
Come on Danger (1942)

Texas Ranger Tim handles his toughest assignment in the cause of law and order.

Жанр : вестерн

Время выполнения : 59М

Директор : Edward Killy
Писатель : Norton S. Parker

Краткое содержание

When a woman turns outlaw, she is suspected of murder.


Tim Holt
Tim Holt
Jack Mason
Frances E. Neal
Frances E. Neal
Ann Jordan
Ray Whitley
Ray Whitley
Lee 'Lasses' White
Lee 'Lasses' White
Karl Hackett
Karl Hackett
Ott Ramsey
Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart
Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart
Glenn Strange
Glenn Strange
Henchman Sloan
Evelyn Dockson
Evelyn Dockson
Aunt Fanny
Davison Clark
Davison Clark
Ranger Captain Blake
John Elliott
John Elliott
Slim Whitaker
Slim Whitaker
Kate Harrington
Kate Harrington
Henry Roquemore
Henry Roquemore
Buzz Barton
Buzz Barton
Jordan Rider
Ken Card
Ken Card
1st Banjo Player
Jim Corey
Jim Corey
Frank Ellis
Frank Ellis
Clem Fuller
Clem Fuller
Bud Geary
Bud Geary
Duke Green
Duke Green
John Kellogg
John Kellogg
Frank McCarroll
Frank McCarroll
Bill Nestell
Bill Nestell
Dick Reinhart
Dick Reinhart
Fiddle Player
Ralph Sanford
Ralph Sanford
David Sharpe
David Sharpe
Lee Shumway
Lee Shumway
Max Wagner
Max Wagner
Tough Guy
Jimmy Wakely
Jimmy Wakely
2nd Banjo Player


Edward Killy
Edward Killy
Bennett Cohen
Bennett Cohen
Norton S. Parker
Norton S. Parker
Frederic Knudtson
Frederic Knudtson
Bert Gilroy
Bert Gilroy
Harry J. Wild
Harry J. Wild
Director of Photography
Albert S. D'Agostino
Albert S. D'Agostino
Art Direction
Walter E. Keller
Walter E. Keller
Art Direction


