Tasis Palatsiolis


Dangerous Cargo
Sound Engineer
A pirate takes over a munitions ship, killing the captain, and when the crew mutinies and abandons ship, is left aboard with the captain's widow.
Ησαΐα χόρευε
Sound Engineer
Isaiah and Anargyros are partners and keep together a wedding bureaux office. Things are not going well lately, and Isaiah's wife, Kallirroi, is in charge of helping the situation. She finds a bridegroom for her daughter, a wealthy family. But the groom is not as rich as he is in fact the son of the groom. The situation is getting even more confused since her daughter is not the daughter of a shipowner as he presented her!
Молодые Афродиты
Sound Mixer
Действие картины разворачивается на неведомом острове, где местные жители живут идиллической жизнью. В то время как все мужчины деревни находятся в море, с гор спускается группа чужаков (пастухов), и юный пастушок пленяется красотой местной девушки. Не зная, как привлечь её внимание, он приносит ей свою добычу — мёртвого пеликана. Девушка заинтригована, но не уверена в чувствах мальчика. Случайно дети становятся свидетелями запретных любовных игр более старшей пары. Тем временем и за юными героями наблюдает мальчик постарше, грубо вмешиваясь в ход событий, что приводит к драматической развязке.
Ο Χρυσός και ο Τενεκές
Sound Recordist
Madame Mayor
Sound Director
On the square of a village on a beautiful greek island there are two competing tavernas. One belongs to Aspasia and the other to Anargyros, who is a former Sergeant Major of the Greek Army. Their constant conflict doesn’t affect their children, who love and meet each other in secret. The local elections creates a new battlefield for the two taverna-owners, as they both run for office and promise everything to everyone.
Madame Mayor
Production Director
On the square of a village on a beautiful greek island there are two competing tavernas. One belongs to Aspasia and the other to Anargyros, who is a former Sergeant Major of the Greek Army. Their constant conflict doesn’t affect their children, who love and meet each other in secret. The local elections creates a new battlefield for the two taverna-owners, as they both run for office and promise everything to everyone.
Μήτρος και Μητρούσης στην Αθήνα
Sound Recordist
Two friends from the province dream of going to Athens. On board the train, however, two smugglers are being asked and offered to hire them as waiters in the nightclub as a showcase.
Τα ντερβισόπαιδα
Sound Recordist
Erotic Stories
Sound Engineer
A modest film of three independent parts showing sad couple stories.
Герой в домашних туфлях
Production Manager
О судьбе генерала, всю свою жизнь трудившегося на благо Родины, а на старости лет всеми забытого и покинутого, доживающего свои последние дни в нищете и одиночестве.
Fanouris and His Kin
Sound Engineer
A good-natured paterfamilias who is struggling to make ends meet rests his hopes on his successful expatriate brother to finally see their older sister get married. However, is the wealthy sibling willing to help?
Jeep, Periptero Ki Agapi
Sound Recordist
Anna of Rhodes
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Giovanni, now helps the residents of the island as much as possible. At the same time, he also falls in love with Anna Roditi, a member of the Resistance. He travels back and forth to the Middle East carrying secret plans for the defense of the Dodecanese. The revelation of Aris' activity also leads to Anna's arrest, who is about to be court-martial-led. The capitulation of Italy, however, averts such an unpleasant development. With the end of the war and the unification of the Dodecanese islands with Greece, Aris returns to Rhodes to live there forever with his beloved Anna Roditi.