Theo Angell


Ruthless Realtor
Director of Photography
When Annie (Lily Anne Harrison) and Ralph (Brian Ames) Savage move into their dream home, their happiness is interrupted by their off-kilter realtor, Meg (Christie Burson), who shows up at their home frequently unannounced and is obsessed with their relationship. As Annie and Ralph become increasingly uncomfortable with Meg’s behavior, they push her away, but Meg refuses to go quietly, claiming someone is out to kill the Savages. When Meg continues to show up in their lives, the police get involved and arrest Meg. But when Meg sends Annie a packet of information about the house to prove previous homeowners have been targeted by a deadly prowler, Annie begins to wonder if Meg is really unhinged or trying to save their lives.
Заезд в Рождество
Director of Photography
Джулия Кроули приезжает домой, чтобы провести каникулы со своей семьёй. Их семейная гостиница годами враждует с конкурентами Мейсонами, также владеющими небольшим семейным отелем. Каждый год оба семейства отчаянно соревнуются в рождественских конкурсах. Ситуацию усложняет то, что в соревнованиях участвует неотразимый парень по имени Райан Мейсон. А тем временем над всем малым бизнесом городка нависла угроза - корпоративный застройщик ищет пути для выкупа недвижимости.
Sister of the Bride
Director of Photography
After only 6 months of dating, Stephanie and Ben get engaged and are delighted to share the news. However, they hit a road bump when Stephanie’s parents show concern that the couple has moved too fast.
A Daughter's Deception
Forced to give up her daughter for adoption when she's underage, a woman is thrilled to welcome her back into her life as an adult. She discovers her daughter is a sociopath who has murderous tendencies and poses a danger to everyone.
Скрытые помыслы
Director of Photography
Мать Софи погибает в автомобильной аварии. Вскоре после похорон, на пороге семейного дома заявляется давным давно заблудшая тётя Джордин. Софи чувствует, что с тётей что-то не так, и пытается узнать истынные намерения незваной гостьи, в то время, как ДжордИн умело очаровывает друзей и родных Софи и занимает место своей погибшей сестры.
Коварная няня
Director of Photography
Брайан изменил жене. Но она готова простить его, чтобы сохранить семью и супруги решают начать всё заново. Элиза даже нанимает няней для сына самую симпатичную из кандидаток, чтобы испытать своего мужа. Но она не учитывает, что голубоглазая простушка может оказаться хитрее, чем кажется, и снова поставить их семью на грань распада.
Открытый брак
Director of Photography
Две молодых пары, испытывающих проблемы в браке, решают попробовать свингерство. Вспыхнувшая с новой силой страсть сменяется подозрительностью. Установленные правила нарушаются, а ложь, чувство вины и необъяснимые случайности грозят разрушить все отношения и планы.
Его тайное прошлое
Director of Photography
Популярный писатель детективов Дженнифер Беккер живёт в роскоши в маленьком прибрежном городке в Калифорнии со своей дочерью Лили. Однажды, во время пробежки, на Лили нападают, однако, ей на помощь приходит таинственный незнакомец по имени Мик. Местный шериф начинает подозревать, что чудесное появление Мика — не простая случайность. Вместе с Дженнифер они затевают расследование и обнаруживают, что Мик — не тот, за кого себя выдаёт...
Unwanted Guest
Director of Photography
When Amy has nowhere to go for winter break, her friend Christine insists she come stay with her family. What begins as a dream situation turns into a nightmare when Amy starts to obsess and wreak havoc on her welcoming hosts. Stars Beth Littleford, Kate Mansi.
Мой солнечный принц
Director of Photography
Менеджер по связям с общественностью Дидра и её помощница Мэнди прилетели в небольшой городок в штате Айдахо, чтобы помочь принцу Колину, арестованному за порчу общественного имущества. Там у Мэнди появился шанс не только проявить себя перед лицом начальницы, но и узнать коронованного принца поближе.
A Mother's Revenge
Director of Photography
Jennifer quickly grabs a black suitcase off the airport luggage carousel. She later discovers she's grabbed the wrong bag. Soon a man calls claiming he will harm her daughter if she doesn't follow his instructions and return his baggage.
Christmas Land
Director of Photography
Jules has just inherited a quaint magical Christmas-themed village and Christmas tree farm bequeathed her by her grandmother. She plans to sell it and use the profits to buy her dream home in New York City. But the longer Jules stays on the farm and the more she learns how important Christmas Land has been to so many families, the more Jules starts to question her motives to sell.
A Prince for Christmas
Director of Photography
A prince from Europe meets a charming waitress when he travels to America during the Christmas holiday to escape an arranged marriage.
Я не готова к рождеству
Director of Photography
Холли — патологическая лгунья, врет и не краснеет. Зато стыдно всем остальным, особенно маленькой племяннице. Именно благодаря ей мир Холли переворачивается с ног на голову — девочка загадывает Санта-Клаусу избавить тетушку от дурной привычки. Итак, что произойдет, если начать говорить людям правду и только правду? Героиня в смятении, ведь быть правдорубом и выкладывать все, что думаешь, оказывается хоть и легко, но опасно для жизни.
