начинает шантажировать Хертена, потом Кирби, затем супругу Кирби, а потом свою возлюбленную, чтобы те помогали ему. Комиссар Мэгре, тем временем, никуда не торопиться, ожидая, когда Радек совершит решающую ошибку. В конце концов, он вместе с полицией ловит Радека на Эйфелевой башне…
And Baby Makes Three
Herbert T. 'Herbie' Fletcher
A recently divorced couple see things differently after learning they are going to be parents.
The Younger Brothers
Johnny Younger
Brothers who rode with a notorious outlaw gang led by Frank and Jesse James decide to go straight and try to get pardons so they can return to a law-abiding life.
Smart Girls Don't Talk
'Doc' Vickers
A society woman gets involved with a gangster only to find he has hidden plans.
Warren James
Two stepsisters become rivals for the same handsome bachelor. Comedy.
Always Together
Donn Masters
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
So You Want to Be in Pictures
Himself (uncredited)
Aspiring actor Joe McDoakes blows his first part at Warner Bros. and has to settle for being a stand-in.
Time Out Of Mind
Christopher Fortune
The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
Love and Learn
Bob Grant
A wealthy socialite bored with her life meets and falls in love with a struggling songwriter on the verge of leaving New York and quitting the music business.
Janie Gets Married
Dick Lawrence
Newlywed Janie's (Joan Leslie) World War II-veteran husband (Robert Hutton) goes to work at her father's (Edward Arnold) newspaper.
One More Tomorrow
Party Guest
Shiftless playboy Tom Collier lives to jump from party to party--until he meets photographer Christie Sage. Through Christie, Tom takes over the ownership of The Bantam, a liberal magazine which opposes everything his family represents. As Tom and Christie's relationship deepens, love blooms and he proposes to her. Realizing that she could never fit in with Tom's social circle, Christie says no, a decision she later regrets. But Tom isn't left alone for long--scheming gold-digger Cecelia Henry wastes no time in catching Tom on the rebound and forcing him into a disastrous marriage. A remake of 1932's The Animal Kingdom.
Too Young to Know
Ira Enright
A returning GI searches for the wife who left him and gave away their son.
Roughly Speaking
John Crane, ages 20-28
In the 1920s, enterprising Louise Randall is determined to succeed in a man's world. Despite numerous setbacks, she always picks herself back up and moves forward again.
Голливудская лавка для войск
Капрал Слим Грин, влюбленный в актрису Джоан Лесли, во время отпуска после ранения попадает в изумрудную сказку под названием «Голливудская Столовая» — место, где недосягаемые Звезды Голливуда спускаются с Небес на Землю и общаются с простыми американскими солдатами. Там он встречается со своим кумиром и осуществляет заветную мечту — поцеловать Джоан. На другой день ему везет еще больше — он становится миллионным посетителем «Столовой», а приз — вечер с любой голливудской актрисой. Он, конечно же, выбирает Джоан. При этом мисс Лесли оказывается никакой не недоступной Звездой, а обычной девушкой, проникающейся симпатией к парню. Их романтические отношения сопровождаются музыкальными выступлениями в «Столовой» Звезд экрана той эпохи.
Pfc. Dick Lawrence
Teenage Janie (Joyce Reynolds) falls in love with a private (Robert Hutton) from an Army base opposed by her editor father (Edward Arnold).
Пункт назначения – Токио
Tommy Adams
В этом суровом триллере о войне шкипер американской подводной лодки тайно проникает в Токийский залив для подготовки к крупному нападению Армии Союза на Японию. За лучший сюжет Стив Фишер был номинирован на премию «Оскар» . Позже он превратил свою захватывающую военную сагу в роман, ставший бестселлером.
Northern Pursuit
Internment Camp Guard (uncredited)
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.