Song of the Trail (1936)

A symphony of the range, played with instruments of death!

Жанр : музыка, вестерн

Время выполнения : 59М

Директор : Russell Hopton
Писатель : George Wallace Sayre, Barry Barringer

Краткое содержание

A cowboy realizes too late that his girlfriend's father had been cheated out of everything in a crooked card game. He sets out to get revenge on the crooks.


Kermit Maynard
Kermit Maynard
Jim Carter
Evelyn Brent
Evelyn Brent
Fuzzy Knight
Fuzzy Knight
Andrea Leeds
Andrea Leeds
Betty Hobson
George 'Gabby' Hayes
George 'Gabby' Hayes
Dan Hobson
Lynette London
Lynette London
Saloon Girl
Wheeler Oakman
Wheeler Oakman
Bob Arnold
Lee Shumway
Lee Shumway
Roger Williams
Roger Williams
Charles McMurphy
Charles McMurphy
Art Dillard
Art Dillard
Cowhand Art
Ray Gallagher
Ray Gallagher
Carl Mathews
Carl Mathews
Frank McCarroll
Frank McCarroll
Robert McKenzie
Robert McKenzie
Dick Morehead
Dick Morehead
Horace Murphy
Horace Murphy
Artie Ortego
Artie Ortego
Cowhand Artie
Tex Phelps
Tex Phelps
Wade Walker
Wade Walker
Rocky the Horse
Rocky the Horse
Rocky - Jim's horse


Russell Hopton
Russell Hopton
James Oliver Curwood
James Oliver Curwood
George Wallace Sayre
George Wallace Sayre
Barry Barringer
Barry Barringer


South of the Border
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
Adiós Amigo
Two incompetent Western outlaws engineer several failed crimes, including a botched stagecoach holdup. Fred Williamson, a tough-guy perennial in blaxploitation movies, does a rare comedy turn as a blundering patsy to Richard Pryor's slick con man.
Sunset in El Dorado
The story involves a rather odd flashback by Dale who is visiting El Dorado, home of her grandmother. She dreams about her grandmother's adventures including a romance with a cowboy who looks very much like Roy. Roy, of course, also exists in the present for Dale.
1313: Billy the Kid
Wounded, Billy the Kid staggers into the remote and mostly deserted Western town of Hell's Heart to recuperate -- but soon realizes that he's pinned down in a trap. The townspeople have been systematically stalked by a tribe of fearful supernatural entities, the Manitou, who now want Billy as their special trophy kill.
Сюжет фильма вращается вокруг американца, который пересекает мексиканскую границу с пулевым ранением руки и 2,3 млн. наличных с целью отправиться в Акапулько и отдохнуть на пляже. Но вскоре он понимает, что это легче сказать, чем сделать.
The Redhead and The Cowboy
Gil Kyle finds himself caught up in the politics and unrest of the American Civil War and soon gets himself framed for a murder. His only alibi is Candace Bronson, who is aiding the Confederate cause and has left the territory to deliver a vital message about a Yankee gold shipment. So he sets off in pursuit, running into desperados, government agents, and guerrilla fighters, who are more interested in profit than ideals. Written by Alfred Jingle
Denver and Rio Grande
Jim Vesser and his team of railroading men try to build a rail line through a mountain pass, while a group of less scrupulous construction workers sabotages the entire operation in the hopes that they can get their tracks laid first and get the money from the railroad.
Ring of Fire
Animated short of a Cowboys' psychedelic Odyssey.
The Parson of Panamint
As he looks over the dusty, deserted remains of the western "boom town" of Panamint, grizzled old prospector Chuckawalla Bill Redfield (Ruggles) recalls the town's glory days. Looming large in Chuckawalla's reminiscences is the day that young and apparently mild-mannerd minister Philip Pharo (Phillip Terry) rode into town. In his own gentle but forceful fashion, Pharo managed to bring the town's lawless element into line, mollify the local bluenoses, and win the heart of likeable dance-hall girl Mary Mallory (Ellen Drew).
Great Day in the Morning
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Texas Tom
Tom is a cowboy boot-wearing cat at a Texas dude ranch. When a beautiful female cat comes for a visit, Tom takes time from his regular torturing of Jerry to use the mouse as a way to impress the dame. Naturally, Jerry gives Tom his comeuppance.
Kid Rodelo
An embittered ex-convict cowboy sets out to find the hidden gold his partner told him about.
A Fistful of Fingers
Follow the exploits of taciturn hero No Name and his stereotypical Indian side-kick Running Sore as they search for the nefarious villain The Squint.
Игра в карты по-научному
Каждый год в назначенный день Пеппино и Антония, семейная пара не первой свежести, ждет из-за океана Богатую Старуху. Для них она — единственный шанс разжиться шальными деньгами. Никто не помнит, когда и как это завелось, но Старуха, заядлая картежница, раз в году усаживается за игральный стол с Пеппино и Антонией, одалживая им деньги для игры из собственного кармана — итальянцы так бедны, что им даже нечего поставить на кон. Но никто также не помнит, чтобы Старуха когда-нибудь проигрывала…
Death Valley Outlaws
Ambushed by the Vigilantes, a dying friend gets Johnny who was only passing through to take up the fight. To get in with the gang, Johnny poses as an outlaw and then beats them to a gold shipment by robbing the train ahead of them. This gets him invited into the gang. They are all masked and unknown to Johnny, one of them is his brother.
How the Cowboy Makes His Lariat
Wild West performer Pedro Leon is the highlight of this three-minute film that shows how cowboys make rope and various other items. Within the three-minutes we learn that horsehair is the best thing to use so we see a couple men, including Leon, put the hair together and from here we see how they get it prepared to use for rope and other items.
The Virginian
A cowboy finds himself betrayed by his best friend and must choose between bringing him to justice and alienating the pretty schoolteacher he is in love with.
In Old Santa Fe
Gangster Chandler and his accomplice Tracy arrive at a dude ranch. Cowboy Kentucky arrives at the same time. When Tracy double-crosses his boss and has the stage robbed, Kentucky finds the outlaws and brings them in. Tracy frames him for the murder of the driver but his pal Cactus gets him out of jail. He returns just as Chandler shoots Tracy and Kentucky finds himself arrested for another murder.
Rio Diablo
Kenny Roger's leaves his good-guy image behind as the rugged, gutsy Quentin Leach, a bounty hunter with a quick temper and a trigger finger to match. If you're an outlaw with a price on your head, Leach is the last man you'll want to meet. Travis Tritt, in an impressive acting debut, stars as Benjamin Tabor, a man out for blood after a gang of murderous bank robbers flee with his beautiful young bride. Together, Tabor and Leach take to the Trail with guns blazing in search of the same outlaws. And they're not going to stop until they find them - dead or alive.
The Unhanged
Two outlaws, The Lonely Rider and the Indian Tonto, have caught (at least they think they have) Speedy Gonzales, a ruthless gunfighter from the town of Njietponimaistadi. They start to travel to another town for the reward, through the desert without water and fighting against Indians. And just to find out that they have made a full circle back to origin.