André Deed

André Deed

Рождение : 1879-02-22, Le Havre, Seine-Inférieure [now Seine-Maritime], France

Смерть : 1940-10-04


André Deed


La rose effeuillée
A washerwoman works so long for the same bosses that she gets to like their young son very much. One day she is unjustly accused of robbery, and dismissed. She suffers in her loneliness, until the day she hears that the boy is terminally ill, and there's no medical hope for him. She comes back and sits by him, praying to Saint Thérèse de Lisieux - and the miracle happens.
Monsieur de Pourceaugnac
Two young lovers. An arranged marriage. An older groom. The lovers develop a plan to convince the groom that she is unworthy and also to discredit him. A surprise ending convinces the father that he should bless the lovers' marriage.
Just Leon
Eugène, vieux régisseur des Folies Impériales
Léon is hired by a detective agency to monitor a music hall star whose friend is extremely jealous.
In her village, Ms. Husson seeks to put a price under a rosiere but finding no worthy young pretty girl, hands it has Isidore, the village idiot, who becomes rosier
Jacques Chauvry, the new government delegate for a French protectorate in Cambodia, meets the young Soun who, due to a series of circumstances, will become heir to land that houses a large oil field. Tao , an evil mestizo, along with his minions, tries to get hold of these lands, terrorizing the locals by appearing disguised as the "spirit of evil".
Механический человек
Некий ученый изобрел машину в форме гигантского человека, управляемого электромагнитными волнами. Он может ходить, бегать, а также ломать, сжигать и разрушать все, что угодно, с ужасающей силой. Банда гангстеров, возглавляемая женщиной, убила изобретателя с целью завладеть инструкциями для изготовления механического человека... Русская версия фильма изготовлена из фрагмента киноленты со многими пропусками, длиной 740 метров. Оригинальная кинолента была длиной 1841 метр. Издание основано на копии, обнаруженной в Сан-Паоло, Бразилия. Интертитры на английский были переведены студией Альфа видео в 2005 г. Русский перевод: Киноклуб «Феникс», 2008 г. (26 мин).
Механический человек
Некий ученый изобрел машину в форме гигантского человека, управляемого электромагнитными волнами. Он может ходить, бегать, а также ломать, сжигать и разрушать все, что угодно, с ужасающей силой. Банда гангстеров, возглавляемая женщиной, убила изобретателя с целью завладеть инструкциями для изготовления механического человека... Русская версия фильма изготовлена из фрагмента киноленты со многими пропусками, длиной 740 метров. Оригинальная кинолента была длиной 1841 метр. Издание основано на копии, обнаруженной в Сан-Паоло, Бразилия. Интертитры на английский были переведены студией Альфа видео в 2005 г. Русский перевод: Киноклуб «Феникс», 2008 г. (26 мин).
Механический человек
Некий ученый изобрел машину в форме гигантского человека, управляемого электромагнитными волнами. Он может ходить, бегать, а также ломать, сжигать и разрушать все, что угодно, с ужасающей силой. Банда гангстеров, возглавляемая женщиной, убила изобретателя с целью завладеть инструкциями для изготовления механического человека... Русская версия фильма изготовлена из фрагмента киноленты со многими пропусками, длиной 740 метров. Оригинальная кинолента была длиной 1841 метр. Издание основано на копии, обнаруженной в Сан-Паоло, Бразилия. Интертитры на английский были переведены студией Альфа видео в 2005 г. Русский перевод: Киноклуб «Феникс», 2008 г. (26 мин).
The Fear of Zeppelins
Cretinetti is about to get married and he could not be any happier and more in love with his Junoesque consort. But just on the day of his wedding, he reads a notice on the wall explaining how to behave in the case of an enemy air raid. The fear that grips him makes him even too literal in implementing safety indications, causing trouble and accidents that will not only stop him from enjoying his first marital night, but will even cause the collapse of the whole house. In the end, the gendarmes go to him with a conscription notice and take him away under coercion, under the appalled gaze of his new bride.
