Maid (uncredited)
When a recently deceased playboy gets to heaven and is granted one wish--granted to all newcomers--he requests that he be able to see the reactions of three husbands, with whom he regularly played poker, to a letter he left each of them claiming to have had an affair with each's wife.
Mrs. Briggs (uncredited)
Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.
Subway Commuter (uncredited)
A young woman living in Manhattan pretends to be the mother of an infant in order to get a seat on the subway.
Sponsored by The Protestant Film Commission, this religiously-affiliated tale centers around citizen Henry Wood (played by Oscar winner James Dunn from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"), who loved family and church, gave to the needy, and donated most of his money to charity. Now deceased, his somewhat neglected daughter reflects on his past and ponders that age-old question, did he indeed have such "a wonderful life"?
Mrs. Brigitte O'Rielly
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.
Leona (uncredited)
Catherine Sykes disappears after a midnight drive with Professor Andrew Gentling . When she's presumed murdered, his friend Martha convinces him that he's a prime suspect and should investigate before he's arrested.
Ma Gibson
Posing as unemployed musicians, Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys, are being helped by Ted Gibson owner of the Harmony Inn in San Antonio, Texas. Gibson is impoverished because he keeps buying his kleptomaniac Uncle Zeke out of trouble, supports his Ma, and Grandpa. He wants to marry Jean Wallace, and doesn't know that Acuff and his musicians are traveling incognito for the radio show "Who Am I Helping?" If he guesses their identity, he wins $100,000.
Mrs. Higgins
The boys are working at the local boxing arena where their friend, Jimmy Higgins, is boxing. During a crooked match Jimmy is killed. The boys seek out his older brother, Johnny, a former boxer who gave up the sport rather than go crooked, and help train him to get back in the ring. They try to get him a shot at the title, and when they do the same crooked gangsters that were behind Jimmy's death try to get Johnny to take a dive.
Mrs. Alvin
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
Канун рождества, магазины полны подарков, идет пушистый снег, горожане любуются огнями новогодних елок и блеском мишуры. Только Генри Брогхэм - епископ, мечтающий о новом кафедральном соборе и отдающий все свое время сбору пожертвований у богатых горожан на его строительство, не замечает предпраздничной суеты. Увлеченный своей мечтой, он практически не уделяет внимания своей красавице жене Джулии и дочери. Однажды вечером перед епископом появляется незнакомец по имени Дадли, который уверяет, что он Ангел, спустившийся с небес ему на помощь. Пришелец быстро становится лучшим другом Джулии и её дочери Дебби, также этот симпатичный господин рассказывает горожанам поучительные истории на тему жизни и веры, и вскоре становится своим человеком в городке. Епископ не может поверить в существование Ангела, но происходящие маленькие чудеса вынуждают Генри задуматься над суетностью своей жизни и пересмотреть отношения с близкими, друзьями, дочерью и любимой женой...
Old Woman (uncredited)
На пустынной ночной аллее нью-йоркского Сентрал Парка Майкл О`Хара расшвыривает бандитов, напавших на Розали Баннистер. Гигант с лицом ребёнка, безработный моряк, он привлекает её своей первобытной мощью, и она предлагает Майклу работу на яхте мужа, преуспевающего адвоката, искалеченного полиомелитом калеки. Сражённый наповал роковой блондинкой, О’Хара отправляется в плавание. В пути Гризби, деловой партнер Баннистера, обращается к Майклу с весьма загадочным предложением — помочь инсценировать его убийство, для того чтобы тот мог исчезнуть и получить огромную страховку. Гризби обещает заплатить $5000, с такими деньгами Майкл и Розали смогут бежать и начать новую жизнь. Майкл соглашается и… практически подписывает себе смертный приговор.
Mrs. Miller, Fleming's Housekeeper
Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who believes her friend has been murdered by a serial killer who uses personal ads to find his victims. Temple hatches a plan to catch the killer using Sandra as bait, and Sandra agrees to help.
