Bosco Hogan plays Joyce's alter-ego, Stephen Daedelus, growing up in Ireland in the early part of the 20th century, and at odds with the strictures of his Catholic home and family. The film charts his search for knowledge and understanding, during a decline in his family's circumstances, that leads him to revelations on the nature of art, beauty and politics. However his personal renaissance makes him feel unwelcome in his own country, and forces him to make a choice between exile as artist or staying and facing personal defeat.
Josie Breen
«Улисс» — сложное полистилическое произведение, повествующее об одном дне (т. н. Блумсдэй: 16 июня 1904 года) дублинского обывателя и еврея по национальности — Леопольда Блума. Этот день Лео Блум проводит в издательстве, на улицах и в кафе Дублина, на похоронах своего знакомого, на берегу залива, в родильном доме, где он знакомится со Стивеном Дедалом, молодым учителем в местной школе, в притоне и, наконец, в собственном доме, куда он поздно ночью приводит изрядно выпившего Дедала, лишившегося крова. Главной интригой является измена жены Блума, о которой Блум знает, но не предпринимает против неё никаких мер.
Mrs. Ethel Sparrow
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of involvement in a payroll robbery and then helps break up a bank robbery.
Pegeen Mallory - barmaid (2nd Episode)
Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.