Lee Shumway

Lee Shumway

Рождение : 1884-03-04, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Смерть : 1959-01-04


Lee Shumway


Bartender with White Sideburns (uncredited)
Городок Дейдвуд в штате Дакота славится своим мужским населением. Здесь проживают солдаты, бойскауты, разведчики новых земель, фермеры-ковбои, и все эти веселые парни любят выпить крепкий виски и пострелять из своих кольтов. Среди них обитала и бестия Джейн, считающая себя девушкой-скаутом, которая ничем не хуже мужчин. Она ловчее и смелее многих местных забияк, а её кнут и револьвер проучат любого нахала. Однажды Джейн на спор с мужчинами вызывается привести из далекого Чикаго настоящую Приму варьете, но, не разобрав, кто есть кто, привозит её костюмершу Кэти. Однако мужчины городка в восторге от нового личика и каждый готов отдать Кэти своё сердце! Джейн, чтобы избавить певицу от назойливых поклонников, берет шефство над Кэти и приглашает пожить у себя в хижине. Певица и «гроза ухажеров» становятся неразлучными подругами. Девушка-скаут даже не осознает, что ждет её впереди — ведь именно с этой минуты начнется её перевоспитание из грубой девицы в настоящую леди…
Trigger, Jr.
Evil Grant Withers lets a killer horse loose to ruin valuable horses on nearby ranches. He hopes to shake down the ranchers for his "protection". Roy tracks down the bad guys, but is suddenly trapped by them. Peter Miles, a boy terrified of horses, overcomes his fear and rides for help to save the day.
Buffalo Bill Rides Again
Steve Harrington
Produced by Jack Schwartz for low-budget company Screen Guild, this mild Western starring the veteran Richard Arlen was apparently the first entry in a proposed series. Arlen played the title role, here assigned by the army to quell an Indian attack on the powerless settlers. The Indians are accusing Tom Russell (John Dexter) of murdering a member of the tribe, an act, as Buffalo Bill discovers, actually committed by a gang of outlaws hired by investment company owner J.B. Jordon (Frank O'Connor). Buffalo Bill Rides Again was soundly defeated by a low budget and slipshod direction by the veteran Bernard B. Ray. Popular B-Western villain Ted Adams disappeared mysteriously halfway through the film, only to be replaced by Edmund Cobb. Jennifer Holt, the daughter of Arlen contemporary Jack Holt and by far the busiest B-Western heroine of the 1940s, had little to do other than letting herself be kidnapped by evil Gil Patric.
Buck Privates Come Home
Bank Guard #1 (uncredited)
Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
The Magnificent Rogue
A serviceman returns home at the end of WWII to discover his wife has become the head of her own very successful advertising agency. Comedy.
Angel on My Shoulder
Bailiff (uncredited)
The Devil arranges for a deceased gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life.
Roll on Texas Moon
Ned Barnes
To get the Delaney ranch Cole's henchman Anders has started a phony range war between the cattlemen and sheepmen. After killing Delaney, he tries to kill his daughter Jill and then Roy who was sent to investigate the war. But the failed attempts gives Roy the information he needs.
Потерянный уик-энд
Guard (uncredited)
"Лучший кинофильм" 1945 года не утратил ни своей остроты, ни силы воздействия на зрителя, безжалостно анализируя влияние алкоголизма. По иронии судьбы этот блестящий фильм Билли Уайлдера был допущен лишь к ограниченному показу, потому что не вызвал заинтересованности во время предварительных просмотров. Всё дело в том, что публика просто не ожидала такого жёсткого реализма от Голливуда. Со временем картина была признана одним из самых великих драматических произведений в истории кинематографа. Писатель, которого играет Рэй Милланд, одержим жаждой успеха и недоволен своей жизнью. Недовольство загоняет его в трёхдневный саморазрушительный запой. Фильм, награждённый несколькими премиями Academy Award, полон захватывающих образов из жизни человека, находящегося на грани нервного срыва.
An Angel Comes To Brooklyn
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
An angel returns to Earth to help a Broadway producer put on a show, so a struggling young actress will have a job.
Дорога в Утопию
Policeman (uncredited)
Два исполнителя музыкальных номеров решают отправиться на Аляску с целью, как вы понимаете, сделать состояние. Во время путешествия на корабле они находят карту указывающую путь к золоту, которую потеряли два головореза, МакГурк и Сперрай. Они, в свою очередь, украли карту у законной наследницы её составителя. Замаскировавшись под головорезов, артисты отправляются на поиски золота, а настоящие бандиты идут по их следу...
Oregon Trail
Captain Street - U. P. Detective
Hoping to find a fortune in stolen gold bullion, railroad detective Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) goes undercover as an outlaw to infiltrate the gang responsible, but winds up being hired as the sheriff of Gunsight by town founder George Layton (Frank Jaquet).
Сердце побережья Бэрбери
Ковбой из штата Монтана Дюк Фергус приезжает в Сан-Франциско, чтобы получить долг в пятьсот долларов за черную лошадь. Его должником оказывается владелец казино "Эльдорадо" - Тито Морелл. Получив свои деньги, парень не спешит домой, он решает первый раз в жизни сыграть на деньги в карты, кости и рулетку, тем более учительницей в этих новых играх для него стала обворожительная Энн - певица из местного варьете. На удивление всей публике новичку начинает бешено везти: он выигрывает на всех столах и получает десять тысяч. Парню невдомек, что все игры подстроены, а Энн - лучшая подруга хозяина заведения. Жажда наживы и алкоголь делают свое дело, он проигрывает все и остается должен. Вернувшись в Монтану, Дюк продает стадо и берет уроки карточной игры у профессионального игрока по прозвищу "Вольф". Его цель - разорить Морелла...
