Horace Murphy

Horace Murphy

Рождение : 1880-06-03,

Смерть : 1975-01-20


Horace Murphy


Train Conductor (Uncredited)
Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?
Traffic in Crime
Joe - Night Watchman
Police Chief Jim Murphy, in a crime-ridden city, deputizes newspaper-reporter Sam Wire, to work as an undercover operative to rid the town of the gangster element. Sam taunts and tricks the two leading gangsters, a mob girl, 'Silk" Cantrell, and a bribe-taking police official, into setting ambushes and death-traps for him, which backfire on them, and achieve his assignment directive.
Улица греха
Milkman (uncredited)
Крис Кросс, застенчивый, наивный господин, утомившийся от собственного благополучия, спасает красивую девушку Китти от неуравновешенного приятеля. Герой увлекается Китти и позволяет ей считать себя состоятельным и успешным художником, не подозревая, что у новой знакомой и ее жениха имеются свои планы относительно него.
Lonesome Trail
Judge Melford
Jimmy and partner Dusty have bought a ghost town in the Cherokee strip. When they arrive they find their other partner Lasses has sold 51% to four crooks.
Падший ангел
Sheriff (uncredited)
Эрика Стентона высаживают из автобуса в прибрежном Калифорнийском городке Уолтоне, поскольку он не может оплатить проезд. Встретив роскошную официантку Стелу, Эрик решает остаться в Уолтоне на некоторое время…
Riders of the Dawn
Sheriff Beasley
Jimmy Wakely and Dusty, traveling with the medicine show owned by "Lasses" White, stop at the Ferguson ranch and find the rancher and his wife killed. They take the Ferguson baby to their camp, where outlaws Joe, Slick and Pete attempt to kidnap the baby, while Dusty is reporting the murders to Sheriff Beasley and town mayor Melinda Pringle. Wakely and his singers hide the baby from its legal guardian, Doc Judd Thomas, as they suspect him of being connected with the Ferguson murders.
Song of Old Wyoming
Editor Timothy Meeks
Old Ma Conway champions statehood for Wyoming, believing the measure would put an end to the territory's lawlessness; but the elderly woman is opposed by cattle buyer and tax assessor Lee Landow and greedy banker Dixon. When Ma offers her opinion in a newspaper article, Landow sends his henchman Ringo to put the fear of God in the woman.
Springtime in Texas
Mayor Lem Grainger
Pete Grant controls the town of Pecos and it's Mayor and Marshal. When Jimmy, Denny, and Lasses arrive they soon find themselves in trouble. Already suspected of murder, Jimmy and Denny catch two of the three men that rob the Express Office only to find themselves framed for the robbery. Posing as a woman, Lasses breaks them out and they head after the third man who is the one that can clear them.
A Lady Takes a Chance
Poker Player
A city girl on a bus tour of the West encounters a handsome rodeo cowboy who helps her forget her city suitors.
Song of Texas
A man of no worth brags to his daughter back East that he is rich and owns a big ranch. When she decides to pay a visit to her father, Roy and his buddies agree to pretend that the poor man is the owner of the ranch.
Honky Tonk
Jim - Candy's Butler
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Seth Belden
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.
Arizona Bound
The Rough Riders are called in to help save Master's stage line. Taggart has his gang robbing the stages and shooting the drivers. When Buck drives the next stage, Taggart's men rob it and then make it look like Roberts is part of the gang. Written by Maurice Van Auken
Melody Ranch
Loco - Cowboy Radio Actor
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
Шумный город
Tom Murphy
Эта история началась в 1918 году, когда в Техасе произошёл нефтяной бум. Нефтяные участки появлялись повсюду, люди богатели на глазах, и именно сюда устремились два парня, в будущем известные как Большой Джон и Джон Справедливый. Эта парочка провернула немало успешных дел и смогла сколотить на нефти целое состояние. Двадцать лет всё шло как по маслу, пока в Техас не приехала Элизабет Бартлетт. С той поры словно черная кошка пробежала между некогда дружными компаньонами. Отныне миллионеры знать друг друга не хотят, делят бизнес и строят козни. И только женщина способна разрешить их спор.
