Tappei Shimokawa

Рождение : 1930-12-11, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 2004-03-25


The Tunnel
A modern Japanese family loses their youngest son in a tragedy. The mother, Misako, plunges into depression and the oldest son Akira starts blaming himself for the death of his brother.
The King of Minami: The Movie XI
Pro Golfer Oribê Kinjirô
Hikosaburo wakita
Kanei Chronicles
Kokuseki Yamazaki
From all over Japan, the greatest warriors: Yagyu Jubei, Miyamoto Musashi, Araki Mataemon, and more came to test their blades in a tournament of swords. But behind the match a bloodthirsty plot is born. Tokugawa Yorinobu, a corrupt shogunate official plans to assassinate Shogun Iemitsu and take his place. With scheming samurai Yui Shosetsu and ruthless Negoro ninja leader Genyusai, he plans to incite a ronin uprising and cut a bloody trail across Japan, with terrifying Chinese gunboats to back his play. Matsudaira Izu-no-kami, councilor and friend to the shogun, along with master swordsman Yagyu Jubei and ninja master Hanzo Hattori must stop Yui Shosetsu and his army of ronin and ninja assassins from tearing the country in half and taking over the government!
13 Assassins
In between the original 1963 13 ASSASSINS film and the 2010 remake by Miike Takashi, Fuji TV produced a version for TV. Starring Nakadai Tatsuya and Natsuyagi Isao, with strong support from Tanba Tetsuro and Tanaka Ken, this is the ultimate tale of samurai justice carried out in a historical masterpiece. The shogun’s half-brother, Matsudaira Naritsugu has been slated to join the Roju Council of Elders as a senior adviser even though he is criminally insane. His outrageous acts cause one of his top retainers to commit ritual suicide in protest over his lord’s crimes. Alerted to these crimes, Roju Councilor Doi asks Inspector General Shmada Shinzaemon to assassinate Naritsugu before he can be seated on the council. Gathering a band of 13 (including himself), Shimada sets out on a death-defying journey to cut down the lord before he can reach Edo. Can a band of 13 samurai defeat the vile Naritsugu’s 200 man entourage and enact justice against his cruelty?
Shingo's Ten Duels
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son. When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle in a series of duels that could change the destiny of Japan.
Green Boy
In order to encourage his son who became paralyzed due to a traffic accident, he depicts a former boxer aiming for aiming to win.
The Last True Yakuza
A made man during the height of Hiroshima's yakuza turf war must maneuver through the violence and betrayal inside the criminal underworld.
Sotsugyou -GRADUATION-
Momoko Watanabe—a student who, upon visiting a shrine in order to wish good luck on a friend of hers, witnesses a murder in the forest...and she knows the culprit! Unfortunately, she doesn't have it in her to tell anybody about it, and to make matters worse, said aforementioned friend gets accused of the murder.
Choshichiro's Edo Diaries: The Yagyu Conspiracy
Miyake Takubei
Rumors are circulating that the shogunate is losing control of some feudal domains. Lord Yagyu Munefuyu is assigned to deal with the problem and the rebellious clans will be crushed! Meanwhile, a former vassal of the Kazama clan is shot and killed. Moments later a second man is killed by a mysterious master swordsman. Matsudaira Choshichiro and his companions arrive at the crime scene and find a new type of repeating gun. The carved seal on the gun stock belong to the Saiga; a ninja clan abolished by the shogunate many years ago. The blame for the murders is placed on the Kazama clan. Are they guilty or is this a wise cunning plan by Lord Yagyu to be able to destroy the Kazama clan? Choshichiro sets out to reveal the truth and try to save the doomed Kazama clan! In his way are the Owari, Lord Yagyu and his ninja assassins, and the mysterious master swordsman! Will Choshichiro prevail against impossible odds...?
У Токико Кохама было трудное детство, её отец Фусадзиро всю жизнь отдал лову тунца, её мать Ая бросила семью и убежала к другому мужчине. Токико ищет себе в мужья сильного человека, который любит море, как её отец. Но сможет ли отец принять её избранника, и сможет ли любимый стать настоящим рыбаком?
