Baran Kosari

Baran Kosari

Рождение : 1985-10-17, Tehran, Iran


Iranian actress Baran Kosari (باران کوثری) graduated in Stage Acting from Sooreh Art University. She made her acting debut in 1991 in Best Dad in the World.


Baran Kosari


Moonshadow – The Myth of Fahimeh
This is the story of Fahimeh Akbari, a leading lady in the musical and cultural history of Iran, an exceptional talent whose magical voice and unique style enriched both the folklore and urban musical landscapes of Iran, a pioneer who breathed new life into the music scene by introducing and marrying European tunes and rhythms with that of Gilan, Iran. Fahimeh Akbari, a figure so remarkable and revolutionary that her marked absence seems almost mythical. A familiar tale of a female artist mysteriously forgotten and seemingly erased from history books.
Won't You Cry?
A man loses the ability to cry after the death of his younger brother. As he deals with grief and the separation from his wife, he tries to reconcile his job at a football website with depression and a lack of meaning in life.
Odyssey of Solitude
Unknown Girl
Ahmad is a psychiatrist, believing in the treatment of the soul with the medicine in a positivistic and laboratorial way. But when his wife goes missing, he gets involved in his own delusions. Trying hard to find a trace of her, he goes to all of his friends. He desperately tries to act as a very democratic person, giving priority to his wife’s joy and pleasures. He is even willing to show that he would be happy if his wife marries one of his friends since he thinks the other one would be able to make her happier. But it seems that she’s notified that the matter of her happiness is absolutely not dependent on a “man”. Thus he sees that all his scientific beliefs are collapsed…
Without Anything
A remote village has not had a previous boom for years. Residents have either been forced to migrate or are in poverty and misery, but the village has a new guest. But the village has a new...
The film is about a literature and sports teacher who has a karate class and his eyes are on the divorced mother of one of his students. But a whole other strange thing happens and even the foot of Jamshid Hashempour, the star of Iranian action movies of those years, opens up to the story and the cases become so complicated that you do not expect it.
The Slaughterhouse
Amir, recently released from prison in France, finds himself back in Iran and in over his head when his father, a slaughterhouse worker, calls him to help him cover up a crime which has happened there.
What ordinary people like. What she likes is custom
Последняя фантазия
Mandana (voice)
После победы над миром Пустоты Царь Персии решает уничтожить дьявола. Он оставляет власть принцу Захаку. Но Зло вселяется в душу Захака. Недавние кошмары Принца преследуют его и рождают предсказание о том, что молодой человек, отца которого Захак убил когда-то, свергнет нового Правителя и восстановит мир в Царстве. Закончится ли вечная битва между Тьмой и Светом?
After a long time, three sisters come back to their paternal house. They face a caretaker along with their mother struggling with Alzheimer's. But there is no trace of the father who has disappeared in an early morning. A dead body is found, but none of the sisters are going to identify the body due to the hatred rooted in their hearts. There is a dark secret in the family, but no one intends to talk about it.
Jalal, a dropouts philosophy student, realizes that her sister Mary, who has a Bipolar disease, is married to a bourgeois man named Shahrokh who is addicted to football betting. He left the house angrily, and goes to his friend's house, Bahman, who is an underground composer. He meets a strange taxi driver named Nasser on his way. They spent a strange night together.
Asma's previous suitor Yaser ruins her wedding Ceremony. Her brother Jamal accidentally kills Yaser's brother. Yaser's odd suggestion in order to forgive Jamal, endangers Asma's Marriage.
Холодный пот
Афруз - капитан женской сборной Ирана по футзалу. После 11 лет усердной работы Иран выходит в финал Кубка азиатских наций. Но по пути на финал в Малайзию, Афруз узнает, что муж запретил ей покидать страну.
