
Опасный возраст (1975)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Silvio Amadio

Краткое содержание

Вдова, проживающая в уединённом местечке с молодой дочуркой нанимает садовника. Дочка не упускает возможности поразвлечься и дразнит садовника. Заигрывает, позволяет себя трогать, но просто отдаться не хочет…


Gloria Guida
Gloria Guida
Nino Castelnuovo
Nino Castelnuovo
Anita Sanders
Anita Sanders
Paola's mother
Mimmo Palmara
Mimmo Palmara
Spanish fisherman
Andrea Aureli
Andrea Aureli
Adolfo, Paola's stepfather
Mario Garriba
Mario Garriba


Silvio Amadio
Silvio Amadio
Piero Regnoli
Piero Regnoli
Silvio Amadio
Silvio Amadio
Silvio Amadio
Silvio Amadio
Antonio Maccoppi
Antonio Maccoppi
Director of Photography
Roberto Pregadio
Roberto Pregadio
Original Music Composer
Osiride Bomarsi
Osiride Bomarsi
Angelo Roncaioli
Angelo Roncaioli
Makeup Artist
Marco Kustermann
Marco Kustermann
Production Supervisor
Adriano Merkel
Adriano Merkel
Production Manager
Nicola Princigalli
Nicola Princigalli
Production Secretary
Roberto Silvestrini
Roberto Silvestrini
Assistant Director
Doriana Princigalli
Doriana Princigalli
Assistant Set Decoration
Mila Vitelli Valenza
Mila Vitelli Valenza
Assistant Production Design
Paolo Vitelli
Paolo Vitelli
Assistant Set Decoration
Alessandro Amoruso
Alessandro Amoruso
Boom Operator
Alberto Salvatori
Alberto Salvatori
Emilio Bestetti
Emilio Bestetti
Camera Operator
Giuliano Grasselli
Giuliano Grasselli
Camera Operator
Filippo Neroni
Filippo Neroni
Assistant Camera
Mauro Paravano
Mauro Paravano
Still Photographer
Valeria Sponsali
Valeria Sponsali
Marina Candidi
Marina Candidi
Assistant Editor
Rometta Pietrostefani
Rometta Pietrostefani
Script Supervisor