Director of Photography
Чтобы развеяться, мать и дочь на денек отправляются сплавляться по реке. Живописные места, ностальгические воспоминания, надежды на светлое будущее. Все это разом исчезнет, когда на своем пути путешественницы случайно встретят трех беглых каторжников.
Снова Рождество
Director of Photography
Женщина, вернувшаяся в прошлый год на время Рождества, пытается исправить всё, что пошло не так. Но на деле всё оказалось не так просто...
A Christmas Kiss II
Director of Photography
At a Christmastime event, Jenna shares an impromptu, unforgettable kiss with the dashing billionaire, Cooper Montgomery. Unaware of his intentions and fearful of getting hurt in another relationship, Jenna vows to resist his charms, but begins to realize his affection is real as the two spend more time together.
Засекреченное рождество
Director of Photography
Лорен Брунел — молодая врач, которой под Рождество досталось неожиданное распределение по работе на Аляску! Лорен приехала в небольшой, забытый Богом городок Гарленд, считая, что ей придется жить на краю Земли. Но неожиданно для нее самой этот переезд изменил ее жизнь к лучшему. Лорен встречает свою любовь — Энди Холидея, и именно в этом небольшом городке она впервые осознает, что по-настоящему счастлива.
Christmas In Palm Springs
Director of Photography
Jessica has a big presentation in Palm Springs. There are a couple of problems though: her two kids who will do anything to get mom and dad back together again - even if they have to hack mom's phone or pose as a secretary to make sure dad's in Palm Springs too. And father Joe who'll do anything to charm his way back into Jessica's life.
After Midnight
Director of Photography
When an exotic dancer is murdered at a seedy strip club, her sister Constance, a TV newscaster, goes undercover to find the killer. While working at the club, she quickly realizes that everyone is a suspect and that other dancers are being targeted. She must work fast to find the killer to seek her revenge before she becomes the next target.
Director of Photography
After living in hiding for 17 years, a woman faces new danger when her daughter's drug-dealing father locates them and expects her to repay the money she stole from him years earlier.
Всё, что я хочу на Рождество
Director of Photography
After being told by her boss that the company needs to attract more clients, Elizabeth, a skilled executive, meets one of Santa’s helpers, who blesses her with an extraordinary gift allowing Elizabeth to hear everyone’s unspoken thoughts. While first using her new-found power to get ahead at work, she soon learns to become a better person, turning an office rivalry into romance while learning the true meaning of Christmas along the way.
Abner, the Invisible Dog
Director of Photography
A bullied teen stumbles into possession of a top-secret government formula that turns his dog invisible and gives it the power of speech.
Рождественская свадьба
Director of Photography
Девушка возвращается в город детства, чтобы посетить свадьбу друзей, которая должна состояться в канун Рождества, но события начинают повторяться вновь и вновь…
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Director of Photography
Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But that's just a legend... or is it? It's a holiday weekend on the Jersey Shore and, unbeknownst to anyone, underwater drills have attracted dozens of albino bull sharks to the pier. When a man goes missing, TC (The Complication), Nookie and friends fear the worst and plead with the police chief to close down the beach. It isn't until a famous singer is eaten alive during a performance on the pier that the shark hunt begins. Now, the Preppies must work together with the Guidos in order to save the Jersey Shore and its inhabitants from another vicious slaughter.
Hatfields and Mccoys:  Bad Blood
Director of Photography
In this bloody long-standing feud, two families seek vengeance against each other as they unmercifully attempt to destroy each other's loved ones.
Курс на столкновение
Director of Photography
Кейт Паркс провела последний год в рекламном туре в поддержку своей книги, в которой она рассказала о том, как пытались скрыть смерть ее мужа в авиакатастрофе. Теперь все, что она хочет, это вернуться домой, к своей 15-летней дочери Саманта. Но авиалайнер, на котором летит Кейт, повреждает сильная солнечная вспышка, в результате которой один пилот погибает, второй оказывается без сознания, а вся электроника выходит из строя. Кейт вместе со стюардом Джейком пытается взять под контроль самолет и паникующих пассажиров. Кейт пытается найти способ связаться со службой управления полетами и благополучно осуществить посадку…
Американские бандиты: Френк и Джесси Джеймс
После того, как Джесси Джеймс ранен, его банда разделяется, что бы через четыре дня встретиться в заброшенном городе Джила Уэльс. Но, когда они встречаются, обнаруживают, что решительный Маршал Кейн устроил им настоящую ловушку.
Turbulent Skies
Director of Photography
When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.
Silent Venom
Director of Photography
An American submarine traveling through dangerous territorial waters is put in even more danger when two scientists bring venomous snakes on board.
Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo
Untangling the web of cultural and historical ties underlying Japan's deep fascination with insects.
Solar Flare
Director of Photography
A young math genius discovers a huge solar storm on the verge of destroying the Earth's power grid and he must alert the world before a powerful businessman stops him.
