Emilio Bestetti


Carefree Giovanni
Director of Photography
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Immacolata and Concetta: The Other Jealousy
Director of Photography
A love story between two women in the Naples outskirts, a universe so far away from the glare of modernity, turbid, rural, completely naked in its ugliness and sorrow, where "people are talking".
The film is a sort of presentation of Franco Fortini's book 'I Cani del Sinai'. Fortini, an Italian Jew, reads excerpts from the book about his alienation from Judaism and from the social relations around him, the rise of Fascism in Italy, the anti-Arab attitude of European culture. The images, mostly a series of Italian landscape shots, provide a backdrop that highlights the meaning of the text. - Fabrizio Sabidussi
Сало, или 120 дней Содома
Camera Operator
Экранизируя роман маркиза де Сада, Пазолини переносит действие в 1944-45-е годы, в фашистскую «республику Сало» на севере Италии, где группа лиц из высшего общества во главе с принцем унижает, издевается, мучает, пытает юношей и девушек, собранных для услаждения извращённой элиты, чувствующей свою погибель. Четыре месяца длится эта экзекуция. Для взрослых это последняя возможность удовлетворить свои низменные инстинкты, для молодых людей — расплата за свою юность и желание жить.
Мои друзья
Assistant Camera
Их кредо: шутить до самой смерти, фактически так оно и есть… Четверо друзей, дожив каждый сам по себе лет до 50-ти, решают, что если и стоит жить дальше, так только шутя и вместе. Нет такого места на белом свете, где нельзя было бы напроказничать. Шутки у них непростые, иногда просто грандиозные и всегда не глупые. «Что такое ум? Фантазия, интуиция, решительность и быстрота исполнения…« Особенно крепко достается людям, у которых плохо с чувством юмора — как правило, это »шестиногие восьмичлены с хоботом и яйцами».
Two hearts, a Chapel
Camera Operator
Aristide receives a big inheritance from his mother, but when he meets a beautiful redhead at the cemetery, his life changes unexpectedly.
Il giustiziere di mezzogiorno
Assistant Camera
Franco is abandoned by his wife and daughter who wrongly accuse him of being a wimp. Besides he's bossed around and sexually harassed at work. He decides to take justice into his own hands and get rough with the world. He soon gets his family's respect back.
Опасный возраст
Camera Operator
Вдова, проживающая в уединённом местечке с молодой дочуркой нанимает садовника. Дочка не упускает возможности поразвлечься и дразнит садовника. Заигрывает, позволяет себя трогать, но просто отдаться не хочет…
The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance
Assistant Camera
A rich count invites a theatre troupe to his home on an isolated island... but soon people start getting murdered. Has the family curse struck again?
White Fang to the Rescue
First Assistant Camera
Set at the end of the 19th century in Canada's gold rush Klondike area, wolf-dog White Fang teams up with a prospector when his master is killed. Together they try to avenge his death.
History Lessons
Director of Photography
Set in contemporary Rome, the film shows through a series of encounters with “ancient” Romans, how the economic and political manipulation by ancient Roman society led to Caesar’s dictatorship. - British Film Institute