
Lady Gangster (1942)

Жанр : криминал, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 2М

Директор : Robert Florey
Писатель : Anthony Coldeway

Краткое содержание

An actress gets involved with a criminal gang and winds up taking the rap for a $40,000 robbery. Before being sent to prison, she steals the money from her partners and hides it, she is thinking to use it as a bargaining chip to be released from prison. However, her former partners don't have the same ideas.


Faye Emerson
Faye Emerson
Dorothy Burton
Julie Bishop
Julie Bishop
Myrtle Reed
Frank Wilcox
Frank Wilcox
Kenneth Phillips
Roland Drew
Roland Drew
Carey Wells
Jackie Gleason
Jackie Gleason
Ruth Ford
Ruth Ford
Lucy Fenton
Virginia Brissac
Virginia Brissac
Mrs. Stoner
Dorothy Vaughan
Dorothy Vaughan
Dorothy Adams
Dorothy Adams
Deaf Annie
William Hopper
William Hopper
Vera Lewis
Vera Lewis
Ma Silsby
Herbert Rawlinson
Herbert Rawlinson
Lewis Sinton
Peggy Diggins
Peggy Diggins
Charles C. Wilson
Charles C. Wilson
William Phillips
William Phillips
Frank Mayo
Frank Mayo
Leah Baird
Leah Baird
Fred Kelsey
Fred Kelsey
Policeman (uncredited)


Robert Florey
Robert Florey
Anthony Coldeway
Anthony Coldeway
Dorothy Mackaye
Dorothy Mackaye
Theatre Play
Carlton Miles
Carlton Miles
Theatre Play
Arthur L. Todd
Arthur L. Todd
Director of Photography
Harold McLernon
Harold McLernon
Ted Smith
Ted Smith
Art Direction
Milo Anderson
Milo Anderson
Costume Design
Perc Westmore
Perc Westmore
Makeup Artist
Robert B. Lee
Robert B. Lee


We All Die Alone
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The Pro
The Mother the Son The Rat and The Gun
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Violent Island: Dirty Money Hijack
In the scorching heat of Okinawa, former lovers meet. Now, he is a gangster on a mission, she is a window trying to protect what is hers. Together, they get caught in the crossfire.
Prisoners in Petticoats
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Connie & Sly
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A Wanted Man
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Пока не высохнут слезы
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С огоньком
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Пуля для Джои
Raoul Leduc is a police inspector trailing a spy who plots to kidnap an important American atomic scientist. Joe Victor a gangster who is hired to carry out the abduction, balks when he learns what is at stake and helps Leduc out instead.
Главный герой, гангстер Чес, случайно убивает своего мафиозного босса и теперь ищет убежища в доме друга, бывшего рок-певца, который практикует свободную любовь, экспериментирует с наркотиками всех видов и любит носить женскую одежду. Постепенно в образ жизни приятеля втягивается и Чес. «Представление» — очень яркий продукт эпохи хиппи, демонстрирующий шокированному зрителю несимулированный секс и употребление наркотиков, но все это наполнено такой долей интеллекта и остроумия, что не проникнуться разудалой атмосферой просто невозможно.
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