A man has returned after a few years of separation from his family and wants to take back his house from his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. His son, who farms leeches in the basement and hopes to get rich by doing that, tries to reconcile his father with his mother to stay at home, but his mother intends to marry someone else. The grandson who is just 9 years old, falls in love with his teacher at school and this causes problems in both the boy and the teacher's family.
It is few days left to Amir's 40th birthday but an incident enters him into a big crisis which makes him to begin searching for a solution.
The Girl's House
Tomorrow is Samira's wedding ceremony and Bahar and Parisa are shopping excitedly. But at night somebody calls and tells them that the bride is dead and the wedding has been called off. They are both shocked and they cannot believe what they have heard, so they go straight to their friend's fiancé, Mansoor, to find out about the cause of her suspicious death.
The story narrates the story of the life of a nursing woman who lives with her child in special circumstances, and she experiences adventures due to events and mistakes.
Qasem is a roadblock employee at the municipality, trying to improve his life while facing problems with his wife Narges.
The Red Trauma
This movie is a romance scene in the context of a city trip in Tehran, where the main character of the film is trying to maintain the balance between the four personality dimensions of a woman (Mistress, Mother, Amazon, and Madonna archetypes). Like the very close encounter, this movie has a playfulness and narcissistic feelings besides thematic and temporal concerns.
Lantouri is the name of a gang that mugs people in broad daylight on the streets of Tehran and breaks into homes in the city’s rich northern district. The gang also kidnaps children from families who have become wealthy through corruption and embezzlement of state funds. The film begins with the confessions of individual gang members. Sociologists, human rights activists and political hardliners also have their say. Gang member Pasha runs amok because Maryam, a socially committed, self-confident journalist, does not reciprocate his feelings. The badly injured young woman demands lex talionis – the law, applicable in Iran, of ‘an eye for an eye’.
7 Months Pregnant
Revenge may have irreversible consequences.
Atoosa's Laughters
Twelve strangers embark on the Trans-Asia Express, a four-day train journey from Tehran to Istanbul. But not everyone is who they pretend to be or seem to be,
The Nameless Alley
Two families who live in neighborhood in south of Tehran have different looks to life. These differences make some troubles for both.
Jameh Daran
The depressed Shirin wanders around at her father's funeral. Unexpectedly, she sees a man very much like her father. Regardless of her uncle's objection, Shirin is enchanted by the idea of finding out that man. Reluctantly, her uncle acknowledges that the man is her father's illegitimate child. Looking at gloomy daughter, Shirin's mother tells her about some past events, especially about an unexpected truth that Shirin is her father's adopted daughter. It seems to be clear that Shirin and that man have no blood bond. But her father's mistress tells a different story.
Night, Outdoor
Tuska decides that before her trip to Europe she wants to film Tehran from north to south with her camera. Her brother and friends are accompany her in this. But during that some troubles are happen to them.
An Adopted Movie From Orginal Title 'Lipstick"
I'm Not Angry!
I'm not Angry! is the story of Navid, a starred and expelled university student who - while trying to provide the least requirements of a normal life -, tries not to get angry when he is faced with the immoralities prevalent in the society, and does all he can to keep his love, Setareh.
Рассказ о жизни семи простых людей. Молодая женщина с ребенком на руках садится в такси, но, как быстро выясняется, у неё нет ни денег, ни дома… Пожилая дама стоит в очереди в некоем учреждении. Она просит мужчину помочь ей заполнить бланк для получения пенсии, но мужчине совсем нет дела до какой-то старухи, у него хватает своих проблем… Неграмотный фабричный рабочий становится безумно ревнивым, когда его жена получает письмо от человека, который когда-то нанял ее для «временного брака»… Все истории связаны единой нитью страдания и борьбы, и все вместе эти истории складываются, как кусочки мозаики, в портрет страны, существующей в тисках бюрократии, наркомании, матерей-одиночек и массы других проблем.
