
Dangerous Cargo (1977)

Жанр : боевик, криминал

Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М

Директор : Kostas Karagiannis

Краткое содержание

A pirate takes over a munitions ship, killing the captain, and when the crew mutinies and abandons ship, is left aboard with the captain's widow.


Kostas Karagiorgis
Kostas Karagiorgis
Nikos Verlekis
Nikos Verlekis
Deborah Shelton
Deborah Shelton
Captain's Wife
Giorgos Hristodoulou
Giorgos Hristodoulou
First Mate
Stavros Farmakis
Stavros Farmakis
Ilias Grigontis
Ilias Grigontis
Sokratis Tzelentis
Sokratis Tzelentis
Nikos Evangelou
Nikos Evangelou
Manolis Marselos
Manolis Marselos


Kostas Karagiannis
Kostas Karagiannis
Yiannis Politis
Yiannis Politis
Giorgos Theodosiadis
Giorgos Theodosiadis
Original Music Composer
Vasilis Vasileiadis
Vasilis Vasileiadis
Tasis Palatsiolis
Tasis Palatsiolis
Sound Engineer
Pantelis Filippides
Pantelis Filippides
Production Manager
Panos Angelopoulos
Panos Angelopoulos
James Paris
James Paris


Riot on 42nd St.
Tough ex-con Glenn Barnes gets paroled from prison after serving a sentence for manslaughter. Glenn plans to reopen his old nightclub the Garage on 42nd Street. Vicious rival nightclub owner Farrell threatens to take drastic measures if Glenn goes through with his plan. After all the employees get massacred by Farrell's flunkies on opening night, Glenn reverts back to his brutish criminal ways to exact a harsh revenge on Farrell and his men.
Слишком рискованно
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Душная камера
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Приходи играть со мной
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I Start Counting
An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.
An Old South plantation owner lusts after his female slaves.
Mondo Bizarro
A faux travelogue that mixes documentary and mockumentary footage. The camera looks through a one-way glass into the women's dressing room at a lingerie shop, visits a Kyoto massage parlor, goes inside the mailroom at Frederick's of Hollywood, watches an Australian who sticks nails through his skin and eats glass, checks out the art and peace scene in Los Angeles, takes in Easter week with vacationing college students on Balboa Island, observes a German audience enjoying a play about Nazi sadism, and, with the help of powerful military lenses, spies on a Lebanese white-slavery auction.
Черный корсар
Их было трое: Красный Корсар, Зеленый Корсар и Черный Корсар. Они были мужественны и благородны, как капитан Блад. Но подлый удар в спину, работа наемного убийцы - и черный корсар остался один... Он должен отомстить, но враг силен и не собирается скрываться. Где произойдет последняя схватка - на бескрайних морских просторах или в дебрях джунглей - неважно. Кровь за кровь, око за око, жизнь - ничто, честь - все.
Пираты Тортуги
XVII век. После продолжительного плавания, капитан Барт Пэкстон возвращается в Англию, где получает новое задание британского Адмиралтейства. Он отправится в воды Карибского моря, где бесчинствует грозный пират Генри Морган. Капитан Барт должен присоединиться к флотилии Моргана, которая базируется на острове Тортуга, и впоследствии, захватить или уничтожить главаря пиратов. Однако, хитрый Морган узнает о намерениях Барта и готовится к приему. Между ними завязывается поединок не на жизнь, а на смерть...
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Fortunes of Captain Blood
When he unwittingly sends some of his men into a trap, pirate Captain Peter Blood decides to rescue them. They've been taken prisoner by the Spanish Marquis de Riconete who is now using them as slave labor harvesting pearls from the sea.
Человеческая многоножка 3
Надзиратель беспокойной тюрьмы, у которого не получается заслужить уважение заключенных и губернатора штата, решается на внедрение революционного наказания, способного не только навести порядок в тюремной системе, но и сэкономить миллионы долларов, — в буквальном смысле поставить заключенных на колени, сшив их в гигантскую многоножку из 500 человек.
Sinthia: The Devil's Doll
Cynthia Kyle enters puberty with a vengeance, murdering her parents as they make love: she's wanted her father to love only her. Eight years later, she's free and wants to marry, but nightmares plague her so she seeks psychiatric help. The doctor asks her to describe a dream: it's long and elaborate with dreams within dreams of Lucifer, Hell, and her parents in various guises. To shed her guilt, the shrink recommends that she commit suicide in her next dream. In it, she falls in love with an artist who reminds her of her father, responds to a woman who finds her attractive, and celebrates her first school-yard kiss. The dream takes her back to her parents' bedside. Is any cure possible?
The Son of Captain Blood
The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.
Goodbye Gemini
Unnaturally close, jet-setting twins become enmeshed in the Swinging London scene, where their relationship is strained after they befriend a predatory hustler and his girlfriend.
Женская тюрьма
Морские пираты Энджи и Келли отправляются на спасение сестры Келли, которую захватил в рабство Монтьеро, владелец кофейных плантаций, расположенных в диких джунглях Филиппин.
The Flaming Teenage
A small town boy heads for the lights of the big city and discovers the delights of hard liquor and fast women. Ere long, he becomes an addict, a dope peddler and a shop-lifter to obtain money for drugs.
A young boy discovers the existence of a group called the Mooncussers - a gang of pirates that work at night and sends out false homing signals to ships at sea. The ships then crash on the shore, where they are looted by the gang.
The Forbidden
This documentary explores assorted "forbidden" topics from all over the world. Among the subjects depicted herein are a racy TV commercial for a female martial arts school, rowdy teenagers protesting a strict curfew on the Sunset Strip, an underground lesbian club in Geneva, a portable topless bar, and various strip acts from different parts of the globe.