Kim Min-oh


Thug Teacher
Production Design
Na Dae Gi was the leader of a student gang and had power over all high schools in his area. He declares the gang's disbandment, goes into a third-degree College of Education to become a teacher, and finds a job in Kangho High, which has a reputation for being highly populated with troublemakers. The student gangs at Kangho High, who all the other teachers have given up on, start a fight with Dae Gi, who prepares a lesson of his own, and so begins the war between the gangster teacher and the student gang at Kangho High.
Production Design
Преподаватель истории Сок-пон мечтает стать Индианой Джонсом - найти национальное сокровище. Для этого он покупает дорогое оборудование и набирает кредитов. Менеджер архитектурного бюро Чу-бон мечтает о повышении, но вместо этого чуть не загоняет фирму в долги. Два брата давно не виделись и не общались, но теперь им придется вместе вернуться в родной городок на похороны отца. Ругаясь за рулём, они сбивают девушку, из-за чего у той напрочь отшибает память и манеры поведения в обществе.
Страшные истории 3
Production Design
Маленькая девочка захватила космический корабль сил Земли,чтоб сбежать на планету Титан, но попала в руки Робота, который ненавидит людей.Чтобы обмануть его, девочка сказала, что она не человек. Пытаясь оттянуть время, она рассказывает Роботу три ужасные истории о людях, которые происходят в прошлом, настоящем и будущем.Сможет ли она спасти себя или Робот унитожит ее. Первая история из прошлого. Долина Лис. История-сказка, судя по всему, написана под метамфетамином.Двое мужчин забредают в город, в котором живут люди-лисы,которые копают огромный туннель в горе.Они умеют менять облик, но хреново размножаются. Что из этого вышло и что в конце туннеля, смотрите сами. Вторая история. Настоящее. Дорожная ярость. Самая внятная история, про парочку на машине и грузовике с маньяком, охотящимся за ними по ночной дороге. Третья история. Из будущего. Робот Спирит. Домашний робот выходит из строя,но не желает отправлятся на свалку,так как очень любит свою семью.
How to Steal a Dog
Production Design
A young girl lives in a van with her little brother & her mom. Tired of the embarrassing situation which was promised to be temporary, she decides to try to fix it all on her own. But how to get the money needed first? One day, the girl comes across a flyer offering a reward for a lost dog. Under the mistaken impression that a house could also really cost just that much, she then plots to do exactly that- with the additional help of her best friend, little brother & some others, they'll find a "missing" spoiled pup, return him & get a new home just in time for her birthday! Or at least, that's the plan.. what could go wrong?
The Spy: Undercover Operation
Production Design
Chul-soo is one of Korea’s best intelligence agents: he can accomplish any given mission. One day, a mysterious explosion takes place in Seoul. Chul-soo flies to Thailand on a mission to rescue a person who holds clues to the incident. Meanwhile, Young-hee goes on a business trip to Thailand and gets entangled with Chul-soo’s mission. Will he accomplish his mission and save his wife at the same time?
Production Design
В канун Рождества ужасный пожар охватывает 120-этажное здание башен-близнецов в центре Сеула.
A Good Night Sleep For The Bad
Production Design
Noontime on a damp summer day. The contemptible youth are falling apart just like that.
Hello Murderer
Production Design
Slacker detective Jeong-min (Kim Dong-wuk) is assigned to investigate a serial killer case. For the first time in his career he puts his heart into his work but Yeong-seok (Yoo Oh-seong), an unemployed man with natural instincts as a detective, gets in the way by trying to catch the killer as well.
Человек, который был суперменом
Production Design
Сонг Су-юнг работает продюсером в телевизионной компании. Её специализация — интересные человеческие истории. Но за три года работы она устала от фальшивых слёз и эмоций. Она устала от людей. И заявляет своему боссу, что уезжает в Африку снимать диких животных. Но вдруг ей встречается парень, который утверждает, что он Супермен с планеты Криптон. Он посвятил свою жизнь помощи людям. Су-юнг забывает про Африку, она заинтригована искренностью и наивностью этого человека и решает сделать о нём репортаж. Су-юнг начинает снимать историю про Супермена, спасающего мир.
Production Design
For local pharmacist In-ku, marriage has always been the lowest priority because of his need to take care of his mentally-ill brother. In his life comes along Hye-ran, an imitation clothing designer, who leads a hard life as she tries to repay the debts left by her father. A chance encounter allows them to recognize what they have been missing, and to find solace in each other. However, as their love grows, so do each of their burdens.
Production Design
With a renowned plastic surgeon for a mother, Hyun-soo is always surrounded by girls in line for beauty consultations. But her happiness comes to an end as her friends who have received facial surgery from her mother start to commit mysterious suicides by cutting out their faces.
Мой капитан – мистер Подземный
Production Design
A notorious grave robber Dae-chool, recently stole a precious Buddha statue. However, two kids Ji-min and Byung-oh steal it from him for fun. Dae-Chool tricks the kids telling them that he is a special agent from the Ministry of National Treasures, and persuades the kids to help him "in the cause of justice". As they experience one mishap after another, the kids and Dae-chool form a family-like relationship.
Two Guys
Production Design
Hun is a famous Casanova who works as a part-time valet parker at a bar. He suffers from a huge amount of credit card debt, since he has spent money on his girls. Meanwhile, Hun's usurer hires Joong-tae to threaten Hun for getting his money back. One day, Hun and Joong-tae witness a murder scene, and they fall into the real trouble.
Break Out
Art Direction
How far would you go to recover a cigarette lighter? A pulsing mix of hard-hitting action, wry social commentary, and black humor, director Jang Hang Joon's Break Out takes a simple premise and spins it into a spiraling film experience. Penniless and slothful Bong Gu (Kim Seung Woo) loses his cheap lighter in the Seoul train station washroom, and it falls into the hands of gangster leader Chul Gon (Cha Seung Won). Bong Gu, determined to retrieve his lighter, follows Chul Gon to Pusan, but the task turns out to be a lot more difficult than he had imagined.
After Love
Production Design
Kim Sung-Joon (Park Si-Hoo) worked as a pilot, but after becoming in deaf in his right ear he has worked on the ground. He becomes desperate. Kim Sung-Joon then meets Eun-Hong (Yoon Eun-Hye) on a blind date. Even though he doesn't love her, he gets married to Eun-Hong. After their marriage, Sung-Joon treats Eun-Hong with indifference. Suddenly, Eun-Hong dies. Kim Sung-Joon soon learns for the first time about her real heart and her first love. Holding Eun-Hong's urn, he seeks out her first love.