Giulio Maculani


Шериф и мальчик пришелец
Chief Fireman
После прибытия на Землю из космоса, молодой гуманоид (с виду обычный мальчишка) случайно попадает в руки шерифа Холла и говорит, что его зовут Н 725..
For the Love of Poppea
Two scoundrels - Tizio and Caio - didn't want to get into the military service so they decide to escape dressed in women's clothes, but were caught by the guards. Without being able to confirm their right to freedom, the unlucky fugitives were sold into slavery. But everything what happens - happens for the better and slave girls Ticiâ and Kaya become personal servants of the Empress Poppea...
scagnozzo di Maloney
This film has the typical air of Italian action/gangster comedies from that period - it is a perfectly charming and funny sort of comedy. The cliches of black and white are wonderfully maintained in this movie as the good guys are clever and witty and the bad ones are bad and pretty dumb. The "Shakespearian" dream of the "good" Mafioso a bit stupid but then a film like that seems in need of a few blunders.
Shoot, Gringo... Shoot!
Sheriff (as Samuel Stevens)
Chad Stark is offered his life and a nice ammount of dollars if he is to bring back the runaway son of mexican land-owner Gutierrez . This son, Fidel, teams up with an outlaw band lead by a former military man going by the name The Major. When Stark finds Fidel he is reintroduced to an old acquaintance which makes his job of returning the son a lot more difficult.
Последний убийца
Sheriff (uncredited)
Мексиканский поселенец (Джордж Истман) избит и ограблен по дороге, когда везет деньги для погашения кредита. Ему приходится просить о продлении срока отдачи денег, но возвращаясь домой, он находит своих близких убитыми, а ранчо сожженным. Вскоре он спасает жизнь наемному убийце, который учит его искусству мести.
Poker with Pistols
After losing everything in a poker game and finding himself indebted, Lucas agrees to deliver a wagon to the town of Chamaco for the $5000 payment. He soon finds himself in deep trouble with bandits, the town's local kingpin and a pretty saloon worker.
Payment in Blood
Chamaco finds himself on the wrong end of a firing squad after tracking an ex-Confederate to interrogate him about General Beauregard's missing gold. He's saved by a stranger who calls himself Stuart (Byrnes). Stuart claims to know the location of Beauregard's strongbox, and so Chamaco takes him to Blake's camp. After a sort of initiation by the gang, Stuart leads Blake's men back across the border to Durango to retrieve the gold. Source: SWDB
Ringo and His Golden Pistol
A Mexican bandit teams up with a band of renegade Native Americans to avenge his older brothers when they are killed by a prankster, gold-obsessed bounty hunter.
Spy in Your Eye
A secret agent is assigned ot rescue the daughter of a deceased East German scienist, who discovered a valuable formula.
Hercules the Avenger
Reg Park returns to his antics of old as the man of iron in HERCULES THE AVENGER. The Son of Jove undertakes another journey into the nether realms battling zombies and monsters in order to rescue his son, allowing goddess Gia an opportunity to place her own slacker son in Hercules' sandals. There's something for everyone: ghouls, dragons, sweating men and girls in skimpy outfits.
Adventurer of Tortuga
Spanish Patrol Captain
In the New World, a rugged pirate leader and a corrupt governor vie for the affections of a beautiful Indian heiress.
The Sons of the Leopard
Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.
Последний стрелок
Джим Харт, отставной стрелок, он поклялся больше не убивать. Но сдержит ли он своё обещание, если его невеста и весь город в опасности...?
Hercules, Prisoner of Evil
Hercules battles an evil sorceress who turns men into werewolves. The mythic duo returns in Prisoner of Evil, where a sorceress seduces Herc and transforms him into a mindless beast. Italian horror master Antonio Margheriti directed this installment of the Hercules legend, a blend of sword-and-sandal fantasy and horror.
The Lion of St. Mark
In 1620 pirates are terrorizing the Adriatic coast. Our hero sets out to defeat them.
Венецианский палач
Действие фильма происходит в Венеции начала 17 века, в жуткие времена Инквизиции. Идет непрекращающаяся борьба с многочисленными пиратскими кораблями, бесчинствующими на Адриатике. Смертельно больной правитель Венеции, дож Джованни Бембо открывает своему сыну Сандриго тайну его происхождения: малыш был найден им на палубе атакованного венецианцами пиратского судна… В день свадьбы Сандриго с прекрасной Леонорой его арестовывают по приказу Верховного Инквизитора, который сам домогается любви Леоноры… Бывший пират Гванери, ныне палач, состоящий в сговоре с Инквизитором, даже не догадывается о том, что ему предстоит казнить своего собственного сына...
Revenge of the Barbarians