Andrea Leeds

Andrea Leeds

Рождение : 1914-08-14, Butte, Montana, USA

Смерть : 1984-05-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Andrea Leeds (August 18, 1914 – May 21, 1984) was an American film actress. A popular supporting player of the late 1930s, Leeds was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Stage Door (1937). She was progressing to leading roles, when she retired from acting following her marriage in 1939, and was later a successful horse breeder. She began her film career in 1933 playing bit parts and using her given name. As Andrea Leeds she played her first substantial role in the film Come and Get It (1936) and achieved another success with her next film It Could Happen to You! (1937). As part of an ensemble cast that included Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers and Lucille Ball, Leeds was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance as an aspiring actress in Stage Door (1937). She read for the role of Melanie in Gone with the Wind, however the role was given to Olivia de Havilland. Her wholesome quality led to her being cast in The Goldwyn Follies (1938) playing "Miss Humanity" – a woman considered by a jaded Hollywood executive to represent the ideal American woman. The film was not a success and received poor reviews. She next appeared in two films opposite Joel McCrea (who earlier played her brother in Come and Get It), Youth Takes a Fling (1938) and They Shall Have Music (1939), for the first time playing the lead female role. She continued to play the romantic female lead in an adventure film set in the 1906 Philippines, The Real Glory, opposite Gary Cooper and David Niven, and opposite Don Ameche in the first Technicolor biography of Stephen Foster, Swanee River (1939). Her final film, Earthbound (1940), was a fantasy murder mystery in which Leeds' character solves the murder of her husband, aided by his ghost. These films were relatively successful and Leeds remained a popular actress. In 1939 she married Robert Stewart Howard, son of California businessman and racehorse owner Charles S. Howard, and decided to leave films to devote herself to raising a family. Her father-in-law owned and raced Seabiscuit, and with her husband she became a successful horse owner/breeder.


Andrea Leeds


The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
(archive footage)
This documentary revisits the making of Gone with the Wind via archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.
Ellen Besborough
A murdered man helps his widow bring his killer to justice.
Swanee River
Jane McDowell Foster
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Настоящая слава
Linda Hartley
Картина разворачивает свое действие на фоне морского восстания во время американской оккупации Филиппин в начале двадцатого века. В 1906 году американская армия покидает Манилу, оставив несколько офицеров на острове Манданао, в том числе капитана Хартли, лейтенантов МакКула, Ларсона и военного врача, а как оказалось мастера на все руки, Билла Кэнэвэна. Они должны научить филиппинских констеблей военным приемам, чтобы защитить местное население от жестоких завоевателей в лице повстанца Алипанга и его банды. Но вся беда в том, что аборигены настолько боятся Алипанга, что от одного его имени местные бойцы впадают в ступор, а без преодоления этого барьера нечего и думать о сопротивлении. И тогда за дело принимается врач. Сначала он выставляет чучело под именем бандита и каждый солдат должен плюнуть в его сторону, чтобы сломить психологический страх. Этому противится командир Хартли, старый служака, оставшийся за старшего, который не принимает никаких нововведений, кроме муштры…
They Shall Have Music
Ann Lawson
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
Youth Takes a Fling
Helen Brown
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Letter of Introduction
Kay Martin
An aging actor, trying to make a comeback on Broadway, is surprised when his estranged daughter shows up. It seems that she is an actress and is also trying to make it on Broadway. He tries to re-establish his relationship with her while also trying to hide the fact that she is his daughter from the press.
The Goldwyn Follies
Hazel Dawes
Movie producer chooses a simple girl to be "Miss Humanity" and to critically evalute his movies from the point of view of the ordinary person.
Дверь на сцену
Kay Hamilton
История взлетов и падений группы молодых амбициозных актрис.
It Could Happen to You
Laura Compton
A politically charged story about a man who dabbles in crime, with disastrous results, to gain the capital he needs to purchase a school where immigrants are prepared for American citizenship. The school's European teacher dreams of a fascist America. Based on a story by Nathanael West and Samuel Ornitz, who was one of the Hollywood Ten blacklisted during the McCarthy Era.
Иди и бери
Evvie Glasgow
Преуспевающий владелец лесопилок собирается жениться на дочери богача, чтобы стать его партнёром и приумножить свой капитал. Ему приходится расстаться с влюблённой в него девушкой.
Мой слуга Годфри
Socialite at Scavenger Hunt (uncredited)
Во время Великой Депрессии некая игра заносит богатую, избалованную, но очаровательную Айрин Буллок, а также ее стервозную сестру Корнелию к городской свалке, где они встречают бездомного Годфри. Встреча заканчивается тем, что Айрин нанимает его дворецким. Работая у нее, он выясняет, что Буллоки — воплощение праздных, своенравных и избалованных богачей. Вскоре Айрин влюбляется в своего «протеже», однако он чувствует, что роман между слугой и хозяйкой невозможен, независимо от таинственного прошлого Годфри…
Song of the Trail
Betty Hobson
A cowboy realizes too late that his girlfriend's father had been cheated out of everything in a crooked card game. He sets out to get revenge on the crooks.
Sutter's Gold
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
The Count Takes the Count
Gloria Grayson
Charley Chase' insurance company has a million dollar policy on Andrea Leeds' wedding coming off. When Andrea runs away and cons Charley into thinking she's a detective in pursuit of herself, there's no shortage of great laughs.
Dante's Inferno
A carny builds a gambling empire at the expense of his family's wellbeing.
Elinor Norton
A romantic triangle during WW I provides the basis of this drama. The trouble begins when a young wife gets involved with a coffee baron while her husband is off fighting WW I. Her shell-shocked husband finally returns. He is terribly jealous. To help him, the wife takes him to a Western dude ranch. Her lover also goes, and the two men soon become friends. The coffee magnate helps to cure him, but then breaks his heart by telling him that he and the wife are planning to run away.
Meet the Baron
College Girl (uncredited)
A charlatan posing as Baron Munchhausen is invited to be guest speaker at a girls' school.