Зов далеких гор
Казами, вдова, живущая с молодым сыном, управляет маленькой молочной фермой. Жизнь жестока, но все же иногда радостна и она находит подходящего спутника, Таджиму Косаку. Когда таинственное прошлое Косаку наконец открывается, Казами решается на радикальные изменения…
Strike the White Ball
1980 Japanese film distributed by Shochiku.
1979 Japanese film.
Komugīro no tenshi suzume to shōnen
New - No Longer Human
Based on the novel by Osamu Dazai and distributed by ATG. The story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. In consequence, he feels himself "disqualified from being human" (a literal translation of the Japanese title) and goes down the stairs to self-destruction step by step.
Бандиты против самураев
1722 год, город Эдо. Вот уже десять лет в окрестностях орудует банда воров под руководством загадочного Кумокири. Мошенники совершают дерзкие, продуманные ограбления и остаются неуловимыми. Амбициозный самурай Шикуба, начальник отряда по расследованию грабежей и поджогов, считает поимку главаря делом чести. Но все его представления о справедливости и законе рушатся, когда он узнает тайну, которая окутывает прошлое лихого преступника…
High Seas Hijack
Chief Steward Terada
Terrorists hijack an oil tanker and threaten to blow it up unless Japan meets their demands.
Ame no meguri ai
Japanese drama film.
Опасная погоня
Прокурор Мориока арестован полицией по обвинению в грабежах и изнасиловании. В его квартире найдены многочисленные улики, находятся свидетели, и генеральный прокурор города Токио не верит в его невиновность. Стремясь доказать, что все это подстроено, Мориока бежит из-под стражи и, скрываясь от правосудия, начинает собственное расследование, начинает опасную погоню…
Outlaw Cop
A bad cop is engaged in a violent chase to catch a yakuza boss. In his absence his wife runs away with another man, who turns out to be the very same man that her husband is hunting. Once he discovers this, he loses his nerve and turns in his badge. But the chase turns into a personal vendetta where the ex-cop plans to wipe out the entire gang.
The Four Roughnecks
Gimme gimme gimme! Yusaku Matsuda and his gang are on the hunt for women, money and more money! The late legendary actor, Yusaku Matsuda, stars in this explosive motion picture about the hedonistic lifestyles of four roughnecks directed by Yukihiro Sawada. Takeo Natsuki (Yusaku Matsuda) was just released from prison. He was the leader of three rascals; all they did was cause trouble. When they meet a girl whose father is resisting a forced eviction to make way for a construction site, they come up with their own plans to solve the problem.
Shinta is a sixth grader in Kawasaki City a troublemaker that dreams to become a soccer player. Yoshiko, a classmate who moved to Kawasaki from Iwate Prefecture two years ago, is a gloomy girl who suffers from asthma due to the polluted air in Kawasaki and is ostracized by her class. Shinta is placed next to Yoshiko in class and their stories will take a turn.
Под стук трамвайных колес
Mr. Nomoto
Это рассказ и о больном мальчике, мечтающем стать водителем трамваев, который каждый день заходит в невидимый трамвай, поворачивает сотни невидимых рычажков, поправляет несуществующую фуражку и бежит с криком, имитирующим стук трамвайных колёс: «До-дес-ка-ден». О двух пьяницах, которые в подпитии обменялись собственными жёнами. О человеке, который из-за измены любимой жены отрешается от мира, уходит на дно и даже чуткая забота раскаявшейся супруги не может вернуть его к миру. Хромой клерк устраивает вечеринку для сослуживцев, но веселье оканчивается дракой. Толстяк, воспитывает шестерых детей неверной жены. Безумный архитектор, рассказывает сыну о своих прекрасных градостроительных замыслах, а по вечерам собирает вместе с ним объедки, которыми однажды мальчик и отравится…
Картины Ада
По одноименной повести Акутагава Рюноскэ (в русском переводе "Муки Ада", 1918). Художник Ёсихидэ вступает в соперничество с могущественным Хорикава. Вельможа заказывает ему изображение Рая. Но упрямец утверждает, что все, что он видит вокруг похоже на Ад.