After an unlikely casting onto a reality television show, 47-year old suburban telemarketer Ed Popil leaves his job to pursue a full-time entertainment industry career as his drag queen alter ego, 1960’s era housewife Mrs. Kasha Davis.
A team of altruistic vigilantes destroy evidence to keep as many people from prison as possible, but when one of their crime scene clean-ups is revisited by the killer, the strength of their convictions is tested.
Ультраконсервативная и насквозь элитарная школа для богачей встает на уши с появлением нового студента — эпатажного и свободолюбивого подростка Билли Блума. Он потрясает «приличное общество», одеваясь и красясь, как девушка. В ответ на жестокую массовую травлю Билли решает участвовать в конкурсе «Королева школы».
A review of the wild New York City nightlife of the 90s. The cast of characters who made up the infamous Club Kids speak candidly about that era, culminating with Alig's release from incarceration.
Scary KostMart Shopper
Дик Харпер и его молодая жена Джейн привыкли жить красиво. Но в тот момент, когда они затевают строительство бассейна, Дика неожиданно увольняют, оставив его с непогашенной задолжностью за дом в $70 тыс.Понимая, что долго скрывать от соседей бедственность своего положения им не удастся, парочка начинает промышлять мелким грабежом, постепенно входя во вкус.
A look at the culture of 1980s New York.
Tells the story of the rise and fall of Michael Alig, a kid from Middle America who aspired to take the place of Andy Warhol. Michael quickly rose to become the biggest party promoter in New York and King of the so-called Club Kids. But after spiraling into drug addiction, Michael brutally murdered his roommate Angel Melendez.
Nelson Sullivan, a videographer in Manhattan circa 1983 to 1989, documented a large chunk of the final six years of his life, capturing his days and nights with drag queens and other NYC outcasts of the time. His style takes on a "home movie quality" that captures a lost - and now romanticized - American era in all of its mundane glory.