Circumstantial Evidence
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Майор Чик Дэвис демонстрирует армии США достоинства высотного прицельного бомбометания, с помощью нового высокотехнологичного прицела, а так же организовывает школу бомбардиров. Тренировки показаны в полудокументальном стиле, скрашенном драматическими моментами из личной жизни и учебных будней курсантов.
Dead Man's Gulch
Fred Beecher
When the Pony Express disbands, riders Tennessee and Johnny head for Adobe Wells. Tennessee becomes the Deputy Marshal while Johnny joins an outlaw gang. It's not long before Tennessee catches Johny attempting murder. As Johhnny is his best friend, he gives him another chance. But to no avail as Johnny murders a man and this time Tennessee must do his duty.
Вне закона
Card Dealer (uncredited)
Док Холлидей идёт по следам человека, укравшего его любимую лошадь. Они приводят его в городок Линкольн штата Нью-Мексико, где шерифом только что избран старинный друг Дока Пэт Гарретт. Хозяин местного бара даёт им наводку, и они находят лошадь. А с ней и Билли Кида, которому она приглянулась. Но вопреки принципам Док не стремится расквитаться с молодым парнем, и дальше они следуют вместе, беспрестанно ссорясь из-за лошади и своей горячности. После вынужденного убийства, совершённого Билли, шериф хочет его арестовать, но Док отказывается помогать и встаёт на сторону нового приятеля. Однако Гарретту случайно удаётся подстрелить Билли, и Холлидей укрывает его в хижине своей девушки, индианки-полукровки Рио...
Dawn on the Great Divide
Joe Wallace - Railroad Official
Buck Roberts is leading a wagon train of railroad supplies and Jim Corkle and his henchman Loder are out to stop them by using white men dressed as Indians for the attacks.
The Secret Code
Police Dispatcher
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Priorities on Parade
Band leader Johnny Draper auditions his band, the Dixie Pixies, at the Eagle Aircraft Co., hoping to be hired to play for the workers in the plant. However, personnel manager E. V. Hartley can only offer them regular jobs, and when Johnny inspires the Dixie Pixies to work in the plant, lead singer and dancer Donna D'Arcy leaves the band for a singing job at the Club Martel in downtown Los Angeles.
Come on Danger
When a woman turns outlaw, she is suspected of murder.
Jesse James, Jr.
Banker Tom Perry
Though Don "Red" Barry is the star of Jesse James, Jr., he plays a character named Johnny Barrett. The scene is a small western town, lacking telegraph service. Every time the locals try to set up communications with the Outside World, they are thwarted by an outlaw gang.
Arizona Terrors
Sheriff Wilcox
A crooked gambler poses as a descendant of a noble Spanish family has successfully secured court validation of a counterfeit land grant, and proceeds to drive out ranchers already settled on the land with high taxes, road tolls and violent tactics. A pair of horse sellers pitch in to help a customer, his daughter, and the other "tenant" ranchers after being roughed up by toll collectors when they refuse to pay the assessed toll.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Forbidden Trails
Card Player
Two ex-cons plan to kill the range rider marshal who sent them to prison and, when their plan fails, join forces with their former boss, a crooked saloon owner who has the same idea.
I Killed That Man
The Bartender (uncredited)
A condemned inmate's premature death places officials under suspicion.
King of the Texas Rangers
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
Honky Tonk
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
No Greater Sin
J.C. Jarvis
The dangers of the dread venereal disease syphilis are depicted in this earnest drama from the 1940s. The story centers upon an intrepid health commissioner who is out to get rid of the tawdry hookers responsible for spreading the disease.
Under Fiesta Stars
Arthur Sloan
Rodeo champ Gene Autry inherits half interest in both a ranch and a mine that provides steady employment for the surrounding rancheros. Unfortunately, the other half goes to Easterner Barbara Erwin (Carol Hughes), who is only interested in monetary remuneration. To convince Gene to buy her share, Barbara enters into an unholy alliance with unscrupulous attorneys Arnold (Ivan Miller) and Fry (Sam Flint), who, without their client's consent, hire a gang of thugs headed by Tommick (John Merton). When a ranchero (Elias Gamboa) is mortally wounded in the ensuing gun battle, Barbara sees the error of her way and switches sides.
Wide Open Town
Bartender Sandy
Belle Langtry runs a town being taken over by cattle rustlers. She is also a front for the outlaws, who are led by Steve Fraser. Hoppy gets elected sheriff and cleans up the town with help from the Bar 20 boys.
Murder by Invitation
Eric, the groundsman
The relatives of a rich old woman unsuccessfully try to have her declared insane, so they can divide up her money. To show them that there are no hard feelings, she invites them to her estate for the weekend so she can decide to whom she actually will leave her money when she dies. Soon, however, family members begin turning up dead.
West Point Widow
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Ride on Vaquero
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
Two Gun Sheriff
Sheriff at Cantina
A notorious outlaw is recruited by a cattle buyer, secret boss of a gang of cattle rustlers, to impersonate the town sheriff, who is the outlaw's twin brother; and complications ensue, as the sheriff, now a hostage, is on the eve of his marriage while the outlaw's cantina-dancer girlfriend has followed him to town and is at risk of exposing him.
Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
Andy Walker
A young mining engineer sets out to catch the killers of both his brother and a beautiful young girl's father.
Prairie Pioneers
It is 1853 and settlers are pouring into California which means trouble for the old Spanish landowners. The El Dorado Mine Co. wants the land of Don Ortega for the minerals and is using the settlers and his friend Don Carlos to take the land over. But Tucson is on the side of Roberto and see's that something is not right with all the trouble they have been having. But the situation turns ugly for Don Ortega when Roberto is set up for a murder he did not commit.
Ridin' on a Rainbow
When the showboat hits town, two men use the parade as a distraction to rob the bank. Their accomplice is Pop, the clown from the showboat. He leaves the money on the boat and tells his daughter Patsy to bring it to him at a later stop on the river. Gene's investigation of a bank robbery takes him to the showboat where he becomes a performer. Gene and Frog try to find the money while helping Patsy and her father.
Долгий путь домой
Dock Policeman
История интернациональной команды груженного боеприпасами парохода «Гленкэрн», который в начале второй мировой войны в одиночку, без кораблей военного эскорта отправился из США в Англию.
The Gay Caballero
Stage Driver
The Cisco Kid and his buddy Gordito arrive in town and learn that Cisco is supposedly dead. Not only that: Before his death, he is believed to have attempted to steal Susan Wetherby's land.
Бригхэм Янг
Mob Member
Фильм рассказывает историю нескольких лет жизни Бригхэма Янга — американского религиозного деятеля, второго президента Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней (широкой публике известной как секта мормонов) и основателя города Солт-Лейк-Сити. Повествование начинается с 1844 года. После убийства Джозефа Смита — основателя религии мормонов и движения Святых последних дней, Бригхэм решает взять на себя руководство церковью и не дать только организовавшейся пастве разойтись в разные стороны. Именно он, после начатой травли мормонов властями США, стал инициатором «великого переселения» мормонов на запад 1846-47 гг. Под его руководством Мормоны дошли до Мексики, где и основали город Солт-Лейк-Сити, ставшей их столицей. В 1851 году президентом США Миллардом Филлмором, Бригхэм был назначен губернатором Юты.
Public Deb No. 1
When a waiter gives a society girl a public spanking for attending a Communist rally, her soup-tycoon uncle makes the waiter a vice-president of his company.
Dance, Girl, Dance
Policeman (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien is an aspiring ballerina in a dance troupe. Also in the company is Bubbles, a brash mantrap who leaves the struggling troupe for a career in burlesque. When the company disbands, Bubbles gives Judy a thankless job as her stooge. The two eventually clash when both fall for the same man.
Flowing Gold
Guard (uncredited)
In the American oilfields, a fugitive from justice's destiny is intertwined with the fortunes and the misfortunes of a small oil company that hires him as a roughneck.
Dr. Christian Meets the Women
A conman arrives in town trying to sell his miracle methods of weight loss to the ladies. It's left to the good Dr. Christian to expose this fake and save a fragile young girl's life.
Великий МакГинти
Mike - Cop (uncredited)
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
Deadwood Dick
Committeman Bentley
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Johnny Apollo
Guard in Warden's Office (uncredited)
Wall Street broker Robert Cain, Sr., is jailed for embezzling. His college graduate son Bob then turns to crime to raise money for his father's release. As assistant to mobster Mickey Dwyer, then falls for Dwyer's girl Lucky. He winds up in the same prison as his father.
Гроздья гнева
Deputy (uncredited)
После тюремного срока за убийство, Том Джоад возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, которое к тому времени полностью разорилось и прибывает в запустении. В отсутствие какой-либо перспективы найти работу в засушливой Оклахоме, вся семья собирает свой скарб и отправляется на «землю обетованную» — в Калифорнию. Но трудный путь и тяжкие условия не приносят искомой надежды, и даже единство семьи подвергается испытанию, одному из многих, с которыми приходится сталкиваться.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Police Lieutenant Corrigan at Wax Museum
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
The Shadow
Frank Milford
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Capt. Williams
Усилия армии по захвату вождя апачей Джеронимо, который возглавляет группу воинов в набегах и убийствах, затруднены ссорой между двумя офицерами - отцом и сыном.
Другой тонкий человек
Policeman (uncredited)
Третий фильм из серии приключений Ника и Норы. В этот раз они (вместе с терьером Аста и их годовалым сыном Никки — младшим) вновь отправляются в Нью-Йорк, чтобы спокойно провести отпуск. Их приглашает загород на уик-енд полковник МакФэй, богатый промышленник, которому срочно требуются услуги Ника. Полковнику угрожает некий Фил Черч, и, когда полковника все-таки убивают, Черч становится главным подозреваемым. Однако Ник уверен, что все не так просто, как кажется…
Dust Be My Destiny
Policeman (uncredited)
Embittered after serving time for a burglary he did not commit, Joe Bell is soon back in jail, on a prison farm. His love for the foreman's daughter leads to a fight between them, leading to the older man's death due to a weak heart. Joe and Mabel go on the run as he thinks no-one would believe a nobody like him.
Thunder Afloat
Sailor (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
Hotel Imperial
Russian Officer (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
The Return of the Cisco Kid
Brings in Rustler
In Arizona a young woman who's being manipulated by an evil businessman is helped by the Cisco Kid who happens to be there on holiday.
