Harry J. Wild

Рождение : 1901-07-05, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1961-02-24


Harry J. Wild, A.S.C. (July 5, 1901 - February 24, 1961) was a film and television cinematographer. Wild worked at RKO Pictures studios from 1931 through the 1950s. In total Wild was involved in 91 major film projects and two extended television series. In 1931, he began his career and was hired as second cameraman and operator on nine projects, most notably Fred Niblo's Young Donovan'a Kid (1931). In 1936, Wild shot his first feature, Wallace Fox's sports drama The Big Game. Two years later he shared an Academy Award nomination for the Republic Pictures film Army Girl (1938). According to film critic Spencer Selby, Wild was a prolific film noir cinematographer, shooting 13 of them, including: Dmytryk's Murder, My Sweet (1944), Johnny Angel (1945), Nocturne (1946), the Jean Renoir-directed The Woman on the Beach (1947), They Won't Believe Me (1947), and others. He was also, in the early 1950s, Jane Russell's cinematographer; he worked on seven of her movies as an actress, three of which were released by other studios: His Kind of Woman (1951) and Son of Paleface (1952) for Paramount, and, his most widely seen movie, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) for Twentieth Century-Fox.


Director of Photography
Вождь монголов Тимучин, который влюблен в дочь татарского вождя Бортай, крадет ее, тем самым ускоряя начало войны. Бортай отвергает Тимучина. Позже, при налете Тимучин попадает в плен. Но тут Бортай влюбляется в него и помогает ему бежать. Тимучин подозревает, что он был предан и намеревается найти предателя и победить татар.
Top Of The World
Director of Photography
A team of Air Force servicemen become stranded after setting up a weather station on an island of ice in Alaska.
Под водой!
Director of Photography
Два друга-дайвера, Ричард и Доминик, осуществляя погружение в Карибском море, обнаруживают на дне испанское судно 17-го века. Вернувшись в город они нанимают яхту и, прихватив с собой подруг Терезу (Джейн Расселл) и Глорию, отправляются в опасное путешествие, на поиски сокровищ затонувшего галеона.
She Couldn't Say No
Director of Photography
An heiress decides to pass out anonymous gifts in a small town.
The French Line
Director of Photography
Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Джентльмены предпочитают блондинок
Director of Photography
Шоу-герлз Лорелей и Дороти отправляются на гастроли в Париж. За ними тайно следит частный детектив, нанятый сынком миллионера, безумно влюбленного в блондинку. Юный отпрыск твердо намерен оборвать нежную привязанность отца... Режисер Хоукс создал картину, проникнутую искренним чувством и нежностью. Он мастерски, с иронией и юмором использует стереотипы секс-символов, которые делают мужчин марионетками в ловких руках героинь. В этом фильме Монро впервые исполнила песню "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" - "Только бриллианты лучшие друзья девушек", которая в ее исполнении вошла в золотую коллекцию песен из кинофильмов 50-х годов.
Affair with a Stranger
Director of Photography
Director Roy Rowland's 1953 drama, depicting the rocky marriage of a young model and her Broadway playwright-husband, stars Victor Mature, Jean Simmons, Jane Darwell, Dabbs Greer, Nicholas Joy, Lillian Bronson and George Cleveland.
Son of Paleface
Director of Photography
Peter Potter Jr. returns to claim his father's gold, which is nowhere to be found.
Director of Photography
Макао — колония Португалии, одно из самых старых поселений европейцев в Азии и туристическая Мекка. Из-за обилия казино и игорных домов ее называли «Монте-Карло Востока». В этот райский уголок прибывают три гражданина Америки — Джулия Бенсон — циничная и довольно болтливая певичка, Ник Кохран — бывший военнослужащий, сбежавший после несерьезной огнестрельной раны и Лоуренс Трамбл — коммивояжер. На самом деле он детектив из Нью-Йорка, которому поручено вернуть в Штаты Винсента Хэллорана, местного короля игорного бизнеса. Винсент нанимает Джулию петь в его клубе и заигрывает с ней, чем крайне недовольна его подружка Марджи. Считая, что Ник и есть коп из Нью-Йорка, мафиози Винсент неудачно пытается его подкупить, чтобы он уехал с острова, но натыкается на непонимание и вынужден принять другие меры к воздействию...
The Las Vegas Story
Director of Photography
When newlyweds visit Las Vegas, the wife's shady past comes to the surface.
