Marcello Mazzarella
Рождение : 1963-10-18, Erice, Sicilia, Italy
Two proud and estranged brothers, a disputed inheritance and a past that comes back. When he hears about the passing of his father - whom he has not seen in many years - Salvo returns to his native Sicily. He intends to convince his brother Lillo to sell the family farm and save his pizzeria, which is about to go bankrupt - a secret that he has kept even from his wife and children. But things will not be easy and Salvo will have to come to terms with his choices. A bittersweet comedy about family relations and how one never stops growing up, not even at fifty.
История факира, влюбившегося в девушку в Париже, а затем случайным образом отправившегося в путешествие по городам Европы. Теперь ему предстоит найти обратный путь к незнакомке, которая так сильно приглянулась его сердцу.
Fra Rufino
The troubled relationship between Saint Francesco and his minion Elia da Cortona
Italy, third millennium. Andrei, a Romanian university student, ends up embroiled in an intrigue linked to the disappearance of a German antiquarian.
It is the true story of a man called Biagio Conte, a Sicilian who was looking for God and ended up founding a mission to help the homeless and the poorest immigrants of his city. His story starts in the mountains as a shepherd and continues on a long trip to reach Assisi, the home of Saint Francis.
It is the true story of a man called Biagio Conte, a Sicilian who was looking for God and ended up founding a mission to help the homeless and the poorest immigrants of his city. His story starts in the mountains as a shepherd and continues on a long trip to reach Assisi, the home of Saint Francis.
Poliziotto / Magistrato / Proprietaria dell'Auto / Stefano Bontate
В центре сюжета история бывшего гангстера Виктора Ламбера, специализировавшегося на похищении произведений искусства. Когда-то он жил в России и с тех пор любит эту страну, а также свою бывшую сообщницу Александру Иванову. Проведя пятнадцать лет за решеткой во Франции, Виктор Ламбер возвращается в Москву, чтобы отомстить за смерть своего сына, убитого контрабандистами бриллиантов. Верная подруга Александра помогает ему в этом деле
The last few years in the life of Armida Miserere, female jail director who committed suicide
Prof Carella
Some people say that school days are the best day of our lives... but there are plenty of exceptions. When chronically bored student Alex seems to have no future, two of his teachers take the challenge to help him discover the motivation he lacks. The teachers, a couple in the middle of their divorce, will fight to impose the best way to make Alex a promising student.
Фильм рассказывает о скандале, произошедшем при инспекции Римского банка. Маттиа Барба, уверенный, что с помощью пера можно изменить мир, переезжает из провинции в столицу чтобы стать журналистом. В Риме наивный молодой человек попадает в игру, правил которой не понимает. Первое очарование Римом постепенно сменяется осознанием суровой реальности, но дороги назад уже нет.
Эпический фильм, рассказывающий о жизни трех поколений одной сицилийской семьи в городке Багерия
L'emissario dei siciliani
The story of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the Neapolitan Mafia in 1985.
Don Michele
Inspired to a true story, on November 5th 1991, Rita Atria a young 17-year-old Sicilian girl, goes to see an anti-Mafia judge Paolo Borsellino to denounce the Mafia system that was responsible for the murder of her father and her brother. It is the first time that such a young woman from a Mafia family rebels and betrays the Mafia. From that moment on, Rita's days are numbered. She only has nine months to live...
A young Italian worker, persuaded by his friend to take on a one-off 'nightwatchman' job for easy money, finds the reality is more macabre -- and complex -- than he expected.
Paolo Corsicato
French writer Luca Morandi was born in Italy. He is forty years old and finds himself at a crossroads in his life. He doesn't know where to turn: France, his adopted home where he was raised, or Italy, the country of his birth, perfect, wonderful and ideal, like a child’s dream.
A look at the difficult living conditions in two small mining villages in Bolivia as seen through the eyes of the young children who are forced to work there.
Maresciallo CC
A middle aged woman, recently released from prison robs a jewellery store and takes off with her long lost teenage son
Valerio Mastandrea is Franz, a night bus driver on the airport route who owes a lot of money from poker debts. He's stumbled upon by the variously named Leila, a thief who has accidentally become wrapped up in a secretive blackmail deal involving the President. As the film unfolds, a secret war between factions of the Security Services, a series of confusions among the various criminal fraternities whose activites have been touched upon by the deal, and Leila's past all complicate the situation.