The Night Riders
Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Давайте жить
Warden's Attendant (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Homicide Bureau
Police Switchboard Operator
After being criticized by the Citizens' League for his inability to cope with a crime wave, Police Captain Haines orders his men in the Homicide Bureau to clean up all their cases, but without violating the constitutional rights of any suspect. Detective Jim Logan is ordered to meet the incoming new-head of the Police Department lab and internal affairs, J.G. Bliss, and takes an instant dislike to her over her attitude toward criminal's rights.
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Juvenile Court
Policeman (uncredited)
Public Defender Gary Franklin, frustrated by being unable to save criminal Dutch Adams from a death sentence by blaming the slums environment as the cause of Dutch's crimes, enlists the aid of Dutch's sister, Marcia Adams, to get the slum dwellers at appeal for public monies to provide recreational places for the slum kids.
Painted Desert
Bart Currie
A cowboy and a bandit face off over possession of a valuable mine.
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
One Wild Night
Cop (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
Over the Wall
Prison Guard
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
Women in Prison
The superintendent of a women's prison is pressured to pardon a member of a criminal gang. When she refuses, her daughter is framed on a manslaughter charge and sent to prison.
Уэллс Фарго
История из времен создания знаменитой банковской компании "Уэллс Фарго" в 1850-х годах: погонщик дилижансов, период от "золотой лихорадки" в Калифорнии до Гражданской войны, разумеется, немного авторских домыслов, и всё в одном флаконе. "Вместе они покорят континент! Его жизнь - в череде увлекательных приключений, которые в результате соединят в одно целое страну, а она готова разделить эти приключения с человеком, которого любит!
Outlaws of the Prairie
Ranger Captain MacMillan
Charles Starrett plays two-fisted frontiersman Dart Collins in this slick Columbia "B" western. Collins wants to find out who's behind a series of gold-shipment robberies. So does heroine Judy Garfield (Iris Meredith), whose stage transport business faces foreclosure if the holdups continue. It comes as no surprise that the crimes are being orchestrated by the very people who want to force Judy out of business.
Blossoms On Broadway
Cop (uncredited)
A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.
Night Club Scandal
When Dr. Ernest Tindal's wife is murdered, evidence mounts to convict her lover, Frank Marian. But Frank knows he didn't do it.....
Hollywood Round-Up
While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.
Love Is on the Air
A newscaster gets demoted for exposing the town's criminal activities over the airwaves.
Black Aces
When Len Stoddard wins Ted Ames ranch in a poker game he sends his brother Jake along with Ted to take over the ranch. When Jake is found murdered he offers a reward for the capture of Ted who now is believed to be a member of the Black Aces gang. Ted finds the probable location of the gang's hideout and sets out to clear himself.
Yacht Captain
The fourth and last of the George A. Hirliman-produced films starring George O'Brien (preceded by "Daniel Boone", "Park Avenue Logger" and "Hollywood Cowboy") that were distributed by RKO Radio. Hirliman sold O'Brien's contract to RKO, which then produced 18 series westerns starring O'Brien that ended when O'Brien went into the Navy at the outbreak of WW II. Long-time (past and future) O'Brien director David Howard served as Hirliman's Associate Producer on this film. "Windjammer" finds O'Brien as a subpoena server ordered to serve a subpoena on Brandon Evans (The Commondore) for a senate inquiry or lose his job. Posing as a playboy, he boards the Commodore's yacht during a yacht race, and the yacht is wrecked by a gun-running windjammer commanded by Captain Morgan (William Hall.) All hands are picked up by the windjammer, including the Commodore's daughter (played by Constance Worth, at her blonde, plumpish best) and put to work as galley slaves.
Girls Can Play
Police Captain
The Hollywood Post's sports writer, Jimmy Jones (Charles Quigley), yearns to be a crime reporter, and thus looks for foul play on even the most routine assignments. In writing a piece about a girl's softball team, Jimmy discovers that their sponsor, Foy Harris (John Gallaudet), is a notorious racketeer who has supposedly gone straight. Jimmy suspects Foy is still up to no good. He begins hanging around the team to do a bit of snooping, and also to be near the cute new pitcher, Ann Casey (Jacqueline Wells).
Hollywood Cowboy
Just after Kramer goes to Wyoming to start his protection racket, cowboy actor Jeff Carson finishes a picture and goes camping. Attracted to Joyce Butler, he hires on at her ranch and quickly gets caught up in Butler's conflict with Kramer. When the Butlers refuse to buy his service, he has their cattle stampeded.
Left-Handed Law
Pecos Brown
An army colonel tries to bring peace to a lawless community.
Классный парень
Mike (Uncredited)
Джон Грин — старший чиновник палаты мер и весов лежит в больнице, после того как попал в автомобильную аварию. Его навещает коллега Джонни Кэйв. Грин делится с ним своими предположениями о том, что авария подстроена бандой некого Всемогущего Кевена. Джонни просит молодого человека занять его должность в палате мер и весов, чтобы вывести на чистую воду негодяев, подстроивших аварию, но Грин предупреждает, что банде покровительствует кто-то из правительства и, зная вспыльчивый характер парня, умоляет не пускать без причины в ход кулаки. Кэйву предстоит единолично начать борьбу с владельцами магазинов и складов, которые обвешивают покупателей при помощи хитроумных уловок и приспособлений, ведь потери только за один год для граждан и государства, от деятельности этих непорядочных бизнесменов, составляет приличную сумму, равную оборонному бюджету страны…
Killer at Large
Police Captain (uncredited)
A master of disguise poses as a wax figure to rob a safe of its jewels.