Two Tickets to Broadway
Director of Photography
A young woman (Janet Leigh) leaves her small hometown in Vermont and travels to New York City with hopes of becoming a Broadway star.
Женщина его мечты
Director of Photography
Старый босс, он же Ник Ферраро, — гангстер, скрывающийся от американской полиции в Италии и, тем не менее, контролирующий игорный бизнес в нескольких штатах, решает вернуться под чужим именем в США. Для этого он должен сначала попасть в Мексику где, он якобы бы будет убит, а на самом деле вместо него полиции будет предъявлен труп невинной жертвы. В это же время Дэн Милнер — профессиональный игрок, недавно сильно проигравшийся, и Ленора Брэнт, выдающая себя за богатую девушку для того, чтобы подцепить богатого мужа, встречаются на уединенном мексиканском курорте. Митчум здесь для того, чтобы провернуть странную сделку, за что ему перепадет 50000 долларов. Пока что в его обязанности входит только, ходить на пляж и развлекаться — о дальнейших деталях его еще не проинформировали.
My Forbidden Past
Director of Photography
An 1890s New Orleans heiress tries to buy a married doctor's love with her tainted family fortune.
Gambling House
Director of Photography
A gambler faces deportation when he gets mixed up with murder.
Walk Softly, Stranger
Director of Photography
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
Born to Be Bad
Additional Director of Photography
Christabel Caine has the face of angel and the heart of a swamp rat. She'll step on anyone to get what she wants, including her own family. A master of manipulation, she covertly breaks off the engagement of her trusting cousin, Donna, to her fabulously wealthy beau, Curtis Carey. Once married to Curtis herself, Christabel continues her affair with novelist Nick Bradley, who knows she's evil, but loves her anyway.
The Threat
Director of Photography
A violent escaped con and his gang kidnap the police detective and DA who put him behind bars.
Strange Bargain
Director of Photography
Bookkeeper Sam Wilson learns from his boss, Malcolm Jarvis, that he is losing his job because the company is closing down. Jarvis then makes a strange proposition, saying he intends to commit suicide but wants Sam to make it look like a murder, in order for his wife and son to inherit Jarvis's life insurance. Sam declines, but when he goes to see Jarvis and finds his dead body, he reluctantly goes along with the scheme.
Easy Living
Director of Photography
A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.
The Big Steal
Director of Photography
Army Lieutenant Halliday, accused of stealing the Army payroll, pursues the real thief on a frantic chase through Mexico aided by the thief's ex-girlfriend and is in turn being chased by his accuser, Capt. Blake.
Секрет женщины
Певица ночного клуба Сьюзен Кардвелл тяжело ранена. Ее педагог по вокалу Мэриан, вместе с пианистом Люком приложившая немало сил, чтобы сделать из Сьюзен звезду, признается, что это она стреляла в Сьюзен, в ярости от решения той бросить петь. Люк не верит, что Мэриан способна на такое, и надеется, что инспектор Фаулер сумеет докопаться до истины и освободить Мэриан.
Station West
Director of Photography
When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
Director of Photography
An insurance man's affair with a blonde leads to guilt, murder and a confession to his wife.
Director of Photography
Engineer Johnny Munroe is enlisted to build a railroad tunnel through a mountain to reach mines. His task is complicated, and his ethics are compromised, when he falls in love with his boss's daughter
They Won't Believe Me
Director of Photography
On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.
The Woman on the Beach
Director of Photography
A sailor suffering from post-traumatic stress becomes involved with a beautiful and enigmatic seductress married to a blind painter.
The Falcon's Adventure
Director of Photography
A society sleuth rescues a kidnapped woman, then is framed for murder.
Director of Photography
In 1940s Los Angeles, when womanizing composer Keith Vincent is found dead, the inquest concludes it was a suicide but police detective Joe Warne isn't so sure.
Till the End of Time
Director of Photography
Three former marines have a hard time readjusting to civilian life. Perry can't deal with the loss of the use of his legs. William is in trouble with bad debts. And Cliff can't decide what he wants to do with his life, although he gets encouragement from war widow Pat Ruscomb.
Director of Photography
A World War II veteran hunts down the Nazi collaborators who killed his wife.
Johnny Angel
Director of Photography
George Raft plays a sailor who sets out to solve his father's mysterious death.