I, a Woman, Part 2
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
Hallelujah the Hills
Jack and Leo vie for the affections of Vera- who appears a little differently to each man- over the course of a series of energetic sketches, flashbacks and homages.
I, A Woman
Liv is a frankly sexual being. She finds herself in a series of sexual relationships with men who, she says, fall too much in love with her and become opressive. Finally she meets a man who is very much like her, but that brings its own problems.
Psyched by the 4D Witch (A Tale of Demonology)
Novice witch Cindy is transported into a world of safe sex by the voice of Abigail from the 17th century.
The Adventures of Lucky Pierre
A man imagines that everybody he sees is naked. That's... that's really about it.
Time of Indifference
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
Куколка гангстера
Бывшая проститутка Пупа, а ныне любовница гангстера Чарли-воротничка узнает, что ее дружок замешан в убийстве. Желая помочь следствию, а заодно и избавиться от Чарли, Пупа подбрасывает полиции журнал с губной помадой на воротничке, тем самым намекая, кто убийца, но об этом узнает помощник гангстера...
The Fountain of Love
In this comedy, set in an Austrian mountain village, the town leaders conspire to attract tourists by touting a mythical "fountain of love" that runs nearby the village. When the minister of tourism discovers this, she immediately sends her agents to check out the veracity of the potentially scandalous water. After the village mayor declares a 3-day ban on sexual activity, he then plugs up the fountain. When the agents come, they find nothing. One of the agents wants to have his boss come and check it out personally, but changes his mind after he drinks some of the water. It really is an aphrodisiac! Soon tourists are arriving by the hundreds to sample the mysterious water. Unfortunately, the minister finds out and claims the water for the state.
Autumn Born
A rich young woman is kidnapped and taken to a school of "discipline."
The Empire of Desire
Sandra is a rich widow who wants to know the beach house her late husband has left her. She goes there with her lover Odilon, an unscrupulous young man whose studies she's supporting. Helping her with the red tape is dr. Carvalho, a very conservative and old-fashioned lawyer. In her way to the house, she meets a couple of hippies, looking for a place to stay. She hires them as temporary housekeepers.
The Most Boring Woman In The World
A tragi-comic suburban psycho-drama following a downtrodden housewife who dreams of having a better life. After swallowing too much vodka, speed and valium, she fantasizes about killing her adulterous husband and escaping her boring existence.
Ты и я навсегда
Лаура и Кристин — лучшие подруги. И они были лучшими подругами всю жизнь. Однажды им встречается таинственная и очаровательная Мария, и тут их дружба испытывается на прочность. Для Лауры эта встреча меняет мир, который, как она думала, она хорошо знала. История о друзьях и врагах, беззащитности и дикости, любви и сексе.
The Love Garden
Mike, a freelance journalist, falls head over heels for Claire, a pretty blonde who lives in his apartment building. His bubble is instantly burst when he discovers she's a sister of Sappho who already has a beautiful girlfriend named Inez. Being a macho kind of Seventies guy, he honestly believes that he can change Claire's sexual preference. Mike offers her a position as his personal secretary after she's fired from her job. Their day-to-day contact brings them closer together much to the dismay of a jealous Inez. Mr. Stud eventually woos Claire into the sack, and though the sex was mighty good for him, his performance leaves her longing for the soft touches and tender kisses beautiful Inez has to offer.
The Love Epidemic
This Australian educational documentary concerns venereal disease in the pre-AIDS era and reveals that it is a problem that should be taken seriously by everyone — whether young or old, gay or straight. Factual segments are interspersed with humorous skits depicting how people of varying degrees of innocence can contract awful but treatable diseases.
Death Has Blue Eyes
Bob and Ches are two bachelors on the make. They are hired by Geraldine to guard her and her daughter, Christine. It seems Christine is psychic, and knows all the details of a political murder.
Behind Locked Doors
Terry and Ann are two "swingers" who spend the night in a spooky old house, where they're subjected to bizarre sexual experiments by Mr Bradley and his deranged sister.
Turn Me On: The History of the Vibrator
Turn Me On explores the history of the vibrator. Through a group of sexpert characters, the documentary uncovers the socially camouflaged sex toy - hidden in the underwear drawer since it was invented over 120 years ago. Turn Me On reveals a social and sexual history that some people would prefer remained a secret. Winner of Best Tertiary Documentary, ATOM Awards, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.
Тайная страсть
Эмануэль, всемирно известная фотомодель, находится в плену у безумного фаната Ричарда Тейта. Ричард хочет ее для себя, но Эмануэль использует свои активы, чтобы попытаться сбежать.
Sexy Night Report
Laura Gemser introduces herself, "It's your old friend Emanuelle again..." to present a sexy mondo film, with her voice-off narration over the different sketches, and reproaching comments between them.
Emanuelle and the Erotic Nights
Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.


Eddie & Sunny
A desperate homeless couple commit a self-defense homicide, leaving them and their child fugitives in pursuit of safe harbor.
Получив повышение, Френсис вместе с женой Джулией переезжает из Нью-Йорка в Бухарест. Пока муж пропадает на работе, девушка предоставлена самой себе — без друзей и знания языка она чувствует себя неуютно в незнакомой стране, и более того, её начинает преследовать тревожное чувство, что сосед из дома напротив за ней следит.
Il messaggio
A mysterious videotape seems to cause the death of anyone who views it.
Una sera c'incontrammo
Морской монстр
Юная Мэйси и легендарный охотник на монстров Джейкоб Холланд отправляются в путешествие по неизведанным морям.
Все они смеялись
В нью-йоркское сыскное агентство порознь обращаются два мужа и просят проследить за своими женами, подозревая их в неверности. Джон Руссо следит за Анжелой Ниотес, изящной женой богатого итальянского промышленника, в то время как Чарльз Ратледж и Артур Бродскый следят за молодой красивой Долорес Мартин. Но дело вскоре усложняется — Джон влюбляется в Анжелу, а Чарльз влюбляется в Долорес…
Мало, много, слепо
Изобретатель головоломок, погруженный с головой в работу, может концентрироваться только в идеальной тишине. Превосходная пианистка не может жить без музыки. Ей необходимо готовиться к конкурсу, который может изменить ее жизнь. Им придется сожительствовать, не видя друг друга…
Клаустрофобы. Начало
В заброшенном бункере, где в римские времена был храм подземного божества Сорануса, а во время войны нацисты устроили себе убежище, группа молодых людей организует костюмированную вечеринку-игру. По ее сюжету, Четвертый рейх занимается генными экспериментами и проводит первые игры на выживание. Участники сталкиваются с подлинным и древним злом.
Опасные связи
Отличницу Селен переводят в школу в Биаррице. Она влюбляется в плохиша Тристана, не подозревая о жестоком пари, которое он заключил с королевой соцсетей Ванессой.