Thomas Letellier

Thomas Letellier


Thomas Letellier


Quatorze ans
Director of Photography
Summer, 1988 in Corsica. Vanina, fourteen years old, paints the town red with her cousin and sixteen-year-old sister. The teenagers slip out of the house on the quiet to go and dance and meet up with boys in the only nearby disco.
La consolation
Director of Photography
Daniel, a young pianist, learns that his birth mother is still alive. Becoming nostalgic, he remembers his childhood. Alone with Mother Nature and his memories, he looks for this woman, hoping to find if not the truth at least consolation.
And Why Not?
Director of Photography
Virginie, a charming young woman, has an appointment with a friend recently rediscovered on Facebook. In the cafe, a young man, Leonard takes advantage of her falsified delay of the appointment to approach her. What may seem like a simple attempt at seduction may be a more Machiavellian strategy. Leonard was once Leonore and Virginie's lover.
Director of Photography
Это история первого во Франции чернокожего клоуна, выступавшего в тандеме с белым клоуном, вышедшим было в тираж, а с появлением нового партнера вернувшим себе былую славу. Их номера были чрезвычайно популярны в конце XIX века, но интерес к ним был востребован преимущественно из-за того, что белый клоун издевался над чернокожим.
Вооружённое ограбление
Комиссар полиции Лукас Скали и его дочь Майя — давно уже чужие люди. Но они оба — полицейские, и вынуждены вместе участвовать в расследовании дела, связанного с сербской мафией. Во время расследования вновь появляется надежда обрести, казалось бы, уже навсегда потерянную кровную связь…
Louise Wimmer
Director of Photography
The middle-aged titular heroine (Masiero) of this bare-bones, Dardenne-esque debut has certainly fallen on hard times: Living between her car and a storage shed, working a part-time job as a hotel chambermaid, and trying against all odds to obtain public housing, Louise scrapes by on a day-to-day subsistence that’s only a few Euros away from skid row.
A Woman Kills
Paris, in the 1960s. A series of crimes troubles the public tranquility. On March, 22, 1968, Hélène Picard, a prostitute sentenced to death two years before for several murders, is killed by executioner Louis Guilbeau. Immediately, the violent crimes, similar to Hélène’s ones, go on again. In parallel, Louis is having an affair with the police woman in charge of the investigation… What are the obscure relations hidden behind the executioner and the mysterious killer? Who is this dark man in reality?