Carmelo A. Bernaola

Рождение : 1929-07-16, Ochandiano, Spain

Смерть : 2002-06-05


Goodbye from the heart
A hilarious and heartfelt comedy! Meet Juan (Juan Luis Galiardo, Goya Ward Winner for Best Lead Actor)... an unbelievably charming middle aged ladies' man who is still taken as handsome even though he has to disguise his belly, his white hair and his "health" problems. A series of amusing situations begin when Juan is torn between his daughter, who unexpectedly and inconveniently arrives into his life, and his latest - and failed - love affair. His failed attempts at trying to patch things up will have you not only laughing out loud but it will also leave you with a wonderful sense of love and family values.
Little Spanish Soldier
A young man, son and grandson of soldiers, refuses to perform military service, causing a commotion in the whole family. Finally, social, environmental and family pressures, will force the young to make a decision that will have unforeseeable consequences.
Wait for Me in Heaven
Original Music Composer
Pepe Soriano plays a Madrid shopkeeper who is kidnapped by henchmen of Franco in this political comedy. After his kidnapping, he is forced to become the dictator's double for many official ceremonies. Due to his long and unexplained absence, Pepe's wife believes her husband has been abducted and killed, so she tries to reach her husband through spiritualism. After Pepe surprises her with a nocturnal visit, he tells her he will touch his ear to signal it is he and not Franco in public appearances.
Bandera negra
Mambru Went to War
The news of the death of Franco has a special resonance in the family of Florentina. Fiorentina communicates to the rest of the family a story far more important than the general's death: her husband Emiliano (Fernando Fernan-Gomez), who had been left for dead in the civil war, is alive. During the Franco dictatorship has remained hidden beneath the pylon is in the courtyard of the house.
The Lost Paradise
Music Arranger
This literary film is imbued with the disenchantment of Spanish exiles who left their homes to protest Franco's fascist regime and then returned after its demise to find that democracy had not instilled either ethics or deep motivation in government leaders. Director Basilio Martin Patino presents his story, and a large part of the film is based on his own life, through the experiences of an exiled heroine played by Charo Lopez. She has returned to Spain to look for meaning in her life, something that she never found living in Germany, not even after having a child. She is also in the process of translating the German lyric poet Friederich Holderlin (see the 1985 Halfte Des Lebens) into Spanish, focusing on his epic Hyperion. Excerpts from the translation are voiced over throughout the film. As she looks up old friends from many, many years ago, even those who have achieved worldly success are suffering from the same ennui that propelled her back home.
The Lost Paradise
This literary film is imbued with the disenchantment of Spanish exiles who left their homes to protest Franco's fascist regime and then returned after its demise to find that democracy had not instilled either ethics or deep motivation in government leaders. Director Basilio Martin Patino presents his story, and a large part of the film is based on his own life, through the experiences of an exiled heroine played by Charo Lopez. She has returned to Spain to look for meaning in her life, something that she never found living in Germany, not even after having a child. She is also in the process of translating the German lyric poet Friederich Holderlin (see the 1985 Halfte Des Lebens) into Spanish, focusing on his epic Hyperion. Excerpts from the translation are voiced over throughout the film. As she looks up old friends from many, many years ago, even those who have achieved worldly success are suffering from the same ennui that propelled her back home.
Original Music Composer
A small village in Navarre, Spain, XVII century. Garazi's grandmother is burned at the stake when accussed of being a witch and convicted by an inquisitor, something that brings Garazi under suspicion and eventually into prison, where she is atrociously tortured and humiliated.
Paper Heart
Original Music Composer
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
Dos y dos, cinco
That House in the Outskirts
A young girl's husband rents a lovely home just outside of Madrid so she can spend the last three months of her pregnancy in peace and luxury. Unfortunately, just as they arrive at the home, the girl realizes that it is the place where she had secretly had an illegal abortion some years before. The clinic is long-gone, but this doesn't ease the woman's disquiet. Things get even worse when she learns that her upstairs neighbor is the old abortionist's assistant.
El alcalde y la política
Страх выходить вечером
Застенчивый и своенравный банковский служащий становится жертвой событий, которые он видит вокруг себя, и волны преступности, которая, кажется, захлестнула город в первые годы перехода к демократии в Испании.
Действие происходит в Триесте (в Италии) в 1911 году. Эрнесто — испорченный подросток из средних слоев общества. Он — молодой симпатичный клерк работает в конторе итальянского порта Триест и мечтает стать скрипачом. Внезапный роман с красавцем рабочим открывает для него мир чувств, которым он не хочет противостоять, но он боится быть арестованным за свою гомосексуаьность и прерывает связь с парнем. Через некоторое время Эрнесто знакомится с красивым мальчиком Илио и его сестрой Рашелью. Их знакомство начинает перерастать в роман, в то время как все считают, что он влюблен в его сестру Рашель.
