Laura del Sol

Laura del Sol

Рождение : 1961-11-27, Barcelona, Spain


Laura del Sol is a Spanish flamenco dancer, stage and screen actress.


Laura del Sol


The Biggest Fan
Mme Zapareto
Gérard Lanvin has an important role in a new blockbuster! Filming is about to begin in the South of France. On site, he meets Momo Zapareto, the pool boy at the house he is renting for the duration or the shoot. But Momo is a fan, a big fan… an uberfan! He has seen all his films and is soon doing all he can to make himself indispensable to his idol and the technical crew. For Gérard, the nightmare has just begun…
Сусана оставляет свою жизнь в Париже, где она работает моделью, и возвращается в Мадрид, чтобы заботиться о своей бабушке Пилар.
Sotto gli occhi di tutti
In a desert town, sometime in the future, a repressive government regime restricts all forms of artistic expression. At night, Theo breaks the law, risking torture and death, to paint his work on public spaces. But when his lover Elia is arrested for committing the same crime, Theo allows himself to be captured hoping to somehow be reunited with her.
Baby Blues
One hot summer's day in a little french town, a building worker accidentally finds the skeleton of a newborn baby and calls the police. Detective Jacques Deveure (Vincent Winterhalter) is placed in charge of the investigation. His investigation uncovers evidence of numerous shady dealings, revealing a strange underbelly of the private lives of a cadre of people including Grandier (Francois Berleand) and Blandine Piancet (Audrey Tautou). This multi-layered story continually unveils new twists and turns.
Bakunin's Son
Donna Margherita
Based on a novel of Segio Atzeni. By a lot of interviews, usualy contradictory, it discovers the many lifes of Tullio Saba, a Sardinian miner, thief, singer, union organizer, rebel...
Gran Slalom
A young officer of the Guardia Civil moves to a ski resort in the Pyrenees traveling on official business. On the way his car has a breakdown and he is picked up by a woman who is staying at the hotel. From this situation several adventures and tangles happen. Things get complicated as he must dress as a woman to avoid being surprised.
Love Deal
Joaquín goes to Russia for business. There he falls in love with Tatiana, a young and beautiful interpreter who asks her to accompany him on his return as a maid - secretary - interpreter - lover or whatever.
Concerning Nice
Anthology of short films about the French city of Nice, by various directors. A homage to Jean Vigo and his "À propos de Nice" from 1930.
Two Brothers, My Sister
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Camilla Marquez
Действие фильма происходит в Майами. Скромная компания отправляется на катере в открытое море… Безоблачная погода… мягкое солнце… беззаботный отдых вдали от берега… Дома остались проблемы и заботы… А здесь только развлечения на любой вкус. И тут, в полмили от катера, в бинокль видно как тонет другой катер, и тоже с пассажирами на борту. Понятно, терпящих бедствие надо по морским правилам взять на борт, спасти… Так на палубе прогулочной яхты оказались Тим и Камила, люди загадочные и, возможно опасные. А вокруг только море, больше никого…
About a mysterious and troubled black woman, a former practitioner of the Santería religion, who must comes to terms with her background whilst in a Caracas jail.
Lost in Transit
A traveller who has lost his passport in a Paris airport while between flights is restricted to a special transit zone. There he finds a group of similarly lost people hiding out and living from hand-to-mouth, reliant on their ingenuity to survive.
La nuit de l'océan
After the disappearance at sea of a young fisherman, his childhood friend and his mother begin an ambiguous relationship.
Amelia Lópes O'Neill
Amelia Lópes O'Neil
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
Per odio, per amore
The Dumbfounded King
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
L'aventure extraordinaire d'un papa peu ordinaire
Vittorio finds himself in Venezuela, where Laura his wife, enjoys happy days with the wealthy Domingo Villaverde.
Killing Dad (Or How to Love Your Mother)
A man, always very devoted to his mother, decides to look for his father whom he never met. He meets a seducing older woman prone to drinking and her aged boyfriend whom she grew tired of.
Daniya, the emir's garden