Mrs. O'Brien
When the bank is robbed, Gene and the boys are singing nearby and the Chief arrests them as gang members but lets them go thinking they will lead them to the others.
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
The Commodore
Gene Autry is back near the saddle, trying to help out a crippled jockey. Gene is certain that the jockey can ride in the Big Race if the lad can regain his self-confidence. Meanwhile, Gene and comical sidekick Sterling Holloway have another problem on their hands: A rogue stallion has "kidnapped" Gene's prize mare. Piloting a plane, Autry seeks out and locates the stallion.
Tough torch singer Petey Brown, visiting her family, finds a nest of troubles: her sister, brother, and the neighbor's wife are involved in various ways with shady nightclub owner Nicky Toresca. Petey has what it takes to handle Nicky, but then she meets San Thomas, formerly great jazz pianist now on the skids, and falls for him hard.
Mrs. Reagan, Denny's Mother
Raised by Natalie Brennan, a flamboyant and irresponsible mother, Ziggy Brennan gets involved in hustling men at a young age. She hangs around with a wild crowd and learns gets her "street smarts" first from her mother, who wants everyone to think they are sisters, and then from Denny Reagan, an older man. He starts teaching her his tricks of the trade and she falls right in line with his crooked ways. Then one night she meets Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson, a tall, handsome, honest farmer boy who's a sailor and they fall in love. While he's away fighting the war, she discovers she's pregnant.
A pilot of a B 29 meets Louise Anderson, a singer in a New York nightclub. He falls in love with her, but he had to leave next day for action in the Pacific. He lets paint her picture on his bomber, the "Bamboo Blonde" and becomes a hero with his crew sinking a Japanese battleship and shooting down a Japanese fighter wing. Back in New York, he leaves his fiancée and engages him to Louise.
Nancy, Henry's wife
A fugitive receives help from a victim's sister as he tries to clear his name of robbery and murder charges.
Landlady (Uncredited)
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Mrs. Ludlow (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Nurse Irma Reeves
Comedy concerning two feuding fathers dealing with the shocking news that their sons were switched at birth, meaning that one of their daughters is about to marry her own brother.
Ada Blake
Египетский священник-культист Юсуф Бей прибывает в Америку, чтобы найти и вернуть на родину останки принцессы Ананки и её возлюбленного Хариса. Тем временем египтолог Мэтью Норман на свою беду находит способ оживить мумию Хариса, после чего Бей решает аналогичным образом вернуть к жизни и саму принцессу.
Mrs. Costello
A poor country girl from Vermont travels to New York City to attend a theatrical school.
Nurse #1 (uncredited)
Flash Fulton (Bud Abbott) and Weejie McCoy (Lou Costello) take pictures of a bank robbery. Lured to the mountain resort hideout of the robbers and accompanied by Dr. Bill Elliott (Patric Knowles) and Peggy Osborn (Elyse Knox), they also meet old friend Johnny Long (Johnny Long) and his band and singer Marcia Manning (Ginny Simms). Dr. Elliott and Peggy are being held in a remote cabin by the robbers, but Weejie rescues them by turning himself into a human snowball that becomes an avalanche that engulfs the crooks.
Mrs. Meegan
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
Katie's Mother (uncredited)
Вена, 1939 год. Кэти О`Хара — стриптизерша из Нью-Йорка, выдающая себя за представительницу светского общества из Филадельфии, собирается замуж за австрийского барона Фон Любера. Радио-репортер Пэт О`Тул хочет использовать этот шанс для того, чтобы узнать как можно больше о бароне, который подозревается в связях с нацистами. Маршрут свадебного путешествия странным образом проходит по странам, в которые впоследствии вторгается Гитлер. Следуя за парой молодоженов в их медовом месяце по всей Европе, О`Тул пытается открыть глаза Кэти на деятельность ее мужа, постепенно влюбляясь в героиню.