The Fear of Zeppelins
Cretinetti is about to get married and he could not be any happier and more in love with his Junoesque consort. But just on the day of his wedding, he reads a notice on the wall explaining how to behave in the case of an enemy air raid. The fear that grips him makes him even too literal in implementing safety indications, causing trouble and accidents that will not only stop him from enjoying his first marital night, but will even cause the collapse of the whole house. In the end, the gendarmes go to him with a conscription notice and take him away under coercion, under the appalled gaze of his new bride.
Boireau sert les maçon
Boireau, apprentice mason, and a coalman fight it out for the affections of the cook.
Boireau sert les maçon
Boireau, apprentice mason, and a coalman fight it out for the affections of the cook.
Les incohérences de Boireau
Boireau is sleeping in his bed, floating in the air, when a fire wakes him. So he takes his gun and shoots a fish down from the sky...
Boireau au harem
A pasha invites a photographer to his harem. A belly dancer performs for him, and then seduces him, getting him into trouble There are two versions of this film, one with a fully clothed dancer, and a second where she is scantily dressed.
Boireau et la gigolette
Andre Deed sees Valentina Frascaroli shoot a man who annoys her in the street and is enchanted. He decides the way to win her affection is to swap clothes with the guy who cleans his apartment, and swagger about the cheap Montmartre saloons. Miss Frascaroli likes it, but the apaches who make up her friends don't, and proceed to torment the lovestruck fellow.
Boireau et la gigolette
Andre Deed sees Valentina Frascaroli shoot a man who annoys her in the street and is enchanted. He decides the way to win her affection is to swap clothes with the guy who cleans his apartment, and swagger about the cheap Montmartre saloons. Miss Frascaroli likes it, but the apaches who make up her friends don't, and proceed to torment the lovestruck fellow.
Boireau cuirassier
Boireau's flamboyant military costume gets stuck everywhere he goes.
Boireau à l'école
André Deed in the persona of a juvenile Boireau, has two ambitions: to get along with pretty schoolgirl Valentina Frascaroli and to punch his teacher in the head. The latter gets him tossed in the school's dungeon.
Boireau à l'école
André Deed in the persona of a juvenile Boireau, has two ambitions: to get along with pretty schoolgirl Valentina Frascaroli and to punch his teacher in the head. The latter gets him tossed in the school's dungeon.
Gribouille redevient Boireau
Directed by André Deed.
Gribouille redevient Boireau
Directed by André Deed.
Boireau on a Scientific Mission
Рождество Кретинетти
Кретинетти со множеством подарков спешит на Рождество. По дороге он столкнулся с курьером, также несшим много коробок. И Кретинетти по ошибке прихватил чужую коробку, в которой были странные флаконы…
Cretinetti s'incarica del trasloco
Moving Cretinetti style: a tornado of furniture.
L'ultima monelleria di Cretinetti
Italian short comedy
Две девушки, влюбленные в Кретинетти
Две девушки влюбились и готовы вырвать друг другу волосы за внимание Кретинетти. Кому достанется красавчик Кретинетти? Это решит дуэль эмансипированных девиц!
Cretinetti e l'ago
Andre Deed was a leading player in short Italian comedies in this period under the character name of Cretinetti, and Italian slapstick was much rougher and far more bone-breaking than anything Americans would regularly view. In this one, he is sewing his pants until his fiancée appears with his prospective father-in-law, so he puts his pants on, only to discover that the needle is still in the pants and takes every chance to stick him painfully.
Cretinetti e l'ago
Andre Deed was a leading player in short Italian comedies in this period under the character name of Cretinetti, and Italian slapstick was much rougher and far more bone-breaking than anything Americans would regularly view. In this one, he is sewing his pants until his fiancée appears with his prospective father-in-law, so he puts his pants on, only to discover that the needle is still in the pants and takes every chance to stick him painfully.
Il regalo di Cretinetti
Cretinetti tries to bring a gift to his sweetheart. He loses the flowers. The tableware set breaks into pieces. Finally he buys a piano, but in the great chaos he is stuffed inside it.
Жадность испортила Кретинетти Рождество
Не устояв от соблазна полакомиться рождественскими сладостями, маленький Кретинетти пускается в большое путешествие от чертог небесных до острог адских. Да не родились еще те бесы, которые могут обхитрить маленького проказника.