Daniya is the story of a trip. A man of culture and resolute, the younger brother of the Countess of Barcelona, leaves the Catalan court for the kingdom of Denia (Daniya). The purpose of his trip is to accept the ecclesiastical authority entrusted to him by the Muslim king of Mozarabic Christians living in the territory of the Kingdom of Denia. It is an interesting but dangerous journey, described as an adventure. A journey that will enrich the spirit of the youth that will be seduced by Al Andalus.
El gran Serafín
Blanchette Medor
A group of peoples decide to go to relax to a hotel near the sea. He hotel's owner is an enigmatic woman who lives with her distant daughter, a young pianist and a naive waitress. When the media inform about the end of the world only reaction the waitress and one of the guests.
Voyage to Nowhere
Juanita Plaza
The Iniesta-Galván family is a theatre company that goes from town to town offering its performances. Over the years, its members will have to adapt to changes and make decisions, like that of whether or not to continue performing. One day, unexpectedly, a son that he has fathered on his travels presents himself to Carlos Galván.
Простой неаполитанский парень, вступившись за честь сестры, убил обидчика. В тюрьме он получил прозвище "Профессор", потому что научился разбираться в законах получше любого адвоката... Вместе со своими друзьями он создает новую каморру, которая, борясь за абсолютную власть, начинает войну со старой неаполитанской мафией...
El amor brujo
In a Gypsy village, the fathers of Candela and José promise their children to each other. Years later, the unfaithful José marries Candela but while defending his lover Lucía in a brawl, he is stabbed to death. Carmelo, who secretly loves Candela since he was a boy, is arrested while helping José and unfairly sent to prison. Four years later he is released and declares his love for Candela. However, the woman is cursed by a bewitched love and every night she goes to the place where José died to dance with his ghost.
Две жизни Маттиа Паскаля
Romilda Pescatore
Маттиа Паскаль начинает новую жизнь под новым именем после того, как его ошибочно посчитали умершим. Он попадает в ловушку социальных условностей, которых так старался избежать, и решает "умереть" снова, чтобы вернуть свою прежнюю личность. К его ужасу, в жизни для него больше не находится места.
Los zancos
After the death of his wife, Angel, a university professor and writer, he falls into a severe depression. He flees to his house in the country, but there the evil is accentuated, which leads him to an attempted suicide that Teresa, his young neighbor, saves him. Angel starts a relationship with her and her partner, Alberto. Soon he falls in love with Teresa and, through a passionate relationship, he frees himself from his torments. Teresa, Alberto and her theater group on stilts ask her to write a play to represent her in the town. Obsessed by Teresa, she is vivified with this experience with the young, but she soon moves away from him carnally. This rupture desperate and as Teresa disabuses him of any possibility of continuity, in the mind of Angel reappears suicide as the only solution
Бандит Вилли Паркер ради своей свободы «сдал» подельщиков. И вот, спустя 10 лет, двое наемников: Брэддок и Майрон находят его в Испании. Но они еще должны доставить Паркера по назначению, когда везде уже объявлено о его похищении.
Bicycles Are for the Summer
In Madrid, the family of Don Luis, his wife Dolores and their children, Manolita and Luisito, share the daily life of the Civil War with their maid and neighbours. Despite having failed his exams, Luisito wants his father to buy him a bicycle. However, the situation forces them to delay the purchase and the delay, like the war itself, is to last much longer than expected.
Хореограф Антонио набирает труппу для постановки балета «Кармен». Во время репетиций хореограф поддается чарам настоящей Кармен, которая исполняет главную роль. Музыка и представление так захватывают героев, что правда жизни превращается в спектакль, а само действо ведет к кровавой развязке.
¡Se armó el belén!
Actress Child in Spot Tv (uncredited)
An old priest, who has old ideas, is intended to exercise the apostolate in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Madrid. There the revolutionary climate and anti-religious character of the congregation thwarts all his attempts to attract them. The Archbishop admonishes him and asks to renew his methods, using the example of a young priest of a modern parish. The old priest tries to apply in his environment what he has seen in the parish model, setting off a chain of events.