Том Хорн
Появившись в Вайоминге в 1900 году, Том Хорн уже был легендарной личностью. Имя героя было связано с целой вереницей разнообразных подвигов, включая знаменитую поимку великого вождя апачей - Джеронимо. Это был поразительно разносторонний человек, находивший своим удивительным талантам совершенно неожиданные применения: он добывал серебро и прокладывал железные дороги, возил дилижансы и выигрывал чемпионаты по родео, работал агентом Пинкертона и служил в отряде будущего президента США Рузвельта.
Born to the West
Dare Rudd takes a shine to his cattleman cousin Tom's girlfriend who asks Tom to hire Dare to head the big cattle drive. Dare loses the money for the drive to cardsharps, but Tom wins it back, but Dare must save Tom's life.
Красные пески
Событием в жизни маршала Лена Меррика явилась смерть его отца. Когда-то он отказался сопровождать с отцом двоих бандитов, те освободились от наручников и убили отца. Теперь история повторяется. Меррик с двумя помощниками пресекает попытку самосуда над человеком, обвиненным в убийстве. Чтобы осуществить над ним справедливый суд, его надо доставить в Санта Рома, а для этого пересечь каменистую пустыню с полным набором сопутствующих такому переходу лишений. Да, к тому же, отбиваясь от преследователей, тех самых, которые хотели повесить беднягу. Никакие доводы не действуют на Меррика, он решает доставить подозреваемого любой ценой, а все потому, что когда-то не помог отцу. Вот вам и объяснение такой настойчивости. В конечном итоге, подозреваемый окажется не виновен, тем самым Меррик как бы искупает свою вину, а все повествование выстраивается в единую логическую цепь…
The Virginian
Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian," who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian finds that his old pal Steve is mixed up with black-hatted Trampas and his rustlers...then finds himself at the head of a posse after said rustlers; and Molly hates the violent side of frontier life.
События фильма разворачиваются в 1877 году в штате Техас. Ковбой Клэй Хардин задался непростой целью положить конец бесчинствам Роя Стюарта, главаря банды воров, которые угоняют скот у ранчеро. Борьба происходит не только с бандитами, но и в его сердце - Хардин полюбил Жанну Старр, певицу из принадлежащего его врагу салуна.
The Last of the Clintons
Cowboy infiltrates an outlaw gang to expose their rackets, but after he's ordered to kidnap a young girl, the gang finds out who he really is.
The Roundup
Originally written as a stage vehicle for corpulent character actor Macklyn Arbuckle, Ernest Day's The Roundup was first filmed in 1920 with Fatty Arbuckle (no relation) in the lead. By the time the film was remade in 1941, Arbuckle's character, a roly-poly frontier sheriff named Slim (!), was refashioned as a supporting role, with Jack Benny's radio announcer Don Wilson essaying the part. The plot, however, remained fairly intact: Upon hearing that her fiance Greg (Preston Foster) has been killed, Janet (Patricia Morison) agrees to marry rancher Steve (Richard Dix) on the rebound. On the day of the wedding, who should show up but Greg, determined to raise as much Hell as humanly possible
Outlaws of the Panhandle
Outlaws of the Pandhandle was the last of Charles Starrett's "formula" westerns for Columbia: hereafter, Starrett would be seen only in the guise of frontier medico Steven Monroe or masked do-gooder The Durango Kid. For the moment, however, the star is cast as Jim Endicott, bound and determined to put an end to the underhanded activities of gin-mill operator Faro Jack Vaughn (Norman Willis). The villain's strategy is to get the local cowpunchers tanked up on rotgut that they'll prove to be easy pickings for a gang of rustlers-and will be unable to complete work on a railroad spur which will bypass the outlaws' hideaway.
Law of the West
For revenge the outlaw Morgan steals the Carruthers young son. Seventeen years later Carruthers arrives in the valley where Morgan, his gang, and the now grown Bob hide. After Morgan shoots Tracy, he tells Bob that Carruthers did it and sends Bob out after him. But unknown to Bob, Morgan has put blanks in his gun.
The Mysterious Avenger
Texas Ranger Ranny Maitland's father is feuding with his neighbor Lockhart. Pretending to be on Lockhart's side in the feud, Ranny goes to investigate. Meanwhile is father is murdered and Lockhart arrested.
Come on Danger
When a woman turns outlaw, she is suspected of murder.
Knights of the Range
Russell Hayden, taking a break from playing Hopalong Cassidy pictures, stars as Renn Frayne, a college-educated youth heading westward who finds more than he bargained for. Following a terrifying run-in with an outlaw gang, Frayne aligns himself with the heroine Holly Ripple (Jean Parker), whose father's cattle ranch is in danger of falling into the hands of the villains. Victor Jory as Malcolm Lascallie, the wily gambler,
Stranger from Santa Fe
Burly Johnny Mack Brown once again plays undercover U.S. Marshal Nevada McKenzie in this overly complicated series oater from low-budget Monogram. This time, McKenzie, who goes under the alias of Roy Ferris, is waylaid by would-be stage robber Cy Manning (John Merton) en route to the Bar X Ranch.
Shine On Harvest Moon
A rustler's son (Roy Rogers) courts a rancher's daughter (Mary Hart) during a range war.
Rootin' Tootin' Rhythm
Gene and Frog, out to stop a bunch of cattle rustlers, assume the identities of what they believe to be dead bandits, which soon gets them in big trouble.
Bullet Code
Protecting himself in an attack by rustlers, Rancher Steve Holden believes he has killed one of the attackers, young Bud Mathews, who in reality has warned Holden of the rustlers' approach. Unaware that Mathews was actually killed by rustler boss Cass Barton, Holden heads out to Mathews' home town where he plans to tell the boy's family of his death but instead uncovers a plan by a local businessman to force Mathews' father out of his ranch.
Night Riders of Montana
After being hit by rustlers, a group of Montana ranchers asks the governor to send state rangers for protection. State Ranger Rocky Lane becomes involved in a mystery surrounding a gang of horse rustlers and a young rancher who is blamed falsely for a killing. Lane helps uncover the real killers and unmasks the ringleader of the rustlers.
Silver Stallion
The Kid and his pals are horse thieves wanted by the law. As he takes a horse from Jan Walton she makes him promise to bring it back.
The Stranger From Ponca City
A saddle-weary Steve Larkin, also the Duranko Kid, rides into Red Mound, a town filled with cattle rustlers. Cafe owner Smiley, befriends Steve and fills him in on the activities. Steve angers the rustler's leader, Flip Dugan when he purchases the old Atkins ranch which is supposedly haunted. Flip and his henchmen try to prevent the recording of the deed, but the Durango Kid and Deputy Marshal Tug Carter win the gun battle.
Western Caravans
A caravan of settlers is arriving and the ranchers intend to keep them out. It looks like a range war but Sheriff Jim gets the ranchers to accept the settlers. Kohler re-ignites the feud by making settler Winters appear to be a rustler and then by killing Winter's son. Once more the two sides appear headed for a war and Jim is caught in the middle.