Aurania Rouverol

Рождение : 1886-08-13, Utah, USA

Смерть : 1955-06-23


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Aurania Rouverol (August 13, 1886 - June 23, 1955) was an American writer best known for her play Skidding in which she created Andy Hardy and his family, who were turned into a popular series of movies for MGM. Aurania Rouverol was born in Utah and died in Palo Alto, California aged 68 years. She is the mother of Jean Rouverol.


Andy Hardy Comes Home
Andy Hardy, now a grown man with a wife and children, returns to his hometown on a business trip and finds himself getting mixed up in local politics.
Love Laughs at Andy Hardy
Andy Hardy goes to college after serving in the war and finds his sweetheart is engaged to someone else.
Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble
Andy is going to Wainwright College as did his father. He sees a pretty blonde on the train and he is alternately winked at or slapped every time he sees her. Andy is clueless. On the train Andy meets Kay and Dr. Standish who are both headed for Wainwright. Andy likes Kay, but Dr. Standish also seems to take an interest in her. Things are going well at College with Kay, but the blonde is nice one minute and ignores Andy the next. When Andy finds out that the blonde is really identical twins, he tries to help them out with their father but gets caught at their rooming house after midnight.
Andy Hardy's Double Life
Andy is about to head off to college but he's got a few things to take care of before leaving. For starters, he must try and sell his junk car for $20 to pay for a bill and he must convince his father not to go with him to college. Worst of all is that Polly wants to make up but her best friend decides to give Andy a test.
The Courtship of Andy Hardy
While Judge Hardy handles a couple's divorce, Andy takes a shine to their shy daughter.
Life Begins for Andy Hardy
With his high school graduation behind him, Andy Hardy decides that as an adult, it's time to start living his life. Judge Hardy had hoped that his son would go to college and study law, but Andy isn't sure that's what he wants to do so he heads off to New York City to find a job. Too proud to accept any help from Betsy Booth, Andy finds that living on his own isn't so easy. With perseverance he eventually finds a job and even gets to date the pretty receptionist in his office. He also has to face several of life's lessons leading him to conclude that he may still have a bit of growing up to do.
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary
Theatre Play
All set to graduate from high school , Andy Hardy flunks his English exam -- in spite of the fact that Aunt Milly is his teacher, and that the Judge has gone to all the trouble of getting him his very own private secretary.
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante
Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.
Judge Hardy and Son
Judge Hardy guides Andy through problems with girls, money and an essay contest.
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever
Young Andy develops a crush on his drama teacher. When his play is chosen as the school's annual production, Andy seizes the opportunity to spend as much time as possible with his pretty teacher. Meanwhile, Judge Hardy has his own problems when he gets conned into forming a phony aluminum corporation.
The Hardys Ride High
Sixth of the Judge Hardy series. Judge James K. Hardy is brought the fabulous news from attorney George Irving, that he could be the heir to 2 million dollars. In order to claim the inheritance, he and his family must leave for Detroit. The disinherited heir Philip 'Phil' Westcott, adopted son of the deceased relative, has to leave the fabulous mansion Detroit. But the playboy Phil ain't going down without a fight. He decides on a charm offensive. First with Polly Benedict and foremost Andrew 'Andy' Hardy, the son of Judge Hardy.
На Запад с Харди
Судья Харди отправляется на ранчо своего друга в Аризону, чтобы помочь ей в юридическом споре, и он берет с собой свою семью.
Любовь находит Энди Харди
Подросток Энди Харди, сын известного судьи Каравеллы Джеймса готовится к рождественской вечеринке. Парнишка влюблен в автомобили, лелеет мечту о собственном авто. Эта страсть приводит его к мысли: если он не приобретет собственный автомобиль перед праздником для поездки на танцы, он не будет иметь успеха у сверстников. Энди идет в автомагазин и решается приобрести старый кабриолет всего за 20 долларов, но, к сожалению, всю сумму парень выплатить не в силах, поэтому влезает в долги к своему другу Бизи, согласившись за 8 долларов весь вечер сопровождать некую Синтию Попер — любительницу вечеринок и поцелуев. Это долговое обязательство и прогулки создаст немало проблем для юного автолюбителя, а ко всему прочему в их район приезжает двенадцатилетняя Бетси — дочь известной эстрадной певицы…
Judge Hardy's Children
Judge Hardy takes a business trip to Washington, DC, where Andy promptly falls for the French ambassador's daughter.
You're Only Young Once
Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.
A Family Affair
Theatre Play
Judge Hardy faces problems at work and at home. Powerful men in town are upset with his decisions and want to see him impeached; his daughters, Joan and Marion, have romantic problems; and his son, Andy discovers Polly Benedict. As usual, Judge Hardy is concerned with everyone in the family and lends wisdom and calmness to all.
Танцуйте, дураки, танцуйте
Дочь Бонни и сын Родни дети богатого биржевого маклера Стенли Джордана проводят свои дни в приятном "ничегонеделании", когда грянула беда. Их отец все теряет на бирже и в результате сердечного приступа умирает. Семья полностью разорена и даже утварь уходит с молотка для покрытия долгов. Оставшись ни с чем, брат и сестра сталкиваются с совершенно новыми для них проблемами: друзья все как песок просочились сквозь пальцы и надо самостоятельно найти способ прокормиться. Из них обоих именно Бонни оказалась более устойчивой. Она отказывается выйти замуж за своего жениха.
Танцуйте, дураки, танцуйте
Дочь Бонни и сын Родни дети богатого биржевого маклера Стенли Джордана проводят свои дни в приятном "ничегонеделании", когда грянула беда. Их отец все теряет на бирже и в результате сердечного приступа умирает. Семья полностью разорена и даже утварь уходит с молотка для покрытия долгов. Оставшись ни с чем, брат и сестра сталкиваются с совершенно новыми для них проблемами: друзья все как песок просочились сквозь пальцы и надо самостоятельно найти способ прокормиться. Из них обоих именно Бонни оказалась более устойчивой. Она отказывается выйти замуж за своего жениха.