Действие происходит в Триесте (в Италии) в 1911 году. Эрнесто — испорченный подросток из средних слоев общества. Он — молодой симпатичный клерк работает в конторе итальянского порта Триест и мечтает стать скрипачом. Внезапный роман с красавцем рабочим открывает для него мир чувств, которым он не хочет противостоять, но он боится быть арестованным за свою гомосексуаьность и прерывает связь с парнем. Через некоторое время Эрнесто знакомится с красивым мальчиком Илио и его сестрой Рашелью. Их знакомство начинает перерастать в роман, в то время как все считают, что он влюблен в его сестру Рашель.
Красное золото
Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Original Music Composer
Статус католического священника запрещает главному герою предаваться сексуальному греху, но его постоянно, даже на исповеди, мучают греховные образы. После неудачной борьбы с мучительными демонами он ищет помощь у старших, которые утверждают, что духовность и молитвы является достаточными, чтобы противостоять «искушениям дьявола». Несмотря на это его ежедневно посещают похотливые сексуальные фантазии...
Secretos de alcoba
Тайные удовольствия
Красавец мужчина 40-летний президент банка Эдуардо на улице случайно встречает молодого парня Мигеля, в которого влюбляется с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать этого парня он выслеживает где тот живет и посылает ему приглашение устроиться к нему в банк на работу. Приглашение было принято. Более того, вскоре Мигель становится личным секретарем банкира, допечатывая на машинке его незавершенный роман. «Крепость» с каждым днем все больше попадает в осаду. Что не осталось без внимания со стороны друзей и сослуживцев Эдуардо. В конце концов мужчина решает в открытую признаться парню в своих чувствах...
¡Bruja, más que bruja!
A small provincial town lives under the caprices of Don Justin, the local cacique. This forces the young Mariana to marry him, taking advantage of the fact that her nephew Juan, the boyfriend of the girl, is far away from military service. Upon his return, Juan is mocked and goes to a witch to assist him in his revenge.
Del amor y de la muerte
Don Diego goes to war and his son Don Gonzalo is, in his absence, the new lord of the region. The milling Elvira, one of the mistresses of Don Diego, has a beautiful daughter, Elena, who has the desire of Don Gonzalo. But Elena is also the daughter of Don Diego and to separate the love of his brother, they marry her to Rodrigo, the pastor. This will be the beginning of the tragedy.
La Corea
Toni is a seventeen year old young man who comes to Madrid from a little village in search of work. A friend from the same village of Toni puts him in touch with Charo, "La Corea", a mature woman dedicated to facilitating contacts and boys to American men at the military base of Torrejón.
Family Portrait
Cecilio Rubes, a businessman engaged in the manufacture of baths and toilets, tries to remain neutral in the imminent Spanish civil war. But the attitude of Cécil, his only child, a spoiled boy who grows without respect their parents, will forced him to face the cruel reality of the facts. Jumping back and forth in time, we are shown his present and his past through his wife Adela and Paulina, the mistress of father and son.
Las delicias de los verdes años
In the Middle Age, a farmer named Mauro is heading to Madrid following the last will of his father.
La mujer es cosa de hombres
La iniciación en el amor
spanish movie
La Promesa
Original Music Composer
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Madrid, in the forties. In the post-war period, Paca, a chorus girl who aspires to enter the Celia Gámez Company, returns to Madrid after a provincial tour. In the same train travels Luis, undocumented young person to whom Paca allows him to spend the night in the room where she lives with her sick father. Paca's relationship with Julio, a mogul without remorse, offers her financial support, but Luis gives her the tenderness and love she does not have with Julio.
Valley of the Dancing Widows
German comedy/western from 1975
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Cuando el cuerno suena
Feature film.
The Regent's wife
Music Director
Los nuevos españoles
A Spanish insurance company is absorbed by a multinational, so that, in order to modernize, its employees are obliged to carry out some training courses to adapt to the new situation and the new objectives. Given the relevance of what is at stake, the wives of these men will also be involved at work.
Tocata y fuga de Lolita
Carlos, a widower in his forties, lives with his daughter Lolita and his sister Merche. He is a candidate to Spanish Court's Proctor, so frequently travels outside Madrid. During one of those trips, he is forced to return at home precipitously, because his sister informed him that Lolita has left the house to live with some friends.
Sex o no sex
Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.
A rich emigrant returns to Madrid where he meets the beautiful Amparo . The girl, however, lives a secret affair with a priest
Vida conyugal sana
Enrique is a thirty-year-old lawyer who is married to Ana. Apparently he is a normal man who has only one obsession: the commercials. He feels a real passion for the erotic world of the ads either in billboards, trash cans, public transport, magazines or television. The continuous publicity bombardment ends up leading him towards a neurosis that changes his personality.