Sworn Enemy
Railroad Yard Cop (uncredited)
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Detective Flanagan (uncredited)
Dinner party guests become murder suspects when an extortionist they all hated turns up dead.
Detective (uncredited)
A struggling young engineer, Bob Sanderson, refuses to marry the very-rich Edith Stuart until he can support her on his own earnings. He goes to work for her father as a messenger in the telegraph business, and, via his engineering skills, discovers a plot to kidnap Edith.
And Sudden Death
An heiress with a penchant for speeding runs afoul of a traffic cop. Romance develops between the two, but it's soon complicated when he believes she is responsible for killing someone due to reckless driving.
Go-Get-'Em, Haines
John Graham, posing as Frank Marion
Reporter Steve Haines, on the trail of a business tycoon, follows his subject onto an ocean liner and gets wound up in a cruise full of intrigue, romance and murder.
Мистер Дидс переезжает в город
Bailiff (uncredited)
Лонгфеллоу Дидс, деревенщина из Вермонта, наследует огромное состояние своего дяди и за одну ночь становится известен всей стране. Весь городок собирается на вокзале, чтобы проводить Дидса, поэта, играющего на трубе, в Нью-Йорк, где он должен вступить во владение дядюшкиным капиталом и переехать в огромный особняк. Циничный газетчик МакУэйд не верит в имидж простого честного человека, созданный Дидсу в прессе. Он поручает красавице Бэйб Беннетт взять у парня интервью и дает ей недвусмысленные инструкции. Журналистка притворяется, что теряет сознание у входа в особняк. Галантный Дидс поднимает ее на руки, заботится. Она сообщает ему, что осталась без работы и постепенно начинает вытягивать информацию…
Road Gang
Mone Guard (uncredited)
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Робин Гуд из Эльдорадо
В 1848 году на лесопилке Саттера в Калифорнии нашли золото. Началась Золотая Лихорадка. Страну наводнили американские проходимцы, жадные до быстрой наживы. Проживавшим в Калифорнии мексиканцам пришлось несладко. Их сгоняли с родных земель, грабили, убивали. Когда несчастья коснулись Хоакина Мурьеты и его родных, он встал на путь жестокого мщения. Калифорния наполнилась криками умирающих американцев. Золотоискатели волей-неволей объединились, чтобы истребить Хоакина и его мексиканцев.
Song of the Trail
A cowboy realizes too late that his girlfriend's father had been cheated out of everything in a crooked card game. He sets out to get revenge on the crooks.
Love on a Bet
Man at Hutchinson's Meeting
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
The Preview Murder Mystery
Chief of Police
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Ghost Town
Boss Morrell
An old miner is ambushed by outlaws trying to steal the $10,000 he is carrying to start up a new mine. A passing cowboy comes to the miner's aid, but winds up getting blamed for the attack.
Frisco Waterfront
As California gubernatorial candidate Burton is about to cast his vote a truck crashes into the polling booth, critically injuring him and his opponent. A flashback traces his career from unemployed veteran to dockworker to lawyer. A side thread traces his tortured relationship with his wife.
In Person
Studio Representative
Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.
The Ivory-Handled Gun
Henchman Pete
Buck Ward and the Wolverine Kid, who each own one of the ivory handled guns, continue the feud started by their fathers.
Little Big Shot
Police Announcer
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
Outlawed Guns
Henchman Blacky Bates
Outlawed Guns stars Buck Jones as Reece Rivers, the nice-guy older brother of headstrong Babe Rivers. When Babe gets mixed up with outlaws, Reece loyally takes the rap. Eventually Babe pays for his recklessness with his life, but not before leading Reece to the film's head bad guy, gambler Jack Keeler.
Branded a Coward
Tom Hume
Safely from behind some shrubbery, Johnny Hume, a boy of 6 or 7, witnesses the slaughter of his mother, father and brother by the guns of a gang led by "the Cat". Twenty years later finds Johnny grown to manhood, an expert bronc rider and target shooter - but paralyzed with fearful memories in an actual gunfight. This is brought home to him when some outlaws stick up the local saloon and Johnny ends up cowering behind the bar.
The Mystery Man
Plainclothes Man
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle's problems only multiply. In the meantime, he's also fallen in love with a comely stranger (Maxine Doyle) he convinced to impersonate his wife.
The Mysterious Mr. Wong
Steve Brandon
Mr. Wong is a "harmless" Chinatown shopkeeper by day and relentless blood-thirsty pursuer of the Twelve Coins of Confucius by night. With possession of the coins, Mr. Wong will be supreme ruler of the Chinese province of Keelat, and his evil destiny will be fulfilled. A killing spree follows in dark and dangerous Chinatown as Wong gets control of 11 of the 12 coins. Reporter Jason Barton and his girl Peg are hot on his trail, but soon find themselves in serious trouble when they stumble onto Wong's headquarters.
A Notorious Gentleman
A lawyer sets out to commit the perfect murder.
Million Dollar Baby
A husband-and-wife vaudeville team disguise their young son as a girl so he can enter a contest run by a movie studio that's looking for "a new Shirley Temple".
Girl o' My Dreams
A conceited college track star, used to being "big man on campus", gets a jolt when he loses an election to see who is the most popular man in the school.
Rocky Rhodes
Henchman Stark
Rocky Rhodes returns to find his father dead and his best friend Joe accused of the murder. The culprit is Murtch who now lets Joe break jail and then has him shot escaping. When Rocky starts to interfere with Murtch's plans, he has Rocky framed for murder. Rocky now has to prove Murtch is guilty while escaping the law.
