Nicholas Pritchard

Nicholas Pritchard

Рождение : 1958-01-01, UK


Nicholas Pritchard


Жизнь в розовом цвете
Жизнь Эдит Пиаф была похожа на сражение, каждый день ей приходилось бороться за право, жить, петь и любить! Из трущоб Парижа она поднялась на подмостки Нью-Йоркских концертных залов и завладела сердцами всего мира. Ее друзьями были известнейшие люди того времени — Жан Кокто, Марлен Дитрих, Марсель Сердан. Выросшая в жуткой нищете, Пиаф достигла колоссального успеха. Но, взлетев на необозримую высоту, она не смогла не обломать крылья…
The Cry
Dr James Hargreaves
Psychological thriller about a woman child-protection officer tramautized by her stillbirth who befriends a woman in hospital and then becomes convinced that the daughter is being abused.
Victoria Wood's All Day Breakfast
A television comedy special broadcast on BBC One on Christmas Day 1992. Sketches, stand-up comedy and songs combine to create the latest daytime show to be hosted by a popular husband-and-wife team. There are tips on female problems like seriously split ends, calorie reports, keep-fit with Jolly Polly, Agony Uncle Gerard's phone-in and Britain's first four times daily soap, set in a cosy corner of a shopping mall.
Fergie & Andrew: Behind the Palace Doors
Christopher Moreland
Biopic purporting to tell the real story behind the marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson from their initial courtship through their eventual separation.
Sammy and Rosie Get Laid
Tory MP
Sammy and Rosie are an unconventional middle-class London married couple. They live in the midst of inner-city chaos, surround themselves with intellectual street people, and sleep with everybody - except each other! Things become interesting when Sammy's father, Rafi, who is a former Indian government minister, comes to London for a visit. Sammy, Rosie, and Rafi try to find meaning through their lives and loves.