Yasushi Utagawa


Kenmochi works as a novelist. He is able to recognize people who are suicidal. Kenmochi and his friend Urushihara meet these people and let them find hope in their lives.
Until I Meet September's Love
Shiori has just moved to a new apartment. One evening, she hears a mysterious voice that claims to be "from the future" asking her to trail Susumu Hirano, who lives next door. Shiori in an attempt to solver the mystery began to investigating more and more about Hirano until she gets attracted to him.
Школьная жизнь
Эбисудзава Куруми, Такэя Юки, Вакаса Юри и Наоки Мики ходят в одну школу и живут в одном кампусе. Они наслаждаются своими школьными деньками до тех пор, пока неизвестный вирус не превращает людей вокруг в зомби.
Real Girl
Hikaru Tsutsui is a high school student. He enjoys animation and video games in the virtual world, but he doesn't enjoy his real life. People at his school don't even know he exists. One day, he cleans up the pool at his school with beautiful Iroha Ikarashi. Iroha approaches Hikaru and confesses that she likes him.
Mori, The Artist's Habitat
In 1974, Morikazu is 94-years-old and his wife Hideko is 76-years-old. They live at a house in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The garden at their home is full of trees, plants and insects. Morikazu paints pictures of the creatures in his garden and also observes them. This has been his daily routine for more than 30 years. Morikazu and Hideko entertain visitors every day including a photographer and the couple living next door.
Наш завтрашний рис
История любви парня и девушки со старшей школы на протяжении 7 лет.
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.
Неужто я больше не главная героиня?
На ее месте могла оказаться любая! Представьте, что вы стали главной героиней любовной истории… Хатори верила, что однажды выйдет замуж за своего друга детства Риту. К сожалению, мир устроен совсем не так.
A Stitch of Life
Ichie is the owner of a dressmaking shop. Her grandmother started the shop and now Ichie runs the business. Her clothes are made with an old sewing machine and are very popular. Following her grandmother’s will, Ichie only makes clothes for individuals and turns down offers to turn her clothing into a brand.
A Woman's Hole
Sachiko Suzuki is a female high school student. She claims that she is an alien and her mission on Earth is to conceive a child with a human man. Sachicko seduces her class teacher Mr. Fukuda. After their intimate encounter, Mr. Fukuda becomes becomes convinced that Sachiko is not a human. Meanwhile, female student Kobato Hagimoto knows that Mr. Murata has a crush on some male students. Because of this, Mr. Murata is treated as a pig by Kobata until he can't bear the situation anymore.
A doctor and his family receive an unexpected delivery from an old friend at their remote country home - a large wooden crate containing a gun, a female zombie and an instruction sheet telling them not to feed her meat. The family is concerned, of course, but she seems harmless enough. Perhaps she can help clean up outside?
Брошенный кролик (фильм)
Когда тридцатилетний Дайкити возвращается домой на похороны своего деда, он встречает в саду незнакомую ему девочку по имени Рин. Его мать объясняет, что та является внебрачной дочерью умершего, а кто является её матерью — неизвестно. Никто из родственников не решается взять к себе и воспитывать девочку, и тогда это решает сделать Дайкити.
Настоящий мужчина с рисовых окраин
Дзюнити Мията один воспитывает сына и дочь. Дети выросли и собираются уехать учиться в Токио. Отец старается сохранить мужество, но все больше удаляется от своих детей. Он даже не может признаться им в том, что тяжело болен.
Самурайский пудинг
Киджима Ясубе, самурай периода Эдо, переносится на 180 лет вперед в Японию наших дней. Там он знакомится с разведённой женщиной Хироко и её сыном Томоей. Она приглашает Ясубе к себе жить, а за еду и ночлег просит его помогать по дому. Бывший самурай начинает готовить торты для Томои и благодаря им становится известным кондитером. Отношения между этой троицей становятся всё более тёплыми, но день, когда им придётся попрощаться друг с другом, уже не за горами…
On board at the boat Kanikosen, where fish and crabs preserves, forced workers to work under miserable conditions, with minimum wages. Some can not cope with conditions and even death from malnutrition, and is also the supervisor of the more vicious variety. Shinjo, one of the employees, trying to convince the others that they will get good luck and fortune in his next life, and persuades them because they commit suicide to get there faster. It ends, however, in a single major failure. Rather than flee Shinjo being picked up by a Russian ship. Once there, he is overwhelmed by the social conditions that are completely different from those he has just left and decided therefore to return to Kanikosen to save their employees.
Fish Story
A rock band writes a song called "Fish Story" based on a sentence from a badly translated novel by a quack translator. The song exceeds the boundaries of space and time and ties people and their stories together. Thirty-seven years go by, and the song strikes a comet and saves the Earth from total destruction.
The Two in Tracksuits
A son quits his job and is persuaded by his father to head off to a cottage in the remote mountains. Together, the two of them manage to get through their days while wearing old jerseys left by a deceased grandmother. The following summer, the two once again leave the stifling heat of Tokyo, as if escaping to the mountain cottage. However, the next summer is very different...
The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life.