Ma Corbett
История Джима Корбетта, прозванного одним из «отцов современного бокса». В новую эру бокса он применил инновационные тренировки и отстаивал соблюдение джентльменских правил во время поединков.
Mrs. Johnson (uncredited)
В маленьком американском городке три поколения богатой американской семьи Амберсонов верили в то, что их положение прочно и незыблемо, но наступают новые времена, и такой привычный окружающий мир рушится до основания. Избалованный и легкомысленный юный Джордж Амберсон после смерти отца совсем «теряет голову» от свалившегося на него богатства. Обуреваемый себялюбием, он запрещает своей матери Изабель встречаться с человеком, которого она любит, и порывает со своей возлюбленной, растоптав собственные романтические чувства…
Mrs. Brewster (uncredited)
In December 1892, a silent mysterious and very private man, for whom a new house has just been built, arrives in the small town of Bridgewood to keep a promise.
An actress gets involved with a criminal gang and winds up taking the rap for a $40,000 robbery. Before being sent to prison, she steals the money from her partners and hides it, she is thinking to use it as a bargaining chip to be released from prison. However, her former partners don't have the same ideas.
Mrs. O'Leary
The Western hero takes on a ruthless land baron whose henchmen killed his best friend.
A young woman arrives in the western town of Headstone and helps the locals outsmart a gang of outlaws.
Mrs. Ehrlich (uncredited)
Уильям Спенс, студент-медик из Канады, собирается вскоре начать работу врачом. Однажды он, проходя мимо церкви, заходит внутрь, слышит проповедь и ощущает призвание стать священником. Хоуп, его невеста, от всего сердца поддерживает любимого, невзирая на негодование её родителей. В Канаде вакансий не находится, поэтому когда Уильям проходит подготовку, он и Хоуп, ставшая его женой, отправляются в маленький городок в Айове, который встречает их бедностью и бытовой неустроенностью. Так начинается долгое, со своими трудностями и радостями, странствие священника и его семьи от одного прихода к другому...
Mrs. McDougall, scrubwoman
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
Mrs. Dalton
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
Mrs. Wilson
A legal secretary with a loving family who is happily engaged to a successful young attorney receives a surprise visit from her bad-news former boyfriend, a jewel thief just released on parole who has no intention of going straight. The visit triggers a series of events resulting in a trial for attempted murder.
Mary - Second Charwoman (uncredited)
Живущие в Филадельфии Вин Страффорд, большой босс, и Китти Фойль, его служащая, любят друг друга. Китти ждет предложения. Но не все так просто... Встреча в Нью-Йорке с романтичным, но бедным доктором Марком Айзеном. Предложение руки и сердца Страффорда. Свадьба вдали от родных. Их неприятие невестки. Социальное неравенство секретарши и дельца из высшего общества. Развод, подчиненный обстоятельствам. Второй брак Страффорда. Предложение доктора Айзена. К чему же это все приведет?
Teenager Betty Elliott has decided to take over the business and social affairs of her father Doc Elliott. She thinks her father should marry the widowed mother, Julie Harper, of her boyfriend Chris Harper. Doc has been a real friend and father to Chris, who, under his guidance, has learned to take care of all the sick animals in town, but lack of money keeps the widow from sending Chris on to finish high school and medical training is out of the question. Wealthy Grandpa Harper sends his attorney Baker to tell Mrs. Harper that all of Jimmy's dreams could be realized if the widow, whom the grandfather dislikes, would give up custody of her son. The lawyer also begins to court Julie and this throws a kink in Betty's plans to see her father and the widow get married. Written by Les Adams
Mrs. Willem
Story of the early days of the diamond-mining era in South Africa.
Mother Clifford
Dr. Bernard Adrian is a kindly scientist who seeks to cure a young woman's polio. He needs human spinal fluid to complete the formula for his experimental serum. Meanwhile, a vicious circus ape has broken out of its cage, and is terrorizing the townspeople. Can there be a connection?