Nilofar pakzad
It is about a boy named Ghahraman who changes his life when he starts working in a laboratory
A young woman fleeing Iran via Turkey will do whatever it takes to reach the West. One evening she meets a young Turkish-Iranian man outside a club in Istanbul and offers to get him into the club for free. A a relationship develops between them and she convinces him to leave Turkey with her. They initially approach a relative of the young man, who owns a carpet shop, to help them escape but between drugs and fiery temperaments things seriously misfire. They then try to to hustle for the money they need to pay for fake passports and visas but in the carpet bazaar of Istanbul they are out of their depth.
I'm a Mother
The film is about the lives of two affluent families that are collapsing.
Один кусочек сахара
Grooms Relative
В старинном иранском городе живёт дружная семья. Старшие дочери уже вышли замуж и покинули дом родителей. Теперь замуж собирается младшая, и все сёстры приезжают домой, чтобы помочь матери с приготовлениями к свадьбе.
Fairy Tale
Absolutely Tame Is a Horse
A corrupted police officer insists on bribing a broke man, so he has to go to everybody and do everything in order to be able to pay him in the very night.
A man, who has some kind of a disease and eats a lot, enters a poor and large family to marry their mother.
During the rule of Taliban in Afghanistan, about 3 million illegal Afghani immigrants entered Iran and caused numerous problems for the Iranian society to accept them. This film depicts the story of a 17 year old rural girl by the name of Mahi (Fish), who comes from a war-stricken family in southern Iran. Mahi falls in love with Heiran, an Afghan student who has come to their village to work. However, Mahi's family being strictly against her marriage to Heiran, force Mahi to choose one between her family and an Afghan boy.
The Postman Doesn't Knock Three Times
A man takes another man's girl as a hostage and goes to a deserted house outside of Tehran. But there another destiny is waiting him.
My Child
harming drama set in a rural area of post-war Iran. This heartwarming story follows a thoughtful young woman who serves as a leader to the community and a seemingly naive young man who is smitten with a local girl. The film observes their customs and traditions in the tranquil setting of their natural environment. Despite the irreparable damage to their lives due to the war, the villagers remain warm-hearted and kind to those they encounter. The past haunts their lives, but their hearts remain pure and strong in war torn times.
Mohammad is sent to an apartment situated in uptown Tehran to install their satellite dishes, while having satellite TV is illegal in Iran. He arrives there with a girl named Shirin who seems to be his girlfriend and is in need of some money to repair her father's car with which she has had an accident the day before. Each of the house's residents have their own fish to fry and they also want their satellites installed as soon as possible.
A hundred and fourteen famous Iranian theater and cinema actresses and a French star: mute spectators at a theatrical representation of Khosrow and Shirin, a Persian poem from the twelfth century, put on stage by Kiarostami. The development of the text -- long a favorite in Persia and the Middle East -- remains invisible to the viewer of the film, the whole story is told by the faces of the women watching the show.
Tofigh-e Ejbari
Tofigh-e Ejbari is a day-in-the-life of a superstar, Reza, and all the pluses and minuses that such degree of fame brings with it in terms of dealing with friends, family, fans and general public.
The Third Day
During the Iran-Iraq War, a disabled young woman is taken captive by Iraqi Baathist forces in Khuzestan Province. Her brother, along with his fellow combatants, tries to free his sister from the clutches of the enemy.
Сара пристрастилась к наркотикам. Ее жених Араш учится в Канаде и не знает о ее зависимости. За месяц до его возвращения в Иран Сара решает избавиться от своей зависимости, но это будет не так легко, как она думает.
As the days of several different people unfold, their separate lives are about to become linked by a tragic car crash which kills two women. Affected by their involvement in the accident in different ways, neither Amir or Mr Naseri will ever be the same again. How will the tragedy affect their relationships with those around them in this absorbing drama? Written by
The Magic Generation
Babak is more than just an unemployed engineer living with his parents in his 20s. He possesses a supernatural sense of hearing, so strong he can hear through solid walls and over great distances. But Babak is not the only one with bizarre, unexplained powers. A group of extraordinary individuals begin to emerge and find each other. Will they learn to use their powers for anything other than their own selfish means? With experimental sequences and innovative camerawork, director Iraj Karimi takes a whimsical look at a band of youths brought together through their abilities, but bound by their lack of purpose.
