Kate Lynch

Рождение : 1959-06-29,


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kate Lynch (born June 29, 1959) is a Genie Award-winning actress whose career spans four decades. In 1980 she won the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for Meatballs. She was nominated for the same award in 1988 for her role in Taking Care though she did not win on that occasion. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kate Lynch, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Boston Strangler
Beverly Samans
Reporters Loretta McLaughlin and Jean Cole bravely pursue the story of the Boston Strangler at great personal risk, putting their own lives on the line in their quest to uncover the truth.
Старая дева
У Габи все пошло не по плану. На горизонте неумолимо маячит страшная цифра 40, а ее только что бросил парень. Это же страшный сон любой женщины! Она встает перед выбором: впасть в отчаяние и начать судорожно искать нового парня во всех возможных приложениях для знакомств, либо же воспользоваться свободным временем с пользой и заняться собой. Габи решает, что наконец настало время пожить для себя, осуществить мечты детства и понять, чем отличается одиночество от свободы.
Murder on Her Mind
Inspired by the true story in the book by Linda Spaulding. Twenty years ago, Sally Linden sat on a jury in the trial of Theresa Nichol, a young woman accused of murder. They were close in age, and perhaps because of that, Sally saw the mistakes of her own life reflected in Theresa’s plight. She became convinced that the case against Theresa was not being proved beyond reasonable doubt. Twenty-some years later, Sally finds the notebook she kept throughout the trial. She's again at a crisis in her life where she feels she cannot keep running away: from herself, from her family, from her marriage, from her past. She searches for Theresa, and finds her still in prison. Seeking at first only to atone, Sally develops an intense bond with Theresa, writing about her and gradually becoming convinced that an outrageous miscarriage of justice has taken place.
Спи со мной
Лейла — свободная, сексуальная и ненасытная женщина. Множество мужчин не смогли утолить ее «голод». Но однажды судьба ее сводит с Дэвидом. Он художник, из-под его руки выходят прекрасные творения. Но в постели он агрессивен и, так же как и Лейла, ненасытен. Кажется, что они созданы друг для друга. Однако каждый раз, как они встречаются, что-то происходит как на физическом, так и на эмоциональном уровне. Их отношения становятся все более запутанными, и одному лишь Богу известно к чему это все может привести.
Fungus The Bogeyman
BBC adaptation of Raymond Briggs' children's book. Fungus (voice of Mak Wilson)'s job is to venture above Bogeydom and scare dry-cleaners (a Bogey's name for humans). But on one trip disaster strikes and a dry-cleaner discovers their existence in Bogeydom. The dry-cleaner, Jessica (Clare Thomas), strikes up a friendship with Fungus' children and escapes back home to tell her father George (Martin Clunes) all about it. George then decides to stake-out the entrance to Bogeydom, in order to catch a real-life Bogeyman.
The Republic Of Love
Dr. French
A thrice-divorced radio DJ meets the woman of his dreams but can he convince her of the truth of his feelings? An exploration of love, adapted from the novel by Pulitzer prize winning author Carol Shields.
От побережья до побережья
Nessle Carroway
Находясь на грани развода, Барнаби и Максин предпринимают попытку отправится в длинное дорожное путешествие по стране. Это время становится решающим для выяснения взаимоотношений между супругами. Каждая остановка в пути - это маленький мостик в счастливое прошлое. Визит к детям, посещение других членов семьи, старых друзей и любимых - все это дает повод задуматься о том, что же привело их брак к крушению. А может, совместное путешествие вновь разожжет искру между супругами?
Masterpiece Monday
Lives unravel for different reasons...
Giving Up the Ghost
After a woman's husband dies while jogging in the park, the young widow's deep grief helps to awaken his ghost. The ghost urges her to commit suicide to join him in the afterlife. While the young woman is making up her mind about suicide, her husband's ghost helps with a current murder case.
The Haunting of Lisa
A precocious youngster's visions of a mysterious woman and a series of child murders leads her mom to seek help from the authorities.
Louise Foster
A man is asked by his parents to run an apartment complex they own and becomes acquainted with an intriguing hippie girl and various other people from all walks of life who live there.
Amy Fisher: My Story
Roseann Fisher
This sensational true story of a near fatal attraction left Mary Jo Buttafuoco paralyzed for life and made Amy Fisher America's most infamous teenager. Imprisoned 5-15 years for a crime she confessed to Fisher has nothing to lose by telling how it was-her way, her story. Deception, Promiscuous Sex, and Violence
The Shower
A feminine take on a Cassavetes drama, the film focuses on a group of women who have gathered for a surprise baby shower. However, as the female guests arrive (the household males having adjourned to an afternoon football game), the off-screen mother-to-be goes into premature labour, leaving the bored invitees to sip spiked punch and discuss the dearth of available men until the drunken boys return home, thus setting the stage for male/female confrontations, confessions and clumsy acts of copulation-notably while standing under a shower. An exploration of the contemporary trappings of male/female sexual politics.