Jones' Mother (uncredited)
Джон Джонс — американский корреспондент, направленный в Европу, чтобы побольше узнать о голландско-бельгийском договоре, имеющем большое политическое значение накануне предстоящей войны. В Европе он становится свидетелем похищения голландского дипломата Ван Меера, знающего некий тайный пункт в этом договоре.
Courtroom Matron (uncredited)
Джо и Пол Фабрини — братья-дальнобойщики, работающие за небольшие деньги на контору-перевозчика, и при этом постоянно скрывающиеся от кредиторов, у которых заложен их автомобиль. Но они живут мечтами о лучшей жизни — Джо хочет работать сам на себя, а Пол хочет оставить водительское ремесло, чтобы больше времени проводить с женой. Работа братьев и их коллег-дальнобойщиков зачастую связана с определенным риском — ради того, чтобы доставить груз вовремя, многие вынуждены ездить сутками почти без сна, что приводит к несчастным случаям. Героям наконец выпадает шанс заработать и встать на ноги, но на обратном пути случается авария…
Mrs. Morrison
Matt Morrison gets his old college chum Frank Stewart a job at the steel foundry where he works. Trouble quickly ensues.
Mrs. Rogers
A pair of slick Broadway producers con a wealthy cowboy into backing their show.
Prisoner's Wife on Ferry
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Mary Kelly (uncredited)
A fighter trains for the big bout, and discovers that his opponent is his girlfriend's brother.
Ollie, Mrs. Clinton's Maid
После окончания школы-интерната сирота Конни попадает в дом своих богатых, но очень неприветливых родственников.
Так начинается история современной американской «Золушки», которая, как и положено, закончится счастливым концом и встречей героини с настоящим принцем.
Stout Woman Bumped by Garrett
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
Король-деспот Луи XIV узнает, что у него есть брат-близнец Филипп, который вырос под опекой его приемного отца, мушкетера Д'Артаньяна. Д'Артаньян и мушкетеры - единственные, кто знает о существовании брата-близнеца, но Луи XIV прячет Филиппа в тюрьму, надев на него железную маску, и в тайне надеясь, что борода, вырастающая в маске в конечном счете задушит брата...
Apple Pie Baker (uncredited)
Эта картина рассказывает о десяти годах жизни молодого Авраама Линкольна, прежде чем он стал известен американцам, а впоследствии и всему миру. Его жизнь не баловала, всего он добивался сам. Переехав из штата Кентукки в город Спрингфилд штата Иллинойс, будущий президент США, начинает свою юридическую практику.
Здесь ему предстоит выступить адвокатом невинно обвиненных молодых людей и выиграть дело в суде, перенести смерть подруги Энн, встретить свою будущую жену Мери Тодд и решиться пойти в политику, чтобы в будущем стать шестнадцатым, а по значимости и величине Первым президентом США.
Mother of Baby Vaughan (uncredited)
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
Miss McGuinness - Prison Matron
A wrongly convicted woman studies law and seeks her revenge.
A gambler uses his winnings to help support an orphanage.
Mrs. Milligan
Annie (Ann Gillis), an orphan, (based on Harold Gray's comic strip but who is at no point in the film called 'Little Orphan Annie), is befriended by a fight manager, 'Pop' Corrigan (J. Farrell MacDonald). She brings him Johnny Adams (Robert Kent), a promising prizefighter. Annie gets the people of the neighborhood to finance his training. But on the night of Johnny's big fight, a gambling syndicate locks him in a gymnasium and it appears the neighborhood folks will lose their investment.
Mrs. Horton
Owner of salon catering to fat society dames must deal with a dull fiance, a romantic stranger, the jealous blond who loves him, and the lecherous husband of a client.
After Pat Garrett kills Billy the Kid, Billy's look-alike Roy Rogers arrives and is mistaken for him. Although a murderer, Billy was on the side of the homesteaders against the large ranchers. As Billy's death is unknown, Roy gets Garrett to let him pose as Billy to continue the fight, but without the killing.