The Range Busters
Homer Thorp
A phantom-like gunman is murdering the hands at the Circle T Ranch and the Range Busters are recruited by its owner to stop the "phantom". Only, the ranch owner is killed before they can arrive. First film in the Range Buster series.
Ghost Valley Raiders
Mob Ringleader
Donald Barry, not yet Donald "Red" Barry, heads the cast of the Republic western Ghost Valley Raiders. A federal marshal, Barry is assigned to put an end to the activities of a stagecoach-robbery gang. That's why he spends most of the film pretending to be an outlaw himself. Stunt specialist Yakima Canutt plays a secondary villain, and also doubles for Barry in the dicier action scenes.
Legion of the Lawless
Peddler Driving Wagon (uncredited)
Residents of a small frontier town take up arms when vigilantes try to block a railroad right-of-way.
Days of Jesse James
Post Office Clerk (uncredited)
Days of Jesse James is a 1939 American film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers. Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual James gang.
Crashing Thru
Boat Passenger
Renfrew of the Mounties hunts brother-and-sister gold hijackers.
Cowboys from Texas
Constable Dan
Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Saga of Death Valley
Agent Pete
When Tasker kills Roy Rogers he takes one of his young sons. Fifteen years later the other son Roy arrives buying a ranch in the valley where Tasker now controls the water supply. Roy organizes the ranchers for a showdown with Tasker not knowing that his brother is Tasker's chief henchman.
Fighting Mad
Chess Player
Ann Fenwick is a witness to a bank robbery in the U.S. and the bandits, led by Trigger (Warner Richmond) and Leon (Ted Adams) capture her and when she disappears, a warrant is issued for her arrest as a material witness. The bank robbers flee across the border into Canda where they steal a trailer in which they lock Ann and the loot. The hitch breaks and the trailer plunges into a lake. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien), of the Canadian Mounties,rescue Ann and she tells them she is a hitch-hiking tourist and gives a false name. Renfrew sends Kelly for aid, Ann escapes and Kelly returns with the news that she is wanted. The leader of the gang, Cardigan (Milburn Stone), sends the gang back for Ann and the loot, which Ann has hidden in a trappers cabin, just before Trigger recaptures her. Renfrew goes to her rescue, but is also captured. But reliable Constable Kelly is somewhere in the woods.
Oklahoma Frontier
It's the opening of the Cherokee strip and the Rankins are after a particular section. Frazier is also after the same section and has hired outlaws to make sure he gets it. When Jeff gives Rankin a map, the outlaws kill Rankin, steal the map, and frame Jeff for the murder. Scheduled to be hung the day of the land rush, Jeff's pal Frosty has a plan to free him.
Desperate Trails
Stage Driver Nebraska
A young boy helps a marshal in his battle against outlaws.
The Oregon Trail
Irate Agitaiting Townsman
Jeff Scott is sent to investigate problems with wagon trains attempting to make the journey to Oregon. Sam Morgan has sent his henchmen, under lead-henchman Bull Bragg, to stop the wagon trains in order to maintain control of the fur trade in the area.
Down the Wyoming Trail
Sheriff Missouri
Tex arrives on the Parker ranch on Christman eve and is given the job of being Santa Claus. Also dressed as Santa Claus, Blackie robs Parker and kills a man. When Tex is arrested for the murder, he escapes and joins up with outlaw Becker and his gang. He finds Blackie's Santa Claus suit but is soon made a prisoner.
Юнион Пасифик
Irishman (uncredited)
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
The Night Riders
Riverboat Captain Asa Beckett
Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
The Flying Irishman
Drunk at New York Airport
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Парень из Оклахомы
Bartender (uncredited)
Банда Маккорда совершает грабёж, чтобы заплатить индейцам за их землю, а преступник, известный как «Оклахомский парень» — Джим Кинкэйд — получает эти деньги от Маккорда. Маккорд хочет использовать полученную землю для строительства нового города, но отказывается от задуманного, когда ему предлагают контролировать азартные игры.
