Calvin Thomas

Calvin Thomas

Рождение : 1986-11-29, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Calvin Thomas is a Canadian screenwriter, producer and director. He is known for his partnership with fellow filmmaker Yonah Lewis. Together they have directed four feature films: Amy George (2011), The Oxbow Cure (2013), Spice It Up (2018) and White Lie (post production).


Calvin Thomas


Anne at 13,000 Feet.
Anne hasn't been the same since the jump. While skydiving for her best friend Sarah's bachelorette party, the 27-year-old felt focused, free, above it all. Back on the ground, the pressures of her daily life threaten to overwhelm her.
Every Day's Like This
A family tries to schedule the medically assisted death of a loved one.
Точка и линия на плоскости
Молодая женщина оплакивает смерть возлюбленного и пытается преодолеть своё горе с помощью различных форм искусства, центральное место среди которых занимает живопись. Картины любимых художников-абстракционистов – Хильмы аф Клинт и Василия Кандинского – становятся для неё связующим звеном между безвозвратно ушедшим прошлым и полным неопределенности будущим.
Ложь во спасение
Студентка притворяется, что больна раком, и даже открывает фальшивый сбор средств на собственное лечение. Благодаря обману она становится знаменитостью кампуса, находит сплоченный круг друзей, о котором всегда мечтала, и заводит страстные отношения. После подачи заявки на академическую стипендию девушка узнает, что у нее есть неделя, чтобы собрать медицинские документы, подтверждающие болезнь. В течение пяти дней она изо всех сил пытается скрыть свою ложь от друзей и семьи.
Ложь во спасение
Студентка притворяется, что больна раком, и даже открывает фальшивый сбор средств на собственное лечение. Благодаря обману она становится знаменитостью кампуса, находит сплоченный круг друзей, о котором всегда мечтала, и заводит страстные отношения. После подачи заявки на академическую стипендию девушка узнает, что у нее есть неделя, чтобы собрать медицинские документы, подтверждающие болезнь. В течение пяти дней она изо всех сил пытается скрыть свою ложь от друзей и семьи.
Ложь во спасение
Студентка притворяется, что больна раком, и даже открывает фальшивый сбор средств на собственное лечение. Благодаря обману она становится знаменитостью кампуса, находит сплоченный круг друзей, о котором всегда мечтала, и заводит страстные отношения. После подачи заявки на академическую стипендию девушка узнает, что у нее есть неделя, чтобы собрать медицинские документы, подтверждающие болезнь. В течение пяти дней она изо всех сил пытается скрыть свою ложь от друзей и семьи.
Spice It Up
A film student at Ryerson University struggles to complete her thesis project.
Spice It Up
A film student at Ryerson University struggles to complete her thesis project.
Spice It Up
A film student at Ryerson University struggles to complete her thesis project.
МС Славик 7
Молодая девушка посещает библиотеку Гарвардского университета, где изучает переписку польской поэтессы Зофьи Богданович, своей прабабушки, с номинантом Нобелевской премии по литературе Юзефом Виттлином. «МС Славик 7» — библиотечный код коробки с их письмами, которые она намерена опубликовать. Оба вынуждены были бежать от нацистов и эмигрировать в Северную Америку: она — в Торонто, он — в Нью-Йорк. Они были влюблены друг в друга, но их отношениям суждено было реализоваться лишь на бумаге.
Maison du Bonheur
When asked to make a documentary about her friend’s mother—a Parisian astrologer named Juliane—the filmmaker sets off for Montmartre with a Bolex to craft a portrait of an infectiously exuberant personality and the pre-war apartment she’s called home for 50 years.
Veslemøy's Song
A young woman delves into the archives of the New York Public Library in search of a rare recording produced in 1909 titled “Veslemøy's Song”.
The Intestine
Maya is an unhappy young woman, fed up with her monotonous job, filthy apartment, and the responsibilities of caring for her drug-addicted mother. One night she comes across Philip, a man of wealth, and the next morning wakes up alone in his large suburban home. With Philip nowhere in sight, Maya attempts to gain possession of the house.
Never Eat Alone
An elderly widow (Joan Benac) starts to wonder what happened to a would-be lover from her past who appeared with her in a live televised drama in the 1950s. After discovering the show in CBC’s archive, her granddaughter Audrey (Deragh Campbell) attempts to try and track the man down.
Diamond Day
Director of Photography
The morning after hosting a drug-fueled house party, Gracie wakes to learn her ex-boyfriend Feller is dealing with pseudo-friend Kree and roommate Tanya had her precious heirloom pendant stolen. Gracie embarks to retrieve the necklace, meeting friends and acquaintances along the way in a languorous, darkly humourous study of the precarious transition between youth and adulthood.
A Prayer
In a little house all for herself, an elderly woman moves through her day. While she tends to every chore on the docket, we learn some things about her. She has a green thumb, she speaks Polish while on the phone, she likes to nap. A prayer sounds. They are words from her mother-in-law, Polish poet Zofia Bohdanowiczowa, who was also displaced from her native Poland. Three generations meet, one by writing, one by living, and the third by the very making of this film, a composition of her ancestors through sound and image.
The Oxbow Cure
Director of Photography
The Oxbow Cure is a winter tale of Lena, a middle-aged woman who has recently been diagnosed with a life-altering disease. In an attempt to come to terms with her transforming body, she leaves her home in the city for a new life in remote northern Ontario. While exploring the natural world outside her cottage, she begins to create an interior routine. A frozen lake, mere steps from her front door, is a source of both fear and fascination.
The Oxbow Cure
The Oxbow Cure is a winter tale of Lena, a middle-aged woman who has recently been diagnosed with a life-altering disease. In an attempt to come to terms with her transforming body, she leaves her home in the city for a new life in remote northern Ontario. While exploring the natural world outside her cottage, she begins to create an interior routine. A frozen lake, mere steps from her front door, is a source of both fear and fascination.
The Oxbow Cure
The Oxbow Cure is a winter tale of Lena, a middle-aged woman who has recently been diagnosed with a life-altering disease. In an attempt to come to terms with her transforming body, she leaves her home in the city for a new life in remote northern Ontario. While exploring the natural world outside her cottage, she begins to create an interior routine. A frozen lake, mere steps from her front door, is a source of both fear and fascination.
The Oxbow Cure
The Oxbow Cure is a winter tale of Lena, a middle-aged woman who has recently been diagnosed with a life-altering disease. In an attempt to come to terms with her transforming body, she leaves her home in the city for a new life in remote northern Ontario. While exploring the natural world outside her cottage, she begins to create an interior routine. A frozen lake, mere steps from her front door, is a source of both fear and fascination.
Amy George
Thirteen-year-old Jesse wants to be an artist and believing that his mundane, middle-class life has left him unprepared, he sets out looking for wildness and women.
Amy George
Thirteen-year-old Jesse wants to be an artist and believing that his mundane, middle-class life has left him unprepared, he sets out looking for wildness and women.
Amy George
Director of Photography
Thirteen-year-old Jesse wants to be an artist and believing that his mundane, middle-class life has left him unprepared, he sets out looking for wildness and women.
Amy George
Thirteen-year-old Jesse wants to be an artist and believing that his mundane, middle-class life has left him unprepared, he sets out looking for wildness and women.
Amy George
Thirteen-year-old Jesse wants to be an artist and believing that his mundane, middle-class life has left him unprepared, he sets out looking for wildness and women.