Rodrigo Bellott

Rodrigo Bellott

Рождение : , Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia


Rodrigo Bellott


Blood-Red Ox
Amir and Amat are invited to a trip into the South American rain forest, but the pleasant visit to Bolivia quickly takes a bizarre turn as Amat starts having strange visions and loses his mind over the ghostly presence of a giant blood red ox. Amir must save his boyfriend from paranoia but he will quickly realize he can't trust nothing and nobody - as he might be losing his mind too.
Blood-Red Ox
Amir and Amat are invited to a trip into the South American rain forest, but the pleasant visit to Bolivia quickly takes a bizarre turn as Amat starts having strange visions and loses his mind over the ghostly presence of a giant blood red ox. Amir must save his boyfriend from paranoia but he will quickly realize he can't trust nothing and nobody - as he might be losing his mind too.
Blood-Red Ox
Amir and Amat are invited to a trip into the South American rain forest, but the pleasant visit to Bolivia quickly takes a bizarre turn as Amat starts having strange visions and loses his mind over the ghostly presence of a giant blood red ox. Amir must save his boyfriend from paranoia but he will quickly realize he can't trust nothing and nobody - as he might be losing his mind too.
The Latin Boys: Volume 1
From Mennonite musings on the Amazonian pampas to wild Havana nights and bittersweet Rio love songs, if a roller-coaster of same sex desire is what you seek, The Latin Boys will take you there. The 6 short films are: Unicorn [Unicornio] (2014); The Good Friend [El amigo] (2017); Mila Caos (2011); Pray for Us [Ruega por nosotros] (2019); Carlito Leaves Forever [Carlito se va para siempre] (2018); I Am Yet to Make You a Love Song [Ainda Não Lhe Fiz Uma Canção de Amor] (2015).
Я скучаю по тебе
После смерти своего сына Габриэля , Хорхе отправляется из консервативной Боливии в Нью-Йорк, чтобы встретиться лицом к лицу с бойфрендом Габриэля Себастьяном.
Я скучаю по тебе
После смерти своего сына Габриэля , Хорхе отправляется из консервативной Боливии в Нью-Йорк, чтобы встретиться лицом к лицу с бойфрендом Габриэля Себастьяном.
Я скучаю по тебе
После смерти своего сына Габриэля , Хорхе отправляется из консервативной Боливии в Нью-Йорк, чтобы встретиться лицом к лицу с бойфрендом Габриэля Себастьяном.
Наш бренд – кризис
Casting Director
Фильм, основанный на документальных съемках, покажет изнанку избирательной кампании 2002 года, когда кандидат в президенты Боливии Гонсало Санчес де Лосада нанял политтехнологов из консалтинговой фирмы Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, чтобы прийти к победе.
Наш бренд – кризис
Фильм, основанный на документальных съемках, покажет изнанку избирательной кампании 2002 года, когда кандидат в президенты Боливии Гонсало Санчес де Лосада нанял политтехнологов из консалтинговой фирмы Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, чтобы прийти к победе.
A young German/Bolivian Mennonite risks his life to escape his strict religious community to find love and freedom in the city.
A young German/Bolivian Mennonite risks his life to escape his strict religious community to find love and freedom in the city.
Мы такие, какие есть
Казалось бы, обычная и доброжелательная семья Паркеров, всегда державшаяся особняком от остальных жителей городка, не могла бы привлечь к себе особого внимания, однако, в тихом омуте черти водятся. За закрытыми дверями, вспыльчивый глава семейства Фрэнк правит балом и хранит семейные секреты от посторонних глаз. Секреты, которые заставят содрогнуться от ужаса любого, кто прикоснется к ним..
Boys On Film 5: Candy Boy
Boys On Film 5: Candy Boy features nine award-winning short films. Boys will be boys in Pascal-Alex Vincent's FAR WEST and CANDY BOY, where a farmyard and an orphanage get a gay makeover. GO-GO REJECT sees Flashdance obsessive Daniel aim for the stars, as SWEAT has Holby City's David Paisley infiltrating a bath house with unexpected results. Meanwhile, love proves to be timeless when LAST CALL unites past and present, but TWOYOUNGMEN, UT. hints at an uncertain future. Looking back on the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, BLOCKS focuses on the sexual awakening of a peeping Tom. Two more young boys, a confused JAMES and mute DAVID, both reach out for an experienced hand, but will they find what they are looking for?
Thirteen-year old Luchito lives in a working class complex of blocks in Santiago, Chile. He is obsessed with Manuel, a sixteen-year old who lives in the building across from him.
Enigmatic and silent Gus arrives in a city in upstate New York, to a hotel where he is staying for a day, while developing meticulous grooming and cleaning routines and expect a phone call that can change your life.
Че: Часть вторая
Че Гевара. Рождение легенды… История простого аргентинского врача, ставшего лидером освободительного движения, команданте Кубинского переворота, кумиром бунтующего духа молодежи многих поколений, символом революционной романтики.
Че: Часть первая. Аргентинец
1956 год. Латинская Америка кипит страстями — любовными и революционными. Для свержения диктаторского режима Фульхенсио Батисты лидер повстанцев Фидель Кастро собирает на Кубинском побережье армию. В знаменитый революционный отряд «М-26—7» вступает врач-кардиолог из Аргентины Эрнесто Гевара. В горячей борьбе за свободу он завоевывает любовь своих соратников, а вскоре и всего кубинского народа, давшему ему новое имя «Че», по-испански «друг».
Who Killed the White Llama?
Jacinto and Domitila are two indigenous Bolivians, happily married... and the most notorious criminals in the country. When they are paid to transport 50kg of cocaine to the Brazilian border, they embark on a journey that will take them through the jungles, mountains, deserts and cities of Bolivia on a riotous adventure that will test their relationship and make them question their future as criminals. (IMDB)
Sexual Dependency
A poor girl, a rich stud, a university student and a model -- nothing in common, except the desire to experience true intimacy. Their stories unfold and overlap as each becomes victim to their own sexual dependencies, self-perceptions and illusions. Thematically structured around issues of femininity, masculinity, virginity, rape and sexuality, each teen struggles to make sense of their own identity, reaching for ideals that represent everything they feel they are supposed to be, but are not.
Sexual Dependency
A poor girl, a rich stud, a university student and a model -- nothing in common, except the desire to experience true intimacy. Their stories unfold and overlap as each becomes victim to their own sexual dependencies, self-perceptions and illusions. Thematically structured around issues of femininity, masculinity, virginity, rape and sexuality, each teen struggles to make sense of their own identity, reaching for ideals that represent everything they feel they are supposed to be, but are not.
Sexual Dependency
A poor girl, a rich stud, a university student and a model -- nothing in common, except the desire to experience true intimacy. Their stories unfold and overlap as each becomes victim to their own sexual dependencies, self-perceptions and illusions. Thematically structured around issues of femininity, masculinity, virginity, rape and sexuality, each teen struggles to make sense of their own identity, reaching for ideals that represent everything they feel they are supposed to be, but are not.
This film skewers the audience's prejudices when the subtitles abandon their usual chore of translating what is said and start talking directly to the audience.
This film skewers the audience's prejudices when the subtitles abandon their usual chore of translating what is said and start talking directly to the audience.
This film skewers the audience's prejudices when the subtitles abandon their usual chore of translating what is said and start talking directly to the audience.
This film skewers the audience's prejudices when the subtitles abandon their usual chore of translating what is said and start talking directly to the audience.