First Yank into Tokyo
Director of Photography
A U.S. pilot undergoes plastic surgery and drops into Japan to get a captive scientist's (Marc Cramer) atomic secrets.
West of the Pecos
Director of Photography
Heading west for his health, Colonel Lambeth takes his daughter Rill along. Lost on the desert they are saved by Pecos and Chito. The Colonel hires the two and the Lambeths soon find themselves mixed up in Pecos' trouble. Pecos has killed Sawtelle's brother and Sawtelle as head of the vigilantes is after him.
Radio Stars on Parade
Director of Photography
A Hollywood talent agency tries to avoid finacial ruin by getting its best clients on the air.
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Director of Photography
In this western, a young cowboy rides out to avenge his father's killer. Eventually, he finds the scoundrel, but by this time opts not to kill him for the cowboy has fallen in love with the outlaw's niece. Later, the killer ends up killed and the hero is blamed for the crime.
Director of Photography
Just as Nevada wins $7000 in yellowback bills, Ben Ide takes his $7000 and heads out to buy mining equipment. Burridge has his man Powell kill Ide and retrieve the money and Nevada finds Ide just as the posse arrives. Found with the money Nevada is arrested and Burridge now gets Powell to incite the local citizens to lynch Nevada.
Это убийство, моя милочка
Director of Photography
Частного сыщика Филипа Марлоу нанимает недавно вышедший из тюрьмы субчик, чтобы тот нашел его бывшую подружку Велму, которая исчезла несколько лет назад. Естественно, тривиальными розысками пропавшей девицы дело не ограничивается.
Mademoiselle Fifi
Director of Photography
In occupied France during the Franco-Prussian War, a young French laundress shares a coach ride with several of her condescending social superiors. But when a Prussian officer holds the coach over, social standings are leveled and integrity and spirit are put to the test.
The Falcon Out West
Director of Photography
When a Texas playboy is murdered in a New York City nightclub the Falcon investigates. When he learns that the victim was slipped rattlesnake venom, the trail leads to Texas, his own kidnapping and near death.
Тарзан и тайна пустыни
Director of Photography
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан и его сын Бой, на парашюте спускается срочное письмо от жены Тарзана Джейн. Джейн пишет, что находится далеко от них в Англии и ей нужна особая сыворотка от малярии для лечения больных солдат. А добыть ее можно только из сока плотоядных растений, находящихся в оазисе, окруженном знойной пустыней. Тарзан, Бой и Чита покидают джунгли и спешат под палящим солнцем пустыни навстречу новым приключениям…
Rookies in Burma
Director of Photography
In the jungles of Burma, U.S. Army Privates Jerry Miles, and Mike Strager, are still spending most of their time on KP duty. However they are captured by the Japanese and taken to a prison camp and discover that their long-suffering Sergeant Burke has also been captured. They manage to escape and find their way to a Burmese village in which two American showgirls, Janie and Connie who have escaped from Shanghai, are stranded. They all borrow an elephant and head for India.
Stage Door Canteen
Director of Photography
A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance
Триумф Тарзана
Director of Photography
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан, Джейн и их сын Бой, вторгается карательная немецко — фашистская экспедиция, возглавляемая полковником Фоном Рейхартом и его вооруженными до зубов приспешниками. Их цель найти затерянный в горах город Паландрия, забрать сокровища и уничтожить всех подданных принцессы джунглей Зандры. Тарзан, узнав о планах нацистстов, вступает в схватку с оккупантами, призвав на помощь своих друзей животных…
Come on Danger
Director of Photography
When a woman turns outlaw, she is suspected of murder.
Land of the Open Range
Director of Photography
A land owner's will leaves his ranch to anyone who has served at least two years in prison.
Valley of the Sun
Director of Photography
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
Dude Cowboy
Director of Photography
A Nevada rancher goes undercover for the U. S. Secret Service to help capture a gang of counterfeiters. Director David Howard's 1941 B-western stars Tim Holt, Marjorie Reynolds, Lee White, Eddie Kane, Ray Whitley, Helen Holmes, Glenn Strange, Byron Foulger, Eddie Dew, Tom London and Hank Worden.
The Bandit Trail
Director of Photography
A cowboy turns bad for revenge, but can't stomach his new evil ways.
Six-Gun Gold
Director of Photography
Three cowboys find that a U.S. Marshal relative is an impostor.
