Bill Ross IV

Bill Ross IV


Born in Sidney, Ohio in 1980, he works with his brother Turner. For their documentary 45365, a portrait of their home town, the two directors received numerous awards including Best Documentary Feature at the 2009 South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas. They followed it three years later with Tchoupitoulas (2012) about their second home of New Orleans.


Bill Ross IV
Bill Ross IV


Love in the Time of Fentanyl
Consulting Editor
An intimate portrait of a community fighting to save lives and keep hope alive in a neighborhood ravaged by the overdose crisis.
Second Star to the Right and Straight On til Morning
A behind the scenes movie of Benh Zeitlin's Wendy that technically can't be released.
Разбитый нос, пустые карманы
Потрёпанный бар где-то на окраине Лас-Вегаса устраивает праздник — в честь последнего дня работы перед закрытием. С заведением приходят попрощаться завсегдатаи: алкаши, уличные философы, неудавшиеся актрисы. Фильм проживает с ними этот день от рассвета до заката. Однако на самом деле, зафиксированное на пленке прощание - импровизация, сам бар не закрывается, а его посетителям предложено сыграть самих себя.
Разбитый нос, пустые карманы
Потрёпанный бар где-то на окраине Лас-Вегаса устраивает праздник — в честь последнего дня работы перед закрытием. С заведением приходят попрощаться завсегдатаи: алкаши, уличные философы, неудавшиеся актрисы. Фильм проживает с ними этот день от рассвета до заката. Однако на самом деле, зафиксированное на пленке прощание - импровизация, сам бар не закрывается, а его посетителям предложено сыграть самих себя.
Разбитый нос, пустые карманы
Director of Photography
Потрёпанный бар где-то на окраине Лас-Вегаса устраивает праздник — в честь последнего дня работы перед закрытием. С заведением приходят попрощаться завсегдатаи: алкаши, уличные философы, неудавшиеся актрисы. Фильм проживает с ними этот день от рассвета до заката. Однако на самом деле, зафиксированное на пленке прощание - импровизация, сам бар не закрывается, а его посетителям предложено сыграть самих себя.
Разбитый нос, пустые карманы
Потрёпанный бар где-то на окраине Лас-Вегаса устраивает праздник — в честь последнего дня работы перед закрытием. С заведением приходят попрощаться завсегдатаи: алкаши, уличные философы, неудавшиеся актрисы. Фильм проживает с ними этот день от рассвета до заката. Однако на самом деле, зафиксированное на пленке прощание - импровизация, сам бар не закрывается, а его посетителям предложено сыграть самих себя.
Не разделяться
История протестов в Гонконге 2019 года, рассказанная через серию демонстраций местных протестующих, которые перерастают в конфликт, когда на месте событий появляется вооруженная полиция.
No Time To Look Back
Nearly 30 years later, the Ross Brothers rephotographed locations from Byrne's 1986 film, finding the same spots used in True Stories to see what may have changed. Rather than a sociological study, No Time to Look Back is a charming homage. The film includes a snippet from an interview with Byrne at the time True Stories was released.
No Time To Look Back
Nearly 30 years later, the Ross Brothers rephotographed locations from Byrne's 1986 film, finding the same spots used in True Stories to see what may have changed. Rather than a sociological study, No Time to Look Back is a charming homage. The film includes a snippet from an interview with Byrne at the time True Stories was released.
No Time To Look Back
Nearly 30 years later, the Ross Brothers rephotographed locations from Byrne's 1986 film, finding the same spots used in True Stories to see what may have changed. Rather than a sociological study, No Time to Look Back is a charming homage. The film includes a snippet from an interview with Byrne at the time True Stories was released.
Я вам не негр
Director of Photography
История расизма в США сквозь призму воспоминаний Джеймса Болдуина о борцах за гражданские права: Медгаре Эверсе, Малкольме Иксе и Мартине Лютере Кинге. Также лента содержит наблюдения Болдуина на тему американской истории.
Contemporary Color
Director of Photography
In the summer of 2015, legendary musician David Byrne staged an event at Brooklyn's Barclays Center to celebrate the art of Color Guard: synchronized dance routines involving flags, rifles, and sabers. Recruiting performers that include the likes of Saint Vincent, Nelly Furtado, Ad-Rock, and Ira Glass to collaborate on original pieces with 10 color guard teams from across the US and Canada, Contemporary Color is a beautifully filmed snapshot of a one-of-a-kind live event.