Rollin' Westward
A cowboy helps a pretty young woman and her father in their fight against land-grabbers who are trying to swindle them out of their cattle ranch.
Sundown on the Prairie
Tex and Ananias are sent by the government to capture some Santa Fe rustlers. Tex recognizes Hendricks as an outlaw, captures him and learns that Hendricks intends to meet a rustler named Dorgan. Tex goes instead and finds out that Dorgan plans to move rustled cattle through the ranch owned by Graham and his daughter Ruth. Dorgan has Graham Pass set to be dynamited to stop any pursuit.
Song of the Buckaroo
An outlaw on the run assumes the identity of a dead man. When in his new identity he finds himself elected the mayor of a small town, he decides to go straight.
Where the Buffalo Roam
Tex returns to Santa Fe to find his Mother murdered. Foster runs the town and all crimes committed by his gang are blamed on Rogel and his men. He makes Tex Marshal but this backfires when Tex enlists Rogel and his men and goes after Foster who he now knows is responsible for his Mother's death.
The Stranger from Arizona
A quiet cowboy on a white horse saves a gal from cattle rustlers.
Starlight Over Texas
Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.
Billy The Kid Returns
Mr. Miller - Homesteader
After Pat Garrett kills Billy the Kid, Billy's look-alike Roy Rogers arrives and is mistaken for him. Although a murderer, Billy was on the side of the homesteaders against the large ranchers. As Billy's death is unknown, Roy gets Garrett to let him pose as Billy to continue the fight, but without the killing.
Durango Valley Raiders
Matt Tanner
The Shadow and his outlaw gang have control of Durango Valley. Keene Cordner arrives, and with the help of Tanner becomes a second Shadow in his attempt to round up the gang.
Utah Trail
Tex and his sidekicks arrive to help out his friend Jeffers, a railroad owner, only to find that he has been killed. They quickly run into trouble with an outlaw gang in their attempt to find the mysterious ghost train that supposedly runs on Jeffer's line.
Smashing the Rackets
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
Rollin' Plains
It's cattlemen versus sheepmen and Trigger Gargan appears to be the leader of the gang causing the trouble. But unknown to Ranger Tex Lawrence, the respected town citizen Barrow is the boss and is tipping off the gang as to the Ranger's activities.
Flaming Frontiers
Tom Grant has found a rich gold vein and Bart Eaton is after it. Tom's sister Mary heads for the gold fields and Eaton and his men follow. Eaton teams up with Ace Daggett who plans to doublecross him and get the gold for himself. They frame Tom for murder and then try to get him to sign over his claim. The famous scout Tex Houston is on hand, escaping the attempts on his life, saving Mary from various perils, and trying to bring in the real killer and clear Tom.
Wide Open Faces
Schultz, Grocer
A small town soda jerk discovers a gang of criminals staying at a local hotel. Comedy.
Thunder in the Desert
Bob arrives looking for the killer of his uncle. When the Sheriff chases him and his partner Rusty, Reno thinks they are the men he is looking for and takes them into his gang. There Bob finds his uncle's gun and knows he has found the right gang. However he realizes the gang has an unknown leader and he sets out to find him.
Frontier Town
Regan is passing off counterfeit money at rodeos betting on his man Denby. When Tex appears and wins all the events, Regan has him accused of murder. As Tex looks for the counterfeiters, his pals Stubby and Pee Wee keep the Sheriff off his trail.
Paroled - To Die
Lucky Gosden
Meline is taking money from his own bank to drill an oil well. When he finds Doug Redfern's bandana, he has his gang rob his bank and uses the bandana to frame Doug. When Doug is convicted but immediately paroled, Meline has another plan that he thinks will put him away permanently.
