Fabian Stumm

Рождение : 1981-01-01,


Fabian Stumm


Bones and Names
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Bones and Names
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Bones and Names
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Bones and Names
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Великая свобода
Police Officer
Молодой человек по имени Ганс отбывает заключение в послевоенной Германии за свою гомосексуальность. Его сокамерник - Виктор, осуждённый за убийство. Вскоре между двумя вспыхивает нечто, сравнимое с любовью.
Precious Ivie
Two Afro-German half-sisters that never met before, get closer through their father's death, search their roots and find themselves.
A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism.
Grind Reset Shine
Unsatisfied with his his place in New York's art scene, Artist Peter Bjorn relocates to Berlin in search of change. Meanwhile in a remote Polish village, Alicia prepares to become a nun but, feeling home in nature, her reveries continually distract her from her religious path. Both lost in their own ways, their friendship leads them to yet another new beginning.
Middle of Beyond
MIDDLE OF BEYOND blends fiction, news clips, and animation recounting ten days in the life of Malte Krumm, a month after the latest US elections. The film depicts the numbness of a world flooded by information and social media activity, where the borders between reality and illusion are crumbling and narcissism and self-promotion overshadow moral values.
Mila and Charly use this way of escapism to avoid facing their respective crises. Hoping to find new ways of coping with their inner dead ends, they decide to take a trip to the sea but not take into account that they are taking themselves with them.
Berlin Metanoia
A dark cloud is creeping over Berlin. As the citizens go about their daily activities, Kore is haunted by a black shadow – a menacing memory from the past. Meanwhile, a full-grown bear escapes from its cage, throwing the whole city into a panic. There is no way out – Kore must face her worst fear.
Treppe aufwärts
Dr. Weber
The film centers around the lives of three men - three generations of a family which are all entangled in the effects of gambling addiction.
A political activist falsly accused of being a terrorist is put into prison by a government hoping to gain information by subjecting him to chemical waterboarding.
Curator 1
After false reports of his demise put him and his work on the map, an artist decides to continue the charade by posing as his own brother. Soon, a reporter enters his life and has a profound effect on him.
Bella Casa: Hier zieht keiner aus!
Bella is a single mother business and mother trapped in the normal everyday insanity. Nevertheless, she is happy. But from now on, everything gets out of hand. The house, in which the elderly-shared apartment of Bella's father and their own physiotherapy practice are located, is to be sold and renovated. Bella would not be Bella if she was not determined and would fight with all her might against the injustice and sale of the house. But as she juggles with family, her practice, PR campaigns, demos and squatters, Bella needs to realize that even her power is not endless.
Die Fahnderin
After getting kicked out of her home, Manou, a young drifter, hitchhikes a ride with troubled sales rep Johannes. Their chance encounter on this hot summer day offers an escape from their struggles but reality soon enters the picture.
Бела Кисс: Пролог
Béla Kiss был одним из самых жестоких серийных убийц, который убивал молодых женщин в начале первой мировой войны. Обескровленные и заспиртованные тела он хранил в металлических бочках. По слухам, его еще видели десятилетиями позже, в различных частях мира. Он никогда так и не был найден и пойман, местонахождение этого человека неизвестно, даже сегодня. Почти столетие спустя, пятеро грабителей банка, спасаясь от полиции, в поисках убежища, прячутся в отдаленном отеле. На их беду в этом отеле проживает, творит и скрывает свои страшные дела некий человек. Герои проникают в тайну, узнают о существующем пути в прошлое, которым и пользуется таинственный обитатель отеля — человек по имени Бела Кисс…
US Soldier Truck
Германия. 1945 год. Самый конец войны. Группа детей отправляется в путешествие по разоренной Германии, чтобы добраться до бабушки, которая живет на севере страны Старшая, Лоре, осталась одна с четырьмя младшими братьями и сестрой после того, как их родители, члены СС, были арестованы союзниками. Это путешествие покажет детям настоящий реальный мир и последствия действий их родителей. После того, как они встречают Томаса, молодого еврея, ненависть и желание начинают терзать Лоре. Она замирает от страха при виде его, но вынуждена доверять тому, кого она привыкла считать врагом.
A day at the factory. Bekel is called to the boss. Through a chain of events the two men are forced to examine their place in this world.
A portrait of two teenagers, growing up in a council estate, whose lack of prospects brings them closer to each other.
Neon Aura
Nils Philippi, advertising photographer, accuses himself of being an incorrigible hypocrite. He's been that way since he was a child, said what earned him recognition, what made him look good. He knows his problem, he just can't get rid of it. Nils illustrates his suffering to his analyst, putting himself in the limelight once again.
A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.
A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.
A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.
A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.