Taking Care
A Canadian nurse (Kate Lynch) investigates hospital-patient deaths for which another nurse (Janet Amos) seems the scapegoat.
Easy Prey
Fran Altman
Based on a true story, a serial killer abducts his latest victim from a mall and assaults her. Confused by her atypical reaction, he doesn't kill her, but instead takes her along as he continues on his killing spree. Meanwhile, the authorities debate whether she's a victim or a willing participant.
Murder Sees the Light
Private detective Benny Cooperman is hired to keep an eye on a controversial preacher who is in hiding in a picturesque lake resort, but once he gets there Benny finds himself involved with murders, satanism, and unfriendly nature.
Murder: By Reason of Insanity
Eleanor Sterling (uncredited)
A married couple from Poland emigrates to the U.S.,. but things don't turn out as well as they had imaged. The husband's business fails, while his wife's career really takes off. The husband, unable to cope with the pressures of his failed business, his failing marriage and the adjustments necessary to live in a completely different society, begins to take out his frustrations on his wife.
Murder in Space
Set in the "not-so-distant future", the crew of an international space station are set to return triumphantly to Earth, until someone starts killing the other crew members.
Reckless Disregard
Lauren Gartner
Meredith Craig is lawyer who has a small practice. She is then approached by a Dr. Lucas who is a doctor at a clinic, who was exposed on a television news program as writing prescriptions for drugs in exchange for money. He says that he is innocent and asks Meredith to file a lawsuit against the program and its staff. Can a small lawyer beat a big television network?
Последняя надежда
Двое мужчин и женщина — экипаж космической станции, вооруженной ядерным оружием. На Земле вспыхивает Третья Мировая война, а несколько месяцев спустя происходит авария на орбитальной станции и астронавтам приходится вернуться на Землю. После жесткой посадки члены экипажа выживают, но одного из мужчин убивают выжившие в войне люди-каннибалы, а другого берёт в плен местный главарь банды. Женщина после посадки была без сознания среди их разбившегося корабля, но вскоре и её ловят бандиты. И в таких условиях астронавты пытаются выжить.
The Guardian
The residents of a New York apartment building are shocked when one of them is shot during a burgulary. They decide to hire a security expert to patrol the building, but he seem a little over-committed to his work.
Актриса Саманта Шервуд находится на пике своей популярности. Она покупает права на постановку пьесы под названием «Одра», повествующей о психопатке, для известного режиссера Джонатана Страйкера. Чтобы лучше понять характер своей героини, Саманта отправляется в психиатрическую лечебницу. Джонатан устраивает так, чтобы актриса была принята за настоящую сумасшедшую и осталась там навсегда. Он собирается устроить пробы новым кандидаткам на главную роль в картине. Он приглашает шесть молоденьких актрис на уик-энд к себе в загородный дом. Тем временем Саманта узнает о предательстве Страйкера. С помощью друзей ей удается выбраться из лечебницы и также отправиться в особняк режиссера. Постепенно новоявленные актрисы начинают погибать…
Adam is cursed: one of his ancestors played a game and fell victim to a sorcerer or possibly Satan. The curse manifests through Adam and the game, making him attend strange amateur theatre where immensely talentless people try to do farce and a janitor wanders around with a game of Tic-Tac-Toe on his back.
The Sex and Violence Family Hour
Various Personalities
A jumble of sexual skits such as The Big Salami, The Brady Bang, And Leather And Chains.
Soup for One
WPCP Receptionist
A neurotic young New Yorker believes he has found his perfect match and desperately tries to win her over.
Double Negative
Michael Taylor, played by Michael Sarrazin, is tormented by his sheer lack of memory concerning the night his wife was found brutally killed.
Nothing Personal
Audrey Seltzer (uncredited)
Environmentally concerned lawyer Abigail Adams works with Professor Roger Keller in his effort to protect baby seals from slaughter.
Summer's Children
SUMMER'S CHILDREN is the story of a young man who tries to escape his troubled home and sister to find a new life for himself. He takes on a new job and enters into new relationships, but his sister pursues him in a cat and mouse game, getting into trouble in the city's seedy underground. In a series of flashbacks, we discover the reasons for his initial departure, as he and his sister try to find a peaceful resolution to their feelings about each other.
Популярная комедия о молодежном летнем лагере. Старший вожатый — веселый парень. Рассказывает анекдоты, отпускает шуточки и становится другом одинокого, подверженного депрессии двенадцатилетнего мальчика Руди. Дружба с вожатым помогает Руди поверить в свои силы, одержать победу в забеге и стать героем лагеря.