Polar Opposites
Director of Photography
When Earth's magnetic poles begin reversing, David Terran, the only scientist who predited the possibility of such a sci-fi disaster, must join forces with his estranged friend and lover to save the world. Though his writings found mass readership, scientists scoffed at his theories. But when an Iranian underground nuclear test sets off a global phenomenon that matches David's doomsday scenario, he must attempt to find a solution in order to avoid a catastrophic event of global proportions. -dpeavy
An Accidental Christmas
Director of Photography
Separated after 15 years of marriage, Vicki and Jason are set up by their two teenage children to spend a Christmas vacation together on the beach. But their family vacation is further complicated when Vicki's boss and Jason's gorgeous assistant show up. As Jason spends more time with Vicki, it becomes clear that this marriage is far from over, and he decides to propose to her all over again. It will take a lot of luck, plenty of love and a little dose of magic to bring this family back together again.
Nuclear Hurricane
Director of Photography
Linda is trapped when the nuclear power plant in which she works threatens a meltdown, while her girlfriend takes on a major storm which could destroy their island home.
Final Examination
Director of Photography
A burned out L.A. detective moves to Hawaii, where he stumbles upon a murder at a college sorority reunion.
Director of Photography
The Russian space station Avma is disintegrating, and an international team of scientists is sent to the dying station to salvage valuable technology left on board. But fate has other plans, and when a rogue meteor collides with the station, leaving them with all communications lost, and life-giving oxygen bleeding into space, one man has only hours to save all the lives on board.
Critical Mass
Director of Photography
Jeffers works security at a nuclear power plant. The plant is being decommissioned, and a politician is touring the plant and videotaping his comments regarding the closing. A terrorist group led by Samson gets inside the gates, with their ultimate goal the detonation of a nuclear bomb inside the plant. After local policemen and the other plant workers are killed, Jeffers and Janine alone must confront and halt Samson and his terrorist squad. Written by Ken Miller
Director of Photography
Жизнь порой преподносит совершенно неожиданные сюрпризы! Молодой одарённый студент Кайл Гриффин внезапно получает хорошо оплачиваемую должность стажёра в респектабельной строительной фирме. Ещё вчера Гриффин еле сводил концы с концами, а сегодня он - преуспевающий архитектор с шикарной квартирой и частый гость на вечеринках в доме своего босса. Гриффин допускает лишь одну непоправимую ошибку: Кайл не может устоять перед чарами роковой женщины. К несчастью, она - супруга его начальника.
Киберджек 2: Битва за будущее
Director of Photography
Бывший полицейский — спецназовец Роберт Дин работает в транснациональной корпорации ГЕНКОМ и ведет самую обычную жизнь. Но внезапно его начинают преследовать странные, пугающие сны, полные сцен насилия. А однажды ночью в его дом врываются какие-то люди, но Роберту удается бежать.
Active Stealth
Director of Photography
After Captain Murphy lost some of his men on his last mission to Mexico to bring back a US Senator, he has been plagued with unhappiness and bad dreams. When Murphy is given orders to go back to Mexico to help Mexican people slaving for Salvatore, a rich drug dealer, he must use a new technology plane to get there. The plane is technically advanced with a new protection luxury called 'Active Stealth'. Murphy and his men get aboard the 'Active Stealth', piloted by Hollywood who dreams of being an actor and embark to Mexico. The action never stops from then on when Salvatore sends his men in to block them from getting through.
The Kid with X-Ray Eyes
Director of Photography
Justin and his uncle find X-ray goggles misplaced by an evil crime ring. The criminals kidnap Justin, his uncle, and the Feds and Justin has to rescue everybody.
The Killing Grounds
Director of Photography
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Virtual Girl
Director of Photography
John Lewis, a programming genius, has it all- a beautiful wife and a child, a lavish home and he's on the brink of making it big after he finishes one last project, a CD-Rom Sex Game called Virtual Girl. However, things get complicated when a woman in a VR simulation becomes “real” and falls in love with the VR system creator.
Mom's Outta Sight
Director of Photography
Eccentric inventor Prof. John Richards seems to have hit pay dirt when he designs a contraption which can move large objects instantly by breaking them into atoms which can be streamed from one place to another. This new machine seems like a sure-fire hit, which has attracted the attention of Richards' less-than-scrupulous assistant Martin, who wants to steal the new invention and sell it himself. In order to make it easier for Martin to do just that, he uses the machine to create a duplicate of Richards, which will do his evil bidding. The professor's son, Jack, and wife, Barbara, learn about Martin's underhanded doings, and Barbara uses another one of her husband's gimmicks to get revenge against Martin -- she turns herself invisible.
Beautiful Losers
Willy DeVille live in concert.
Assault of the Party Nerds 2: The Heavy Petting Detective
Director of Photography
Five years after throwing a killer party and stealing Muffin away from alpha-male Zeta frat member Bud, head party nerd Ritchie is married (to Muffin!) and runs a detective agency.
The Affair
Director of Photography
A young woman named Jennifer is propositioned by an older woman to have sex with her husband for money. Jennifer has trouble with this decision as it is morally wrong to her but she really needs the money to help her fiancee out of debt so they can get married. There may be more to the situation than meets the eye.