Colorado Kid
Colonel Gifford
When Hines kills the Colonel for his money, the Colorado Kid is arrested and then found guilt of the murder. Bibben beaks him out of jail and later identifies some of the bills spent by Hines to have been part of the money stolen from the Colonel. The Kid now knows he is the one he is after and heads out to get a confession.
Tex Rides with the Boy Scouts
Tex is after the gang that robbed a train of a gold shipment. He suspects Dorman is the culprit and is hiding their gold at his mine. When Stubby sees Dorman's henchman Stark cash in some gold nuggets, Tex tricks Dorman into moving the gold. He hopes to round them up with the help of the posse and the local Boy Scout Troop.
Stars Over Arizona
When the Governor gets Dawson to go after Ace Carter and his gang, Dawson gets him to release four prisoners into his custody. Arriving in town, Carter frames Dawson for murder and his stooge Judge sentences him to be hung. The four ex-convicts arrive in time to save Dawson but one of the four is a double-crosser and this means more trouble for Dawson.
The Girl Said No
Jimmie Allen, a shady bookie, is in love with Pearl Proctor, a greedy dance hall girl. He schemes to get her back after she rejects him; and along the way, he revives a failing Gilbert and Sullivan troupe.
The Mystery of the Hooded Horsemen
Tex is up against a group of hooded outlaws. When he shoots one, he uses the hood to infiltrate the gang. Almost caught by them, he escapes only to be arrested by the Sheriff who thinks he's one of the gang.
Boothill Brigade
Calico Haynes
Rancher Reynolds has fired his men and hired killers and is now using a crooked land deal to put the other ranchers off their land. Calico finds the reason why when he runs into his old nemesis Porter.
The Red Rope
Horner - Storekeeper
Brade has hired Rattler Haynes to kill Tom Shaw. But when Shaw intercepts a message between the two, he alters it hoping it will cause the two outlaws to fight each other.
Doomed at Sundown
Young Dave Austin (Bob Steele) hunts down the varmint who murdered his father in this B Western. Austin tracks killer Jim Hatfield (Warner Richmond) to his hideout, a Mexican cantina where Hatfield and his ruthless gang terrorize the locals. After being deputized, the courageous Austin allows himself to be captured by the gang and devises an ingenious plan to turn the bad guys against one another. Lorraine Randall co-stars.
Riders of the Rockies
Doc Thornton
Tex and his pals join the Rangers to fight rustlers along the border. When Doc and Pee Wee get framed for rustling and then jailed, Tex deserts the Rangers, crosses the border, and joins up with the outlaw gang hoping somehow to clear his pals.
Anything for a Thrill
Boss Kelley
Despite his older brother's objections, a young man vows to become a newsreel cameraman.
Border Phantom
Cowboy Larry O'Day and his sidekick Lucky Smith happen upon a distraught Barbara Hartwell, who is about to be arrested for the murder of her uncle. With Barbara behind bars, Larry is determined to find the real killer and soon finds himself in the middle of a mystery involving crazed German entomologists and a smuggling ring bringing Chinese "picture girls" across the Mexican border for sale to wealthy Chinese bachelors.
Come on, Cowboys
Judge Blake
Harris and Rigby own a circus. Rigby is a counterfeiter and frames his partner. The Mesquiteers learn Rigby is the culprit and get a confession from one of his men only to lose the case when the man is murdered in jail. The Mesquiteers try again and send Lullaby to try and win some of the fake bills in a card game.
Sing Cowboy Sing
Marshal Tinker
Kalmus is after the freight contract held by Summers. When his gang kill Summers, Tex and Duke step in to help Madge keep the freight line going. When they foil the gang's further attempts, Kalmus gets the Judge to jail the two.
Lawless Land
Storekeeper Lafe Spooner
Jeff arrives in town to see the Sheriff only to find him just killed. The culprit is Clay Wheeler. When Jeff becomes friendly with Letty, Clay sends his man Ortega to kill him. Jeff foils the attempt and gets him to confess that Clay was the killer. With only old-timers Lafe and Bill to help, Jeff heads after Clay and his gang.
