Giorgos Hristodoulou


Эль Греко
Duke Da Rimi
Он не оставил после себя учеников, не создал собственной школы и не примкнул ни к одному из художественных направлений того времени. Его искусство было не только шире пределов любой национальной традиции, но и далеко опередило свое время. Уроженец острова Крит, Доминикос Теотокопулос получил прозвище Грек. Именно под этим именем он и вошел в историю искусства. Бежав от судебных тяжб с Крита, художник много лет проработал в Италии, а позже осел в Испании, в Толедо. О его жизни известно крайне мало, не сохранилось ни одного достоверного автопортрета, исчезла могила с его прахом, давно разрушен дворец маркиза де Вильены, где он жил. Да и само искусство толедского мастера пребывало в забвении вплоть до начала XX века. Но время сохранило самое главное — его картины.
The Red Daisy
An employee of a pharmaceutical company is unjustly accused of doping a racehorse and finds refuge in a provincial troupe, where he becomes the man for all errands.
Στον Αστερισμό Του Λαμπάντα
Nikos Vellidis
Θανάσιμο δίλημμα
Άντρα θέλω
Arseniko kai palia dantela
Mortimer Brewster
Members of an otherwise typical New York Brooklyn family are "tortured" by a kind of hereditary madness. In the meantime, the adopted nephew Mortimer tries to do everything to protect his two aunts, who indulge in a variety of dangerous acts, such as poisoning lonely and homeless elderly people, and burying them in the basement of their house. When another niece, Jonathan, arrives, the situation will spiral out of control. The play was released on DVD by Radiotileorasi magazine in December 2010 (78th DVD of the "ERT Cultural Film Archive" series).
Dangerous Cargo
First Mate
A pirate takes over a munitions ship, killing the captain, and when the crew mutinies and abandons ship, is left aboard with the captain's widow.
Καυτές διακοπές
Father takes revenge on kidnappers after paying a ransom.
Girls with Dirty Hands
Alice is in America to complete her studies and is hosted in the home of a distant relative, with whom concludes an affair. When he learns his wife kills him with the help of her lover, making sure to blame Alice for murder. Furthermore, this evil woman who has relations with the underworld, ensures that Alice be kidnapped. Mario, a student with whom Alice has also bond to help prove his innocence and lead authorities to the real culprits.
Η Δαιμονισμένη
Mikaela, The Sweet Temptation
Alex (Freddie's secretary)
Mikaela a very pretty woman, married to a rich architect, goes to an island To meet her husband who’s working with his secretary and a family friend.The friend is very much in love with Mikaela, but his friendship with her Husband prevents him from revealing his true feelings. Mikaela attracts the attention of the local islanders and with the many problems she has with her husband it is inevitable that she looks for tenderness and love in the arms of a number of men, until that is, she discovers that the only embrace that will comfort her is that of a woman. In the end she will be abandoned by them all, except for the secretary of her former husband,who truly loves her
Lesbian August
A young girl goes with her father and stepmother, with whom she has a lesbian affair, for vacation on a small island and a local fisherman gets between the two lovers.
Το σφάλμα
Conflict of Emotions
A drug addict meets an aristocratic woman who married a criminal.