Contemporary Color
In the summer of 2015, legendary musician David Byrne staged an event at Brooklyn's Barclays Center to celebrate the art of Color Guard: synchronized dance routines involving flags, rifles, and sabers. Recruiting performers that include the likes of Saint Vincent, Nelly Furtado, Ad-Rock, and Ira Glass to collaborate on original pieces with 10 color guard teams from across the US and Canada, Contemporary Color is a beautifully filmed snapshot of a one-of-a-kind live event.
Contemporary Color
In the summer of 2015, legendary musician David Byrne staged an event at Brooklyn's Barclays Center to celebrate the art of Color Guard: synchronized dance routines involving flags, rifles, and sabers. Recruiting performers that include the likes of Saint Vincent, Nelly Furtado, Ad-Rock, and Ira Glass to collaborate on original pieces with 10 color guard teams from across the US and Canada, Contemporary Color is a beautifully filmed snapshot of a one-of-a-kind live event.
Temporary Color
A true crime concert doc about David Byrne and two escaped convicts.
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
Setting out on what is technically a houseboat but more realistically a shed on two pontoons, award-winning filmmakers Bill and Turner Ross (45365, Tchoupitoulas), their brother Alex and friend Kyle “The Muscle” Rouse embark on a journey to sail from their home state of Ohio to New Orleans. As they brave the mighty Mississippi for three weeks on the not-so-trusty Rosemarie, the boys’ journey becomes a cavalcade of hijinks, near death experiences, nautical close calls and impromptu sing-alongs. Featuring an illustrious cast of characters met along the way and wonderful escapades with every dock they make, the film becomes a beautiful and hilarious adventure. Originally released online in weekly episodes, the film quickly became a much-lauded addition to the Ross brothers’ already beloved body of work. This is the first time River has ever been shown on the big screen in its feature version.
A lyrical documentary that follows three adolescent brothers as they journey through one night in New Orleans, encountering a vibrant kaleidoscope of dancers, musicians, hustlers, and revelers parading through the lamplit streets. The filmmakers fully immerse us into the New Orleans night, passing through many lively and luminous locations and introducing us to the people who make the city their home.
Director of Photography
A lyrical documentary that follows three adolescent brothers as they journey through one night in New Orleans, encountering a vibrant kaleidoscope of dancers, musicians, hustlers, and revelers parading through the lamplit streets. The filmmakers fully immerse us into the New Orleans night, passing through many lively and luminous locations and introducing us to the people who make the city their home.
A lyrical documentary that follows three adolescent brothers as they journey through one night in New Orleans, encountering a vibrant kaleidoscope of dancers, musicians, hustlers, and revelers parading through the lamplit streets. The filmmakers fully immerse us into the New Orleans night, passing through many lively and luminous locations and introducing us to the people who make the city their home.
A lyrical documentary that follows three adolescent brothers as they journey through one night in New Orleans, encountering a vibrant kaleidoscope of dancers, musicians, hustlers, and revelers parading through the lamplit streets. The filmmakers fully immerse us into the New Orleans night, passing through many lively and luminous locations and introducing us to the people who make the city their home.
Dinosaur Curtains
A young family awaits the broadcast of their turn on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Dinosaur Curtains
A young family awaits the broadcast of their turn on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
45365 explores the congruities of daily life in an American town. From the patrol car to the courtroom, the playground to the nursing home, the parade to the prayer service, it explores relationships and interactions - with people and their environment. The stories of a father and son, a young relationship, cops and criminals, officials and their electorate coalesce into a mosaic of faces, places, and events. 45365 is a portrait of a city and its people.