Cyclone on Horseback
Director of Photography
Whopper, Stan Bradford, and Smokey are delivering a herd of pack horses to telegraph lineman Jeff Corbin when intercepted by smooth-talking Cobb Wayne, who is in a deadly competition with Corbin.
The Saint In Palm Springs
Director of Photography
George Sanders makes his final appearance as crook-turned-detective Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint," in The Saint in Palm Springs. The gimmick in this one is a set of rare stamps, smuggled from England. Wendy Barrie is the true heir to this treasure, and the Saint is engaged to protect her and the stamps. Our hero meets Barrie in a posh Palm Springs resort, where a gang of homicidal thieves have converged to relieve the girl of her inheritance. Three murders and one kidnapping attempt later, the villains are foiled by the Saint, with the aid of his onetime partner in crime Pearly Gates (Paul Guilfoyle). The Saint in Palm Springs is the sixth in RKO's series of films based on the character created by Leslie Charteris.
The Fargo Kid
Director of Photography
The Fargo Kid is mistaken for a killer and is hired to kill another man...
Stage to Chino
Still Photographer
To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.
Millionaires in Prison
Director of Photography
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Bullet Code
Director of Photography
Protecting himself in an attack by rustlers, Rancher Steve Holden believes he has killed one of the attackers, young Bud Mathews, who in reality has warned Holden of the rustlers' approach. Unaware that Mathews was actually killed by rustler boss Cass Barton, Holden heads out to Mathews' home town where he plans to tell the boy's family of his death but instead uncovers a plan by a local businessman to force Mathews' father out of his ranch.
Legion of the Lawless
Director of Photography
Residents of a small frontier town take up arms when vigilantes try to block a railroad right-of-way.
The Marshal Of Mesa City
Director of Photography
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
The Wrong Room
Professor Leon Errol, an authority on how to be charming, has a few too many drinks at the Ocean View Hotel and forgets all he knows on the subject. Among those he doesn't charm are his wife, his lawyer and his lawyer's wife, a blonde cutie he thinks he has bigamously married.
The Fighting Gringo
A gunfighter and his partners clear a Spanish rancher charged with murder.
Timber Stampede
Director of Photography
Cattlemen fight corrupt railroad men out to destroy the forest.
Racketeers of the Range
Director of Photography
A large packing company is trying to obtain a monopoly by taking over the last small independent meat packer. Barney O'Dell, owner of the largest ranch, is trying to stop them. When the owner agrees to sell, Barney get a delay by forcing the small company to declare bankruptcy and having himself made receiver. Now the large company has to deal with Larry and when he refuses they resort to rustling.
The Rookie Cop
Director of Photography
A rookie cop tries to prove his friend is innocent of a robbery, despite the police commissioner's objection to his use of a trained German Shepherd dog named Ace.
Trouble in Sundown
Director of Photography
The bank has been robbed, the night watchman killed and the safe opened. The townspeople want John as he was the only one with the combination. Clint gets John out of town but before the mob turns ugly but the deputy is shot when he and Clint go to get John at the shack. Things look bad for John, but Clint does not believe that John did the robbery and he will look for the real crooks.
Arizona Legion
Director of Photography
A federal agent infiltrates an outlaw band that's taken over a western town.
Lawless Valley
Director of Photography
After doing time for a crime he didn't commit, a cowboy tries to find the men who framed him.
Painted Desert
Director of Photography
A cowboy and a bandit face off over possession of a valuable mine.
Army Girl
Director of Photography
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
Don't Tell the Wife
Director of Photography
After being released from prison, con man Thurston Hall gathers his gang of cronies--along with innocent chump Guy Kibbee--to help him sell worthless stock in a New Mexico gold mine.
Racing Lady
A shrewd millionaire who owns races horses for publicity for his automobile business, claims ownership of a female horse trainer's thoroughbred in order to get the trainer.
The Big Game
Director of Photography
A quarterback stands against gangsters out to control the college sports scene.
Паровоз генерал
First Assistant Camera
Юного Джонни Грэя в армию Конфедерации не взяли, а его возлюбленная Аннабел Ли отвергает его, обозвав трусом. Тем не менее, он со своим «напарником» паровозом утирает всем нос, выигрывая сражение. Джонни воюет с угонщиками поезда, непослушной пушкой и непредсказуемой силой судьбы.