Choi Jin-sung

Choi Jin-sung


Choi Jin-sung is a South Korean film director and writer.


Choi Jin-sung


Ад в Сети: Разоблачение Интернет-кошмара
Через сеть анонимных эксплуататорских онлайн-чатов совершалось много сексуальных преступлений. Охота за ее организаторами требовала мужества и упорства.
Ад в Сети: Разоблачение Интернет-кошмара
Через сеть анонимных эксплуататорских онлайн-чатов совершалось много сексуальных преступлений. Охота за ее организаторами требовала мужества и упорства.
The Reservoir Game
An investigative reporter seeks to expose the whereabouts of a slush fund belonging to the former president of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak.
The Plan
Let's look back at the 18th presidential vote. The 13,500 ballot boxes were taken to 251 ballot count locations and were sorted by 1,300 automatic ballot openers. The chairman announced the sorted data and soon it was announced to the public. But something strange happened. The 251 ballot count locations found 'a number' that have the same pattern. Scientists, mathematicians, statistician and hackers from all over the country start looking into the secret of 'this number'. The result is tremendously shocking...
Steel Cold Winter
A boy transfers to a school in the countryside, where he finds himself attracted to a mysterious girl. The girl lives alone with her mental patient father and enjoys skating alone on the lake at night. Villagers and classmates spread rumors about the girl, but the boy doesn’t care. Then one day, her father disappears and the boy becomes witness to suspicious activity. Other than a few documentaries, this is Choi Jin-seong’s first feature film. Steel Cold Winter is no normal teenage love story.
Steel Cold Winter
A boy transfers to a school in the countryside, where he finds himself attracted to a mysterious girl. The girl lives alone with her mental patient father and enjoys skating alone on the lake at night. Villagers and classmates spread rumors about the girl, but the boy doesn’t care. Then one day, her father disappears and the boy becomes witness to suspicious activity. Other than a few documentaries, this is Choi Jin-seong’s first feature film. Steel Cold Winter is no normal teenage love story.
I AM. SMtown Live World Tour In Madison Square Garden
Starring 32 artists from SM Town. The movie reflect the past, present and future of each artist with behind-the-scenes footage that follows the stars as they undergo rehearsals, revealing their day-to-day lives and also features interview, video diaries and never-seen-before archive files.
Jam Docu GangJeong
Gangjeong Village, located at the southernmost part of Jeju Island's Seogwipo City, is in the true sense a 'breathtaking land of water.' In this film, eight directors independently yet collaboratively orchestrate a clever and humorous "mission" at this place where the groundwork for building a naval military base is in progress.
Непослушные девочки Дасепо
Дело происходит где-то в Корее в мультирелигиозной частной школе. Есть здесь и класс буддистов, и кришнаитов, и католиков, и протестантов, и мусульман, и конфуцианцев, но имеется и класс обычных корейских школьников. Хотя, в этой школе нет обычных учеников или учителей. Все словно сошли с ума и творят всё, что придёт им в голову. Ни секунды покоя: учителя-мазохисты, директор-монстр, ученики без стыда и совести, целая когорта разных фриков и трансвеститов.
에로틱 번뇌 보이
옴니버스 프로젝트
The World Cup of Their Own
The World Cup of Their Own
The World Cup of Their Own
My Captain