Prabhas Bhattacharya


Komal Gandhar
Lighting Camera
Through the microcosmic perspectivising of a group of devoted and uncompromising IPTA workers, Ghatak with his signature style touches on varied issues of partition, idealism, corruption, the interdependence of art and life, the scope of art, and class-struggle.
Shree Loknath
Lighting Director
Dr. Ajay Patanayak, a doctor by profession doesnt believe in the existing of God. His wife Basanti having no child has immense faith in God. She is also deeply attached to his brother in law Bijay. Laxmi, a neighbor has love interest with Bijay. Bijay visits Puris Sri Lokanath Temple for blessing with a hope to his sister in law gets a son. Basanti becomes pregnant and delivers a son. The happy family named the child as Lokanath after the deity. As Lokanath grows up, Bijay feels neglected by the family and leaves the house. Bijay becomes a tutor in Jaipur. In the meanwhile his love interest Laxmi marries to a Zamindar named Surya of Puri. Three year elapse, Basanti and his husband in Puri to offer oblation to Lord Sri Lokanath but they are however prevented from visiting the temple by a storm. The child Lokanath is bitten by a snake and his body is taken to cremation ground.
Мир Апу
Lighting Technician
Взрослый Апу, став сиротой, живет в жалкой комнатке в Калькутте и стремится стать писателем. Его друг Пулу приглашает его на свадьбу своей сестры Апарны в небольшую бенгальскую деревню. Однако счастье невесты длится недолго – жених оказывается сумасшедшим. А если она не выйдет замуж в назначенный час, будет навеки опозорена. В знак протеста сбитый с толку Апу женится на девушке и забирает молодую жену с собой в город. Через год его жена умрет при родах, оставив Апу сына, которого он поначалу не хочет видеть. Только через пять лет его друг находит его и уговаривает взять на себя заботу о ребенке…