Ирано-иракская война. Тегеран в канун нового года подвергается ракетным ударам. Одинокая деревенская жительница Гиланех отправляет сына на войну. Ее дочь уходит на поиски мужа-дезертира. Пятнадцать лет спустя. Снова Тегеран и снова канун нового года. Гиланех ухаживает за сыном, пострадавшим на войне. У нее почти не осталось сил, она больше не в состоянии заботиться о нем, а ее дочь далеко. Гиланех ждет женщину с юга, обещавшую выйти замуж за ее сына.
Girl's Dormitory
A young beautiful lady leaves the overprotective and familiar environment of her hometown and moves to the city to set off her college studies. There, she will have to face a new life alone, with all the experiences and dangers that this may imply.
The Winning Card
The manager of a successful travel agency, Arman, has just got away with committing huge financial fraud. Now he intends to flee the country before the authorities can catch up to him.
Танцуя в пыли
Под давлением семьи Назар вынужден развестись со своей женой Рейхане, потому что её мать была проституткой. После развода Назар устраивается на две работы, чтобы хоть как то компенсировать бывшей жене его предательство...
Наше время
Документальный фильм, освещающий участие женщин в политической жизни и их участие в иранских выборах 2001 года.
Под кожей города
«Под кожей города» следует за одной иранской семьей в их вечной борьбе за финансовую и эмоциональную поддержку на плаву. Туба много работает на текстильной фабрике, чтобы свести концы с концами в течение дня, возвращаясь вечером, чтобы предстать перед испытаниями и невзгодами своей семьи: ее беременная дочь, которая часто страдает от рук своего оскорбительного мужа, сына, вовлеченного в радикальную политику, и еще один сын, который надеется сбежать в Японию. В своей борьбе за самоопределение и независимость Туба и ее семья стали представлять бедственное положение рабочего класса в современном Тегеране.
Tales of an Island
An anthology directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Testing Democracy) and Dariush Mehrjui (Dear Cousin is Lost)
Майская леди
Киофа - кинорежиссер, которая развелась со своим мужем много лет назад и сейчас живет со своим сыном Маани. Она решает снять документальный фильм о идеальных мамах. Для этого она встречает многих матерей, чтобы выбрать среди них идеальную маму. Наконец она решает прекратить снимать этот фильм из-за усталости, но доктор Рахбар хочет, чтобы она продолжила. Маани каждый день дразнит ее, не давая ей выйти замуж за доктора Рахбара, но она наконец решает, что хочет выйти за него замуж.
Баран и Буми
На верхней палубе круизного лайнера Баран, молодая богатая девушка, замечает местного мальчика, который радостно танцует под удар барабанов. Баран прибывает в шикарную гостиницу на материке, однако она выглядит несколько безутешной. Позже она снова находит родного мальчика, и они начинают связываться, игриво исследуя пляжный курорт вместе. Позже они садятся на гребную лодку, и туземец ныряет в воду, чтобы собрать для нее жемчужину с морского дна. Однако финал заставляет зрителей задуматься о том, был ли он плодом страстного воображения Баран. Хорошо снятый и с сильным выступлением Баран Косари, этот фильм прекрасно передает горько-сладкие муки юной любви.
Скрытый синий
Пожилой владелец томатной фермы и фабрики соусов после смерти своей жены влюбляется в одного из работников фабрики, ставя под угрозу его отношения с дочерьми и родственниками. В то время как все в большой семье убеждают старика отказаться от отношений с бедной девочкой, старик делает свой последний выбор любви.
A sharp-edged look at people who live outside the constraints of Islamic law.