Yoon Da-hoon

Yoon Da-hoon

Рождение : 1964-12-30,


Yoon Da-hoon (윤다훈) is a South Korean actor.


Yoon Da-hoon


It Will Turn Out Well This Time
The probability for Polish and Silkie to crossbreed successfully... 0% The probability that my movie will succeed... 100%? For the former adult movie director and current chicken restaurant owner Seung-hoon, COVID-19 is the worst crisis in his life, that even his family in the chicken restaurant have to leave. In front of Seung-hoon, a scenario that exudes the energy of a blockbuster masterpiece appears and he dreams of making a comeback once again, but it is not going to be easy. Everywhere he went, he got rejected, and everything is getting worse. "If I hang in here, it will turn out well this time!" (Source: HanCinema)
Бесконечная помолвка
Park Ji-roo
Ки-Бек и Юн-Хо живут разными жизнями. Он сын Железной Бизнес Леди, ныне успешный пластический хирург. Она простая корейская девушка, которая живет с отцом и, в перерывах между изготовлением традиционных бумажных кукол, прыгает с парапланом. В его доме правят деньги, в её доме разве что крысы. Им не было суждено познакомиться не смотря на то, что она была его инструктором во время прыжка. Только Ки-Бек умудрился так сильно оконфузиться во время первой встречи, что дальнейшие стали неминуемыми. А когда пришло время знакомится с семьями, оказалось что мать и отец не так уж и рады сюрпризу. И на то у них есть свои причины, более веские чем «Она из низших слоёв»/ «Он — моральный урод». Именно тут начинается самое интересное…
Silver Knife
Is virginity of any value to a girl nowadays? Min So will hold her silver knife and give you a definite YES! Shin Hee is a sexually conservative girl having a boyfriend dying to sleep with her. Brought up in a family with strong respect on girls’ virginity, Min So (Shin Hee) had to leave her parents to study in a college. To self-guard herself against any threats to her virginity, she equips herself with a silver knife – the secret weapon kept unknown to her boyfriend Joo Haek who has been longing for sex with her.
Cha Seong-jun
Two young gangsters move into Incheon with the intent of taking over, but they come up against unexpected opposition from the madam of Incheon's leading hostess bar.
Tearful Story
Oh Ji-young
A single man begins taking care of his 7-year old daughter after the death of her grandmother, with whom she used to live. At first he grapples with the everyday challenges of raising a daughter, but more serious challenges lie ahead
Sa Hyun
A heist movie about three groups of thieves who independently plan to rob the same bank on the same day, which causes no end of pandemonium and confusion, or does it?