Он был ее мужчиной
A safecracker goes straight after doing a stretch for a bum rap. He agrees to do one last job for his "pals".
Тонкий человек
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
В канун рождества убита секретарша богатого изобретателя Ваната. Все подозрения падают на него потому, что полиция не может найти профессора в городе. Девушка по имени Дороти Винант приходит в дом к сыщику Нику Чарльзу, человеку, который уже четвертый год отошел от дел. Дороти рассказывает, что это она убила секретаршу, но детектив не верит ей. Он понимает, что девушка пробует взять всю вину на себя. Решив помочь несчастной, он, бросив все дела, начинает раскручивать очень запутанный клубок фактов и обстоятельств.
Манхэттенская мелодрама
Policeman (uncredited)
Эдвард Гэллахер и Джим Уэй дружили с детства. Вступив во взрослую жизнь, каждый пошёл своей дорогой. Гэллахер становится бандитом и вымогателем, а Уэйд, заняв пост окружного прокурора, мечтает о губернаторской должности. Уэйд благодаря Гэллахеру её получает, но какую цену друзья должны за это заплатить.
A Very Honorable Guy
First Cop
Well respected local good guy, "Feet" Samuels finds himself heavily in debt due to an uncharacteristic gambling binge. Feet decides the only way to settle the bill is by selling his body to an ambitious doctor who agrees to allow him one last month to live life to the fullest, then kill himself.
Lazy River
Ex-convicts try to stop a Chinese smuggling ring.
Mystery of the Wax Museum
Policeman (Uncredited)
The disappearance of people and corpses leads a reporter to a wax museum and a sinister sculptor.
Central Park
Al, Police Lieutenant (uncredited)
Two destitute New Yorkers meet cute in Central Park and then separate and independently get tangled up with some gangsters only to be reunited again in the end.
Я – беглый каторжник
Arresting Officer (uncredited)
Ветеран Джеймс Аллен отказывается вернуться на старую фабрику и постепенно деградирует. Случайно он оказывается вовлеченным в ограбление. После этого он попадает на каторгу…
Chet Jarvis
A rancher is arrested for murdering his young partner's grandfather, but he escapes to try to prove his innocence.
Вдова из Чикаго
Johnston (Credits) / Chris Johnson
A woman infiltrates a criminal mob to avenge her brother's death.
The Santa Fe Trail
The Santa Fe Trail (1930)
Sweet Mama
A young girl falls in love with a member of a gang of crooks. She determines to bring the rest of the gang to justice so she can save the man she loves.
Show Girl in Hollywood
Broadway actress leaves New York to become a star in Hollywood, and succeeds despite sleazy directors and her own ego.
The Lone Defender
Amos Harkey
A prospector is murdered by The Cactus Kid and his gang, who hope to find the murdered man's goldmine. The miner's dog, Rin-Tin-Tin, recognizes the killers, who thereafter seek to use the dog to locate the lost mine. With the help of a government agent and a young girl, Rinty saves the mine and brings the bad guys to justice.
The Lone Star Ranger
Henchman Red Cane
After shooting a man in self-defense, Buck Duane finds himself accused of many crimes, none of which he committed. In order to prove his innocence, he joins the Texas Rangers, and also hopes to win the approval and hand of Mary Aldridge, a girl from the East. He is assigned to round up a gang of cattle rustlers who are, unknown by Mary. led by her father.
So This Is College
Scheming coed Babs comes between college buddies Eddie and Biff.
Night Parade
Sid Durham
Bobby Martin, a young middleweight champion boxer, is an honest and decent fighter. However, a dishonest but beautiful woman uses every trick to ensnare him.
Col. Winslow
A young Acadian woman spends years searching for her lost love after the two are separated and forcibly relocated by the British.
Queen of the Night Clubs
Irked by the success of a brassy nightclub owner. her rivals set out to drive her out of business, and frame her for a murder in the bargain.
The Son of the Golden West
Tom Hardy (Tom Mix), a pony express rider, is carrying government gold in a coach to Wassatch accompanied by Alice Calhoun (Sharon Lynn) , the daughter of the US telegraph survey station. The gold is to pay for the US Telegraph Survey and it is to be delivered to the survey chief, Jim Calhoun (Thomas Lingham). The coach is attacked by bandits led by the Slade (Duke Lee) and Kane (Mark Hamilton).
The Great Mail Robbery
Philip Howard
Veteran serial director George B. Seitz keeps things perpetually on the move in The Great Mail Robbery. Theodore von Eltz stars as Marine lieutenant Donald Macready, assigned by his commanding officer to squelch a train-robbery gang. Going undercover, Macready infiltrates the gang and monitors their every move.
Outlaws of Red River
Mr. Torrence (prologue)
As a boy, Tom Morley, was forced to watch the killings of his foster parents and the abduction of his foster sister. When he reaches manhood he joins the Texas Rangers and becomes very good at tracking down outlaws; whereby, he is given the nickname "The Falcon". He finally tracks down his long lost foster sister who has become a spy for the outlaws.
Let It Rain
Marine Captain
Let-It-Rain Riley (MacLean) is a devil-may-care Marine sergeant who falls in love with a girl (Shirley Mason) who he assumes to be rich. His rival for the girl's affection is his pal, Kelly (Wade Boteler). The guys find out that the object of their affections is but a modest switchboard operator but she proves to be invaluable when she deciphers a code and discovers that a mail train is about to be robbed.
