Lorenzo Quinteros

Lorenzo Quinteros

Рождение : 1945-06-14, Monte Buey, Córdoba, Argentina

Смерть : 2019-04-23


Lorenzo Quinteros


El almuerzo
Ernesto Sábato
Carlos Robledo
A deep crisis will lead a psychiatrist to the extreme decision of "cleanse" society. His path will cross Santiago Murray, a priest who has just returned to Buenos Aires, willing to assist the needy people of his neighborhood.
La Guayaba
April elegy
The poet Salvador Merlino didn’t live to see published April’s elegy, his last book, as he died when it was still in the printing press. His daughter Mary (72) and his son, Carlos (74), kept the parcels of copies of their father’s book stashed away for 50 years, high up, on top of a wardrobe. The curiosity of young Federico will force them to come face to face with themselves.
Los chicos desaparecen
Pueblo Chico
A 60 year old medic tries to reconstruct a traumatic fact that changed his life while he is in the subway: the lost of his ten years old daughter.
Hombre del bar
Valentin, a 9-year-old boy living with his grandmother in late-1960s Buenos Aires, believes his family has problems that only he can solve. The youngster dreams of being reunited with his mother, who's separated from Valentin's abusive father.
Похождения Бога
Человек в плаще и с дорожной сумкой появляется из моря, оглядывает дюны вокруг, и направляется к обособленному зданию отеля, стоящему посреди песка. Внутри все мучительно нелепо. Он поселяется в номере, хотя не знает, зачем ему вообще здесь находиться. Напряженно пытаясь что-то вспомнить, видит черно-белые сны о спальном районе самого обычного города, от которых просыпается как от кошмара. Его новая попутчица удивленно спрашивает, чем ему не по душе окружающие условия.
The Books and the Night
Bible Seller
A dramatized approach to the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) through the recreation of some of his works and the staging of various aspects of his thought and his life.
Dr. Gazzar / Gauna
In a dystopian society, a government uses therapy and dreams to recover, or perhaps implant, memories to those lacking them.
Noche de ronda
Buenos Aires Viceversa
TV host
This is Buenos Aires, its characters, its history, its reality. A complex movie for a complex city, depicted in the character's language, and in their relationship with the present and the past
Eva Perón
Drama based on the life of Eva Peron, an obscure actress, who rose to become wife of Argentine strong-man President Juan Peron and one of the most powerful figures in Argentina until her death in 1952 at age 33.
The Revelation
A young man who thinks he is immortal investigates that condition and considers the true meaning of happiness.
The Eyes of the Scissors
Close-up to the man who censored films during the military dictatorship in Argentina, slightly inspired by the infamous Miguel Paulino Tato.
The Act in Question
A mage steals a book from a stranger and becomes very famous.
A Wall of Silence
A woman would rather forget her husband's forced disappearance at the hands of the government.
Последние изображения кораблекрушения
В одной стране жил-был страховой агент, который хотел быть писателем… НЕТ. Скорее всего жил был непризнанный поэт, работавший страховым агентом. И однажды в метро(но это не важно) он , встретив проститутку, понимает, что вот он - сюжет для его романа. Знакомится с ней, затем, как положено, с её семьёй. Семейка, надо сказать, ещё та: папаша бросил жену с детьми, прихватив вместе с основами жизни по очень важной крупице разума у каждого оставленного. У женщины с детьми полное кораблекрушение мозга. Это уже материал для романа. Да какой материал! Масштаб. Достоевского и Гоголя. Ну короче… Безумие вещь заразная. Можно из инженера человеческих душ превратиться в душевнобольного. Дальше про сюжет писать бесполезно - смотрите сами. Кроме сюжета в фильме есть настоящий Субиела.
The Loves of Kafka
A movie director from Argentine travels to Prague to make a film about Franz Kafka and Milena Jesenská.
Las puertitas del Sr. López
Señor López
Sinfín (La muerte no es ninguna solución)
Revancha de un amigo
Ariel Llanarte, writer and journalist forced to live abroad, decides to return to the country. He has the purpose of finding out the reason why his best friend disappeared.
Мужчина, глядящий на юго-восток
Dr. Julio Denis
В психиатрической лечебнице появляется странный пациент. Никто не знает, откуда он взялся, но сам он утверждает, что прилетел с другой планеты. Лечащий врач Рантеса приступает к делу... и обнаруживает, что его пациент действительно обладает сверхчеловеческими способностями, может предсказывать будущее и черпает энергию с юго-восточной стороны света.
Night of the Pencils
The Night of the Pencils was a series of kidnappings and forced disappearances, followed by the torture, rape, and murder of a number of young students during the last Argentine dictatorship (known as the National Reorganization Process). The kidnappings took place over the course of several days beginning on September 16, 1976.
Contar hasta diez
Argentina's turbulent political history is an uncredited but clearly present protagonist in this rather slow-paced story about Ramon (Oscar Martinez) and his search for his brother Pedro in the capital city of Buenos Aires. Pedro has disappeared at a time of upheaval, after a military junta takes over Argentina in 1976, killing thousands of leftists and dissidents. Unlike many others, Ramon's father has political ties that matter, but that may not change Pedro's fate, which could be death -- or like some who have been tortured, worse than death. This film was nominated for a Golden Bear award at the 1985 Berlin Film Festival.
The Children of the War
Coordinador grupo de padres
Based on the lives of four boys, all of different social classes and psychological makeup, this film tries to reflect through them the political history of Argentina during the years leading up to the Malvinas War.
La civilización está haciendo masa y no deja oír