Жадность испортила Кретинетти Рождество
Не устояв от соблазна полакомиться рождественскими сладостями, маленький Кретинетти пускается в большое путешествие от чертог небесных до острог адских. Да не родились еще те бесы, которые могут обхитрить маленького проказника.
Cretinetti distratto
Cretinetti wakes up in the middle of his sleep and finds himself in outlandish situations, walking through a mirror and falling through the roof.
Прелести охоты
Кретинетти это такой персонаж актера Андре Дида. Очень популярный. Попадал во всякие неловкие ситуации, как правило по собственной глупости, отсюда и имя персонажа. Как у любого популярного персонажа у него было много подражателей в разных странах. В англосаксонских странах под именем Фулхеда (Дурень), в России - Глупышкин и т.п. В этой ленте Кретинетти отправился поохотится со своим приятелем, заядлым охотником, и его любвеобильной женушкой. Для кого-то охота оказалась удачной, а кому-то сильно не повезло...
Рождество Кретинетти
Кретинетти со множеством поручений спешит на Рождество. Гости уже собираются и главное доставить ёлку…
Cretinetti ficcanaso
Cretinetti meddles with things and lands into trouble every time, having his head forged on an anvil and falling into a pit on a construction site.
Too Beautiful!
Too Beautiful!
Cretinetti the Wrestler
André Deed is tired of being beat up, so a strong man has no trouble selling him one of the springs with handles at either end. When I was a kid, exercise mavens like Jack Lalanne would sell them, only made out of rubber. Anyway, Deed alternates exercising with this device and getting beat up on by almost everyone for the length of this one-reel comedy.
Cretinetti re dei ladri
Cretinetti fails as an amateur thief.
Как Кретинетти расплатился с долгами
Обладая удивительной способностью ускользать из самых затруднительных ситуаций, Кретинетти не спешит расплатиться со своими кредиторами. В дореволюционной России герой Андре Дида Кретинетти, или как его называли у нас Глупышкин, пользовался несравненной популярность. Разбирая работы тогда еще молодого Чаплина, журнал «Проектор» писал: «У нас в России Чаплин не может иметь такого успеха: он слишком груб, слишком примитивен, слишком мало изящен. Такие комики, как Макс Линдер, Пренс, Паташон, даже Андре Дид, нам несравненно ближе и понятней».
The Man Monkey
A man behaves like a monkey after its brain is transplanted into him.
Cretinetti cerca un duello
A quarrel in a club room leads to a duel between two of the characters. Honor is satisfied by the usual "continental scratch" and the affair ends. Foolshead, however, has been a witness of the combat and is smitten with the duel fever, so a series of highly amusing scenes are witnessed in which Foolshead endeavors to get somebody to fight with him. Finally he gets a good beating for his pains, assaults the police and is arrested.
Cretinetti cerca un duello
A quarrel in a club room leads to a duel between two of the characters. Honor is satisfied by the usual "continental scratch" and the affair ends. Foolshead, however, has been a witness of the combat and is smitten with the duel fever, so a series of highly amusing scenes are witnessed in which Foolshead endeavors to get somebody to fight with him. Finally he gets a good beating for his pains, assaults the police and is arrested.
Кретинетти. Слишком красив
Кретинетти получает приглашение на свадьбу. Он одевает модный красивый костюм, модные красивые туфли, приводит себя в порядок и весь такой красивый выходит на улицу. И какая женщина устоит при виде этого красавца?! Он действительно хорош. Очень хорош! Слишком хорош...
Dramma in un albergo
Short slapstick comedy set in a hotel.
Dramma in un albergo
Short slapstick comedy set in a hotel.
Кретинетти. Слишком красив
Кретинетти получает приглашение на свадьбу. Он одевает модный красивый костюм, модные красивые туфли, приводит себя в порядок и весь такой красивый выходит на улицу. И какая женщина устоит при виде этого красавца?! Он действительно хорош. Очень хорош! Слишком хорош...