Happy's Nurse
Two lazy screenwriters need a story for the studio's cowboy star. A studio waitress turns out to be pregnant. This gives them the idea for a movie about a cowboy and a baby. The waitress's baby becomes the star. The cowboy and his agent run off with the waitress and her valuable asset. The writers retaliate by hiring an unemployed extra to impersonate the baby's father. But the extra already knows the waitress...
Woman Auto Driver
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Fat Woman
A singing cowboy turns out to be a tenderfoot.
Martha Wheeler
An entry in MGM's Crime Does Not Pay series, this short tells the true story of how a young man, ignored by his parents, gets into a gang and starts a crime spree which leads to murder.
Mrs. O'Reilly
A young orphan girl wants a small-time gambler to be her father.
Mrs. Mary Barry
A high-school girl gets involved with a ring of teenage marijuana smokers and starts down the road to ruin. A reporter poses as a soda jerk to infiltrate the gang of teen dope fiends.
Mrs. O'Hara
After graduating college an aspiring photographer lands his first job--with a big city newspaper.
Lyda Tompkins
Bluford H. Smythe, who has made it big in the big city, has returned to his small hometown of Glenwood after being away for twenty years. Accompanying him is his personal secretary, Ambrose Ames. Despite it being purely a vacation to get some rest and relaxation, the leading citizens of the town welcome him back with some official gatherings. Mayor Jonas Tompkins, who never liked Bluford, holds no grudges against him and too welcomes him with open arms. Although Bluford had no intention of making the news public, the townsfolk learn that he has indeed come back to do business, specifically develop a summer resort in Glenwood to rival that of the best summer resorts worldwide.
Mrs. Molloy
A telephone operator covering for a friend's "fling" finds herself in the middle of a major disaster when the city is hit by a big flood and her switchboard is the center of communications.
A singer finds another heir (Gene Raymond) to marry, to avoid the one (Joe Penner) her mother found.
Marjorie's Neighbor (uncredited)
A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.
Miss Hodges the School Mistress
A schoolteacher comes to a new town and finds herself caught up in the town's problems and disputes.
Mrs. Tolliver
A wealthy woman's wild lifestyle finally drives her husband to take their two children, move out of the house and file for divorce. Positive she'll lose her children unless she shows the judge that she's changed her wild ways, she takes in two poor street kids, a brother and sister.
Mrs. Matthews
An elevator operator in a swanky apartment building falls in love with a homeless girl who sneaks in one night looking for a place to keep warm. In order to keep her near him, he wangles a job for her as a maid at the building.
Mrs. Grogan
Фильм рассказывает о реально существовавшем «Черном Легионе», который был ответвлением Ку-клукс-клана и действовал в Соединенных Штатах Америки в 1930-х годах. Фрэнк Тейлор, работник завода в Детройте, присоединяется к «проамериканской» группировке, выступавшей против иностранцев и иммигрантов, занимавших рабочие места и обвиняя именно их в растущей безработице. Растущие потребности его семьи, давление со стороны Легиона, в ряды которого он вступил, все более амбициозные планы по поводу работы и повышения в должности, все ведет Фрэнка на путь преступления. Сначала Легион помогает ему занять место мастера, спалив ферму и силой посадив в поезд предыдущего талантливого работника, назначенного мастером, который был из числа иммигрантов. Но когда Тейлор попытался выйти из состава Легиона, ему пригрозили расправой с семьей…
Evalina 'Evie' Gillingwater
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
Mrs.Nellie Calhoun
A stock broker's small-town best friend thinks the bride-to-be and her family are gold-diggers so he does everything he can to prevent the wedding.
Hospital Nurse
City girl marries country doctor, meets prejudice and exclusion when she tries to befriend the townspeople.
Irish matron
A young woman who owns a coffee shop falls for a handsome young customer, unaware that he is a gangster.