The Last Trail
Sheriff Joe Pascal
The robberies on Jasper Carrol's stages have been so frequent that the stage line plans to hold a stagecoach race with the winner getting the new contract. Tom foils Cal Barker's attempt to kill him and gets a confession from him that Kurt Morley is behind the robberies. But first Tom must win the race for Carrol although Morley's stages have him greatly outnumbered.
One Minute to Play
Tex Rogers
"Red" Wade, a star high-school football player, has intentions of going to Claxton College, which has a powerhouse football team, but changes his mind when he meets the sister of the pitiful Paramlee team and goes to college there, just as his father, an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Wade, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton. This puts "Red" between a rock and a hard place.
The Bat
The Unknown
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.
The Checkered Flag
Ray Barton
Wallace MacDonald as a car mechanic who invents a revolutionary new carburetor. To prove the efficiency of his creation, MacDonald enters an important auto race. It soon develops that our hero is in direct competition with a car owned by Lionel Belmore, the father of his girl friend Elaine Hammerstein.
The Man from Red Gulch
Jack Lasham
In the days of the California Gold Rush of '49, Sandy is at odds with his partner, Falloner, over the latter's heavy drinking.
The Bad Lands
Capt. Blake
Patrick Angus O'Toole is a military officer assigned to investigate a gang of gunrunners operating near Fort Sumner in the Dakota Bad Lands. At the fort, O'Toole comes to the aid of Mary Owen, who is being harassed by Captain Blake. The irate Blake gives Mary's cowardly brother, Hal, 24 hours to pay his gambling debt. In desperation, Hal robs the Pony Express, a crime for which O'Toole is arrested.
The Air Mail
Russ Kane obtains work as a pilot in the airmail service with the purpose of robbing the mails. However, during his training period at the Reno field, he becomes imbued with the spirit of the service and dedicates himself to getting the mail through.
The Vagabond Trail
Lord Nick (as L.C. Shumway)
Searching for his wayward brother, saddle tramp Donnegan (Buck Jones) gets in trouble with a bully and is thrown off a freight train
The Yankee Consul
Purser of S.S. President (as L.C. Shumway)
A whale of a comedy thriller. It's a Niagra of roaring laughter Faster Than the Wind!
The Night Hawk
Our Western star begins this actioner rather improbably, as a New York City gangster. But soon enough he heads for the more comfortable expanse of the open spaces.
The Lone Star Ranger
Lawson (as L.C. Shumway)
An outlaw named Duane ( Tom Mix ), captured by the Texas Rangers, is promised a pardon if he rounds up a gang of cattle thieves. The man he suspects as the leader is revealed to be the father of Duane's sweetheart, Helen ( Billie Dove ). Duane captures the gang, gets a pardon for Helen's father, and marries Helen.
The Gunfighter
Joe Benchley
Billy Buell (William Farnum), a stranger involving himself with a long-standing mountain feud. The Benchleys and the Camps have been feuding ever since Lew Camp (J. Morris Foster) learned that his daughter Nellie (Doris May) was stolen by Jacob Benchley (Arthur Morrison) to replace a dead Benchley baby. Buell, who has fallen in love with Nellie, returns her to her mother (Virginia True Boardman). That doesn't sit well with the Benchley clan, who arrive for a final shootout.
Soft Boiled
The Road House Manager
John Steele, a rich uncle, threatens to disinherit his nephew, Tom Steele, unless the latter learns to curb his violent temper. Tom is put on a 30-day trial and must resist all temptation to get mad or fight back no matter how provoked. And he is easily provoked, especially when called a lavender sissy-boy.
John Reeves
A Northwest melodrama about a mining engineer who loses his money gambling in the Yukon.
Brawn of the North
Peter Coe
Brawn, played by Strongheart, rescues a young woman from a snowstorm and a human killer.
Over the Border
Cpl. Byng (as L.C. Shumway)
Jen Galbraith is in love with Sgt. Tom Flaherty of the Royal Mounted. She is the daughter of Peter Galbraith, who is engaged in smuggling moonshine whiskey across the Canadian border. When she tries to warn her father and brother of the approaching police, she is arrested with the entire gang.
Step on It!
Brother of Lorraine Leighton is falsely accused of rustling and murder and shipped off to jail. Desperate, Lorraine enlists the help of rancher Vic Collins and the two track down the real culprit, evil Pidge Walters.
The Deputy's Double Cross
Dick Randall - Deputy Sheriff
A traditional silent western film.
Mark Sloane (as L.C. Shumway)
A society girl goes to live in the woods with her evil uncle and his wicked housekeeper.
The Big Adventure
John Wellborn
Patches, a kind-hearted orphan of the slums, finds life unbearable under the cruel abuse of his stepfather, Old Whiskers, for whose support he is forced to steal. Stowing away in a freight car with his dog, he escapes to a neighboring town where he is given a home by Mrs. Lane, sister of the town judge.
Society Secrets
George (as L.C. Shumway)
Amos Kerran and his wife live a traditional, old-fashioned life on a Connecticut farm, while their son and daughter, Arthur and Maybelle, are successes in New York society. The children want to invite their parents to the city at Christmastime but are ashamed of their unrefined appearance.
