Luis Ortega

Рождение : 1980-07-12, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Луис Ортега родился в Буэнос-Айресе в 1980 году. В 1999 году, в возрасте девятнадцати лет, он снял свой первый полнометражный художественный фильм «Черный ящик», получивший множество международных наград и сделал его одним из самых перспективных и новаторских кинематографистов Аргентины. С тех пор он создал фильмографию с сильным авторским почерком, став одним из самых дерзких и привлекательных голосов на независимой латиноамериканской сцене, включая фильмы «Моноблок», «Dromómanos» и «Лулу». В 2015 году он написал сценарий и снял «Историю одного клана», широко популярный и критикуемый минисериал (11 серий). В 2016 году он также снял первые два эпизода успешного сериала «Маргинал».


At night a traveling flash runs through the streets of Buenos Aires hell, illuminating even the most remote roads. It's easy to mistake it for an angel. Its light, volatile step numbs the city and condenses the glances. It takes refuge in subways and tunnels under the ground. It comes off time. It tempts the dead to come back. It is The Light. The comfort of the homeless.
At night a traveling flash runs through the streets of Buenos Aires hell, illuminating even the most remote roads. It's easy to mistake it for an angel. Its light, volatile step numbs the city and condenses the glances. It takes refuge in subways and tunnels under the ground. It comes off time. It tempts the dead to come back. It is The Light. The comfort of the homeless.
Буэнос-Айрес, 1971 год. Карлитос – семнадцатилетний кудрявый блондин с детским личиком и замашками кинозвезды. Еще мальчиком он заглядывался чужие вещи, но его истинное призвание - быть настоящим вором - проявилось в подростковом возрасте. Когда в новой школе Карлитос встречает Рамона, то сразу привязывается к нему и начинает хвастаться, чтобы привлечь внимание. Вместе они отправятся в путь, полный открытий, любви и преступлений.
Буэнос-Айрес, 1971 год. Карлитос – семнадцатилетний кудрявый блондин с детским личиком и замашками кинозвезды. Еще мальчиком он заглядывался чужие вещи, но его истинное призвание - быть настоящим вором - проявилось в подростковом возрасте. Когда в новой школе Карлитос встречает Рамона, то сразу привязывается к нему и начинает хвастаться, чтобы привлечь внимание. Вместе они отправятся в путь, полный открытий, любви и преступлений.
Two young urchins turn the streets of Buenos Aires into their own magical playground, in this vibrant portrait of young love.
Two young urchins turn the streets of Buenos Aires into their own magical playground, in this vibrant portrait of young love.
Ludmila en Cuba
Ludmila en Cuba
Director of Photography
Five wanderers roam around Buenos Aires and it’s wild outskirts. God, schizophrenia and alcoholism is what gathers them in the search for salvation. A love triangle and the obsession over a little pig in the religiosity of the ghetto; a mental institution patient who finds an unstable emotional partner desperate for love; and the doctor of this story, an alcoholic, dangerous for himself and others, who heads without hesitation toward self destruction.
Five wanderers roam around Buenos Aires and it’s wild outskirts. God, schizophrenia and alcoholism is what gathers them in the search for salvation. A love triangle and the obsession over a little pig in the religiosity of the ghetto; a mental institution patient who finds an unstable emotional partner desperate for love; and the doctor of this story, an alcoholic, dangerous for himself and others, who heads without hesitation toward self destruction.
Five wanderers roam around Buenos Aires and it’s wild outskirts. God, schizophrenia and alcoholism is what gathers them in the search for salvation. A love triangle and the obsession over a little pig in the religiosity of the ghetto; a mental institution patient who finds an unstable emotional partner desperate for love; and the doctor of this story, an alcoholic, dangerous for himself and others, who heads without hesitation toward self destruction.
Damn Summer
Julieta and Federico are parents of three boys, it is a high class family. He is a successful architect. They receive the visit of Tito, uncle of Federico, a gray man who has just left the prison. Tito wants to go to the sea and Federico proposes to go to a house that he himself built for some friends, but Federico stays in the city, working.
Damn Summer
Julieta and Federico are parents of three boys, it is a high class family. He is a successful architect. They receive the visit of Tito, uncle of Federico, a gray man who has just left the prison. Tito wants to go to the sea and Federico proposes to go to a house that he himself built for some friends, but Federico stays in the city, working.
Follows a man as he silently goes through the desperation of a break-up. He aimlessly wanders the streets, meeting the night people of Buenos Aires; loners, thieves, fugitives, homeless, suicides, lovers and the ghost of the lost lover.
The Dirty Saints
Luis Ortega's apocalyptic third feature follows a group of five survivors as they embark on a journey that will force them to face their fears, dreams and longings in their quest for salvation across the Fijman River.
The Dirty Saints
Luis Ortega's apocalyptic third feature follows a group of five survivors as they embark on a journey that will force them to face their fears, dreams and longings in their quest for salvation across the Fijman River.
The godmother and Perla are the world to "the little girl," a world defined by the four walls of a studio apartment with one window looking nowhere. Only space and alter the monotony, the blood transfusion sessions to which must be submitted Pearl and almost anonymous sexual encounters of the baby.
Black Box
It tells the story of three characters: a young woman who works at a dry cleaner, a father who leaves prison and the Salvation Army, and an old woman.
Black Box
It tells the story of three characters: a young woman who works at a dry cleaner, a father who leaves prison and the Salvation Army, and an old woman.