The Little Birds
Original Music Composer
An elderly couple in Madrid each buy a pet bird. Weirdness abounds
Corazón solitario
Antoñito is a bachelor who works in a cabaret as a clarinetist. He has put an advertisement in the newspaper, looking for a good and honest girl, and to which responds Rocío, who escapes from her native Córdoba to hide the embarrassment of her pregnancy. The coexistence with the naive clarinetist, who refuses the insinuations of a co-worker dedicated to prostitution, who idolizes his deceased mother and keeps as a relic the orthopedic leg of his late father, is not easy. The other men will tend their ties around Rocío, that makes way in the world of the spectacle pretending to be blind. When she can no longer conceal that she is pregnant, Antoñito decides to give his name to the fruit of sin.
Sexy Cat
Original Music Composer
A movie crew shooting a film featuring a comic-strip hero named The Sexy Cat finds itself stalked by a serial killer who begins murdering the cast and crew.
Count Dracula's Great Love
Original Music Composer
Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…
Horror Rises from the Tomb
Original Music Composer
In Medieval France a warlock is be-headed and his wife tortured and executed. Hundreds of years later an isolated group of people discover his head buried on their property. Soon it comes back to life, possessing people and using them to commit sacrifices and to search for the rest of his body.
Flower of Holiness
A beautiful teenage shepherdess named Adega sleeps one night with a mysterious pilgrim in a barn of impoverished and superstitious Galicia of the nineteenth century. The overwhelming fanaticism of the villagers motivates them to consider the outsider an envoy of Satan, reason why they deny him the lodging. The pilgrim, on the other hand, will react by cursing the people with plague and misery.
Cut-Throats Nine
Original Music Composer
A wagon load of convicts on their way to prison is being escorted through the mountains by a cavalry troop. They are attacked by a bandit gang, and only a sergeant, his beautiful young daughter and an assortment of seven sadistic, murderous prisoners survive, and they are left without horses or a wagon. The sergeant must find a way to get his prisoners to their destination while protecting his daughter, watching out for the still pursuing bandits and trying to determine which one of the prisoners was the man who raped and murdered his wife.
A House Without Boundaries
Daniel is a member of The Organization. He is sent on an assignment to Bilbao to determine what has become of a lad his age, a former member. He takes over the boy's room in an odd rooming house. When he is given the photo of the boy's girlfriend, he is so taken with it that he puts off his quest. The Organization requires him to continue, however, so he tracks her down to a remote fishing village.
Spaniards in Paris
In the early 70's, more than forty thousand Spanish in Paris working as maids. Few had crossed the border before, and most had not even left her village. These girls are Emily, who has left behind the hard times and has adapted to the big city, Isabel struggling to her sonthat she had with a man who abandoned she, Dioni, who thinks only of early money, and Francisca, a woman who knows nothing and is lost in life.
Tirarse al monte
Original Music Composer
Bolero de amor
Original Music Composer
El cronicón
Urtain, King of the Mountains
Original Music Composer
Días de viejo color
In the Easter holidays of 1967, three friends come to Torremolinos willing to flirt and experience strong emotions. Contact with a new environment, in which while some find the lies that hide behind the luxury and splendor and dangers that accompany life easier, others find true love.
Smashing Up
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
Camino de la verdad
Tinto con amor
Club de solteros
Original Music Composer
Las salvajes en Puente San Gil
Original Music Composer
The film explains the vicissitudes of a group of revue stars who arrive into a small provincial village in the dark Spain of the sixties, called Puente San Gil. There the women are received with aggressiveness and contempt by the ultraconservative bourgeoisie, to the point of becoming denounced and imprisoned because of the scandal caused by the sensual content of their variety show. But they refuse to remain silent and sing their protest as a song. —jsanchez
Broken Toys
Original Music Composer
A portrait of several characters of Spanish culture who were very popular at another time, but who were completely forgotten in their old age. All of them show the reality of abandonment and the decay of oblivion. They really are broken toys.
Algunas lecciones de amor
Nine Letters to Berta
Sound Editor
Lorenzo is a young man who has just returned to Salamanca (Spain) from England, where he fell in love with Berta, a girl daughter of exiled parents who have never seen Spain. Lorenzo tries through some beautiful letters that she understands how is the world where her parents once lived.
El arte de no casarse
Four stories about the arts of not getting married. Alfredo Landa performs the roles of a lawyer who has just finished his military service, a young marquis on his wedding day, a flirt and a soldier who deals with three girls at the same time.
La barrera
In a small town, the administrator, confronted with the baker, forbids his children fto talk with those of the baker, and vice versa. One day, Paco and Pablo, the baker's children, listen to two builders who plan to kidnap Mary, the daughter of the administrator. Children decide to keep the secret and save the girl themselves. Meanwhile, a young teacher arrives to the village with his wife and kids get back to school. But the administrator's wife is furious because it is not her brother the one who gets the job and, along with her husband, will try to convince everyone to get rid of the teacher.
El rayo desintegrador
Diálogos de la paz