Totò Riina
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
Несколько лет назад в Италии был опубликован роман под замысловатым заглавием «Расчеши волосы сто раз перед сном». И мгновенно стал национальным бестселлером, несмотря на странное название, отсутствие мощной рекламы и никому не известное имя на обложке — Мелисса Панарелло. А все потому, что автором оказалась юная девушка из Сицилии, взявшая за основу книги свои интимные дневники. Нежные и шокирующие, трогательные и чувственные, скандальные, но поэтичные — откровения Мелиссы о собственном превращении из нимфетки в женщину, первых эротических переживаниях и сексуальных опытах произвели настоящий фурор в Европе, заставив критиков назвать роман «Лолитой» XXI века«. И теперь эта поразительная книга обретает новую жизнь — в формате полнометражного кино…
Born in Spain in 1492 at the time all Jews and Muslims were ordered out of the country, Joshua (Leonardo Cesare Abude) is declared the next messiah by an elder. Eventually settling in Italy with his family, Joshua grows into a man and becomes fascinated with Catholicism, much to the dismay of local religious leaders. Pasquale Scimeca's religious drama exploring the nature of prejudice and intolerance also stars Anna Bonaiuto and Toni Bertorelli.
Lily Valentino
USA, 1951. When a group of Italian immigrants suspected to have connections with the Mafia are sent back to Italy with the brand of "undesirable", a journalist decide to inquire about the story.
The Father
A coming of age story of boy Turi and his younger sister Teresa on an island off the coast of Sicily.
The moving relationship of a man in crisis who would like to be a father, and a fatherless, mentally orphaned young rebel.
There were four friends. Now there are only three – one of them has just died in Sicily in a stupid road accident. Fifteen years earlier, Tomas, a young French filmmaker, had made the group the subject of a documentary. He had become their friend, their brother from Paris.
A man uses the principles of double-entry bookkeeping to settle his accounts with society.
Placido Rizzotto
As a child, Sicilian Placido Rizzotto saw his father imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, and as a young man he fought in World War II, first as a soldier and then as an anti-fascist partisan. These events have left Placido with little taste for petty tyranny and with a desire to promote social justice. Upon his return home, he becomes increasingly aware that the Mafia has taken hold of his village, witnessing angry and frustrated as gangsters control local politics and take whatever they want from the people. Placido helps to form a trade union as a challenge to the Mafia's authority, and attempts to organize the villagers into a collective to grow crops in the fields taken by the Mafia.
This is the story of Rosario and Matteo, two man from Southern Italy. Rosario is helped by Luigi to settle in the north. Luigi wants to give Rosario a chance to redeem himself and offer him, at the same time, an opportunity to confront his beliefs with the ones of his son Matteo. Rosario lives in a "commune" and Matteo in a beautiful, comfortable house. They're both introverted and shy and find a common ground: they meet, go out together, become friends and show each other a completely different way of living their lives as teenagers.
Фильм рассказывает историю жизни Марселя Пруста, в чьем сознании перед смертью пробуждаются воспоминания из прошлого.
Remo's Colleague
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.
Organ hunter #2
2005 год. Компания «Окосама Старр» собирается выпустить к Рождеству новую виртуальную игру «Нирвана», в которой возможно всё. Но игра дает сбои. Создатель «Нирваны» программист Джими (Кристофер Ламберт) решает уничтожить игру. Но чтобы стереть игру, талантливому программисту и его друзьям придется проникнуть в тщательно охраняемое здание корпорации, где хранится оригинал игры…
70-летний отец отправляется навестить своих пятерых детей, чтобы убедиться, что у них все хорошо. Они не хотят его разочаровывать…
The 27 year-old Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi walked from Romania to Paris in 1903 and 1904 as a preparation and prelude to becoming the most important sculptor of the 20th century. Brancusi leaves his small village of Hobitza, south of the Carpathian Mountains and walks through Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and parts of France to arrive in Paris, the metropolis of world culture for the first three decades of the 1900s. He walks in spring, summer, winter and autumn, treading the landscape away from the beaten track, experiencing sights, having adventures, suffering hardships, looking, touching and feeling the world as a preparation of what is to come for him.