The Torrent
Sam Patton (as L.C. Shumway)
Velma is unhappily married to Sam Patton, a millionaire roué. Aboard his yacht bound for the South Seas, Sam pays more attention to his guests than to his wife, and she flees when he attempts to force liquor on her. A sudden paralytic stroke renders him helpless, and she believes him dead. A storm comes up, and Velma is washed ashore on a desert isle. She is later joined by Lieut. Paul Mack, whose hydroplane has run out of fuel. They fall in love, but their idyll is broken when they are captured by a band of moonshiners.
Wanted at Headquarters
Although she is the mastermind of a gang of crooks, Kate Westhanger's talents are unknown to those outside her circle, thus enabling her to infiltrate George Flanbaugh's gold syndicate. While ostensibly working for Flanbaugh, Kate actually is compiling information on a large gold shipment. One day, while working, Kate meets young criminologist Michael Pretherson, and although finding herself attracted to the sleuth, she laughs at his detective work and challenges him to stop her.
When Dawn Came
Dr. John Brandon
A doctor serving the slums questions his faith after transitioning to a position with more prestige and wealth.
The Daredevil
Gilroy Blake (as L.C. Shumway)
When Timothy Atkinson arrives in a rough Western town to become the telegraph operator, the locals peg him as a tenderfoot.
The Speed Maniac
Knockout McCluskey
Billy Porter sells his ranch and travels to San Francisco to try his hand in the business world. But he's barely off the ferryboat before he gets waylaid by a little newsboy and the boy's pugilist father, "Knockout" McClusky.
The Siren's Song
Raoul Nippe
Marie Bernais, a Breton village girl, possesses a wonderful voice which her father believes is a gift from the devil. Raoul Nieppe loves her, but fears marrying below his social status, and his rejection results in a suicide attempt by Marie. She is rescued by Hector Remey who was once a tenor but is now a showman. Because of his assistance, she becomes a famous singer.
Miss Jackie of the Army
Lt. Wilbur
Young Jackie Kernwood, the daughter of the colonel commanding an army post, is bored with the routines of post life, and to break the monotony she organizes a girls' brigade, of which her father disapproves. When the colonel forces her to disband the group, she makes up her mind to run away and become a nurse in the Red Cross. Before she can do that, however, she stumbles across evidence of a spy ring headed by an officer on the post that is plotting to blow up a troop train--and it looks like the chief spy is her boyfriend, Lt. Adair.
The Plow Woman
After her mother's death, Mary not only becomes the household slave of her overbearing father, Scottish American Andy MacTavish but also becomes a mother to her little sister Ruth at their home on the Dakota plains.
The Phantom's Secret
Henry Marston
At the death of Count de Beaulieu, his daughter Jeanne learns that her father had been the arch-criminal known as The Phantom. The only other person who knew her father's identity was his lieutenant, Franz Leroux, who now demands that Jeanne marry him in return for his silence.
The Clash of Steel
Count Stefan
Princess Seraphina, taking her small son, Paul, flees from Yulania to the village of Champ Fleury in Normandy, because of the debauchery of her husband, Prince Feodor. The agent of Saxonia, Count Stefan, calls to convince Feodor he should divorce his wife and marry Princess Sofia Anoria with her fifty million francs, for Saxonia needs Yulania as a buffer state in case of war. Prince Feodor consents and agrees to the conspiracy of the agent to gain reason for divorce.
Perils of the Secret Service
Count Stefan (Episodes #2, 3)
A 9-part movie serial
The Gates of Doom
Francis Duane (as L.C. Shumway)
Indore, an Indian woman married to the English Captain Terence Unger is imprisoned by the prince after she gives birth to a baby daughter named Agatha. On his deathbed, Unger beseeches his friend Francis Duane to care for Agatha which Duane does, returning to England with the infant.
Guilty is a 1916 silent film
The Conspiracy
The Conspiracy is a 1916 silent film
Behind the Lines
The daughter of an American diplomat is forced to spy for Mexican revolutionaries.
Saved from the Harem
Lt. Robert Brice
Ezra Hickman, of Kankakee, is a political aspirant. At a reception in Washington with his wife and daughter Amy he meets the Ambassador of Selim Bey, the ruler of a small European kingdom, Vergania. The Ambassador, seeking an American girl for his ruler, paints a glowing picture of Vergania to Hickman's wife, with the result that she persuades her husband to accept the American Consulate at. Vergania. Amy, the daughter, is enamored of Lieutenant Brice of the U.S. Navy, and reluctantly she agrees to leave him and go with her family.
The Stool Pigeon
Hickey - the Stool Pigeon
Hickey, a contemptible character, acts as a spy for the police, keeping them posted concerning the doings of the crooks with whom he consorts. In return, the police, although they despise him, pay him small sums of money for expenses.
As the Twig Is Bent
George Booth / Herbert Booth (dual role) (as Lee C. Shumway)
L.C. Shumway has a dual role in this action-packed three-reeler. When the Booths divorce, their twin children (both played as adults by Shumway) are separated -- George goes with his mother and becomes a fine, upstanding young man, while Herbert takes after his father's dissolute ways. Both of them wind up serving in the Army and going to the Philippines -- George as an officer and West Point graduate, and Herbert as a lowly enlisted man who soon deserts to becomes the drunken love slave of a native girl.
The Quack
James McDonald aka Slim Jim aka Dr. Reed
James MacDonald, familiarly known as "Slim Jim," who prefers to make a livelihood by stealth rather than by honest endeavor, leaves his wife and young son one evening, and with the assistance of a "pal" succeeds in fleecing a stranger at "Three Card Monte" for a considerable sum.