Milena Mancini

Milena Mancini

Рождение : 1977-03-03, Roma


Milena Mancini
Milena Mancini


Un altro ferragosto
Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.
Quasi ora
An Italian middle-class family, during lunch, talks about the problems that afflict our nation.
Il giorno e la notte
After a terrorist attack in Rome, the government urges the population not to leave their houses: several couples clash during isolation. Shot during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
Землетрясение дяди Вани
Воспользовавшись хроникой репетиций «Дяди Вани» и последующих гастролей, Виничио Маркиони приглашает нас побывать в пострадавших от землетрясения провинциях Италии и чеховских местах. Чеховским трагикомическим взглядом мы смотрим на будто застывшие итальянские города и одновременно осознаём гуманитарный пафос писателя. Это путешествие в мир итальянского театра, путешествие по пострадавшей от землетрясения центральной Италии, путешествие в мир Чехова.
A mano disarmata
Alessia Angeli
Фаим, молодой итальянец бенгальского происхождения, живет со своей семьей в Торпиньяттаре, многонациональном районе Рима, работает смотрителем в музее и играет в музыкальной группе. На одном из концертов он знакомится с безбашенной и откровенной Азией, своей полной противоположностью. Между ними сразу вспыхивает чувство, и теперь Фаим должен понять, как примирить свою любовь к девушке с самым неприкосновенным правилом ислама: никакого секса до свадьбы.
Она смеётся
Женщина и ее десятилетний сын каждый по-своему переживают смерть мужа и отца, погибшего в результате несчастного случая на заводе. А вокруг – суета, соболезнования родственников, друзей, коллег и десяток важных дел, которые являются неотъемлемой частью траурных церемоний.
Один шанс на всю жизнь
Мирко и Маноло — два друга с окраины Рима. Хорошие ребята — до того момента, как сбивают поздней ночью человека и решают смыться с места происшествия. Трагедия оборачивается на первый взгляд удачей. Поскольку погибший был местным преступником, «сдавшим» свой клан, молодые люди получают положение в криминальной среде, уважение и деньги, которых никогда не видели прежде. Но пропуск в рай окажется для них билетом в ад.
Sun, Heart, Love
While her best friend Vale can afford to be a full-time performer, aspiring dancer Eli has an unemployed husband and four children to take care of, and works all day long in a cafe on the opposite side of the city, meaning she has to wake up before dawn and comes home late at night. Her kind and effervescent nature still manages to overcome this hardships.
I Was a Dreamer
At 39 years of age Mirko has just left prison. In the outskirts of Rome, a new future waits for him. When he is elected president of the homeowners’ committee, he realises that he can dream of a different kind of existence. Not only for himself and his family, but for the whole suburb where he lives. This film deals with a “bandit” who, with the help of his best friend Boccione, wants to turn the indifference of the suburb into solidarity and the roads into luxuriant fields of tomatoes, becoming the bearer of a happiness he does not know how to reach. It is the story of a fragile and irrational dream: offering a future to those who do not even believe they deserve a present.
Il generale Dalla Chiesa
Rita Dalla Chiesa
KylieFever2002: Live in Manchester
During the first half of 2002, Kylie Minogue toured Europe and Australia. This DVD captures it. Live In Manchester is a good concert that explores Kylie's musical catalog rather well from her days as a manufactured pop tart princess to her current status as icon and electro-pop diva. The concert occurs in seven different acts meant to display Kylie in some of the different manifestaions she has adopted throughout her career. Cultural references are everywhere in this concert. There's a nod to Keith Haring, and many others from Staney Kubrick, burlesque, and sci-fi flicks. It's all hard to catch, but done very well.
Kylie Minogue: Live In Sydney
Hot off the heels of her 2001 World Tour, Kylie Minogue graces the stage for one final performance in her homeland of Australia. Filmed in Sydney, this theatrical extravaganza spans Kylie's 15-year musical evolution, including hits like "I Should Be So Lucky," "Better The Devil You Know," and the Top 10 smash, "Can't Get You Out Of My Head." From the catchy opening number, "Love Boat," to the sultry interpretation of Olivia Newton-John's "Physical," Kylie's energy never slows down