Julien Meurice


Director of Photography
Because he wanted to protect his little brother, Teddy, a young man without a history, is accused of the murder of his father and sent to a closed educational center, waiting for his trial for parricide. He then plunges into a brutal universe of which he does not know the rules.
Asphalt Playground
Director of Photography
Mitraillette is 12 years old and lives in Rose City, a housing estate he would not leave for anything. His whole world comprises his family, especially his 16 year-old cousin Isma, who has taken a fancy to Narcisse, the local crime boss. His older brother Djibril is 22, a student at the Sorbonne who dreams of becoming a lawyer. As for Mitraillette, he has his eye on Océane, the most beautiful girl in his school...
Director of Photography
Север Парижа. Собираясь отомстить за убийство сослуживца безжалостной бандой, четыре полицейских пробираются в здание, служащее гангстерам штаб-квартирой. Замеченные и пойманные, офицеры готовятся к казни, как вдруг случается невообразимое: в дом врывается стая кровожадных плотоядных существ, жестоко нападая на всех и каждого. Полицейским и бандитам приходится объединить усилия в отчаянной схватке.