Raphaël Lefèvre


The Water
It is summer in a small village in south-eastern Spain. A storm threatens to cause the river that runs through it to overflow again. A popular old belief claims that some women are predestined to disappear with each new flood, because they have the “water inside”. A band of young people is trying to overcome the weariness of a summer in the village that smells of death by smoking, dancing, and lusting after each other. In this electric atmosphere that precedes the storm, Ana and José live a love affair until the storm bursts.
Penelope My Love
The story of a young woman who will never fit in but whom the cinema, because it is able to appreciate her extraordinary existence, helps her to find her own special place in the world.
It's Raining Cats and Dogs
Claire Doyon met Isabelle Caroline at the 'plan autism' in Paris in 2017. They immediately became friends. In this film, Claire Doyon stages Isabelle in a rose garden and questions her about her autism, her relationship to pain, her hypersensoriality, her love of roses. Claire is looking for answers to try to better understand her daughter, Isabelle lends herself to the game and confides.
Les sentinelles
After a long night of partying, Nora announces to her friends that she is going to leave them for good. Adrift, the little group spends their last hours together in a bittersweet atmosphere, but Leo, the quietest of the group, slowly sinks into deep distress.
Neither Sun nor Death
Вдоль французского побережья едет машина. Внутри находится отец, везущий свою дочь в Париж, где та начнет свою студенческую жизнь, новую жизнь в незнакомом городе, находящемся далеко от ее детства и от него самого. Это их первая поездка, в течение которой они проводят время наедине, и, возможно, последняя. Вроде ничего особенного, но они оба знают, что им придется попрощаться.
На ходу
На электростанцию, где живет только охранник Павел с собакой, приезжает инспектор, и прежняя жизнь в этом месте заканчивается. Чеховская по интонации драма рассказана минимумом выразительных средств: главный герой сдержан, как самурай, а режиссура Джульетты Корбель стремится к статичным композициям и скупой палитре (фильм состоит почти полностью из серого и красного). Отказ от формальных излишеств подчеркивает скрытую эмоцию сюжета.
Чади и Дэвид работают на грузовых кораблях на Женевском озере. Они оба иностранцы в Швейцарии. В колеблющихся водах озера молодые люди, которых преследуют воспоминания об их родных странах, делятся секретами, воспоминаниями и тем же чувством, что их вырвали с корнем. Странная близость формируется между двумя мужчинами.
Those Who Desire
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
Менахем Ланг, актёр, обладающий необыкновенным голосом, возвращается в израильский город Бней-Брак, где прошло его детство и где находится центр ультра-ортодоксального иудаизма. Сейчас Лангу за 30, из города он уехал, когда ему было 20, после того как многие годы терпел изнасилования и сексуальные домогательства старших истово верующих членов общины. И случай Ланга далеко не единичный...
Нож в сердце
Знаменитая продюсер гей-порно Анна оказывается лицом к лицу со своей темной стороной, когда от нее уходит ее любимый человек — Лоис. Анна решает вернуть Лоис съемками самого амбициозного фильма в своей карьере, однако женщина лишь оказывается в ловушке в то время, как серийный убийца загадочным образом начинает устранять всех ее актеров.
The Way We Love
One summer afternoon, a little theater of desire and domination, tender and sometimes cruel, is established between the young waiters and clients in a Provence bar.
The Way We Love
One summer afternoon, a little theater of desire and domination, tender and sometimes cruel, is established between the young waiters and clients in a Provence bar.
The Way We Love
One summer afternoon, a little theater of desire and domination, tender and sometimes cruel, is established between the young waiters and clients in a Provence bar.
Of Skin and Men
Amel is a young photographer. When she loses her husband, her life changes. Encouraged by her father-in-law, she takes a taste of life by photographing street boys. Without fear of being scandalous, she makes the choice to look at men as men look at women.
A sexual reverie unfolds over the course of one ethereal night. Characters wander through an erotic maze of love and lust, blurring the lines between wet dream and lucid nightmare as a macabre, erotic stage performance sends a ripple of lustful desires through its audience and performers.
Переосмысление легенды о католическом святом Антонии Лиссабонском, считающемся покровителем путешественников. Как и этот проповедник герой фильма орнитолог Фернандо брошен на произвол стихии — теперь не он наблюдает за птицами, а они с высоты безмятежно следят за его злоключениями.
Las vísceras
A village in southern Spain. On a hot summer afternoon, a woman grabs a rabbit, strokes it, then kills it with her bare hands before skinning it. Her grandchildren witness this rite of death which they will never forget. The streets echo with an ancestral legend which has it that the spirit of a woman with a broken heart prowls at night, so that she will not be forgotten.
La nuit tombée
That evening, Victor, aged thirteen, does not want to go home. Also, ayoung woman, Sandrine, pushes away the the moment when she will find her lonely flat. Night is falling, in Orléans, shortly before Christmas.
After years of exile, Rafa returns to his village in the south of Spain and has to face all the ghosts left behind.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
You and the Night
Around midnight, a young couple and their transvestite maid prepare for an orgy. Their guests will be The Slut, The Star, The Stud and The Teen.
The Last Time I Saw Macao
Part memoir, part city symphony, part noir-ish B-movie adventure, the new feature from critically acclaimed film-making duo João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata (To Die Like a Man) is a sensual, shape-shifting ode to one of the world's most mythic, alluring and exoticized cities.
The Last Time I Saw Macao
Part memoir, part city symphony, part noir-ish B-movie adventure, the new feature from critically acclaimed film-making duo João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata (To Die Like a Man) is a sensual, shape-shifting ode to one of the world's most mythic, alluring and exoticized cities.
The Sadness of Androids
In the darkness of their respective rooms, two girls, in love with one another, converse on the Internet. But something is broken.
Et ils gravirent la montagne
Fanny and Simon, two young people of hardly twenty years, flee an industrial park and sink into the mountain. An unfortunate incident, arisen on their workplace, binds them in a common adventure. Along the way, they seduce and learn to know each other. The discovery, in the middle of nowhere, of a mysterious object, is going to tip over their fate.
A film by Stefan Lauper.