Lightnin' Crandall
J. Travis
Cowboy with a reputation as the fastest gun in Texas heads to Arizona to leave his past behind, but it keeps catching up to him.
Trouble In Texas
Rodeo stars are being killed with poisoned needles, and Tex Ritter is next on the list.
The Gambling Terror
Missouri Bill, Printer's Devil
Brett runs a protection racket for an unknown boss. When Jeff Hayes arrives and opens a gambling den, they try to shut him down. Unlike the others who have given in, he plans to fight back.
Arizona Days
Sheriff Brown
Tex and sidekick Grass join McGill's traveling show. When Price has McGill's wagons burned, Tex becomes the county tax collector to earn money. This leads to trouble as one of those owing money is Price who says he will not pay. Business doesn´t go as plan.
Ranger Courage
The Harper wagon train is carrying money and Bull and his gang are after it. When their first attack is foiled by the rangers, Allen trails them. But he is captured and his ranger badge used to divert the rangers away leaving the wagon train unprotected.
The Gun Ranger
Ranch cook
A lawman who brings in a killer only to see him freed because of corruption turns in his badge & sets out on his own to rid his town of killers & crooked politicians.
The Girl on the Front Page
The heiress to a powerful newspaper owner gets a job at the paper under an assumed name and helps break up a blackmail racket.
Undercover Man
An operative from the Wells Fargo company goes undercover to trap a crooked sheriff and his equally nefarious hirelings in this standard B-Western from A.W. Hackel's low-budget Supreme Pictures Corp.
The Crooked Trail
After Jim Blake saves Harve Tarlton's life, they become partners in a gold mining claim. After a while Harve reverts to his outlaw way of life. Everyone but Jim seems to know that Harve is bad but Jim merely thinks he needs a chance to go straight. But Jim's wife Helen has a plan to expose Harve as the outlaw he is.
Everyman's Law
Sheriff Chris Bradley
Texas Ranger Johnny (Johnny Mack Brown), poses as a hired gunman called The Dog Town Kid in order to infiltrate the outlaw gang, to uncover a plot by a crooked lawman, Sheriff Bradley (Horace Murphy), and a large landholder, Jim Morgan (Lloyd Ingraham) against the smaller ranches and the homesteaders.
Too Much Beef
Someone is adding beef to Rocky Brown's herds and changing the brands to make it look like he is rustling. Then he is framed for murder and jailed. Johnny Argyle who has been sent to investigate believes he is innocent and sets out to prove it and starts with hides that have been rebranded.
Gun Grit
Rancher Sully
Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.
Last of the Warrens
Ted Warren returns from WWI to find that everyone thinks he was dead. The culprit is Kent who intercepted his mail, rustled the Warren cattle, took over the Warren ranch, and is now after Ted's girl friend. When Kent's henchmen fail to kill Ted, Kent shoots Ted's father and leaves him for dead. But only wounded, the plan is to have Warren appear as a ghost to get a confession from Kent.
The Mine with the Iron Door
Garage Man
Having acquired the controlling interest in the Eureka Discovery Corporation for five-hundred dollars, and selling half of it to a detective for two-hundred dollars, Bob Harvey sets off with his new partner to find the buried treasure of San Capello---with very strange consequences.
Rogue of the Range
Sheriff Tom
Doran and the Sheriff have a scheme to bring in an outlaw gang. Doran is sent to prison so he and the gang leader Mitchell can break out. This gets him into the gang but he is in trouble when it's revealed he is working with the Sheriff.
Song of the Trail
A cowboy realizes too late that his girlfriend's father had been cheated out of everything in a crooked card game. He sets out to get revenge on the crooks.
The Kid Ranger
Ranger Ray plans to marry stage driver Bill Mason's daughter Mary, but there are problems ahead....
Timber War
John, a logger
The owners of a lumber mill hire an investigator to find out who is sabotaging their mill.