A Kind-Hearted Policeman
Le malandrin
In this picture we see a man who is vested with authority to enforce the law, but, unlike the usual sort of men occupying the same position, he is so kind-hearted that ofttimes he is governed by his sentiments, and is very indiscreet in meting out just punishment to offenders, He is patrolling in the country, where lawbreakers are not numerous, but once in a while it will happen that somebody is guilty of an act that is not just in keeping with propriety. His first duty is to arrest a pair of lovers whom he catches kissing, but when he comes upon the love-sick couple, and threatens to arrest them, his heart is softened by their tears, so he allows them to go their way with some good advice.
Jim is Fond of Garlic
In this comedy we see a fellow giving orders to the cook to put plenty of garlic in his food, and she complies with his wishes by giving everything an extra dose of the unpleasant ingredient. The first victim of the fumes is a dog that is seated beside the table, and when the fellow blows his breath on the animal he falls over unconscious from the effects. Next he prostrates a street cleaner and a painter perched on a ladder, as well as a woman in charge of a newsstand. They all succumb and fall over unconscious on the ground. He enters the subway and meets a man coming up the stairs, and when the latter gets a whiff of the garlic he too, goes down in a heap. Entering the car in the underground road he proceeds to waft the strong odor over the passengers, with the effect that each in turn goes down and out on the floor of the coach. When he reaches the next station he alights, leaving the car looking more like a hospital than anything.
L'apprenti architecte
Jim's mother brings him to an architect's office to secure a position for him, and he is accepted. After clinging lovingly to his ma, he is induced to abandon his strangle hold, and he is taken into the drafting room. Here two clerks make merry with him, but he managed to even matters unconsciously by leaning on the heavy end of a table, upsetting it and all on it. Now his employers tell him to carry a set of plans, papers and instruments, with which he is to accompany them to a building. In the course of construction, Jim reaches to the top of a closet for some of the papers, upsets it, breaks some more furniture and finally reaches the street, struggling under a mass of paraphernalia, with which he strews his path as he goes.
Modern Sculptors
The first scene presents before the astonished eyes of the spectators a solid piece of marble, which the minute it is placed on a table seems to take life, and one can follow a snake-like line branding on the polished face of the stone the name of the house of Pathé Frères. As soon as this stone has been engraved, as by magic, a handsome young lady appears with a huge lump of clay covered with a cloth. As soon as the cloth is removed from the soft mass it starts whirling and turning as if stricken mad, and one is asking one's self what all the contentions are going to lead to, when the vague shape of an animal not yet discernible seems to appear, and before one has time to make one's mind as to the category of brutes to which it belongs one sees the form of a remarkably well made orang-utan modelled out of the clay, who calmly smokes his pipe. Then the statue is removed by the same winning young lady and another covered block of the same substance is carried forward.
Le costume blanc
The mishaps of a man who steps into the street wearing his brand-new white suit, and who instantly encounters every conceivable insult to his suit's integrity: a coalman bumps into him, a waiter spills food on him, a painter walks into him.
Not' fanfare concourt
An inept marching band heads off to the competition, and then celebrates their surprising victory.
Les apprentissages de Boireau
Boireau's father keeps trying to apprentice him to a different trade. Each time, the youngster annoys the customers and destroys the goods and property.
Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp
The legend of Aladdin and his magic lamp: Aladdin finds a magic lamp which brings him wealth, luxury, and marriage to a princess. But his rival, an evil magician, steals the lamp for himself. Aladdin must regain the lamp or lose everything.
Les débuts d'un chauffeur
The proud owner of a new car in 1907 gets behind the wheel for the first time and weaves down the street, hitting everything from lamp-posts to market stalls and baby carriages. An ever-increasing crowd of incensed pursuers chases after him...
Le fils du diable fait la noce à Paris
When Hell gets boring, head for Paris.
Trois sous de poireaux
A drunk man is going to buy more drink at his wife's expense, which he takes advantage of to get more drunk.
Boireau déménage
Andre Deed is moving out, so he has hired some guys with a cart to move his stuff...... and they have a drink to seal the deal. They load his cart...... and they have a drink..... in short, but the time this is over, Deed is pretty loaded too in this amusing comedy.
The Wig Chase
Child prank causes chase for few ballons and one lady's wig
The Kingdom of the Fairies
At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.
An Extraordinary Dislocation
A clown performs various feats of magic based on his ability to detach and reattach different parts of his body.