Antoine Parouty


Director of Photography
Из-за пандемии коронавируса 18-летняя девушка сидит в своей комнате, ограничив общение социальными сетями. В какой-то момент она подписывается на блогершу по имени Патриша Кома, которая рекламирует своё изобретение, «разоблачитель».
Director of Photography
В мастерски реализованном и универсальном документальном фильме, напоминающем «Отрочество» Линклейтера, режиссер рисует картину пятилетней жизни двух подруг в городе Брив-ла-Гайард и погружает нас в жизнь сельской молодежи во Франции 2010-х.
Lady Dallas
Director of Photography
Lucas lives in a farm in southwest France. For his 17th birthday, his uncle Nico offers him a special surprise : a trip to Lady Dallas.
Woods and Waters
I Invite You to My Execution
Camera Operator
As Russian writer Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) thinks it is impossible that his novel Doctor Zhivago is published in the Soviet Union, because it supposedly shows a critical view of the October Revolution, he decides to smuggle several copies of the manuscript out of the country. It is first published in 1957 in Italia and the author receives the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958, which has consequences.
Entre les lignes
Director of Photography
The end of summer. Five young thieves wander through the city. Among them Stefan attempts to read French.
Of Skin and Men
Director of Photography
Amel is a young photographer. When she loses her husband, her life changes. Encouraged by her father-in-law, she takes a taste of life by photographing street boys. Without fear of being scandalous, she makes the choice to look at men as men look at women.
Enfant chéri
Director of Photography
A car trip will be an opportunity for a son to at last tell his father everything that is weighing on his heart.
Vincennes, l'université perdue
Recounts the epic of Vincennes Experimental University Center, from its creation after the events of May 68 until its demolition in the summer of 1980. To talk about Vincennes is to relive unique ten years of intense intellectual and political extravaganza, educational and artistic inventiveness, utopias, hopes, and betrayals that marked the history in a unique place, the forest with the eponymous name.
Le chef opérateur
A companion to the director's Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist. A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters.
A companion to the director's Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist. A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters.
Portrait of the Artist
A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters. But what he doesn't show to anyone, not even his wife, is the mark on his back that keeps getting bigger. This red mark worries him, upsets him, and seems to want to tell him something...
Jacques Derrida, le courage de la pensée
A look back at the life of Jacques Derrida, on the 10th anniversary of the philosopher's death.
Madeleine d’entre les Morts
In Madeleine Among the Dead, Bonello wanted to tell Hitchcock’s Vertigo from the perspective of Madeleine (played by Kim Novak), not Scottie (James Stewart). He only filmed a scene of this project as part of another film by Antoine Barraud, Le Dos Rouge, in which Bonello plays the role of a director by the same name; a director whose films are all either invented or his “ghost-movies.”
Where Are You, Bertrand Bonello?
An autobiographical essay film structured as a letter to the director’s young daughter, "Où en êtes-vous, Bertrand Bonello?" weaves clips from Bonello’s films, excerpts from his scripts, pop songs, and snippets of original footage into a lyrical, reflexive cinematic self-portrait. "Où en êtes-vous?" is a collection initiated by Centre Pompidou, who asked directors to make retrospective and introspective films.
Les Coquillettes
Three female friends recall their misadventures (more sexual than cinematical) attending the Locarno Film Festival.
Les Coquillettes
Director of Photography
Three female friends recall their misadventures (more sexual than cinematical) attending the Locarno Film Festival.
Jackson/Marker 4am
Director of Photography
Introduced with a quote that invents its own creator, someone is dancing in a figure skating costume to a piece of music that conceals its source.
American Passages
Director of Photography
Initially, there's that moment of happiness: an African-American celebrating in Harlem cheers "We're free!" as if Barack Obama's victory meant the ultimate end of slavery. AMERICAN PASSAGES is an associative journey through the United States: a disillusioned Iraq veteran, gay adoptive fathers, black judges, white party animals and a pimp at a casino table in Las Vegas. The extreme contrasts of black and white, rich and poor, winners and losers are often as surprising as the meaning of the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness in these times of crisis. An epic panorama of America.
Yoshido (The Other Life)
Director of Photography
Six years ago, Yoshido directed La Vie lointaine, the adaptation of the eponymous novel of Haruki. Two days before the end of the shooting, a sudden and strange rise of fever struck the members of the crew causing the film to stop. Today, Yoshido is an old and weakened man. When he leaves the hospital, he knows he only has little time to live. During the night, after a few glasses of saké, he decides to resume the shooting of his unfinished film.
Des rêves pour l'hiver
Des rêves pour l'hiver
Where Is the Head of the Prison?
Suddenly, Roman asks himself a first question, followed by a multitude of others that nobody can answer.
Council House
Director of Photography
The film takes place in a Parisian suburb and brings us into the closest possible contact with the people who live here and takes us into the privacy of their lives. A series of personal accounts and shots of the decorated interiors of apartments and houses with no hint as to where we are, no names. No stigma attached, no label given. For these are not the subject of the film, which seeks instead to give a face and a voice – a sort of private landscape – to a space that has come to represent all that is standardized and anonymous.