Director of Photography
O Pastor e o Guerrilheiro is a Brazilian feature film inspired by a true story, which takes place in the 1960s and 1970s and at the turn of the millennium - in the last days of 1999.
Director of Photography
В засушливых горных районах Боливии пожилая пара кечуа уже много лет живет по одному и тому же распорядку дня. Когда необычно долгая засуха угрожает всему их образу жизни, Вирджинио и Сиса сталкиваются с дилеммой: сопротивляться или потерпеть поражение от течения времени. Все ускоряется с приездом их внука, который приезжает в гости с новостями. Трое из них столкнутся, каждый по-своему, с окружающей природой, необходимостью перемен и смыслом самой жизни.
Director of Photography
20 лет назад, родив дочь, Бия впала в кому. Но это не помешало ей ― даже в бессознательном состоянии ― оставаться частью повседневной жизни своей семьи. Внезапно Бия приходит в себя. И пока она вновь обретает зрение, речь и способность двигаться, её дочь, бывший муж и его новая жена пытаются справиться с неожиданно возникшим реальным присутствием этой странной, но горячо любимой женщины.
Director of Photography
Инес — актриса озвучивания и хористка из Буэнос-Айреса. После страшных событий, случившихся с ней во время отпуска, ее начинают одолевать проблемы со сном и кошмары. Это сказывается на ее профессиональной карьере. Инес перестает понимать, что в ее жизни реальность, а что — лишь страшный сон…
Director of Photography
Жустино, 45-летний выходец из индейского племени Десана, работает охранником в порту бразильского города Манаус. Его дочь поступила в медицинский университет в столице и собирается покинуть отца. Однако за несколько дней до отъезда Жустино заболевает таинственной лихорадкой.
Director of Photography
When a child is forced to become the house's adult because her father is sick and her mother is dead, there's an inversion in the natural order of things. Childhood becomes a saga. And the frustrated parenthood turns into a conviction.
В конце дня двое вооруженных грабителей врываются в ресторанчик. Хозяин заведения, повар, официантка и трое посетителей оказываются в заложниках. В этой обстановке в людях пробуждаются до сих пор дремавшие инстинкты. Ради выживания люди способны на многое.
Camera Operator
18-year-old Jesús lives with his stern, somewhat unaffectionate father in Santiago, Chile. When not doing drugs, having casual sex or simply slouching in front of the TV, Jesús and his friends perform in a K-pop boyband. But his routine is thrown into chaos one evening when he and his drunken posse viciously assault a young gay man and leave him for dead. It’s an act that propels Jesús into a profound moral crisis which have severe consequences.
Director of Photography
18-year-old Jesús lives with his stern, somewhat unaffectionate father in Santiago, Chile. When not doing drugs, having casual sex or simply slouching in front of the TV, Jesús and his friends perform in a K-pop boyband. But his routine is thrown into chaos one evening when he and his drunken posse viciously assault a young gay man and leave him for dead. It’s an act that propels Jesús into a profound moral crisis which have severe consequences.
Director of Photography
Узнав правду о том, что женщина, которую он считал своей матерью, на самом деле украла его, когда он был маленьким ребенком, Пьер (он же Фелипе) вынужден иметь дело с последствиями действий этой матери, а также попытаться наладить отношения со своей биологической семьей.
In a crime-plagued area of Rio de Janeiro, a team of honest cops, including a determined rookie, fights corruption and mistrust on all sides.
Director of Photography
Фильм повествует о домработнице Вал, которая, проработав многие годы в Сан-Паулу вдали от своей дочери Жессики, оставленной в штате Пернамбуку, наконец, имеет стабильную работу, но ее мучает совесть из-за расставания с семьей. В то же время она фактически стала второй матерью сыну своих работодателей, которого помогала растить как няня.
Director of Photography
After several behavior problems, teenager John is admitted to a psychiatric clinic by his family. There he meets Judith, for who he soon falls in love. The problem is that she does not have long to live and they know it. This shall not prevent the emergence of a great romance in the clinic.
Director of Photography
A trumpeter for the Uruguayan Air Force Band finds an opportunity to make his dreams come true after enrolling in a music contest.
Camera Operator
Alejandro, a solitary, fragile and unpredictable man is crushed by the hostility of his mysterious past.
Director of Photography
Alejandro, a solitary, fragile and unpredictable man is crushed by the hostility of his mysterious past.
Dissatisfied with his new life (and wife), a man tries to insinuate himself back into the home of the ex-wife and daughter he left ten years before.
Director of Photography
История чилийской семьи глазами детей, которые вместе с родителями едут на машине в четырехдневный отпуск на север страны.
Director of Photography
Maria's family give her a puzzle for her 50th birthday, and she loves it. Not only does the patient housewife have fun solving the puzzle, she's also really good at them. Overflowing with enthusiasm for her new-found passion, she goes back to the shop where they bought the gift for another puzzle. There her eye is caught by a notice on the message board: Partner for puzzle tournament wanted. Maria musters her courage and, despite her family's misgivings, answers the announcement.
Camera Operator
At a house party, a handsome man wanders around catching up with friends he has not seen for some years. A travel writer now based in Berlin, Andre appears to be living an exciting international life, and yet... something has drawn him back home to Santiago. As the night goes on, we realize that a tragedy binds this group - an event that was also the impetus for Andre's departure from Chile years ago. Moreover, there is someone at the party he goes to great lengths to avoid. But she is the very person he most needs to see.
Director of Photography
At a house party, a handsome man wanders around catching up with friends he has not seen for some years. A travel writer now based in Berlin, Andre appears to be living an exciting international life, and yet... something has drawn him back home to Santiago. As the night goes on, we realize that a tragedy binds this group - an event that was also the impetus for Andre's departure from Chile years ago. Moreover, there is someone at the party he goes to great lengths to avoid. But she is the very person he most needs to see.
Camera Operator
The film explores the effects in the society that the last military dictatorship inherited. In Uruguay there are still a lot of desaparecidos - people who vanished during the dictatorship between 1973 and 1985 - and were never found again. María Emilia is one of them and still missing. She disappeared when she was 22-years-old, with her husband and her child of 18 months. María Esther - her mother - spent 16 years searching only to finally find her granddaughter living with a family of an Argentinean military officer in Buenos Aires. After learning the truth about her origin, the granddaughter chose to continue living with the parents who adopted her by force when she was a baby.
Director of Photography
The film explores the effects in the society that the last military dictatorship inherited. In Uruguay there are still a lot of desaparecidos - people who vanished during the dictatorship between 1973 and 1985 - and were never found again. María Emilia is one of them and still missing. She disappeared when she was 22-years-old, with her husband and her child of 18 months. María Esther - her mother - spent 16 years searching only to finally find her granddaughter living with a family of an Argentinean military officer in Buenos Aires. After learning the truth about her origin, the granddaughter chose to continue living with the parents who adopted her by force when she was a baby.
Director of Photography
Женщина средних лет мчится по автостраде. Отвлекшись на минуту от дороги, она кого-то сбивает. Кажется, собаку, но, возможно, ребёнка… После аварии героиня теряет голову, ей не вспомнить чувств, которые связывали её с окружающими. Она решает просто отдаться ежедневным обстоятельствам своей «новой» старой жизни. Однажды она признаётся мужу, что совершила убийство на дороге. Они приезжают на место аварии, но находят лишь труп собаки. Связанные с полицией друзья подтверждают, что серьёзных происшествий в этом районе не было. Всё возвращается к норме, и, кажется, что тяжёлые дни позади, но тут приходит известие о чудовищной находке…
Director of Photography
Sandra works at a toll booth. Her life and work are very ordinary and boring. A call will break her routine and she would have to make a decision that could change her life.
At the age of 13, Rafael Bregman has already lost his virginity, but has never kissed a girl. With his pimple-riddled face, his dysfunctional family, and a lowered self-esteem, getting this much anticipated first kiss proves trickier than expected. It's now time for Rafa to build up some self confidence and attract the attention of his class mate, Nicole...
Телохранитель высокопоставленного политика настолько предан делу, что рискует потерять свою личность.
13-year-old Rafael Bregman prepares for his bar mitzvah in the Jewish community of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Director of Photography
When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship.
Director of Photography
The tale of five Uruguayan villagers who embark on a journey to see the ocean for the first time. They depart in a broken down freight truck, property of Rodríguez, a taciturn man who loves the sea. Their point of departure is a local bar, and at the last minute, an unknown man from the bar joins their adventure.
Director of Photography
A child goes to to the corner store to run an errand, but in Uruguay such a short distance can take a lifetime.
Director of Photography
24 hours in the life of three street youths in Montevideo. Three teenage guys try to figure out what they're supposed to be doing with their lives in this drama from Uruguay that puts the emphasis on character over narrative.
Director of Photography
This documentary examines sexuality as seen by women and men born into Catholic families and educated at Catholic schools. These people talk about the Church's refusal to face reality and how this short-sightedness leads to lies, feelings of guilt, a block on eroticism, unwanted pregnancies, deaths resulting from illegal abortions, and ignorance about AIDS that in fact helps the disease to spread.
Camera Operator
This documentary examines sexuality as seen by women and men born into Catholic families and educated at Catholic schools. These people talk about the Church's refusal to face reality and how this short-sightedness leads to lies, feelings of guilt, a block on eroticism, unwanted pregnancies, deaths resulting from illegal abortions, and ignorance about AIDS that in fact helps the disease to spread.
Camera Operator
At ten o'clock on the night of 20 November 1993, in the Barrio Sur neighbourhood of Montevideo, Jaime Roos began the first of 42 concerts on a tour that lasted three months and included performances in all 19 departments of the country. In total some 300,000 saw him play. This documentary captures the essence of that unique tour and it is a crucial contribution to our understanding of Jaime Roos and his position in Uruguayan music towards the end of the 20th century.
Director of Photography
At ten o'clock on the night of 20 November 1993, in the Barrio Sur neighbourhood of Montevideo, Jaime Roos began the first of 42 concerts on a tour that lasted three months and included performances in all 19 departments of the country. In total some 300,000 saw him play. This documentary captures the essence of that unique tour and it is a crucial contribution to our understanding of Jaime Roos and his position in Uruguayan music towards the end of the 20th century.
Director of Photography
A woman that is an excellent wife and mother, and responsible and efficient in her work, commits a shameful act pushed by fate.
Director of Photography
About abuse in marriage.
From an early age children are brought up very differently depending on their gender. The process of discovering the world is a veritable box of surprises in which school, the family and the media programme us about what it is to be a “good” girl or a “good” boy.